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EVE IPH Industry Calculator Version 3.3 - Now with Live Market data!

First post
Diana Kansene
The DKJ Operation
#1441 - 2014-08-01 05:59:55 UTC
It'll take time, because a nearly complete if not complete rewrite is required, the industry changes in Crius were so extensive Sad.
Edlorna Tinebe
The Elerium Trust
#1442 - 2014-08-01 06:30:24 UTC
Alicia Dnari wrote:
So I just wait for the new version to come out?

Alicia Dnari wrote:
Any idea when that will be?

Bitter Fremlin
Heimatar Enhanced Fleet Industries
#1443 - 2014-08-01 08:40:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Bitter Fremlin
Alicia Dnari wrote:
So I just wait for the new version to come out? Any idea when that will be?

You can still use it, the crash only happens first launch after you restart your VM and IPH will run fine after that.

But you probably won't *want* to use it. Crius changed almost everything about Industry, from materials required all the way through to job costs, that it is now very inaccurate. IPH is such a comprehensive industrial tool (which is why we use it, right?) that updating it isn't just a case of loading in the new blueprint values but is closer to a total rewrite.

It'll be done when Zif finishes. And if anyone wants it done any faster, consider paying him at the going rate for software development...
Hope Alar
Blue Tridents
#1444 - 2014-08-01 13:25:54 UTC
Bitter Fremlin wrote:
Alicia Dnari wrote:
So I just wait for the new version to come out? Any idea when that will be?

You can still use it, the crash only happens first launch after you restart your VM and IPH will run fine after that.

But you probably won't *want* to use it. Crius changed almost everything about Industry, from materials required all the way through to job costs, that it is now very inaccurate. IPH is such a comprehensive industrial tool (which is why we use it, right?) that updating it isn't just a case of loading in the new blueprint values but is closer to a total rewrite.

It'll be done when Zif finishes. And if anyone wants it done any faster, consider paying him at the going rate for software development...

I actually still use it somewhat to determine what to buy. It gives me an idea of what I can make for profit, but I don't take the numbers literally anymore. The production times for a lot of stuff has changed dramatically, and the required items has changed too. I mainly use it to see what I can make for profit, and then see how much materials it would take to build it in game, buy those items on jita alt, pack them up and move them to production. It is a bit more work, but it can still give you a rough idea of what makes money atm and what does not.
Edlorna Tinebe
The Elerium Trust
#1445 - 2014-08-01 17:08:42 UTC
Bitter Fremlin wrote:
And if anyone wants it done any faster, consider paying him at the going rate for software development...

Or take up the project themselves. The code's on SourceForge.
Bubbi SemByggir
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1446 - 2014-08-02 05:33:48 UTC
To the Dude who is developing IPH all i want to say is that IPH should be installed with eve installation !!!! hahah seriosly. i started industry just a couple a months ago and tried few calculators and websites but was kinda lost. It took me hours of market browsing and calculation of materials to just see if the product that i wanted to manufacture would actualy pay off. Then one of my friends told me about IPH...BOOM nice litle UI, all the calculation i need, invention,mining ,decryptors and much more !!! all i need on the same place ! KEEP UP the good work bro !!!
ps. Sorry for my english but it aint my primary language :P

fly safe
Alicia Dnari
Dnari Mining and Manufacturing
#1447 - 2014-08-03 05:50:10 UTC
I can wait. :-)

I do have a sort of related question: I seem to remember an old recommendation that one should do ME (I think) research for just 30 days, and that would be "enough" whatever the BPO is for. Is there a new guideline for how much research (ME and TE both) to do on BPOs now?
SJ Astralana
#1448 - 2014-08-03 07:42:33 UTC
Alicia Dnari wrote:
I can wait. :-)

I do have a sort of related question: I seem to remember an old recommendation that one should do ME (I think) research for just 30 days, and that would be "enough" whatever the BPO is for. Is there a new guideline for how much research (ME and TE both) to do on BPOs now?

I can wait as well, but I have an interest in EIPH not being ready, as my toolset has beat it to market and from observation my competition is floundering quite badly. However, picking up new additions to my portfolio has been blinded and I'm relying on my memory for this month's addition. I'm looking forward to seeing EIPH back before the endof the month.

To answer your question, a BS BPO under ME10 is at best crippled, and takes a bit under two months from ME9. A BC is almost as crippled depending on the BPO, and takes under a month for ME10. Pretty much anything with a small margin is going to suffer without going through the pain of that last level. Anything with a decent margin will be okay at ME9.

