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To Highsec Players- An argument for 0.0 play

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2012-01-30 18:17:10 UTC
tl;dr- Move to 0.0. The biggest hurdle is getting there through lowsec. After that, you are a crapload safer than you are in highsec and the money is AMAZING.

Let me go ahead and widdle down the audience a bit... thin out the herd. For you highsec players reading this, do the following apply to you?

You play in highsec because...
-You want to be near the market at all times
-You just like doing missions above all else. Not just combat, but missions specifically
-You are doing FW and don't want to quit
-You're secretly a lowsec player, and just sit in highsec for the hell of it

If any of those apply, this post isn't for you. For everyone else, I'd like to impart a little bit of knowledge I picked up since I started this game 3 or 4 years ago.

I spent 3 years in 0.0, with no highsec alts at all. I went out for PvP, for easy money and mainly because the idea of the wars in EVE just seemed fun (was a big Shadowbane player). While I was out there, I came to a bit of a crazy realization. Highsec is more dangerous than 0.0. You've heard this many times before, but may have a hard time accepting it... highsec players who have never been to 0.0 don't believe it, and some 0.0 players (not the majority, just a small group) don't want to admit it. It's part of the reason 0.0 is so broken. We all know WHY it is that way, and I'll get to that in a second, but for now there isn't much that can be done about it.

Now, to the highsec players who don't believe me- many of you are probably thinking 3 things.

1) "BS. Highsec has CONCORD, so shy of can flipping or suiciding I really won't get killed".
2) "BS. Lowsec is extremely dangerous, 0.0 has to be worse".
3) "BS. I've tried to go to 0.0. I died immediately after leaving lowsec".

To group 1: Yes, but no. Highsec is indeed lawful space, with CONCORD to "Protect" you in the case of a crime. Allow me to point something out: when has CONCORD ever saved you? Think about it. CONCORD is much like the police- they do less saving and more clean up. Not by design, but simply because of travel time. Most crimes happen very quickly, making it near impossible to stop the crime while it is in progress. CONCORD deters things from turning into an all out free for all, but that's about the extent of it.

So why is highsec more dangerous? Well, this also answers why 0.0 is not nearly as dangerous. Because of the population. In highsec you are surrounded by players all the time, a minimum of 5 to 10 people in a sector at any given moment. Any one of those players could be a suicider, ready to destroy you for the loots or the lulz. How can you really be on guard for that when missioning? When mining? People WILL come and go, and there is little you can do about it. So do you run away every time you see ANYONE? Hardly. In 0.0, you do just that. People are few and far between in 0.0 and the amount of space it covers is MASSIVE (someone once told me that highsec/lowsec is 1/3 of the total sectors. Of course, I've never seen an official statement on this, so it could be wrong... but it sure seems that way 0_o). THIS is why it's so broken. In the 33 or 34 months that I was in 0.0 space, I was killed unprepared two times. Every other time I was roaming, or just looking for a fight. Honestly, if you die in 0.0 without looking for it you are either A) Really unlucky or in unfamiliar space B) AFK C) A total ******. Over the course of a month you can count the number of times you see a non blue or green in one of your systems on 1 hand. And most of the time you know they are coming systems away thanks to intel channels. When you see one? Return to POS or jump the crap out and wait for em to leave. Simple as that. Why do you think 0.0 players are called nullbears?

To group 2: Lowsec is pretty well lawless. The gates can add a mild annoyance to any would be pirate, but really it's pretty close to being 0.0. With 1 exception, to make it much MUCH worse: there is a lot less lowsec than 0.0. This means that even though the population of lowsec is smaller than 0.0, there are a lot more players per sector than you would find while roaming nullsec.

To group 3:: Most PvPers refer to this as "The Great Wall of Carebear". Let me go ahead and clarify something now. I cannot stress this enough:

THIS IS NOT COMMON. The gates from lowsec to 0.0 are the most likely place for you to die in the game. Bubbled gates surrounded by blobs ready to pop anything that comes in or out. It is... the transition from dangerous lowsec to safe 0.0. I can't express how many highsec players I've heard say that 0.0 is dangerous because of this. It isn't like this anywhere but there, I can assure you. You MIGHT die to one or two gate camps a YEAR in deep 0.0, and that's if you play a lot. And most 0.0 corps will help you get past that. Jump freighters and MOMs will be happy to taxi your stuff past The Wall and out to safe, comfortable skies.

