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The Pirate Story Thread

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Anne McDonald
Sandman are here
#781 - 2013-09-03 00:11:29 UTC
I got a story for all you that hopefully will entertain you as much as it did me.

So picture this I log in today after a pretty terrible luck day yesterday with ganking (was having problems with my grouped guns only firing one turret) I have already decided that someone is going to have a bad day today and it is not me so I get on one of my favorite gates 0.5 AU away aligned at full speed hauler cloaked on grid 200km from the gate scanner set up one jump out, quick look on short range scan shows a tornado belonging to a known ganker... great I think competition.

My scanner lets me know there is a second scanner at the gate which confirms my belief and to make things great I see 3 reds at the gate now I only have red for one reason.... High sec vultures people I believe are worse then us gankers one of these reds sat on my gate for no less then 7 hours while my and my partner made off with 5 billion in the end he snagged about 30mill that couldnt be picked up good game friend!

So now I am pretty giddy competition and vultures (benny hill music is playing in my head now) half an hour passes and nothing of note and then boom a name is typed into fleet and 1.2bill is said over teamspeak I hit warp I prime my guns the second tornado lands just after me both gankers arrive at opposite sides of the gate (how fitting) tracking computers and sensor boosts going crazy the target appears I lock I shoot 25% armor OUCH! he dies the second ganker must have fired both gankers pods warp off both haulers decloak and warp to the wreck and in his haste to be me to the loot he had not aligned bad move with the 3 vultures on grid! It happens I see the warp scramble attempt I scream SUCKER!!! and prey to the loot fairy that the X type 100mn microwarp drive survives not one but two kills I whack my after burner on and charge towards the gankers prowler he goes down the wreck is white I open the cargo 900mill estimated value SCORE!

Who ever said ganking was easy work??
Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#782 - 2013-09-03 08:04:05 UTC
Cool story brah,

Seriously though good work. keep up the douchebaggery!
Liam Inkuras
Meta Reloaded
#783 - 2013-09-03 20:30:05 UTC
Great story, but please, punctuation.

I wear my goggles at night.

Any spelling/grammatical errors come complimentary with my typing on a phone

Anne McDonald
Sandman are here
#784 - 2013-09-04 14:22:58 UTC
This is a carry on aftermath of a story I told about a guy I ganked twice within 16 hours, I got a convo request yesterday and I looked at it for a while trying to remember who the guy was and after accepting this happened.

[ 2013.09.03 17:57:56 ] Anne McDonald > o/
[ 2013.09.03 17:58:02 ] Victim > o/
[ 2013.09.03 17:58:17 ] Victim > hows raping freighters working out?
[ 2013.09.03 17:58:41 ] Anne McDonald > I wish it was frieghters :( only t1 indys
[ 2013.09.03 17:58:59 ] Victim > You gotta up the scale of your operation.
[ 2013.09.03 17:59:18 ] Victim > So is placing bounties actually an incentive for people killing you? Or is it just cathartic?
[ 2013.09.03 17:59:54 ] Anne McDonald > I might up my operation but that means more people and more loot dividing I am greedy
[ 2013.09.03 18:00:19 ] Anne McDonald > bountys are not an incentive to shoot anymore since it only pays a percentage of your ship worth
[ 2013.09.03 18:00:59 ] Victim > Hmm, so just cathartic. I'm just trying to figure out te best way to get someone to ruin your day. Maybe I'll just have to hire someone for it specifically.
[ 2013.09.03 18:01:20 ] Victim > thanks for the help, I'll see you in my t1 indy wit 1Bil in loot soon :p
[ 2013.09.03 18:01:37 ] Anne McDonald > np thank you for being a happy customer :)

After being confused about the whole situation and the victims chat over and over thinking why has this come 4 days after I killed him, is it possible I not only made him quit for 4 days but he paced around at night plotting his revenge? Anyway I decided my customer service was not to par so I sent him a follow up mail.

Revenge is a dish best served cold
From: Anne McDonald
Sent: 2013.09.03 18:24
To: Victim,

Sorry for my lack of useful responses, your convo request took me quite by surprise, I knew you were a customer of mine I just could not remember which I know I know it's bad customer service and you are such a regular high valued customer I am in a deep regret that my usual 5* service was not applied to the situation.

At first your motives were unknown, you started the conversation polite and interacted with me well but after reading it again I believe you masked your emotion well my friend. I do believe your intentions were quite sinister and I love that! So what am I going to do for you? I will write to you on ways you can act out your revenge or stop these things happening again.

