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Singularity: Rule violation reporting

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Eire Engineers
Pandemic Horde
#1081 - 2017-04-05 06:25:39 UTC
Player "Zesty Memes" on a regular basis shoots at people undocking and on gate. He keeps spouting off in chat that ccp doesn't care and taunts players to report him. guy is a cancer on the test server. please check the server logs on this fool and take action.
Osvald Riese
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1082 - 2017-04-06 09:07:16 UTC
"Zesty Memes" has been killing other players on station and then cursing CCP in local.
Magnetar LLC
#1083 - 2017-04-06 12:23:23 UTC
Osvald Riese wrote:
"Zesty Memes" has been killing other players on station and then cursing CCP in local.

Not that I can stop him, but since he's in a corp in my testing alliance, I will have someone speak to him, or speak to him myself and ask him to knock it off.
Aeon Herzog
Haven's Reach Core
#1084 - 2017-04-11 23:17:59 UTC
Someone killed a Wyvern at the Rebelier gate in 6-C.

2017.04.11 23:09:35

Victim: DroneMashine
Corp: Agency of Astronaval Defense
Alliance: Unknown
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Wyvern
System: 6-CZ49
Security: -0.2
Damage Taken: 1262598

Involved parties:

Name: 6 Vinatieri (laid the final blow)
Security: -0.80
Corp: Lazerhawks
Alliance: L A Z E R H A W K S
Faction: None
Ship: Nyx
Weapon: Shadow
Damage Done: 1262598

Name: 8 Titus
Security: -0.1
Corp: Lazerhawks
Alliance: L A Z E R H A W K S
Faction: None
Ship: Onyx
Weapon: True Sansha Warp Disruption Field Generator
Damage Done: 0

Name: Pede Daaalgard
Security: 5.0
Corp: Alpha Republic - Transcenders of Space and Time
Alliance: Solyaris Chtonium
Faction: None
Ship: Unknown
Weapon: Warp Disrupt Probe
Damage Done: 0
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1085 - 2017-04-11 23:29:37 UTC
And here is the proff off that 84 from reb gate

2017.04.11 23:09:35

Victim: DroneMashine
Corp: Agency of Astronaval Defense
Alliance: Unknown
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Wyvern
System: 6-CZ49
Security: -0.2
Damage Taken: 1262598

Involved parties:

Name: 6 Vinatieri (laid the final blow)
Security: -0.80
Corp: Lazerhawks
Alliance: L A Z E R H A W K S
Faction: None
Ship: Nyx
Weapon: Shadow
Damage Done: 1262598

Name: Pede Daaalgard
Security: 5.0
Corp: Alpha Republic - Transcenders of Space and Time
Alliance: Solyaris Chtonium
Faction: None
Ship: Unknown
Weapon: Warp Disrupt Probe
Damage Done: 0

Name: 8 Titus
Security: -0.1
Corp: Lazerhawks
Alliance: L A Z E R H A W K S
Faction: None
Ship: Onyx
Weapon: True Sansha Warp Disruption Field Generator
Damage Done: 0

Anderson Santos
Venturer Aerospace
#1086 - 2017-04-12 22:02:26 UTC
Killed at station

2017.04.12 21:45:42

Victim: Anderson Santos
Corp: Venturer Aerospace
Alliance: Unknown
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Capsule - Genolution 'Auroral' 197-variant
System: 6-CZ49
Security: -0,2
Damage Taken: 467

Involved parties:

Name: Dugoon Drogman (laid the final blow)
Security: 4,60
Corp: New Guy Awesome
Alliance: None
Faction: None
Ship: Chimera
Weapon: Firbolg I
Damage Done: 467

Destroyed items:

