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The Pirate Story Thread

First post First post
Moirai Muerte
Gallente Federation
#461 - 2012-08-02 08:58:44 UTC
I am new to pvp only created this character about 6 days ago so these will improve!

I was flying around flipping some cans not getting any interest, generally being ignored..

I returned to a belt I had already visited and there was a condor sitting in the belt showing red, He had flipped a can set next to a retriever that I had flipped earlier, So Heart pounding for my first fight I engaged.

At first I noticed the character age and thought I would be dead on the spot, but after I looked at the fit!!!

Anyway I also lost an incursus earlier as I warped back into a belt while talking to my gf and being passed an ice cream, Only to notice that I was being engaged by a Thorax, before I closed the range and started disrupting his tracking he had me down to 50% of structure after that I managed to get him into half armour before he decided to pull away from me (not sure what happened to be honest I was thinking I was dead at first then was convinced I was going to win before a flash of light and back in my pod)

I will be back and the mails will improve.......
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#462 - 2012-08-02 10:48:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
Awesome stuff.

Keep it up. I always said your never to young to start and Character age does not matter.

If the Thorax pilot knew what he was doing his drones alone would have kept you from getting through his shields.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#463 - 2012-08-02 11:16:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
OK so no kills, but for the past week or two this space poor pirate wallet was getting low and low to me was 1.2billion.

All my isk sits in my ships and items. I never need to go to Jita since that place is horrible.

Don't worry. I won't do this to any of you fine C&P folk. This is my home and you do not **** on your front doorstep.

I started watching the Merc Chat channel for people who is looking for people to attack others. Now I have tried being a merc and I was rather successful but the thought of declaring war against people I did not to have a war against did not sit right with me. Even for the isk and the grovelling to clients hoping you would get something extra.... BAH!

As people talked I would send them an email asking very nicely if they have been assisted, adding my cost and a magical % that needs to be paid upfront. Backed up by a personal KB that has more kills than some merc corp put together it was as simple as taking candy from a baby.

In less than a week my wallet sat at over 4 Bil, and today it is just under 10bil. For very little effort you can make alot of isk and that is always my plan to keep my playing. Now as stated earlier some people I will never scam since I might have friends in that corp, or I know them. Newb Corps I will not scam since I actually help them for free if people are bugging them.

When the "clients" ask for an update I send them this.

So far the guys find it extremely funny and reply with a llol or haha, "good one" after I send it that picture. It is nice not receiving any Tears and I prefer not to receive any since Tears are overrated.

Why share this since people will know... People already know, being banned from the Merc Channel does not stop me. There are always new faces asking for help.

So in short... almost 9bil pilfered.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

The Black Shell
#464 - 2012-08-02 20:34:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Reppyk
Cannibal Kane wrote:
People already know, being banned from the Merc Channel does not stop me. There are always new faces asking for help.
You're a bad kitty !
Well, now people should learn why there is a goddamn merc list in that goddamn channel. Lol


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

Samoth Egnoled
Caldari Provisions
#465 - 2012-08-03 17:57:28 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
OK so no kills, but for the past week or two this space poor pirate wallet was getting low and low to me was 1.2billion.

All my isk sits in my ships and items. I never need to go to Jita since that place is horrible.

Don't worry. I won't do this to any of you fine C&P folk. This is my home and you do not **** on your front doorstep.

I started watching the Merc Chat channel for people who is looking for people to attack others. Now I have tried being a merc and I was rather successful but the thought of declaring war against people I did not to have a war against did not sit right with me. Even for the isk and the grovelling to clients hoping you would get something extra.... BAH!

As people talked I would send them an email asking very nicely if they have been assisted, adding my cost and a magical % that needs to be paid upfront. Backed up by a personal KB that has more kills than some merc corp put together it was as simple as taking candy from a baby.

In less than a week my wallet sat at over 4 Bil, and today it is just under 10bil. For very little effort you can make alot of isk and that is always my plan to keep my playing. Now as stated earlier some people I will never scam since I might have friends in that corp, or I know them. Newb Corps I will not scam since I actually help them for free if people are bugging them.

