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The Pirate Story Thread

First post First post
Kane the Black
#501 - 2012-09-05 09:17:07 UTC
I used to be a carebear miner when I started out in EVE. But after about a month it seriously started to do my head in. If you look too long at asteroids, they will eventually start talking back to you, which can never be a good sign...or it could have been the rum, I dunno. While sitting semi-afk in the belt or in station, I spent time reading things about PvP and particularly pirating in the forums. Especially the stories in this tread amused me. I was pi-curious, so to say. Blink

Into the second month I made the decision, and created this character to start causing trouble. To prevent I would ever fall back into my carebear ways, I carefully biomassed my now former main. I concluded sitting in an asteroid belt after working hours is not how this game is to be played. I got myself a Rifter, read a ton of guides, tips, websites, fits, watched videos, name it. Figured I would go out there and just...well, cause trouble.

I got my first luck while cleaning up an asteroid belt of yellow wrecks. The owner did not agree with it and sent his drones after me. As a proper pirate, I shot him into hull damage, opened convo and requested him to recall his drones so we could negotiate a ransom - 50% off the price of a Retriever is always sweet if you just start your criminal career. He did not reply me, although he did recall drones. On overview his corpmate warped into the belt to save him. Too late. His supposedly savior followed soon after.

I will summarize the brunt of my newbie experiences as flipping cans, popping haulers and causing general grief (1)(2)(3). Went into lowsec and found a Rokh sitting in a belt. I saw a video of a Rifter taking one out solo. I knew it could take ages, but hey, you learn by trying. His drones shredded me quickly, teaching me to stay away.

With my character being barely two weeks old, I was D-scanning in lowsec. Found a Caracal who was above me in space. With no celestial bodies there, I concluded it must have been a mission or complex runner. My probes locked onto him. I had switched to a Thrasher after solo killing Dagan in it for the SoE epic arch. I warped in at 160km distance, pushed my Thrasher into max speed to catch up. I found the Caracal happily flying from wreck to wreck, collecting his meager rewards from his mission, entirely oblivious of my presence. I locked on and made him aware. I got my first pod with him, too - to my own surprise. Again, he did not reply to my ransoming request, so I had to give my security status another beating. The poor sod was a newbie, but so was I.

Feeling slightly overconfident, I continued roaming lowsec. Came across a much older player sitting around in a complex. I went for him, and again, and again. Maybe it was the rum, but I couldn't figure out why he kept coming back in bigger and bigger boats. I finally caught his pod the third time and made sure he wouldn't come back a fourth. I have to admit his Stabber nearly got me. With only 20% hull left, he only needed one more shot to put me back in reality. Later he messaged me, saying he wanted to practice his PvP skills, hence he kept coming back.

Inspired by the big boys in this thread, this is my start of a so far wonderful pirating career.

Combat Boosters for sale -

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#502 - 2012-09-05 10:22:08 UTC
Kane the Black wrote:
I used to be a carebear miner when I started out in EVE. But after about a month it seriously started to do my head in. If you look too long at asteroids, they will eventually start talking back to you, which can never be a good sign...or it could have been the rum, I dunno. While sitting semi-afk in the belt or in station, I spent time reading things about PvP and particularly pirating in the forums. Especially the stories in this tread amused me. I was pi-curious, so to say. Blink

Into the second month I made the decision, and created this character to start causing trouble. To prevent I would ever fall back into my carebear ways, I carefully biomassed my now former main. I concluded sitting in an asteroid belt after working hours is not how this game is to be played. I got myself a Rifter, read a ton of guides, tips, websites, fits, watched videos, name it. Figured I would go out there and just...well, cause trouble.

I got my first luck while cleaning up an asteroid belt of yellow wrecks. The owner did not agree with it and sent his drones after me. As a proper pirate, I shot him into hull damage, opened convo and requested him to recall his drones so we could negotiate a ransom - 50% off the price of a Retriever is always sweet if you just start your criminal career. He did not reply me, although he did recall drones. On overview his corpmate warped into the belt to save him. Too late. His supposedly savior followed soon after.