Hyperdrive your production business: Eve Production Manager

Kasumi Kreig
Caldari State
#1449 - 2014-08-03 20:34:53 UTC
I'm getting a NullReferenceException during startup. I believe it's after picking my character, and before displaying the main window in the app. Confusingly, the app runs just fine if I start it under VS, but not if I simply run it normally.

I've tried to figure out where this is happening. But it's quite difficult to debug - my copy of VS won't let me evaluate the exception. In your unhandled exception handler, could you consider including the stack trace? (Just call Exception's ToString().) That would alleviate the need for me to attach a debugger then struggle with VS's limitations on native stack frames on the stack, etc.
Diana Kansene
The DKJ Operation
#1450 - 2014-08-04 06:33:18 UTC
That's because the software is making an API query that's no longer valid. Starting the software again will bypass this. But the old version is of limited usefulness.
Jeann Valjean
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1451 - 2014-08-05 16:08:52 UTC
SJ Astralana wrote:
... my toolset has beat it to market and from observation my competition is floundering quite badly.

Your "toolset" can only handle T1. IPH is the fully stocked tool shed, while you are bragging about your reinvented can opener. I left "competition" like you behind after about 2 days of learning manufacturing.
Valix VonVoggelVoff
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1452 - 2014-08-05 17:19:18 UTC
Would you like some Aloe Vera for that burn? ShockedShockedShocked
Gallente Federation
#1453 - 2014-08-05 17:53:16 UTC
Bitter Fremlin wrote:
consider paying him at the going rate for software development...

Where can I donate actual money? I've looked.
Seraphina Amaranth
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#1454 - 2014-08-05 21:46:15 UTC
NeOnicuS wrote:

Where can I donate actual money? I've looked.

contract PLEX to him?
Bitter Fremlin
Heimatar Enhanced Fleet Industries
#1455 - 2014-08-06 08:39:13 UTC
NeOnicuS wrote:
Bitter Fremlin wrote:
consider paying him at the going rate for software development...

Where can I donate actual money? I've looked.

Strictly speaking, you can't. The dev licence he's under precludes him from charging real money for his use of CCP's IP, which is why there's no PayPal-pointing nag screen or similar.

But you can donate ISK or, I assume, contract a PLEX.
TheDarkLegion Inc
#1456 - 2014-08-07 20:48:45 UTC
how many PLEXes you want man, just say number, we need this tool asap :)Sad
Niko Lorenzio
United Eve Directorate
#1457 - 2014-08-07 22:37:46 UTC
Bitter Fremlin wrote:
NeOnicuS wrote:
Bitter Fremlin wrote:
consider paying him at the going rate for software development...

Where can I donate actual money? I've looked.

Strictly speaking, you can't. The dev licence he's under precludes him from charging real money for his use of CCP's IP, which is why there's no PayPal-pointing nag screen or similar.

But you can donate ISK or, I assume, contract a PLEX.

I understand the legal precedent and all that stuff for charging real money for game related services but why would a donation be of any concern or frankly any of CCP's business? If we want to thank him with real money, we should be able to. Podcasts, radio etc. collect donations, as do incorp corporations to help support their site, ts etc.

The CSM XI Election are now open until March 25th, 2016. Consider Niko Lorenzio for CSM XI.

CSM matters, your voice matters, your vote matters!

Bitter Fremlin
Heimatar Enhanced Fleet Industries
#1458 - 2014-08-08 16:23:26 UTC
Niko Lorenzio wrote:
I understand the legal precedent and all that stuff for charging real money for game related services but why would a donation be of any concern or frankly any of CCP's business?

IANAL, but I would imagine that there is a subtle but significant legal difference between between him saying "If you like my software, give me cash!" and us going "Zif, you're an all-around cool dude and you deserve a gift (which, btw, is in *no way* related to that software you write)".

So I'm not saying people can't donate real money, just explaining why how they could do so isn't being shoved in their face every time they launch IPH. And those who don't want to do a bit of extra legwork can simply use ISK or PLEXs instead.
Valix VonVoggelVoff
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1459 - 2014-08-08 17:10:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Valix VonVoggelVoff
I guess it's the minor differences which make the difference between a rich man and a man in court. He can't sell the product since it uses CCP property. I don't *think* he can ask for donations either. But he sure as hell can write a line saying "Hey, I'm blah-blah in game, pretty broke atm. I sure wish I had a plex"
Ninlarra Brand Ships and Modules
#1460 - 2014-08-09 09:03:40 UTC
I just want to prefix this by saying I in know way understand just how much work goes into rewriting tools like IPH from all the industry changes but, I'm done with all my inventing and have about 600 BPC I need to make into **** so I can make more isk to build more **** soooooooooooooooooo..............whats up with that update? PPP

Seriously though awesome tool you got there. Update inc?