When the "clients" ask for an update I send them this.

So far the guys find it extremely funny and reply with a llol or haha, "good one" after I send it that picture. It is nice not receiving any Tears and I prefer not to receive any since Tears are overrated.

Why share this since people will know... People already know, being banned from the Merc Channel does not stop me. There are always new faces asking for help.

So in short... almost 9bil pilfered.

You sir are a horrible human being, I salute you
Taklin Adump
#466 - 2012-08-08 18:45:45 UTC
Not my story, but suitable for this thread:

if you can't laugh at the last track you shouldn't be reading this thread.
EPIC tears on TS.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#467 - 2012-08-08 20:36:35 UTC
Taklin Adump wrote:
Not my story, but suitable for this thread:

if you can't laugh at the last track you shouldn't be reading this thread.
EPIC tears on TS.


Saw and heard that. For a moment it sounding the guy was holding back some pretty big crocodile tears. But he took that loss way to serous.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Riemannian Manifold Torus
#468 - 2012-08-09 01:38:38 UTC
Serious Tears and my response

From: (Omitted)
Sent: 2012.08.08 15:43
To: Tanaraq,

You Ass-Wipe...I'm Paraplegic..had my spine severed in an accident. Yesterday my nurse had just shown up along with my daughter and 4yr old grandson...I play this game to help people...not to get into 4-year old grandson came into the computer room with a Squirt gun[which is not allowed] and started squirting it...I turned around in my wheelchair and started to scold him when all of a sudden my 2 dogs started female is in heat, just as I told them to settle down, I hear my grandson say "Here PaaPaa, let me help you" I turned around just in time to see the screen change and all I saw was my cargo floating in space.[my grandson has watched me play this game for several months and knew how to click on the yellow "undock" button....I was at that station doing some work....I wasn't even planning on leaving there for at least 2 hours, I was so angry that I kicked my daughter and grandson outta the house...lucky for me, my daughter is stubborn and came back last night. I don't play this game to fight, and if you don't believe me..go look at my record...I play to help people, and yesterday your actions[along in concert with my grandson's] cost me my reputation with some very inportant people....I don't care about the money, I'm glad that you are so happy about the Kill-Mail, I guess I would be too. But the Mining Ship BPo's and BPC"s were EVERYTHING to ME.....all of the rest was stuff that was in a bulk contract. Not having those Mackinaw and Hulk BPC"s cost me dearly.....So suffice to say, when you are least expecting it...your day will come when something that matters to you, maybe someone you care about, or going to be Violently taken away from could be in the game, or not...but know this, Karma is a *****....especially in R.L. Good luck, and hope you don't have to move anytime soon from where you're staying at...heh heh....

Your Recent loss
From: Thryson
Sent: 2012.08.09 00:55
To: (Omitted)

Dear Sir,

I have read your recent Eve mails addressed to my close friend Tanaraq, I must say that this worries me deeply. How could someone in your position possibly be taken advantage of, the mere thought of treating you like any other person in this game is shocking. I too feel that should I have a disability everyone would be not only expected to know my name, but step aside for me and make serious concessions to accommodate my simple mistakes.

I can assure you that from the deepest, darkest recesses of my heart I have only empathy for you. Sit at ease my friend and trust that serious and drastic measures will be taken against this “Neo-N-zi” mentality. I have taken the liberty of creating a new level of corporate contacts with the label of “High Rollers” and you will be the first added to this group, benefits will include but are not limited to:
-Strange looks from people in crowded local chat
-Better spaceship parking
-Renaming our holding corp to “Disability Office” where you can collect a monthly ISK payment
-A reconstruction of our local Space station to allow easier access

But you sir should take a stand against the serious nature of these transgressions, rise up from the chair of oppression and mount a full on foot-offensive against the people that dare to walk all over you.

In the immortal words of CCP’s complaint department; “Best wishes, and a speedy recovery”

Caldari State
#469 - 2012-08-09 13:30:27 UTC
you should totally report that para guy for OOG threats. i think he clearly said he's climbing into your windows and snatchin your people up.

edit: that is, if he could climb.

i make spreadsheets for pretty cheap. contact me for more info.