Conclusion: I cannot express how nice 0.0 is, and I really wish that every highsec player that has no valid reason beyond safety concerns to stay in highsec over it go give it a try. Politics isn't a problem- not every corp is run by douches. Most are laid back, friendly, and either helpful or will leave you the hell alone if you want it. The money out there is GOOD. Ratting vs Lvl 4s... well, don't take my word for it. Google is your friend if you want to see the difference. And mining- whee.

0.0 is not as dangerous as you think. Not by a longshot. There is too much 0.0 and too few players. The chances of you being found by a random roam without being warned by intel channels and actually killed before you can get to a POS or station, unless you are in a hotspot, is probably around the same as winning a small lottery. :-P

To anyone who was curious- just give it a try.


Kell Tarhun
#2 - 2012-01-30 18:48:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Kell Tarhun
I dare you, i double dare you .....just name me the Region your description fit....... and i will make you bot analysis of it. And you will know that my name is Kell Tarhun,
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-01-30 18:53:59 UTC
Kell Tarhun wrote:
I dare you, i double dare you .....just name me the Region your description fit....... and i will make you bot analysis of it. And you will know that my name is Kell Tarhun,

Tenal, Venal and Branch

Excluding the m-0->taisy gate

Give those a shot. Compare them to say... lonetrek or metropolis.


Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2012-01-30 19:01:00 UTC
I play EVE for a 4 years now, and I've been suicide ganked in hisec like 3 times - all of them while falling asleep while hauling very valuable cargo.
For comparison in null sec I died a lot more, even taking into account only cases when i wasn't going into fight deliberately, but just hauling my stuff, ratting, etc.

And I'm tired of all those people who claims that 0.0 is safer. Yes, it might be, but under one condition - if you leave your freedom behind. I returned to hisec because i was tired of being dependant on others 24h/day. I was tired of planing my daily schedule acording to what other 100 players wanted/could do at the moment. Is there someone where i want to go to provide intel ? Where is our roaming fleet ? How many players are online and can mobilize remove enemy gang camping the gate I need to fly through ?
Or would I be forced to choose between going asleep at 3:00 AM and beeing left to wake up in the morning alone 20 jumps into enemy teritority and waiting for someone to scout me back ?

Null sec is safe because players provide their own concord ?? HAH ! Concord is essentially a computer system. It's not perfect. It has holes. But it's predictable and always there, 24h/day.
Maybe only a few biggest alliances can provide safety at level close (only close !) to Concord, and only in their core systems.
So stop manufacturing b*** sh*** like this.

I know all you want are targets.
Kell Tarhun
#5 - 2012-01-30 19:01:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Kell Tarhun
Let it be Tenal just 1 as no one is paying me for it

analysis of systems in tenal
H1-ESN - not boting activity last 24h - system empty - for suckers who wants to be killed by pvp gang
3DR-CR - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
RLTG-3 - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
S-EVIQ - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
1QH-0K - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
W8O-19 - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
ZH3-BS - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
ZJ-QOO - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
ZXA-V6 - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
I1-BE8 - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
ZK-YQ3 - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
MZPH-W - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
JI-1UQ - no boting activity last 24h - system occupied - for pvp gang
EN-GTB - no boting activity last 24h - system empty- for pvp gang
V-LDEJ - no boting activity last 24h - system occupied - for pvp gang
P-UCRP - no boting activity last 24h - system occupied - for pvp gang
3-QYVE - SYSTEM OCCUPIED BY BOTS, artificial intelligence activity in npc's killed :> check that and kill them all :>
7D-PAT - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
C-XNUA - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
6-AOLS - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
33CE-7 - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
L-P3XM - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
G06-8Y - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
SZ6-TA - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
U-O2DA - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
IKTD-P - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
WV-0R2 - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
5-O8B1 - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
KW-1MV - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
S-KSWL - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
J1-KJP - human activity
R-YWID - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
HB-FSO human activity
30-D5G human activity
S-KSWL - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
NCG-PW- no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
IG-ZAM - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
EOY-BG - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
DCJ-ZT - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
O36A-P- no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
Z-LO6I - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
6OYQ-Z - SYSTEM OCCUPIED BY BOTS, artificial intelligence activity in npc's killed :> check that and kill them all :>
0M-103 - no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
HE5T-A no boting activity last 24h - system empty - for pvp gang
AR-5SY - SYSTEM OCCUPIED BY BOTS, artificial intelligence activity in npc's killed :> check that and kill them all :>

