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Sell Orders

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First post
Mae Egivand
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#121 - 2012-12-09 11:44:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Mae Egivand
k nvm.
Illest Insurrectionist
#122 - 2012-12-14 11:41:22 UTC
Send me one if this is still a thing.
Roman Fuego
Brotherhood of Bankrupt Bastards
#123 - 2012-12-14 13:21:26 UTC
I'll buy one. I'm afk a lot but if you put one up on private contract for me I'll buy within a day or two. Pls send me an eve mail as well.
Roman Fuego
Brotherhood of Bankrupt Bastards
#124 - 2012-12-15 19:47:52 UTC
Nm.... I got one off of public contracts.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#125 - 2012-12-28 06:42:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Qaldramas
I bought two of these kits back in February (so about 10 months ago) and things went smoothly. With the re-work of mining ships the price of Michi's Excavation Augmentor (the implant that it the big prize at the end of the Caldari COSMOS missions) have gone up quite a bit (upwards of 1.5B on a buy order in Jita) so I've decided it's about time that I run these again (and, as an added bonus, get standings up on yet another toon.)

For those interested in the process, the standings gains, and the loot, check out this blog post I wrote back when I bought two of these kits and ran the Caldari COSMOS missions on two toons around 10 months ago.

If you still have any kits available at 640m, I'd like to buy one. I'm too cash poor at the moment to buy two, so I'll buy one and perhaps once I sell off the loot from it I'll buy another one or two :) Drop me an EVE-Mail at your earliest convenience.
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#126 - 2012-12-28 15:45:32 UTC
Qaldramas wrote:
I bought two of these kits back in February (so about 10 months ago) and things went smoothly. With the re-work of mining ships the price of Michi's Excavation Augmentor (the implant that it the big prize at the end of the Caldari COSMOS missions) have gone up quite a bit (upwards of 1.5B on a buy order in Jita) so I've decided it's about time that I run these again (and, as an added bonus, get standings up on yet another toon.)

For those interested in the process, the standings gains, and the loot, check out this blog post I wrote back when I bought two of these kits and ran the Caldari COSMOS missions on two toons around 10 months ago.

If you still have any kits available at 640m, I'd like to buy one. I'm too cash poor at the moment to buy two, so I'll buy one and perhaps once I sell off the loot from it I'll buy another one or two :) Drop me an EVE-Mail at your earliest convenience.

Thanks for the reply and link to your blog! Yes, the price is still 640m, I'll contact you ingame to talk about details.

As Qaldramas wrote - this is a good way to invest your isk! With our kit it takes around two days to complete the arc, and the rewards are very nice.
Ohaya Airuta
Caldari State
#127 - 2013-01-06 04:25:02 UTC
Contract 1 kit to me if they are still available at 640M
Thank you
Divine Strike
Black Cloud Trading
#128 - 2013-02-16 06:50:24 UTC
I am interested in one.
Jita Realtor
Star Light Inc.
#129 - 2013-02-16 07:46:49 UTC
I would like to find out more for bulk discount.

I SellĀ  Anchored POS+Moon Location+Corp, Bundles 2 - 5 Jumps from Jita

Mike Hibbert
Incompertus INC
#130 - 2013-02-28 16:00:14 UTC
Would like to buy one please
LtCol RTButts
Abandon AII Hope
#131 - 2013-03-12 07:14:15 UTC
contract me one of this packs please.
Ohaya Airuta
Caldari State
#132 - 2013-03-15 11:52:05 UTC
Friendly helpful guy, perfect kit. Buy it
Captain John Logan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#133 - 2013-03-15 12:50:14 UTC
if they are still available, contract me a kit please, i'm definitely interested
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#134 - 2013-04-13 09:46:59 UTC
Kits still available!

Price is 640m, discounts apply if you buy more.

Invest your ISK! Boost your standing! Bring alts, friends, corpmates, doing the arc with 3 chars takes about the same time as with 1 char but gives 3x the reward!

We help with everything, we accept returns if you are not satisfied.
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#135 - 2013-06-04 09:18:08 UTC
Kits still available!

Price is 640m, discounts apply if you buy more.

We help with everything COSMOS related, we accept returns
Into the Black Procurement
#136 - 2013-06-05 04:01:53 UTC
Takashi Ishikawa wrote:
Kits still available!

Price is 640m, discounts apply if you buy more.

We help with everything COSMOS related, we accept returns

I'd like to buy a kit... do you provide assistance for the combat missions as well? This character doesnt have any combat skills.... Also, are there guides?
Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#137 - 2013-06-08 17:24:13 UTC
Tradeisforme4 wrote:
Takashi Ishikawa wrote:
Kits still available!

Price is 640m, discounts apply if you buy more.

We help with everything COSMOS related, we accept returns

I'd like to buy a kit... do you provide assistance for the combat missions as well? This character doesnt have any combat skills.... Also, are there guides?

A contract for you will be ready shortly. We can recommend a guide and provide help with everything.

Takashi Ishikawa
Caldari State
#138 - 2013-06-12 22:19:13 UTC

Next three kits ordered via this thread are 620m! Discounts on multiple purchases still apply.

We provide assistance, we recommend a guide.

Invest your ISK!
#139 - 2013-06-13 21:11:43 UTC
I'm interested. What's your TZ. Would like to review a few thing through convo first if you dont mind.

Eva Akiga
Vandelay Industries Inc.
#140 - 2013-07-09 19:29:10 UTC
I'm interested!