Pix Severus
Empty You
#470 - 2012-08-09 14:28:33 UTC
Wingmate wrote:
you should totally report that para guy for OOG threats. i think he clearly said he's climbing into your windows and snatchin your people up.

edit: that is, if he could climb.

That's what I thought too, regarding this part of his mail:

Karma is a *****....especially in R.L. Good luck, and hope you don't have to move anytime soon from where you're staying at...heh heh....

However, a new sentence starts from "Good luck" and he could just claim that he was referring to moving from his current home system in-game.

Although I do believe his intention was a (rather pathetic) real-life threat, it's hard to prove due to the way he wrote it.

MTU Hunter: Latest Entry - June 12 2017 - Vocal Local 5

MTU Hunting 101: Comprehensive Guide

The Dresdeneers
#471 - 2012-08-09 16:50:46 UTC
Thryson wrote:

Read this on the original thread. Loved it then, still do now.

It's so ridiculously over-the-top that he's either honestly a paraplegic, or totally batshit insane.
Riemannian Manifold Torus
#472 - 2012-08-10 01:16:57 UTC
Yeah I posted it but did not read the rules lol we heard back from him today, its not quite as funny however he did by back all his BPO's
Tah'ris Khlador
Space Ghosts.
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#473 - 2012-08-13 03:17:38 UTC
So I haven't posted in here for a while, but this guy was just golden. This war target has died multiple times to my enyo. He lost a hurricane, harbinger, and Pod.

Dumb WT > i hope you brought a lunchUncleBourbon > cause im tired of your annoying azz
Tah'ris Khlador > What does that mean, exactly?
Dumb WT > IT means your ENYO

He then proceeded to undock and Autopilot his pod to the neighboring station.

Today, I found him salvaging **** in a mission with a coercer. No kills but the chat was hilarious...

Dumb WT > oh its my favorite asswipe :D
Tah'ris Khlador > Your favorite? Aww
Tah'ris Khlador > I take it your friends are letting you salvage your mission so you can afford to fly terrible ships again?
Dumb WT > lol
Dumb WT > 1st mistake: You thinking I'm broke.
Tah'ris Khlador > You're in a coercer gathering **** in a mission
Dumb WT > 2nd mistake: Thinking I don't have other ships to fly.
Dumb WT > your point?
Dumb WT > providing anti frig support
Tah'ris Khlador > lol
Dumb WT > you can believe what you want.
Dumb WT > I could care less
Tah'ris Khlador > you've been doing so well with the anti-frig thing lately
Dumb WT > you're lukcy i didn't have a scram on you mwd whore
Dumb WT > only reason you popped me
Tah'ris Khlador > I don't have a MWD on that fit
Dumb WT > yea okay thats why two stasis webs...
Dumb WT > didn't slow you down one bit
Tah'ris Khlador > I had an AB going
Dumb WT > mkkkk
Tah'ris Khlador > only prop I can fit with a long point
Dumb WT > which between two WEBS
Dumb WT > you dumbazz
Tah'ris Khlador > lol you're stupid
Tah'ris Khlador > Leggo My Enyo (my fit with a AB)
Dumb WT > and let's see two webs reducing that velocity to about 35 percent
Dumb WT > k
Tah'ris Khlador > actually, I hacked my ship
Tah'ris Khlador > made it so webs don't affect it
Dumb WT > wouldn't put it past you for trash like you
Dumb WT > but then again you're probably too dumb to
Tah'ris Khlador > lol

Member of the Pink Pony Killboard Padding Alliance

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#474 - 2012-08-13 18:50:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
It's been a while since I actually posted a really decent kill here.

It has been a while since I used my Vengeance which is my fav ship in the game.

First system I check i see a Covetor with a can. I set warp and quickly flip them. Normally i would not expect anything, but he lock me and set his drones on me.