Lemme tell you why this region is empty. Probably because all those who live in high sec want have nothing to do with artificial intelligence activity and having their accounts punished. Besides nothing ruins 0.0 so much as their activity.
I was wondering why rest of systems so empty....Considering those few system exceedingly wicked activity of npc;s killed.
Probably Land lords taking cherries and using propaganda to get there honest players.
Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#6 - 2012-01-30 19:03:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Nova Fox
Sorry I just dont have the time to commit to my rent in any null sec area.

I cant make the millions an hour becuase I cant actively play to get that millions an hour despite having the skills in the proper places to do so.

Maybe if I wasnt so busy designing spaceships and doing college homework while mining in a cheap frigate that would be a sure win for myself to any ganker pilot as I can replace a navitas much quicker than he can destroyers and security rep.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2012-01-30 19:12:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Glarealot
Nova Fox wrote:
Sorry I just dont have the time to commit to my rent in any null sec area.

I cant make the millions an hour becuase I cant actively play to get that millions an hour despite having the skills in the proper places to do so.

Maybe if I wasnt so busy designing spaceships and doing college homework while mining in a cheap frigate that would be a sure win for myself to any ganker pilot as I can replace a navitas much quicker than he can destroyers and security rep.

I'm currently finishing a master's program in Computer Security. On top of that, while I was in 0.0 I was working as a software engineer for a DoD/Oakridge National Laboratory project. And yet, I still managed to stay afloat in 0.0. 1 hour of ratting brings in extreme amounts of money. I'd go so far as to say that 0.0 is the perfect place for someone with little time who wants to pay for their gameplay in PLEX.

And I've NEVER been in a corp that required me to pay rent. Most just had a little 5-6% tax, which is less than highsec's 11%, to cover their expenses.


Pavel Bidermann
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-01-30 19:14:33 UTC
[quote=Glarealot]tl;dr- Move to 0.0. The biggest hurdle is getting there through lowsec. After that, you are a crapload safer than you are in highsec and the money is AMAZING.

Let me go ahead and widdle down the audience a bit... thin out the herd. For you highsec players reading this, do the following apply to you?

Please. Just stop. Its like you keep asking the same girl to go out with you and she clearly is not interested but you just can't take the rejection. Stop. They are as interested in playing in null sec as you are interested in playing in high sec. These posts are just desparate looking now.
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2012-01-30 19:18:47 UTC
Pavel Bidermann wrote:

Please. Just stop. Its like you keep asking the same girl to go out with you and she clearly is not interested but you just can't take the rejection. Stop. They are as interested in playing in null sec as you are interested in playing in high sec. These posts are just desparate looking now.

To me, it's like seeing people who love watching movies but are afraid to go to a theater for fear that they might get mugged in the parking lot or have someone big and smelly sit beside them and try to do weird things to em. Sure, it CAN happen, but the chances are slim. You know they love movies, you know they would LOVE the theater... so you can't help but want to try to get the point across.

People who have never tried 0.0 may only be disinterested because they have no idea what 0.0 is actually like. They believe the the few and far between players who cry that it's oh so dangerous and end up missing out on most of the best opportunities.


Shazzam Vokanavom
#10 - 2012-01-30 19:21:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Shazzam Vokanavom
Flown threw null sec with one of my alts, Its population consist of the socially paranoid or knuckle scraping smacktalkers. Not really too interested in that kind of environment.