I will summarize the brunt of my newbie experiences as flipping cans, popping haulers and causing general grief (1)(2)(3). Went into lowsec and found a Rokh sitting in a belt. I saw a video of a Rifter taking one out solo. I knew it could take ages, but hey, you learn by trying. His drones shredded me quickly, teaching me to stay away.

With my character being barely two weeks old, I was D-scanning in lowsec. Found a Caracal who was above me in space. With no celestial bodies there, I concluded it must have been a mission or complex runner. My probes locked onto him. I had switched to a Thrasher after solo killing Dagan in it for the SoE epic arch. I warped in at 160km distance, pushed my Thrasher into max speed to catch up. I found the Caracal happily flying from wreck to wreck, collecting his meager rewards from his mission, entirely oblivious of my presence. I locked on and made him aware. I got my first pod with him, too - to my own surprise. Again, he did not reply to my ransoming request, so I had to give my security status another beating. The poor sod was a newbie, but so was I.

Feeling slightly overconfident, I continued roaming lowsec. Came across a much older player sitting around in a complex. I went for him, and again, and again. Maybe it was the rum, but I couldn't figure out why he kept coming back in bigger and bigger boats. I finally caught his pod the third time and made sure he wouldn't come back a fourth. I have to admit his Stabber nearly got me. With only 20% hull left, he only needed one more shot to put me back in reality. Later he messaged me, saying he wanted to practice his PvP skills, hence he kept coming back.

Inspired by the big boys in this thread, this is my start of a so far wonderful pirating career.


No Worries

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#503 - 2012-09-05 12:13:50 UTC
Welcome Kane the Black. Kill them all!

Sith1s Spectre
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#504 - 2012-09-05 21:47:08 UTC
Kane the Black wrote:
I used to be a carebear miner when I started out in EVE. But after about a month it seriously started to do my head in. If you look too long at asteroids, they will eventually start talking back to you, which can never be a good sign...or it could have been the rum, I dunno. While sitting semi-afk in the belt or in station, I spent time reading things about PvP and particularly pirating in the forums. Especially the stories in this tread amused me. I was pi-curious, so to say. Blink

Into the second month I made the decision, and created this character to start causing trouble. To prevent I would ever fall back into my carebear ways, I carefully biomassed my now former main. I concluded sitting in an asteroid belt after working hours is not how this game is to be played. I got myself a Rifter, read a ton of guides, tips, websites, fits, watched videos, name it. Figured I would go out there and just...well, cause trouble.

I got my first luck while cleaning up an asteroid belt of yellow wrecks. The owner did not agree with it and sent his drones after me. As a proper pirate, I shot him into hull damage, opened convo and requested him to recall his drones so we could negotiate a ransom - 50% off the price of a Retriever is always sweet if you just start your criminal career. He did not reply me, although he did recall drones. On overview his corpmate warped into the belt to save him. Too late. His supposedly savior followed soon after.

I will summarize the brunt of my newbie experiences as flipping cans, popping haulers and causing general grief (1)(2)(3). Went into lowsec and found a Rokh sitting in a belt. I saw a video of a Rifter taking one out solo. I knew it could take ages, but hey, you learn by trying. His drones shredded me quickly, teaching me to stay away.

With my character being barely two weeks old, I was D-scanning in lowsec. Found a Caracal who was above me in space. With no celestial bodies there, I concluded it must have been a mission or complex runner. My probes locked onto him. I had switched to a Thrasher after solo killing Dagan in it for the SoE epic arch. I warped in at 160km distance, pushed my Thrasher into max speed to catch up. I found the Caracal happily flying from wreck to wreck, collecting his meager rewards from his mission, entirely oblivious of my presence. I locked on and made him aware. I got my first pod with him, too - to my own surprise. Again, he did not reply to my ransoming request, so I had to give my security status another beating. The poor sod was a newbie, but so was I.

