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jEveAssets 4.1.2 (2017-06-07)

First post
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#121 - 2012-02-19 11:00:50 UTC
Thank you very much!

jEveAssets started out as a EVE Asset Manager clone.
So, all credit to William J. Rogers for inventing the great user interface! Cool

I'll look into a & b ASAP! (just kidding) Lol

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Chokichi Ozuwara
Caldari State
#122 - 2012-02-20 11:53:54 UTC
I love this program, and it is only missing one thing which I need.

It would be great if it could filter the prices based on qty in the buy order. I'd like to get the buy order only where the minimum is 1, because if someone places a huge buy order for qty 100,000 and I only have 10, the price given isn't valid to my assets.

I guess one more thing would be price data from jita system only, not The Forge as a region, because sell prices in the region can have significant variance with Jita 4-4.

Thanks for this software GG.

Tears will be shed and pants will need to be changed all round.

Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#123 - 2012-02-20 13:17:34 UTC
1) AFAIK minimum quantity is not possible with any of the marker data providers...
Eve-Central got something like it, but not quite what you want, if understand you correct...

1a) Please note that the price data is only approximates.
And as I always say: If you want to improve the price data - help upload data to, etc.

2) Jita (and other systems) is already on the todo list (for the marker data providers that support it).

3) Thank you! :)

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Joel Mi
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#124 - 2012-02-24 00:08:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Joel Mi
dont know if this as already been suggested this


- when creating a new one, you can select the location (region / system / station) where you will do the stock and the character you want to stock it, but after you created it, there is no way to identify for what location and character that particular stock refers to, and this of course gets me into trouble when running multiple stocks for different characters. except if you name them.
can you create some type of visualization to identify stocks after creating them?

- im having trouble with creating a stockpile and using it to stock from the market by buy orders and using total stock at the same time. as much as im aware the tool counts with the buy orders to the total stock, when in my opinion it shouldn't because if i have a buy order up for that item im just expecting that sooner or later the order will be fulfilled, but while im waiting for that the item really doesn't belong to me and for this shouldn't be taking in account for the total stock. the information should of course still be displayed

- i can delete items in the stockpile but how can i delete the stockpile itself?

Market Orders

- how much time does an order still shows up after its fulfilled or expired? if they dont show up after x time, can you create an history for the fulfilled / expired orders just to keep a record? (dont know if the tool allows to save this information, or if would be easy or not to implement)

- when showing all states ( active / expired / etc) it would be easier to identify each state of the order if different colors were created

- colors for the expiration of the order ( like with stockpile).

ex: (others can be implemented) expiration 90d to 60d - green color
59d to 30d - orange color
29d to 0d - red color

- besides the location of the order it should exist another column with the "region" the orders refers to. easier to identify multiple orders in the same region or just to know what orders i have for a particular region.
this or an even easier thing, that its just to allow the person to select what type of order can show up. much like the search functions in assets (like a filter)

for example: i want to see what and where i have orders for a particular item, or by region, station, etc

- a colum for the caracter the order refers to. i know we can already select this selecting the character , but if you try to select fulfilled orders (to give you a global idea of the fulfilled orders) and you have multiple characters with several fulfilled orders you cant identify the one a particular order refers to without going trough all characters

sorry if we can already do any of the suggestions, new user here
and sorry for the long and bad English post

awesome program you have here, congratulations for all the work done so far
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#125 - 2012-02-24 11:32:52 UTC
@Joel Mi


1) I agree, there is no easy way to do it. But, you can click the "Stockpile" button and press "Edit"
However, Location and Owner would take up a lot of space, so I'm not to keen on it.
Also, you can just put the owner and location in the name.

2) I disagree, if you include it, it's part of the total.

3) Click the "Stockpile" button on the stockpile you want to delete and select "Delete"

Market Orders

1) ATM. it does not save orders that are removed (due to age or count) from the API.
I can be done. The problem here is that if you do not update often enough, you can end up with a less then complete record of orders. I'm not to happy about that, as it give a false image....
Also, you'll end up with a lot of orders, sooner or later...