At this point I am about to warp out when he land in a Raven and start shooting at me. I tackle and kill his drones, his dps is unable to break my passive recharge on my Vengeance, but at the same time. i am unable to break his tank since he was active tanked.. even it was horrible.

I got on the bat phone and got somebody to bring me atleast a drake so i can jump over and kill this guy.

Hence the massive damage done to him.


In another system I am cruising around in my Vengeance when i notice a cormarant mining and a Cynabal next to him from the same corp. I head over to the can and flip everything. Cynabal pilot engages and I quickly realise that he does not know how to use that ship. No MWD but AB so my scram is useless and he quickly get range. I head out in the other direction hoping he losses scram and he does.

So I warp away... check directional he is still there. I jump one system out where I have my Cynabal, jump back in to system and bloody hell he is still there on directional. I warp in tackle and quickly make short work of him.


Once again.. I forgot to press record. This was my first Cynabal kill.


Did not know a Gila can tank like that.

Thorax Loss:

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Ristlin Wakefield
Amarr Empire
#475 - 2012-08-13 20:56:56 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
OK so no kills, but for the past week or two this space poor pirate wallet was getting low and low to me was 1.2billion.

All my isk sits in my ships and items. I never need to go to Jita since that place is horrible.

Don't worry. I won't do this to any of you fine C&P folk. This is my home and you do not **** on your front doorstep.

I started watching the Merc Chat channel for people who is looking for people to attack others. Now I have tried being a merc and I was rather successful but the thought of declaring war against people I did not to have a war against did not sit right with me. Even for the isk and the grovelling to clients hoping you would get something extra.... BAH!

As people talked I would send them an email asking very nicely if they have been assisted, adding my cost and a magical % that needs to be paid upfront. Backed up by a personal KB that has more kills than some merc corp put together it was as simple as taking candy from a baby.

In less than a week my wallet sat at over 4 Bil, and today it is just under 10bil. For very little effort you can make alot of isk and that is always my plan to keep my playing. Now as stated earlier some people I will never scam since I might have friends in that corp, or I know them. Newb Corps I will not scam since I actually help them for free if people are bugging them.

When the "clients" ask for an update I send them this.

So far the guys find it extremely funny and reply with a llol or haha, "good one" after I send it that picture. It is nice not receiving any Tears and I prefer not to receive any since Tears are overrated.

Why share this since people will know... People already know, being banned from the Merc Channel does not stop me. There are always new faces asking for help.

So in short... almost 9bil pilfered.

Haha, to think I was so close to actually hiring you. But it bothered me having to turn to someone else to solve my problems, so we never ended up going through with it. Nice job though, looks like others weren't so lucky Lol

I have a lover, her name is EVE. I see her every night and all she asks in return is that I have a pilot's license.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#476 - 2012-08-14 05:24:33 UTC
Ristlin Wakefield wrote:

Haha, to think I was so close to actually hiring you. But it bothered me having to turn to someone else to solve my problems, so we never ended up going through with it. Nice job though, looks like others weren't so lucky Lol

I don't do that to everybody. Just yesterday I accepted a job that pays from somebody.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Lady Thanatos
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#477 - 2012-08-15 08:16:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Thanatos
Buddy of mine have been roaming providence for a short while and been receiving incredibly good isk for our work. I probe and he brings the heat (we both are flying proteuses)

We find a double maelstrom and domi Missioning.

I probe them down and warp both of us to their location.

When we enter their mission (they are practically done and we believe they had been waiting for us). We grab point on maelstrom closest to us and his RR domi friend, and begin the fight. The other mael was around 40K from us and began laying into my proteus hard. However, five seconds after I uncloak a hound decloaks close by; drops a bomb, and begins shelling my hull as well; so now I have 4 ships attacking my buffer fit proteus.

I send my drones to kill the hound (which does not warp off by the way); and manage to kill him, bare in mind we have not moved either of our points off of the original dominix and maelstrom.

As we down the first maelstrom and proceed to melt through his RR domi, the second maelstrom bails on his friends and returns to station. While we are finishing off the dominix and preparing to loot both wrecks. The second maelstrom comes back in a myrmidon and the first maelstrom pilot in a hurricane.