Inherent Implants 'Noble' Repair Proficiency RP-906 (Implant)
Imperial Navy Modified 'Noble' Implant (Implant)
Inherent Implants 'Squire' Capacitor Management EM-806 (Implant)
Zainou 'Snapshot' Heavy Missiles HM-706 (Implant)
High-grade Asklepian Epsilon (Implant)
High-grade Asklepian Beta (Implant)
High-grade Asklepian Gamma (Implant)
High-grade Asklepian Omega (Implant)
High-grade Asklepian Alpha (Implant)
High-grade Asklepian Delta (Implant)

Ayira Naydir
#1087 - 2017-04-13 07:21:26 UTC
Wanted to Report a Nyx being killed on Station Grid:

I take full responsibility and are aware of the consequences, but doing so in knowing 6-C is a better place for now.
Ken Deninard
Desi Beanz
Pandemic Horde
#1088 - 2017-04-16 20:24:24 UTC
Panzer Benz
Killing ppl on station in 6-CZ49 after being told you can not kill ppl on station.
Dodo Veetee
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1089 - 2017-04-22 21:42:55 UTC

Dawn'of'the'DeAd aggressing without consent outside of designated areas during my alliances practices on sisi, he warped in and started shooting us
Aeon Herzog
Haven's Reach Core
#1090 - 2017-04-30 01:12:51 UTC
Stas2004 Athonille continuously pods people on the station using smartbombs, regardless that I have warned him on several occassions.
Knives Immillions
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1091 - 2017-05-02 02:18:03 UTC
Player Insaniora Bloum engaging players outside of the station in 6-CZ49 despite repeated warnings.
Lamajagarn McMyra
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1092 - 2017-05-09 04:58:50 UTC
2017.05.09 04:27 Engaging in non consentual pvp outside of designated pvp systems resulting in loss of non recoverable modules, some repeat offenders judging by previous posts.


Victim: Lamajagarn McMyra
System: Thera

Involved parties:

Name: Niya Qun Liro
Corp: Lazerhawks
Ship: Nyx
Weapon: Shadow

Name: 8 Titus
Corp: Lazerhawks
Ship: Sabre

Name: 6 Vinatieri
Corp: Lazerhawks
Ship: vendetta

Aeon Herzog
Haven's Reach Core
#1093 - 2017-05-14 18:26:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Aeon Herzog
Stas2004 Athonille constantly aggresses on station and attacks/pods players. He does this every single day, and I am personally fed up with this.

2017.05.14 18:23:49

Victim: Aeon Herzog
Corp: Agency of Astronaval Defense
Alliance: Team Banzai Alliance
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Capsule - Genolution 'Auroral' 197-variant
System: 6-CZ49
Security: -0.2
Damage Taken: 472

Involved parties:

Name: Stas2004 Athonille (laid the final blow)
Security: -1.40
Corp: Orels pvp
Alliance: None
Faction: None
Ship: Garmur
Weapon: Guristas Inferno Light Missile
Damage Done: 472

Destroyed items:

Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Operation SP-906 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-3 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-4 (Implant)
Shield Command Mindlink (Implant)
High-grade Crystal Epsilon (Implant)
Zainou 'Gypsy' CPU Management EE-606 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-2 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-1 (Implant)
Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Management SM-706 (Implant)
Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Emission Systems SE-806 (Implant)
Aastra Maakecsien
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1094 - 2017-05-14 18:27:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Aastra Maakecsien
2017.05.14 18:23:49

Victim: Aeon Herzog
Corp: Agency of Astronaval Defense
Alliance: Team Banzai Alliance
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Capsule - Genolution 'Auroral' 197-variant
System: 6-CZ49
Security: -0.2
Damage Taken: 472

Involved parties:

Name: Stas2004 Athonille (laid the final blow)
Security: -1.40
Corp: Orels pvp
Alliance: None
Faction: None
Ship: Garmur
Weapon: Guristas Inferno Light Missile
Damage Done: 472

Destroyed items:

Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Operation SP-906 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-3 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-4 (Implant)
Shield Command Mindlink (Implant)
High-grade Crystal Epsilon (Implant)
Zainou 'Gypsy' CPU Management EE-606 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-2 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-1 (Implant)
Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Management SM-706 (Implant)
Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Emission Systems SE-806 (Implant)
Heily Glaiv
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1095 - 2017-05-14 18:28:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Heily Glaiv
2017.05.14 18:23:49

Victim: Aeon Herzog
Corp: Agency of Astronaval Defense
Alliance: Team Banzai Alliance
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Capsule - Genolution 'Auroral' 197-variant
System: 6-CZ49
Security: -0.2
Damage Taken: 472

Involved parties:

Name: Stas2004 Athonille (laid the final blow)
Security: -1.40
Corp: Orels pvp
Alliance: None
Faction: None
Ship: Garmur
Weapon: Guristas Inferno Light Missile
Damage Done: 472

Destroyed items:

Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Operation SP-906 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-3 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-4 (Implant)
Shield Command Mindlink (Implant)
High-grade Crystal Epsilon (Implant)
Zainou 'Gypsy' CPU Management EE-606 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-2 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-1 (Implant)
Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Management SM-706 (Implant)
Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Emission Systems SE-806 (Implant)
Kessa Aikonn
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1096 - 2017-05-14 18:30:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Kessa Aikonn
2017.05.14 18:23:49

Victim: Aeon Herzog
Corp: Agency of Astronaval Defense
Alliance: Team Banzai Alliance
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Capsule - Genolution 'Auroral' 197-variant
System: 6-CZ49
Security: -0.2
Damage Taken: 472

Involved parties:

Name: Stas2004 Athonille (laid the final blow)
Security: -1.40
Corp: Orels pvp
Alliance: None
Faction: None
Ship: Garmur
Weapon: Guristas Inferno Light Missile
Damage Done: 472

Destroyed items:

Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Operation SP-906 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-3 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-4 (Implant)
Shield Command Mindlink (Implant)
High-grade Crystal Epsilon (Implant)
Zainou 'Gypsy' CPU Management EE-606 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-2 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-1 (Implant)
Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Management SM-706 (Implant)
Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Emission Systems SE-806 (Implant)
Sashi Romanenko
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#1097 - 2017-05-26 23:55:33 UTC
"Stas2004 Athonille" is booshing / MJD'ing people off the undock of 6-CZ49 station and ganking them.

2017.05.26 23:47:33

Victim: Sashi Romanenko
Corp: Alcoholocaust.
Alliance: Test Alliance Please Ignore
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Capsule
System: 6-CZ49
Security: -0.2
Damage Taken: 473

Involved parties:

Name: Stas2004 Athonille (laid the final blow)
Security: -4.70
Corp: Vorobushki International.
Alliance: MIDAS 22
Faction: None
Ship: Magus
Weapon: Light Neutron Blaster II
Damage Done: 473

Destroyed items:

Zainou 'Deadeye' Guided Missile Precision GP-806 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-3 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-4 (Implant)
Zainou 'Deadeye' Missile Bombardment MB-706 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-2 (Implant)
Zainou 'Deadeye' Rapid Launch RL-1006 (Implant)
Zainou 'Deadeye' Target Navigation Prediction TN-906 (Implant)
Genolution Core Augmentation CA-1 (Implant)
Zainou 'Gnome' Launcher CPU Efficiency LE-606 (Implant)

Zebra Corp
Goonswarm Federation
#1098 - 2017-05-28 14:11:36 UTC
Pottebee engaged me just outside the station, despite me telling him not too. He knows the rules and decided to willingly break them.
Cade Dallocort
United Republic of Yellow Eagles
#1099 - 2017-06-03 04:50:59 UTC
Athena's Pawn
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#1100 - 2017-06-04 18:02:48 UTC
I was pod killed on the station in 6-CZ49 3 times by
Stas2004 Anthonille

He wouldnt allow anyone to dock.

Ban that clown, please