2) Colors I've added an issue with your suggestion, but, I don't know if I can commit to it, just yet....

3) Region and Owner column Issue added

Thank you very much for your feedback :)

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#126 - 2012-02-24 13:30:44 UTC
Chokichi Ozuwara wrote:

It would be great if it could filter the prices based on qty in the buy order. I'd like to get the buy order only where the minimum is 1, because if someone places a huge buy order for qty 100,000 and I only have 10, the price given isn't valid to my assets.

I guess one more thing would be price data from jita system only, not The Forge as a region, because sell prices in the region can have significant variance with Jita 4-4.

Thanks for this software GG.

Pricing is an art and also a very fuzzy science. Do you want your prices to be based on "doomsday, must sell lots of stuff quickly to buy orders" or "this is about what it's worth, on average" or "this is what it can get if you put it up as a sell orders" or "I need to quickly acquire N units of this, how much will it cost". Some of the answers to those questions can result in prices that are up to 10-20% different from how someone else answers the same question. Plus, prices can fluctuate 5-20% from day to day.

Personally, in terms of accurate valuation, I prefer the "5% simulated buy" prices. Those look at the market, see how many units are available, then calculates the average of the cheapest 5% of the total volume available. For goods which move in quantities and which are stocked in large quantities, the "5%" price offers a fairly good statistic.

EMK calls this "sell_lowest5". EMD calls it "sell price". EC offers something close as "sell/percentile".

For instance, here are the various prices for minerals in all of the Forge using the above mentioned methods:

EMD - 4.49 5.10 56.73 67.74 521.87 761.00 2577.79 3769.96
EMK - 4.52 5.10 56.76 67.69 522.51 760.35 2579.65 3760.93
EC - 4.50 5.10 57.43 67.83 525.14 769.77 2583.81 3769.73

I've also been pressuring Callean (of EMK) to offer "trade hub" numbers (5% sim across the 4 primary trade hub systems) and "trade region" numbers (5% sim across the 4 primary trade regions).
Joel Mi
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#127 - 2012-02-24 15:11:39 UTC
new suggestions again :)

Market Orders

1) column for the date the order was issued and column for the date the order was fulfilled / expired / canceled or use the status column to complete the information like the the example bellow

ex: Status: Active - since xx/xx/xxxx
Fulfilled - since xx/xx/xxxx
Expired - since xx/xx/xxxx

2) since you are adding more columns and maybe some users dont want to see some information, is it possible to set up filters to allow us to display what we only want (some info can be hidden but other that is important should always be visible)

3) if you go to the values tool, i can see the information about the market there, like the total sell orders and the escrow and the rest to cover it. why dont you display this information in the market tool as a complement to the tool itself? you can put it right next to the server time. if its not hard to do, you can even display this information depending if you select a particular character or want to show all of them (much like the values tool for the grand total and then to each character

information i would like to see there: sell orders total, buy orders total, escrow total (to cover), total broker fees, total tax (see suggestion below)

4) atm you dont have a transaction tool and i dont know if you intend to implement it. but can you display the brokers fees and tax total? it would be good to know how much ive already paid in fees for setting up an order and updating them and the tax paid for selling items (if possible grand total and by character)

5) following the first suggestion in my last post about the market orders tool, if its not easy to implement that, can you create an export tool for this information (just for buy / sell fulfilled, expired, canceled orders, and active if its not to much)? if it could be compatible to excel it would be awesome. this way i could keep record of the orders and prices and delete them when i want. maybe this way it doesnt mess with the tool it self


1) following suggestion 1) from last post... if its not easy to do it and it takes a lot of space, why dont you use the name of the stockpile (grey bar) to put that information? ive tryed to use 100 characters and only consumed half the space in the window (maximized window), so there is still space for it (if it could be implemented there) and im sure most of the users only take 50 characters or even less to the name, so i think this wont be an issue. what do you think about it?

i will give more feedback after playing with the tool a bit more

Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#128 - 2012-02-24 15:43:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Golden Gnu
@Scrapyard Bob
I'm back to work on jEveAssets.
I'm going to do the stockpile filter very soon :)
I did read your extra suggestions, just never got around to reply, sorry...