Nice spider web though, maybe add a bit more cheese to pad your kill board?
Caldari State
#11 - 2012-01-30 19:23:47 UTC
Shazzam Vokanavom wrote:
Flown threw null sec with one of my alts, Its population consist of the socially paranoid or knuckle scraping smacktalkers. Not really too interested in that kind of environment.

Congrats, you just described the majority of EVE's playerbase, ESPECIALLY highsec.


Liam Mirren
#12 - 2012-01-30 19:27:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Liam Mirren
Op forgot about a specific type of player; the one that has a huge dislike for idiots and realises that in big groups there's tons of those folks. Who would rather be in a small, hand picked, group of knowledge players willing to put in effort rather than being a number, part of the meatshield morons.

Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.

Pavel Bidermann
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2012-01-30 19:29:17 UTC
Glarealot wrote:
Pavel Bidermann wrote:

Please. Just stop. Its like you keep asking the same girl to go out with you and she clearly is not interested but you just can't take the rejection. Stop. They are as interested in playing in null sec as you are interested in playing in high sec. These posts are just desparate looking now.

To me, it's like seeing people who love watching movies but are afraid to go to a theater for fear that they might get mugged in the parking lot or have someone big and smelly sit beside them and try to do weird things to em. Sure, it CAN happen, but the chances are slim. You know they love movies, you know they would LOVE the theater... so you can't help but want to try to get the point across.

People who have never tried 0.0 may only be disinterested because they have no idea what 0.0 is actually like. They believe the the few and far between players who cry that it's oh so dangerous and end up missing out on most of the best opportunities.

The bad news is that many people DO know what null sec is like. Look, there's lots of stuff you like to do in null. There's lots of stuff they like to do in high. They aren't interested in your stuff. Okay? they simply aren't interested.
Shazzam Vokanavom
#14 - 2012-01-30 19:29:55 UTC
Ganagati wrote:
Shazzam Vokanavom wrote:
Flown threw null sec with one of my alts, Its population consist of the socially paranoid or knuckle scraping smacktalkers. Not really too interested in that kind of environment.

Congrats, you just described the majority of EVE's playerbase, ESPECIALLY highsec.

How coincidental, maybe this understanding might ACTUALLY be valid then?

Doesn't change my experience of it. And your comment just compounded to the view, well done.
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#15 - 2012-01-30 19:30:55 UTC
Liam Mirren wrote:
Op forgot about a specific type of player; the one that has a huge dislike for idiots who realises that in big groups there's tons of those folks. Who would rather be in a small, hand picked, group of knowledge players willing to put in effort rather than being a number, part of the meatshield morons.

Isn't that what corps are for? I dunno about anyone else, but I don't deal with my alliance regularly at all. My corp and I all get along, there aren't many of us and we know what we're doing. We do what we do to have fun. We help our alliance when we're needed, but otherwise we do our thing and the other corps all do theirs.

Proof that capital ships are rare in EVE:

Caldari State
#16 - 2012-01-30 19:32:31 UTC
Shazzam Vokanavom wrote:
Ganagati wrote:
Shazzam Vokanavom wrote:
Flown threw null sec with one of my alts, Its population consist of the socially paranoid or knuckle scraping smacktalkers. Not really too interested in that kind of environment.

Congrats, you just described the majority of EVE's playerbase, ESPECIALLY highsec.

How coincidental, maybe this understanding might ACTUALLY be valid then?

Doesn't change my experience of it. And your comment just compounded to the view, well done.

I was simply expressing that your post falsely represented 0.0 as being where that group of people are located, when you can actually find that type of player all over highsec. Just making sure that you know if you want to avoid an area to get away from that type of player, then you might want to avoid the entire tranquility server. :)


Liam Mirren
#17 - 2012-01-30 19:33:12 UTC
We probably have different standards.

Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude.

Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#18 - 2012-01-30 19:33:50 UTC
Glarealot wrote:
Nova Fox wrote:
Sorry I just dont have the time to commit to my rent in any null sec area.

I cant make the millions an hour becuase I cant actively play to get that millions an hour despite having the skills in the proper places to do so.