Feeling slightly overconfident, I continued roaming lowsec. Came across a much older player sitting around in a complex. I went for him, and again, and again. Maybe it was the rum, but I couldn't figure out why he kept coming back in bigger and bigger boats. I finally caught his pod the third time and made sure he wouldn't come back a fourth. I have to admit his Stabber nearly got me. With only 20% hull left, he only needed one more shot to put me back in reality. Later he messaged me, saying he wanted to practice his PvP skills, hence he kept coming back.

Inspired by the big boys in this thread, this is my start of a so far wonderful pirating career.

Welcome to where the real fun of eve is :) Shooting people is much more fun than rocks :P

Resident forum troll and fashion consultant

Sharon Eskolde
Madz Crusaders
#505 - 2012-09-06 20:15:18 UTC
I'm loving this thread.

I *really* need to spend more time in my Rifter in lowsec. Being normally risk-averse I prefer to have a large warchest before engaging in PvP, but I'm getting the distinct impression that it'd be more fun the other way...

Ganking: an essential part of everyone's EVE experience.

Kane the Black
#506 - 2012-09-06 21:11:14 UTC
Sharon Eskolde wrote:
I'm loving this thread.

I *really* need to spend more time in my Rifter in lowsec. Being normally risk-averse I prefer to have a large warchest before engaging in PvP, but I'm getting the distinct impression that it'd be more fun the other way...

A human's sense of survival, or that of any other intelligent organism, comes out finest when it finds itself on the edge. Blink

Combat Boosters for sale -

psycho freak
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#507 - 2012-09-08 08:34:14 UTC
nice one lads some epic posts

i can only post tears from my toons bios and tbh cant rember most 90%drunk 5%stoned 5%crazy in my eve life but il post few

Delros > this is why i quited eve a few times

curare9 > Mweh we didnt want that domi anyway

Optivus Slysonn > i though i had help with a corp mate but hes pussy

Kacion > are you going to kill me too?

darkfuntime > you guys will be replacing my ship or you will be kicked

Stephanie Wrentworth > damnit psycho freak stop chasing me across the galaxy
El'Drarak I will pay

Karees > **** off

Troueurqc > **** you

Dirty Looks > ts cry fagot u noob get it right

westefer yay i get to die today

Artthass and wy u guyz blow my ******* ship up

Artthass thanks ***** i have your names i wiil hunt u down until i wil puck

Bluemanze you guys are about to get ******

oblivion183 please let me go

oblivion183 its my missh=ion ship[

oblivion183 i promise ill give you the mods

Leon Gillis i didnt have a chance

Dakkar Condor > you fkin ****

Zeter Goldhart > who blew up ma ship ya ****

Kal Boyd im on a ******* trial and thanks to you cunts im not buying this game

wish i could rember most the fights but lol

but anyways your post are awsome im now makeing a empire war dec corp for 2 of my alts and wil give it a go for lulz

keep up good work guys

kill em all av fun

my spelling sux brb find phone number for someone who gives a fu*k

nop cant find it

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#508 - 2012-09-08 19:57:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Mulgen
my first ever tears

this entire conversation happened in mails for some insane reason (he declined every convo but kept talking in mails...)

i cut everything out but the actual conversation to make it more easy to read

what happen was i flipped his can in a rifter, he attacked and i popped his retriever

what is your ******* deal
Sent: 2010.06.27 13:15
To: Mulgen,

Reply: well, i had a can with ore in it and you stole it from can't expect me to not defend my jetcan can you?

Him: you piece of **** you stole them from me

Me: i simply decided to pick stuff up i found floating through space, obviously it was not important or you would not have jetcaned it

Him: ya know - you're a *** for bending the rules of eve, but good game you ******

Me: can you specify how exactly i was bending the rules of eve?

Him: let me ask you a question are you gonna reimburse me for the 10 mil you cost me? If not, then dont bother questioning me

Me: sure i will reimburse you, the isk is in a jetcan in the belt

Him: wow you must think i am a complete ******* idiot - although I am new to the game i'm not stupid.