@Joel Mi

Market Orders

1) I'm sorry I don't quite understand what you're saying...

2) You can do it in the assets tool - implementing it for all tables is a lot of work, AKA not likely to be done anytime soon...

3) Great idea! Issue added

4) No. Transaction is out of the scoop for jEveAssets. It's not directly related to Assets. My vision for jEveAssets to do everything related to assets, in the best way possible and nothing else. It's already kinda overloaded IMHO.

5) I've given up ever creating exports for the tools. It's just to big a workload...


1) I'll try to do as you ask and add Location and Owner - I don't know when I'll do it, though... issue added

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Joel Mi
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#129 - 2012-02-24 17:14:06 UTC
Golden Gnu wrote:

@Joel Mi

Market Orders

1) I'm sorry I don't quite understand what you're saying...

i will try to explain a bit better
when you create an order (buy or sell) it as a date from when that order was issued, and after that it as another date when the order is fulfilled, expired or canceled. can you display this information? the creation date its not so important but the others can be

2) You can do it in the assets tool - implementing it for all tables is a lot of work, AKA not likely to be done anytime soon...

i didnt got it. can you explain how to do it in the market orders tool? or are you saying that its only doable in the assets tool?

4) No. Transaction is out of the scoop for jEveAssets. It's not directly related to Assets. My vision for jEveAssets to do everything related to assets, in the best way possible and nothing else. It's already kinda overloaded IMHO.

not trying to force this, but without creating another tool, could you at least implement the broker´s and sales tax in the market order tool next to the server time?

Industry tool

1) create an invention counter to track successful invention jobs and total jobs done so far (you already have a failed for the state)

it displays next to the server time when you select the character (all or specific one) and the activity: invention

can be displayed like this (total successful invention jobs / total invention jobs) (successful percentage)

if you cant track the successful jobs via API, you can do it by subtracting the failed inventions to the total of inventions jobs ever done

another addition would be to show this information by a grand total and for a specific character. but the first one is already very good

issue 186
change 29d to 10d - orange red
add 9d to 0d - brighter red

issue 157
since you are touching the materials tool can you add the total by station? it could be displayed in the station black bar

can you explain the routing tool? its only to know the number of jumps from x to y?

i was about to suggest something like a complement to the market orders tool, to track profits from assets bought and sold on the market, but since you said only features related to assets. well this is related to assets but not very very directly, its more to help traders with their assets. want me to explain this or its not worth it?
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#130 - 2012-02-25 01:06:57 UTC
@Joel Mi
First off - thank you for all your great feedback! Big smile
...Now we just need someone to code it all Blink

Market Orders

1) If it's in the Market Order API I'll add it... :)

2) You can only hide/show table columns on the asset tool...

3) Again, If it's the Market Order API I'll add it, if it's only in the transaction API it's not going to be added

Industry tool

1) More information on statusbar, yes sir! :)

issue 186: info added

issue 157: I'm sure total per station (locations) is already there...?
If not, it's an oversight/bug

Routing tool
Finds the shortest route between 3 or more system.
It's a bit of a math gem. If need to visit more then 2 locations, the order you visit them in determine the length you go.
It was made by Flaming Candle - and will save you a lot of jumps...

Track profits from assets bought
-It has already been suggested and rejected. AFAIK there is a lot of excellent trading programs available for eve-online, that fit the purpose a lot better....

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Amarr Empire
#131 - 2012-03-01 19:41:47 UTC
Love the program !

However, there doesn't appear to be an update for it for all the new name changes. Is there one planned ?
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#132 - 2012-03-01 20:24:19 UTC
I don't think it's released yet...?
At least there is no database export of it yet (Last one was released ~2012-01-24 AFAIK)
I'll get on it as soon as it's available, though... promise...

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Amarr Empire
#133 - 2012-03-02 12:45:08 UTC
Golden Gnu wrote:
I don't think it's released yet...?
At least there is no database export of it yet (Last one was released ~2012-01-24 AFAIK)
I'll get on it as soon as it's available, though... promise...

hmmm if you take a look at Eve Refinery, I think that has the new names (no idea where they get the DB from).