At this point in the fight I am running around 25% armor on a buffer fit. I begin aligning to a celestial, hoping by some miracle of god that my friend will be able to down the hurricane whom has a point on me before I go down.

Double checking my scanner I find out that yet another hurricane is joining the fray; I then begin making preparations to escape in a pod since it does not look like I will be keeping this proteus... By the grace of some divine entity or the stupidity of the pilot; the second hurricane lands 45KM away from the fight, and proceeds to burn to us as quickly as possible.

He gets within 24K... I still don't see a point, 20K; no point. By the time he gets to 14K we have just finished burning the first hurricane which is the only ship with a point on either of us, and I then spam the warp to button; hoping that some lag spike and an overheat does not land me back into the frying pan.

Luckily; I escape and so does my partner, with only a small amount of loot but a good fight to wrap up the night. I ended up jumping through 7 gate camps on the way back with 80% structure and 5% armor left, but we both successfully made it back to our home system.

EDIT: sorry it was the hound whom came back in the first hurricane.
Ristlin Wakefield
Amarr Empire
#478 - 2012-08-15 14:07:27 UTC
Lady Thanatos wrote:
Buddy of mine have been roaming providence for a short while and been receiving incredibly good isk for our work. I probe and he brings the heat (we both are flying proteuses)

We find a double maelstrom and domi Missioning.

I probe them down and warp both of us to their location.

When we enter their mission (they are practically done and we believe they had been waiting for us). We grab point on maelstrom closest to us and his RR domi friend, and begin the fight. The other mael was around 40K from us and began laying into my proteus hard. However, five seconds after I uncloak a hound decloaks close by; drops a bomb, and begins shelling my hull as well; so now I have 4 ships attacking my buffer fit proteus.

I send my drones to kill the hound (which does not warp off by the way); and manage to kill him, bare in mind we have not moved either of our points off of the original dominix and maelstrom.

As we down the first maelstrom and proceed to melt through his RR domi, the second maelstrom bails on his friends and returns to station. While we are finishing off the dominix and preparing to loot both wrecks. The second maelstrom comes back in a myrmidon and the first maelstrom pilot in a hurricane.

At this point in the fight I am running around 25% armor on a buffer fit. I begin aligning to a celestial, hoping by some miracle of god that my friend will be able to down the hurricane whom has a point on me before I go down.

Double checking my scanner I find out that yet another hurricane is joining the fray; I then begin making preparations to escape in a pod since it does not look like I will be keeping this proteus... By the grace of some divine entity or the stupidity of the pilot; the second hurricane lands 45KM away from the fight, and proceeds to burn to us as quickly as possible.

He gets within 24K... I still don't see a point, 20K; no point. By the time he gets to 14K we have just finished burning the first hurricane which is the only ship with a point on either of us, and I then spam the warp to button; hoping that some lag spike and an overheat does not land me back into the frying pan.

Luckily; I escape and so does my partner, with only a small amount of loot but a good fight to wrap up the night. I ended up jumping through 7 gate camps on the way back with 80% structure and 5% armor left, but we both successfully made it back to our home system.

EDIT: sorry it was the hound whom came back in the first hurricane.

I dislike what you did (I live in Providence), but enjoyed the story regardless Smile

I have a lover, her name is EVE. I see her every night and all she asks in return is that I have a pilot's license.

Lady Thanatos
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#479 - 2012-08-15 19:29:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Thanatos
This is an old story but still a good one.

I have always enjoyed probing and snagging people and I usually have a good group of guys who fly with me and bring the damage or utility I lack. In many instances I have entered wormholes and found goodies but these two instances are probably my favorite.

The first was after I had entered a wormhole from low-sec. Normally I attempt to go to random celestials and use my directional scanner to pick up potential targets. If I do this correctly I can decrease the amount of time and hassle I put into probing and thus decrease the chance that someone will see my probes and get spooked.