Me: well sorry to say, yes i assumed you were quite stupid when you asked me to reimburse you when you stole my ore in the first place

Him: buddy do yourself a favor and eat a sloppy ****

same time he sent the last one, he also blocked me lol
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#509 - 2012-09-11 08:36:42 UTC
So I finally caved....

Lowered myself to started a blog type thing to post my stories and vids. I will be filling the more memorable stories from this thread to the blog in the next couple of days.

And then add some new ones of things that happened since my last post in the pirate thread.

I have also bought myself a new gaming laptop for EVE so those that have the need to criticize something can send me mail so I can break in my laptops new delete key.

Blog Link:
The Kane Madness

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Rita May
State War Academy
Caldari State
#510 - 2012-09-11 20:25:27 UTC
hm, getting a 403 on that link?
Kane the Black
#511 - 2012-09-11 23:14:27 UTC
Rita May wrote:
hm, getting a 403 on that link?

Combat Boosters for sale -

Powers Sa
#512 - 2012-09-12 03:02:16 UTC
This one month my pirate/bounty special interest group blew up 622bil in freighters and jump freighters.

Do you like winning t2 frigs and dictors for Dirt Cheap?

Remeber: Gambling addiction is no laughing matter unless you've lost a vast space fortune on the internet.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#513 - 2012-09-12 14:40:30 UTC
Powers Sa wrote:
This one month my pirate/bounty special interest group blew up 622bil in freighters and jump freighters.

Proof or it didn't happen.....
Caldari State
#514 - 2012-09-12 20:27:30 UTC
Powers Sa wrote:
This one month my pirate/bounty special interest group blew up 622bil in freighters and jump freighters.

one strat cruiser and a pos in august, everything else was bs or smaller. love the 200-person mails, dawg.

i make spreadsheets for pretty cheap. contact me for more info.

Ristlin Wakefield
Amarr Empire
#515 - 2012-09-12 20:52:12 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
So I finally caved....

Lowered myself to started a blog type thing to post my stories and vids. I will be filling the more memorable stories from this thread to the blog in the next couple of days.

And then add some new ones of things that happened since my last post in the pirate thread.

I have also bought myself a new gaming laptop for EVE so those that have the need to criticize something can send me mail so I can break in my laptops new delete key.

Blog Link:
The Kane Madness

You are going through the web 2.0/tech Kane phase right now. Judging from the signs, I believe the next phase will either be emo Kane or hipster Kane.

If you start finding yourself posting blog updates in a coffee shop with a name that isn't trademarked, be worried. Those are early signs of a hipster.

I have a lover, her name is EVE. I see her every night and all she asks in return is that I have a pilot's license.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#516 - 2012-09-13 08:01:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
Ristlin Wakefield wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:
So I finally caved....

Lowered myself to started a blog type thing to post my stories and vids. I will be filling the more memorable stories from this thread to the blog in the next couple of days.

And then add some new ones of things that happened since my last post in the pirate thread.

I have also bought myself a new gaming laptop for EVE so those that have the need to criticize something can send me mail so I can break in my laptops new delete key.

Blog Link:
The Kane Madness

You are going through the web 2.0/tech Kane phase right now. Judging from the signs, I believe the next phase will either be emo Kane or hipster Kane.

If you start finding yourself posting blog updates in a coffee shop with a name that isn't trademarked, be worried. Those are early signs of a hipster.

Went through all that a long time ago. It's called puberty... in any event I don't want to continually spam this thread. And with others asking me to do I did.