Also, a cool feature would be to be able to see all modules (even ones you don't own) to see what the most profitable thing to buy and reprocess is.

Aeso Sulla
CORE Initiative
#134 - 2012-03-02 14:07:30 UTC
Great program Golden Gnu VERY helpful.

I have a minor feature suggestion and it may already be possible but I just haven't figured out how to do it:

I would love a column that calculates (volume * count) for an item if that's at all possible!

Again thanks for the sweet work.
Aeso Sulla
CORE Initiative
#135 - 2012-03-02 14:15:10 UTC
I think I may have just figured it out haha, thanks.
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#136 - 2012-03-02 14:56:33 UTC
1) I double checked - and it's not in the latest database export...
That is all I can work with, sadly...

2) Not possible... To get the price for every item in the market is just to much. At least if every user of jEveAssets does it...

Thank you very much for your feedback :)

@Aeso Sulla
I have added an Issue with your request.
It's likely to be included in the next version (because it's easy to do)

Thank you for your feature suggestion.

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Joel Mi
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#137 - 2012-03-03 00:10:46 UTC
Golden Gnu wrote:
@Joel Mi
First off - thank you for all your great feedback! Big smile
...Now we just need someone to code it all Blink

Market Orders

1) If it's in the Market Order API I'll add it... :)

its market order API, but it only shows the issued date

issued date string Date / time When this order was issued.
in here, last one -

since it doesn't have the end date , can you track this date by relating the issue date and the fulfilled, expired, canceled time?
no idea if this is possible or not

3) Again, If it's the Market Order API I'll add it, if it's only in the transaction API it's not going to be added

actually its wallet API for the tax amount, as shown in here -

what does this means?
also no idea on how to get the brokers fee´s

issue 157: I'm sure total per station (locations) is already there...?
If not, it's an oversight/bug

its a bug, i dont see total per station anywhere
is this just happening to me? how do i solve it?

Routing tool
Finds the shortest route between 3 or more system.
It's a bit of a math gem. If need to visit more then 2 locations, the order you visit them in determine the length you go.
It was made by Flaming Candle - and will save you a lot of jumps...

suggestion to use this tool

- if you click twice in the systems name it should transfer the name to the other column, rather then having to click ">>" . same thing if you do the contrary

- can you add a starting system and end system to this? without it im not exactly sure what is the next way point to add since the system im atm may not be the same as the one suggested first by the tool

Track profits from assets bought
-It has already been suggested and rejected. AFAIK there is a lot of excellent trading programs available for eve-online, that fit the purpose a lot better...

can you evemail me the name of the trading tools that u find to fit that purpose?

New suggestions

Assets tool

- status bar already shows "Total number of shown assets" with and without filters,
suggestion: add "Total number of selected assets" to the status bar when using the mouse to select one or several assets

you can also add this to the other tools as the principle is the same
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#138 - 2012-03-03 10:03:38 UTC
@Joel Mi

Market Orders
1) I have already added the Issued column.
Expired is a bit more tricky. As it's issued date + duration. so, no way to know when exactly the order was fulfilled AFAIK.

2) If it's in the Wallet Journal is out of scoop, sadly. So, no tax amount
I'll look into brokers fee´s

1) (issue 157)
Yes total is missing from the stations - I'll try to fix it for the next version...

Routing tool
1) Good idea! issue added (With no ETA.)

2) I'm afraid I'll not be able to do this myself. As I said Flaming Candle created the tool and I'm not 100% familiare with the code. Also, it has been suggested before...

Assets tool
1) You can see selected totals, by right clicking the selection in the assets tool. The popup menu, will give you what you ask for...

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"

Zanzil C
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#139 - 2012-03-03 10:47:06 UTC
Thank you for an awesome app. I use it under OSX Lion 10.7.3 and everything runs very smooth.
Golden Gnu
Lobach Inc.
#140 - 2012-03-04 10:20:59 UTC
@Zanzil C
And thank you for the kind works! :)

Creator of jEveAssets - the asset manager

"Download is the meaning of life, upload is the meaning of intelligent life"