1. War dec - you could yourself or hire one of the many war dec corps out there to hunt me down and repeatedly kill me and yes I could not take a merc corp on, I am just a man in a nado after all but this corp was made so I could take advantage of the 0% tax while running missions and as such is likely to close soon as it is always good to stay under the radar in my line of work.

2. You could put a bounty on my head but as we know that will not encourage anyone to kill me it just gives them a little bit of isk if they do.

3. You could hire someone to gank me this possibly could be reliable but i generally am not worth the gank so possibly not.

those are the ways I can think of at this moment in time and I hope it helps I am sorry for your losses but it seems you like to be a repeat customer and the only thing I can offer is safety (only from me) for the low price of 75million and I shall add you to my very few blue list and I do not shoot blues... ever this will not be a repeatable fee just a one time payment.

Lots of love

Your friendly neighbourhood ganker

After logging in today I received this. Golden!

Re: Revenge is a dish best served cold
From: Victim
Sent: 2013.09.04 01:19
To: Anne McDonald,

I appreciate the personal touch and excellent customer service. Although that 75M protection service you offer is such a tempting offer I'm afraid I must decline. My vague desire for vengenace will just have to be satiated by the kill notifications I get every time I log in. It looks like earlier today someone decided to use the kill rights I posted and collected a cool 11M. I'm happy to provide a little padding for the kind soul that did.

You've actually managed to teach me some of the finer points of hauling, or rather, forced me to learn. Hopefully we'll never cross paths again, although I'll keep thinking of you (and that bounty amount) fondly. If I ever need the services of such a high class ganker as yourself I'll be sure to let you know!

I love this guy! Would defiantly gank again! (and for the record the kill right was my alt :P and the bounty payment was someone whoring on my nado!)
Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#785 - 2013-09-05 07:50:50 UTC
Lol classic, gotta love it when prey gives away free tears.
Brid Mindelan
Mindelan McLeod and Associates
#786 - 2013-09-06 19:41:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Brid Mindelan
Don't get mad, get even.

Isn't that what so many people say? the tools are there if you are willing to use them, even if the ones you are trying to use them on are a little uncooperative...

Blockade runners are great ships for zooming round with high value cargoes. immune to scanning, and with the nifty option of a covert ops cloak. getting round anywhere in high sec, or low sec is nothing but a breeze. The most dangerous place in high sec has to be (imo) gank alley, or for those who are unfamiliar, Kaapatunen, niarja and madilimere.

Suicide gankers of all shapes and sizes ply their trade, scanning and then destroying unsuspecting haulers for what they are carrying, heedless of the fact that Concord will with godlike power come and swat their ships in retribution.

Several Days ago, a corp mate of mine made it through gank alley in his prorator intact on his way to shuria, and certain of his safety, decided that he had chores to do in the house, and set himself on autopilot to his destination. Fate it seems had other ideas, and once the chores were done, he found his (badly fit) Prorator wreckage sitting next to a that of the Tornado that had effortlessly shattered his ships hull.
Inconvenient, but certainly laughworthy. not because he had died, but because he was running empty, and he then gleefully made the killrights available to the entire corp.

Don't get mad, get even he said as he did it, and the guilty party was set to red because he was now marked as a naughty person, and added to the contact list because we wanted to know when he was online.

Several days, and a lot of searches by locator agents later, and we had his pattern fairly well sorted. and fortunately we thought, he was in jita, only a few jumps from where we chill out and drink beer. Our first attempt was thwarted by a massive (sub)sector gate and premature activation of the killrights, and our target got clean away, ran a few systems, and promptly logged off in space. we hung around for about 30 minutes in case he hadn't spotted who had KR (he had) and decided to log back in once his suspect marker expired (he didn't). so we headed home, mined a few rocks, invented some useful stuff, and then went to bed.

Our intrepid pirate friend in the interim, headed to amarr, and hung out there for a bit, and i was delighted that he was at the other end of gank alley from me, so i could go down there without running into him, spooking him, and prompting him to run and log again. i elicited the help of an old friend in new eden, to scout ahead for me. she reached ashab before i did, and reported that our pirate friend was on the move. I waited patiently on the ashab gate in madi, and got reports that he had been spooked, and the tornado turned round, and fled for amarr once again. docking up, and staying in the station as i moved up to the amarr gate in ashab.