Maybe if I wasnt so busy designing spaceships and doing college homework while mining in a cheap frigate that would be a sure win for myself to any ganker pilot as I can replace a navitas much quicker than he can destroyers and security rep.

I'm currently finishing a master's program in Computer Security. On top of that, while I was in 0.0 I was working as a software engineer for a DoD/Oakridge National Laboratory project. And yet, I still managed to stay afloat in 0.0. 1 hour of ratting brings in extreme amounts of money. I'd go so far as to say that 0.0 is the perfect place for someone with little time who wants to pay for their gameplay in PLEX.

And I've NEVER been in a corp that required me to pay rent. Most just had a little 5-6% tax, which is less than highsec's 11%, to cover their expenses.

The rent they want to charge is me being a fleet booster or something out of the ordinary that nobody else seemed to bothered to skill up on fleet ops and that always takes more than one hour.

Also as a high sec pver I sorta suck losing a ship a month no matter how well fitted or suited it is. NPCs managed to get more kills on me than the two years I used to spend in 0.0 during a war against local nano pirates (to which I pissed off by shooting down all of thier drones as an escort pilot) and the neighboring Ascendant Frontier corporation.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

Caldari State
#19 - 2012-01-30 19:36:07 UTC
Nova Fox wrote:
Glarealot wrote:
Nova Fox wrote:
Sorry I just dont have the time to commit to my rent in any null sec area.

I cant make the millions an hour becuase I cant actively play to get that millions an hour despite having the skills in the proper places to do so.

Maybe if I wasnt so busy designing spaceships and doing college homework while mining in a cheap frigate that would be a sure win for myself to any ganker pilot as I can replace a navitas much quicker than he can destroyers and security rep.

I'm currently finishing a master's program in Computer Security. On top of that, while I was in 0.0 I was working as a software engineer for a DoD/Oakridge National Laboratory project. And yet, I still managed to stay afloat in 0.0. 1 hour of ratting brings in extreme amounts of money. I'd go so far as to say that 0.0 is the perfect place for someone with little time who wants to pay for their gameplay in PLEX.

And I've NEVER been in a corp that required me to pay rent. Most just had a little 5-6% tax, which is less than highsec's 11%, to cover their expenses.

The rent they want to charge is me being a fleet booster or something out of the ordinary that nobody else seemed to bothered to skill up on fleet ops and that always takes more than one hour.

Also as a high sec pver I sorta suck losing a ship a month no matter how well fitted or suited it is. NPCs managed to get more kills on me than the two years I used to spend in 0.0 during a war against local nano pirates (to which I pissed off by shooting down all of thier drones as an escort pilot) and the neighboring Ascendant Frontier corporation.

Don't feel bad, I've lost my fair share of ships to level 4s... ESPECIALLY the ones that tackle. 0_o


Shazzam Vokanavom
#20 - 2012-01-30 19:43:53 UTC
Ganagati wrote:
Shazzam Vokanavom wrote:
Ganagati wrote:
Shazzam Vokanavom wrote:
Flown threw null sec with one of my alts, Its population consist of the socially paranoid or knuckle scraping smacktalkers. Not really too interested in that kind of environment.

Congrats, you just described the majority of EVE's playerbase, ESPECIALLY highsec.

How coincidental, maybe this understanding might ACTUALLY be valid then?

Doesn't change my experience of it. And your comment just compounded to the view, well done.

I was simply expressing that your post falsely represented 0.0 as being where that group of people are located, when you can actually find that type of player all over highsec. Just making sure that you know if you want to avoid an area to get away from that type of player, then you might want to avoid the entire tranquility server. :)

Partially agree. But null is much worse, should be called "tard sec".

Given the scams there is no way I'm moving my assests into SoV holdings. Or entrusting them to other haulers. Nor am I contracting it into null sec to be similarly ransomed.

Nor do I want to be a puppet of some mafioso control freak with limited help or incentive. Not when I can achieve what I need to do elsewhere.

So, still not going to buy into the advert as described.

People need incentives not criticism and that kind of line as described in the advert just informs me what style of intelligence is controlling the process. So its an ABC red flag for me.
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