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New players and Null-sec:

Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#81 - 2012-02-06 08:01:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Florestan Bronstein
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:

I have a revolutionary idea... if most players choose to stay in hisec, make hisec the most interesting thing to do in game rather than try and shanghai them into playing nullsec *wink, wink* Blink

If most people choose to stay in high-sec, high-sec obviously is already the most interesting thing in the game and the other areas of space need more work to be made equally interesting. Twisted
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#82 - 2012-02-06 09:23:33 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
So tell the ingame demographics. About 80% of logged in characters would be seen in highsec any random day. Mission runners used to be a whopping 18% of all players (in a game with about a hundred professions).

Nullsec is an organized, vocal minority, but players who never have been to nullsec are the single largest demographical group.
…except that those are not the demographics.

It's only 66% of the characters, and there's a fair chance that half of that (or maybe slightly less) are actually alts of the non-highsec third. That would mean the supposed “single largest demographical group” consists of maybe 30-40% of the players…

Hey, I also got into CCP Diagoras' last numbers. And you know? I think that most nullsec dwellers are actually alts of hisec dwellers, so maybe there's not 20% of nullsec dwellers but only 10% and the rest are hisec's alts.

What doesn't changes is that, in any given moment, two thirds of the players are in hisec... which is far and way of getting even one sixth of CCP's love.

If your game "is aaall aboooout nuuullseeec" and two friggin thirds of players are in hisec, something is really wrong with either your game or your views on how and why people plays it.

Item plus, four of each five players ARE NOT in nullsec... but then that measly 20% gets 100% of the CSM.

I can tell when things go well, and, this is not going well.

I don't think the percentages are relevant. In my opinion (and i don't know any of the devs and I don't mean to speak for them), the null sec sov system is one of the qualities that Eve has that most other big MMO's don't. It is the reason I started playing this game, even though I kept my main in high sec for 4 months before I went out there.

The developers know that the dangerous conquerable null sec space is what makes their game unique and they care about maintaining that and keeping it entertaining. It doesn't mean that they don't care able high sec space, it just means that for now they are working on their bread and butter.

Obviously high sec is populated enough, which is probably why they are focusing their concerns on Null.
3 R Corporation
#83 - 2012-02-06 22:49:26 UTC
Jacob Stiller wrote:

Are blockade runners used much in null sec hauling?

Yes, very much so for the small to mid-sized stuff. After all you are not going to want to pay isotope fuel and risk a 7+ billion jump freighter and spend the whole afternoon just to go pick up a 50M POS module that measures 4000m3. Jump freighter rates make it expensive to bring it that way (call it 500 isk/m3 so that module will set you back 2 million plus who knows how long you have to wait to get it). And it's too big to fit in a cruiser/bc. So blockade runners are great.

Better yet is having a black ops and a couple covert cyno buddies, then you can jump a blockade runner to/from low sec and null sec systems that are not populated and camped and no one will be any wiser...
#84 - 2012-02-06 22:57:15 UTC
KrakizBad wrote:
Plutonian wrote:
Perhaps if nullsec isn't attracting new players, rather than asking CCP to do something, or shouting that the rest of the game should be nerfed into the ground so that your playstyle is the only viable option, you should try to see how others might see you?

My area of nullsec is not suffering from this "problem" at all. Those who don't want to come to nullsec can rot in empire forever as far as most of us care. Roll

That's the crap I hate debunking over and over. That and the "nullsec corps force you to join CTA's every day with alarm clock ops" whine.

Also Big smile at the 24/7 forum trolls claiming they can't play in a corp because they have lives and have better things to do than EVE.

I would have to agree, every null sec allience I have been a part of was very easy to get along with as a person that works far too much. Log on have fun, never had a problem. Just because u get a allience cta mail stating the time and place to be somewere dose not mean u have to jump when told, but some ppl I guess feel that wayCry

Think the closest I have seen was when i was in WI. and they were fighting alot. But they really did not care much other then for a reason to rip on someoneBlink