Minutes passed, and i had the distinct feeling i was being watched. so i moved a system over to see if he would undock. he didn't, and then moved back up the pipe, still no reaction. Finally, my friend suggested i log off, and go to the login screen and pull a log on trap. she would tell me when to log in, all i had to do was wait.

Sure enough, just a couple of minutes after logging off. our pirate friend undocks, and starts moving up to the pipe. listening intently for the go word, i didn't have to wait long. and my ship landed on the gate moments after our pirate friend jumped in. Sebos running, i waited for him to uncloak, and he was shocked to see me, wasn't i supposed to be offline? finally his cloak dropped, and the Drake locked him up. he was just out of HAM range, so a quick pulse of the MWD saw me rocket towards him....

Tier 3 BC's, and ones meant as throwaway suicide gankers in particular, have one thing in common. they are about as tough as tissue paper. as the Tornado was being torn to shreds, my friend jumped in and before she could even lock up our pirate friend, his ship exploded leaving a nice pile of mods. Not enough to replace a Prorator perhaps, but certainly enough to pay for the 30 missiles that were shot at him. i don't think he was impressed, the customary 'gf' that suicide gankers often say in local was absent from all except me. i even tossed in a few throwaway remarks about the free stuff. no response. so i decided to go home. but, my friend in her ship swore revenge, she didn't get on the killmail and now declared she would make me pay!

Don't get mad, get even! i guess its not some wierd insult pirates and suicide gankers throw around. you really CAN get your own back
Anne McDonald
Sandman are here
#787 - 2013-09-08 16:29:30 UTC
Brid Mindelan wrote:

Cool story, he is an idiot if I had someone so persistent against me I would have just thrown away an unfitted nado against you and then carried on with my daily routine, well done for at least getting your revenge it makes me feel so happy when people hunt me down! Makes it look like I had a real impact on someones life because of a mere two second interaction in a video game!

I doubt you made a dent in his wallet though if he is half as good as what he should be at ganking he has a very large buffer but yay for getting him.
Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#788 - 2013-09-09 07:11:51 UTC
Good story Brid, Proof that Industrialists arent all Idiots. Good work
Plastic Psycho
#789 - 2013-09-09 17:47:28 UTC
Anne McDonald wrote:
Brid Mindelan wrote:

Cool story, he is an idiot if I had someone so persistent against me I would have just thrown away an unfitted nado against you and then carried on with my daily routine, well done for at least getting your revenge it makes me feel so happy when people hunt me down! Makes it look like I had a real impact on someones life because of a mere two second interaction in a video game!

I doubt you made a dent in his wallet though if he is half as good as what he should be at ganking he has a very large buffer but yay for getting him.
I doubt an industrialist cares about the ISK all that much. OTOH, a well-executed and successful hunt? One that made a seasoned ganker duck and dodge? That's the stuff beer stories are made of. Pirate

Properly done!
Totality Squad
#790 - 2013-09-10 02:41:40 UTC  |  Edited by: AtheistOfFail
A space pirate scammer came to me.


AtheistOfFail > hello.
Space Samuri > hey man
Space Samuri > (ALT) wanted me to talk to u
AtheistOfFail > ok?
AtheistOfFail > why?
Space Samuri > ... is this the wrong person?
AtheistOfFail > no, I know (ALT), but why?
Space Samuri > im his rl buddy.. I am maxd out in industrial
AtheistOfFail > did he say why?
AtheistOfFail > oh, I see.
AtheistOfFail > so what he did (ALT) want me to help you with?
Space Samuri > im firebuillding ship BPCs so I can buy a pvp char. he said you might be looking for some stuff at a discount (in that you just pay mineral price)
AtheistOfFail > what are you building so far?
Space Samuri > well I have a lot of t1 and faction stuff
Space Samuri > and I build certain capitals and t2
Space Samuri > I could list some off
Space Samuri > unless you're looking for particular stuff
AtheistOfFail > capitals are nice.
Space Samuri > lol yeah
Space Samuri > any in mind?
AtheistOfFail > carriers are pretty common
Space Samuri > I make archons and thannys
AtheistOfFail > cool.
Space Samuri > and orcas
AtheistOfFail > send me a list of your prices once you get squared away and I
AtheistOfFail > I'll see if I can lotto off some of your ships and pay you for them. I'll pay above market price.
Space Samuri > thannys and archons cost about 1.05bil in minerals so thats how muc those would cost
AtheistOfFail > that's pretty good.
AtheistOfFail > I generally pay my builders about 1.2b ISK each
Space Samuri > orca 565
Space Samuri > cool
Space Samuri > well just let me know if you're interested
AtheistOfFail > but those lotteries are often "cash option" so they have to hold the ship and hope the winner wants that ship instead :()
Space Samuri > lol?
AtheistOfFail > sounds like a plan, you've been added.
Space Samuri > im simply buildling these ships and selling. need to make quick isk
Space Samuri > thanks
Space Samuri > o/
AtheistOfFail > do you have a thanny right now?
Space Samuri > nah but I could start building one right now
Space Samuri > wouldn't take long
AtheistOfFail > well, my builder for lottery logged off. Put another one in the cooker, I'll lotto it off at 1.1b ISK
Space Samuri > lotto?
AtheistOfFail > yes.
Space Samuri > if you help wit hthe mins you can just have it for 1.05b
AtheistOfFail > Must Fight Harder. just sold out.
AtheistOfFail > so you're a good friend of (ALT) right? how much do you think you need for the minerals?
AtheistOfFail > cause I can put up a good deposit.
Space Samuri > would probably need 500 down
AtheistOfFail > that's pretty small.
Space Samuri > lol yeah we were school m8s
AtheistOfFail > school? what school did (ALT) go to?
AtheistOfFail > is it uni?

