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Rate the Avatar above you

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Hona Chaginai
La Commedia Divina
#12601 - 2014-07-05 12:25:18 UTC
Thats what I was going for ;)
Amenity Project
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#12602 - 2014-07-05 12:27:32 UTC
Hona Chaginai wrote:
Thats what I was going for ;)

ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#12603 - 2014-07-05 13:15:36 UTC
Please be advise that spamming the forum to get your name to show as last poster on every thread in the first index page, might have consequences.
Please refrain from doing so in the future as this can be quite detrimental to the state and well being of the forum, especially if more people start doing it as some form of competition.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Cecilia Matilda Fock
The I and F Taxation Trust
#12604 - 2014-07-05 14:12:01 UTC
Why do I have the impression that you're a yellow shirt from Star Trek? Amazing work with lighting, very professional. Angry looking, but that's so usual that it detracts from the portrait. Will say 8/10 because it could be many other capsuleers without the ISD tag.
Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#12605 - 2014-07-05 20:56:42 UTC
Great pose and lighting- plus the head position and hairstyle works well with it all Smile

Riyria Twinpeaks
Caldari State
#12606 - 2014-07-06 12:16:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Riyria Twinpeaks
@Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci:
Friendly, yet a little arrogant looking. A self-assured noble. And yet, whether it is the eye-patch or something else, there's that hint of something wicked and dangerous.
I don't like the background, but in this case it's not too bad, and everything else is really great.
So .. 5/5
Devara Biotech
#12607 - 2014-07-06 12:21:52 UTC

I like the style of your avatars. You are not just another prettygirl achura, but instead you got some rawr. Though your previous ginger avatar didn't really suit you so I'm glad you have changed back to the sligthly dark Riyria and I love the expression.



Zimmy Zeta
Caldari State
#12608 - 2014-07-06 12:25:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Zimmy Zeta
Riyria Twinpeaks :

Love the name. Anything Twinpeaks gets an inherent + 1 bonus point.
That being said, your avatar pretty much reminds me of my own with the psycho upwards-look.
Well done. If anything, I would maybe recommend slightly less lipstick and slightly more eyeliner, to make the eyes the focus point of the picture.


SnIpz0r'd !

@ Mizhir: Where is your trademark forerhead tattoo? It's amazing that you could discard it and yet still kept the special " Miz" look, actually, it took me a while to even realize the tattoo was missing.
10/10, as usual, with 2 bonus points out of pity for your gimped bloodline and their hanging eyelids. You made the best out of it.

I'd like to apologize for the poor quality of the post above and sincerely hope you didn't waste your time reading it. Yes, I do feel bad about it.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#12609 - 2014-07-06 12:32:57 UTC
upwards-look best look.
you look mildly perplexed, politely though.
Anne Books
Kaltana Industries
#12610 - 2014-07-06 17:59:41 UTC
Can't get more diabolical, great job! 10/10
Riyria Twinpeaks
Caldari State
#12611 - 2014-07-06 18:33:48 UTC
@Anne Books:
A strong look, with a hint of mystery and promise.
Lighting is great, as are colors and framing.
My favorite of your characters/pictures so far.
Cynter DeVries
Spheroidal Projections
#12612 - 2014-07-06 18:34:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Cynter DeVries
@Anne: Excellent "serious spaceships" portrait. 10

Edit: @Ryria - Sniped! By a really great "I will drink your blood" portrait. Also 10 (on closeup).

Cynter's Law of feature suggestion: Thou shalt not suggest NPCs do something players could do instead.

Cecilia Matilda Fock
The I and F Taxation Trust
#12613 - 2014-07-06 18:41:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Cecilia Matilda Fock

Houm, why are you pouting? You look like a little psycho girl whose latest mischief went worng. The angle makes you look like you have a massive head and that looks a bit weird, maybe it's because of the lighting and hairdo that stress the forehead. Will say 7.5/10.
Cynter DeVries
Spheroidal Projections
#12614 - 2014-07-06 21:48:37 UTC
Skipping me, eh...

Inda is better. Still 8.5.

Cynter's Law of feature suggestion: Thou shalt not suggest NPCs do something players could do instead.

Matilda Cecilia Fock
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#12615 - 2014-07-06 22:06:09 UTC
Cynter DeVries wrote:
Skipping me, eh...

Inda is better. Still 8.5.

Believe it or not, I started rating Anne Books, then was ninjaed by Cynter, then I was ninjaed by you and called it a day. BTW, expect some radical changes for Matilda coming live when the image server wants.

Q: Should we be worried? A: Nope. (...) Worry a lot if Fozzie, Masterplan, Rise, Veritas, Bettik, Ytterbium, Scarpia, Arrow, or even Greyscale leaves. Worry a little if Punkturis, karkur, SoniClover, Affinity, Goliath, or Xhagen leaves.

Cynter DeVries
Spheroidal Projections
#12616 - 2014-07-07 02:30:09 UTC
I see what you did thar... 7.5, liked the previous portrait better.

Cynter's Law of feature suggestion: Thou shalt not suggest NPCs do something players could do instead.

Erica Dusette
Division 13
#12617 - 2014-07-07 02:35:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Erica Dusette
Cynter DeVries wrote:
I see what you did thar... 7.5, liked the previous portrait better.

I love your name. "Cynter" really grabs me for some reason. +1

Buuut .. this ain't "rate the username above you" thread, so ....

Love your avatar ^^ For more reasons than one.

Firstly - that dress. I spent hours trying to make it work the other day, unsuccessfully. And in my travels as I admire other people's avatars I've seen almost none that have managed to pull off a decent portrait wearing it.

Until I met you ... Oops

What really nails your portrait is the pose - it's perfect for showing off the torso level of that dress. The bust detracts a little (and is the one thing that begins throwing off the image's proportions), and I've personally never been into big bazookas. Lighting is perfect, framing is great and background works really well.

A solid 9.5/10 Big smile

Edit: In fact I'll prolly steal your design a little when I eventually try that dress again myself. Smile

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#12618 - 2014-07-07 02:56:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Thetabetalpha
Erica Dusette wrote:
I liked your avatars in general, but not to sound mean - this looks like she's got severe case of scoliosis. Maybe she was "incapsulated" for too long? Painful to look at, sorry What?
Erica Dusette
Division 13
#12619 - 2014-07-07 03:05:18 UTC
Thetabetalpha wrote:
Erica Dusette wrote:
I liked your avatars in general, but not to sound mean - this looks like she's got severe case of scoliosis. Maybe she was "incapsulated" for too long? Painful to look at, sorry What?

That's ok! You're the second person to mention the pose looks awkward. I struggle to see it, she looks quite relaxed to me, like she's leaning on a chair or something. Smile But never fear, I'm changing all my portraits again later tonight.

Hmm, anyway, your avatar!

Not bad! Overall kinda generic, but you've managed to make her look pretty good wearing that hairstyle (I notice lots of people struggle with it). Lighting is OK, a little distracting as it's uneven though. Expression seems a little forced, and her facial features (particularly brow-line and nose) still have that defaul masculine look that most EVE avatars do until you spend ages playing with the facial shape.

Background works OK, and her positioning seems to work pretty well overall.

Overall nothing stands out as particularly bad or good either, so an easy 6/10. Smile

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

Ragnar Severasse
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12620 - 2014-07-07 03:19:22 UTC
I really like your avatar, the lighting and the character design are really fantastic. However, you're avatar's body position seems a bit awkward, and I think that you could have more variety on the facial expressions.