The trick now.... is keeping it up to date.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

No permit No tax No problem
#517 - 2012-09-14 23:04:13 UTC  |  Edited by: waxx25
One of my favorite recent ganks, there is no chat log but its ok.
I live in black rise where I kill ships and pods.....people call me a pirate but I disagree, I just pvp indiscriminately.
In the last couple weeks I have seen a fw f*g named 'mean fooker' fly around in a dramiel, I have been unsuccessful in killing him except couple times when he flew into my sb typhoon (always fun there). Then this last week, we begin a classic highsec gate camp.
Out of comes mean fooker.....who is now part of a navy mega........10sec later our highsec eyes d scan a 10man bs fleet wih 4 guardians behind them.........what do they think we are noobs. So we dock up and think. In the meantime mean fooker jumps in and docks with us.
We know he is here for us since we podded all his implants and caused havoc for his fw career, we fly shiny juicy ships and are all mean -10 pirates, and goons dont come by regularly(obviously he reportd about some nasty pirates he wants revenge on who have nice shis to kill). We dont have the numbers to engage the fleet ...BUT...and yes its a big but......we can always play station games with them. So we come up with a stupid plan, Two members from different corps (who needs alliances) undock in fat, juicy bs, and aggress each other at undock. I personally said 'this is stupid and will never work but f*ck it, ill be in the carrier'. so they do this, one of them even types in local 'get him he is aggressed at undock'. Against all odds mean fooker undocks in his navy mega and yellowboxes both the aggressed make it look real we told them to go to at least 50% armor. Then like a total moron he aggresses the losing bs of the 'fight'......our highsec eyes tell us that their fleet is in highsec on gate waiting.........I say 'unfu*king dock overload guns and kill'. We undocked 2 more bs (baddon and mega and my triple remote rep eccm thanny). By the kill report we find he had slaves set and legion boosts, he went down right as his fleet landed on station. They emoed, they raged, they called us low life scum and tried to get us to undock. It wasnt the best kill but the fact we baited the bait and he was a goon(now) made it sweet.......never heard of somene falling for such obvious bait. i salute you noobs across eve. oh yea km
Caldari State
#518 - 2012-09-18 18:28:27 UTC
don't know which is better, the story or that fit XD

i make spreadsheets for pretty cheap. contact me for more info.

No permit No tax No problem
#519 - 2012-09-19 06:40:59 UTC  |  Edited by: waxx25
Here is another funny one.
Several days ago a lone Golem jumped into low and managed to get passed us after several attempts at tackle. He ran back to high sec. Yesterday I log on......I just lost my 2bil vindicator the previous day, no great kills to speak of, my friend from different alliance telling me how i missed an Archon kill by 20mins.......wasn't the best day of my EVE career. So as usual I begin to wander around see what is going on in the area with my alt while my main sits in a sb Typhoon. Out of nowhere, within 10min of me logging in, the same Golem jumps in....I ofcourse run as fast as I can in my Typhoon to reship. Meanwhile my alt goes to the next gate he was headed and sat there in my Vigilant......Vigilant is set for long scram/web and heavy tank. He jumps in holds cloak, gives me enough time for my main to reship to Oneiros. He decloakes 17km from me, fack, too far for my non boosted 14km scram. MWD overloaded and burn for him.......scram/90% web. I mess up leave my mwd on and he engages back, Oneiros jumps into system when the Vigilant is at 15% armor. Once that happens it's wam bam thank you mam. Here is the km . Got his pod too. He wasn't fitted great but man, for a Cruiser on Maurader fight it was one of my more epic kills.Thx for reading, post some of your guy's stories, I like to read them when the pvp gets slow. he also sent me this mail afterwards :) feel free to translate for yourself.
From: Winitu
Sent: 2012.09.18 14:47
To: Griggs117,

В прошлый раз я от тебя ушел. теперь ты дотянулся :)
Ну ничего поксчитаемся когда нибудь :)
Caldari State
#520 - 2012-09-20 21:08:53 UTC
"The last time I went away from you. Now you reached :)
Well, nothing pokschitaemsya ever :)" (google translate)

i believe that's "nothing lasts forever" - wait, a carebear without an unhealthy attraction to their internet spaceship? IMPOSSIBLE.

i make spreadsheets for pretty cheap. contact me for more info.