It was fun. He blocked me at the end.
Alduin666 Shikkoken
#791 - 2013-09-14 11:37:59 UTC
This one time . . . at gate camp . . .

Honor is a fools prize. [I]Glory is of no use to the dead.[/I]

Be a man! Post with your main! ~Vas'Avi Community Manager

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#792 - 2013-09-19 08:16:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane

It been a while and I got alot of stuff thaty has happened since I last posted. So might as well start back posting till about now.

I find myself in Yarebap listening to war targets in system after they lost their first barge in the war. I don’t smack in local so I idle at the undock waiting for 1 of the 15 docked to undock. I suddenly have a neutral in local sit at the undock challenging and daring me to shoot at him but refusing to accept my dueling request. He keep chest beating how I won’t shoot at him so the inevitable happens, I wardec them.

These guys stay docked and the person that dared me in the first place stays offline (go figure). 3 days later I noticed 4 account online and in space in Haatamo. I rush my recon that way and notice 3 Freighters in convoy moving towards amarr. No time to reship or refit with more points I head down the pipe from Kamio and catch my first freighter. Of course the rest dock up and log off.

Obelisk Kill

I get a message from the CEO

CEO – come to an agreement, we are miners. as if were going to fight back….
CK – That is up to you…
CK – Then you can kick this person for causing you trouble.
CEO – mind if i know how you were threatened?
CEO – making him leave corp is fine, what other requests are there?
CK – I just want isk…
CK – I don’t care what you do with him.
CK – I was busy with other people and he dared me to try and attack him. So I declared war to do so.
CEO – 100m then? 50m for the war, and 50m to make up for having to war.
CEO – Since due to the KM’s you’ve costed well over 1.5-2b of damages.
CK – I have had a lot smaller corps give me a lot more.
CK – Since 100mil is such a joke… I will continue the war.
CEO – fine 3 plex
CK – You have a deal

That right 3 PLEXES was contracted to me and I retracted the war.

Picture of the Contract

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

New Eden Tank Testing Services
#793 - 2013-09-19 08:25:28 UTC
Oh my goodness. That seriously tempts me to move to highsec...

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#794 - 2013-09-19 08:36:43 UTC
Lol Kane Nice story, Your babies.. I can haz?

P.S You might want to block out the name.... some people might view them as an easy target... What? why are you looking at me like that?
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#795 - 2013-09-19 08:37:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
As I normally do I War Dec another corp.

They are at HQ practicing and testing Tank/DPS before the war starts.

A couple of Battleships and a T3, with a lone Orca Pilot and his Alt mining at the belt while this goes on. The second the war starts I jump in and warp to the belt to kill the Mining Op.

Battleships and T3 dock the second I jumped in.

Mining Op Kill

I like 1 Bill Pods.

The Next day after a few more losses the CEO logs on and convos me so we agree to retract the war for 1 Bill.

I retract the war and and promptly after that. Same guys that lost his Orca warps another one to the belt to start mining.\

2nd Mining Op Kill

This time they were smart enough to warp the pods out.

I did not say I was going to stop shooting at them did I? The war has not ended yet. That takes 24 hours.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Liam Inkuras
Meta Reloaded
#796 - 2013-09-20 23:35:48 UTC

I wear my goggles at night.

Any spelling/grammatical errors come complimentary with my typing on a phone

Savnire Jacitu
Undead Retirement Crypt
#797 - 2013-09-25 17:54:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Savnire Jacitu
Had a change of pace a little while back.

I was sitting there, bloody dagger fresh from the back of the last corp I was in (cough) and found myself thinking, I don't want to do this anymore. So I put my pants back on, pushed aside my freshly nommed bowl of chili and began looking for a corp to help me on war deccing people.

After about a week I had a group of people that could do just that, a little rag tag, but hey, I'm no shining example of a stellar PVPer like the above Mr. Kane is. (I have a tiny Cannibal Kane nightlight statute that I keep by my bedside.) Anyways, getting off topic. So there we were, guided by the lance of our cocks, we went forward into war with some random corp that look liked the deserved it.

I was running the show for the most part, having been blown up the most and on off chance blow up others the most. Day one played out slow, the corp we decced was showing us the size of their wallets by flying around the largest and most shiny ships they could afford. Playing the smart card, I thought it best to not charge into the faction battleship fleet with a t3 and a few cruisers. So we waited. And watched. The targets were getting nasty in local, with shouts of our receding shlongs and tiny hair lines(possible miss quote) but they were met with beautiful silence. Rule one, no talking to them. Cause I said so. Unless the offer money to leave them alone. So day one was slow, but we eventually found someone who was mining. In the war zone. In the same system that their main fleet was....hmmmm. Nuke one miner(kill mail not found??????)

So day one closes. A slow day, but I expected this. On to day two.

IS THAT A NAVY SCORPION WITH FRIGATE SUPPORT?!?!?!! Yes. ****. Don't yell in my ear like that. Killed the frig-twice but the scorpion showed great skill in docking up and trash talking us from behind station walls.

Then a maller
Oh and a drake.

And some other **** that I can't find mails too. but what ever, the kills were small timey **** that wasn't much to look at. After pretty much the first few days, they refused to do anything but play station games in there pirate faction battleships. Closed out the week with about a bil + in damages and no loses on our side not bad for a first time event, but really all in all the kills in the war weren't that much to look at, it was some of the other things happened that were pretty funny.

First we had an alt in their corp so we could track them better. They had a idea of this, closed in on....on the wrong guy and kicked some random member. That was pretty funny. Half way through the war, we got contacted by one of their newer members....who was an AWOXer (hugs and kisses to that person) who gave us the location of a miner. Who was the one from the first kill mail. Who we killed again. Day later one of the guys we were actually able to recruit onto our side. He gave us the location of that guy again. Who we killed. Again. Still wish I could of posted the kill of that vindi loaded with dead space gear or that navy scorpion both of which always few within inches of the station.

May not be the most thrill of stories, but I hope to have better ones to come.

Taiko Igunen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#798 - 2013-09-25 19:20:17 UTC
Savnire Jacitu wrote:
Still wish I could of posted the kill of that vindi loaded with dead space gear or that navy scorpion both of which always few within inches of the station.

Lossboard of your wartarget. Seems like they lost that Vindi after all. (:

Here's to you, here's to me, friends forever we will be ... and if we ever disagree, f*** you, and here's to me. Cheers!

CCP, give us open pvp: Distress Calls

Savnire Jacitu
Undead Retirement Crypt
#799 - 2013-09-25 19:51:02 UTC
Taiko Igunen wrote:
Savnire Jacitu wrote:
Still wish I could of posted the kill of that vindi loaded with dead space gear or that navy scorpion both of which always few within inches of the station.

Lossboard of your wartarget. Seems like they lost that Vindi after all. (:

HAHAHAH! I was just looking through it and burst out laughing when I saw it. Just too good, bet there is a good story as too why. Glad someone got that loot bag

Anne McDonald
Sandman are here
#800 - 2013-09-26 23:06:27 UTC
Savnire Jacitu wrote:
Taiko Igunen wrote:
Savnire Jacitu wrote:
Still wish I could of posted the kill of that vindi loaded with dead space gear or that navy scorpion both of which always few within inches of the station.

Lossboard of your wartarget. Seems like they lost that Vindi after all. (:

HAHAHAH! I was just looking through it and burst out laughing when I saw it. Just too good, bet there is a good story as too why. Glad someone got that loot bag

Judging from the mail he got suicide ganked which makes that 10x funnier, he is a fool. Cool story +1