In this case; I found an orca and a POS on my directional scanner (now if you have ever been in a wormhole you know that this is a VERY common sight). My thought process was that this was a POS that the corporation had been using to stage out of and move into different systems.

However, something compelled me to at least find the POS and bookmark it (somewhat of a morbid curiosity of mine). As I am scanning it down I realize that the orca has gone off scan, but the POS tower has not. So this immediately tells me that; A. the orca is active, B. there may be a fleet nearby to assist this orca.

I eventually find the tower; lo and behold it is being un-anchored with 55 minutes to go and no orca in sight. I begin ringing the bells in the channels where a few of us like minded pirates hang out, and soon we have a fleet going and we are patiently waiting on the other side of the WH for the timer to go down. This was after I was sweating beads about how the orca could have possibly picked me up on d-scan while I was jumping in and out of the wormhole to get my companions the WH entrance warp in.

I also organize my hauler alt to bring a viator and stay 5K away from the tower and wait until the timer is up for me to pick it up.

When the timer hits 30 seconds; I press my directional scanner and see nothing... 20 seconds; still nothing... 10; nothing... At this point in time I am sure that the orca was probably cloaked off of the wormhole and watched me jump in and out, as well as a hauler jump in and out.

So I scoop the large tower into my viator's cargohold, and warp my alt to a planet cloaked. As I am about to depart my loki from the wormhole. I pick something up on my directional scanner... the orca!

I begin ordering my fleet to jump in and warp to me at 0 (since I was on top of where the tower once was). Expecting a fleet fight as the corporation we are targetting probably wont be happy that we are stealing a tower as well as killing an orca. My fleet makes the 70 AU warp to my location.

The timing worked out perfectly; the orca lands 5 seconds before the fleet lands and is right on 0 with us. I grab a point; and one by one the rest of my fleet calls out their points. We put the orca in structure to make sure that if a fleet DOES come we can nuke the orca and escape with the least amount of time spent.

I open a convo with the orca pilot and order that if he wants to leave in his orca and not in a clone vat; he had better pay me and my compatriots 300million (now this was before the mineral spike so 300M seemed like a reasonably good offer).

He offers me 200M now, and 100M after he gets to high sec. I agree (we had already stolen a tower worth another 300-500M). We escort his orca back into our low-sec pocket, web him and tell him which gate will take him to high sec, and he goes his merry way. My wallet flashes with the last 100M deposit for myself and those that were with me.
Lady Thanatos
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#480 - 2012-08-15 22:59:16 UTC
Second WH story comes out a few days after the worm hole expansion landed (apocrypha?). Being relatively new to piracey (I had just abandoned my 0.0 alliance and were raising hell on their 0.0 to low-sec gate). I had just begun figuring out the finer points of probing.

Using my rapier; which was one of the few ships at the time capable of probing, cloaking, and somewhat clinging on for dear life as a tackler, I began scouting wormholes in our low-sec systems.

First wormhole yielded nothing, no POS's had been set up, and in general few people understood well how wormholes worked (myself included), so I was skeptical if any of these wormholes would even stay open for my ship, let alone get a fleet in or allow me to jump out.

The second wormhole, however, had promising signs; wrecks on scan, as well as a raven, two drakes, and various other smaller ships. Judging from my scanner I could assess that this was probably a small wormhole fleet in a class 3.

I begin using the bat phone to call in some of my pirate friends, and I guide them to the wormhole. As I jump back in and press my directional scanner, little has changed in terms of fleet composition, the raven, two drakes, a possible scimitar, etc.

Yet, as I begin launching my probes I hit my directional once more... this time something had changed... the fleet had dwindled to just one drake, the raven had left, as well as some of the other ships. However, there was one new addition; a nightmare!

This immediately upped the ante, I begin shouting in comms to organize our fleet to either; A. suicide a nightmare, or B. organize for specializing in a nightmare kill (which meant that our fleet had to upgrade from cruisers to something better suited for the kill). Our end result was 1 scorpion, 1 zealot (from a personal friend who had never flown one before), a raven, and myself in my rapier.

I begin my probing and by this time my heart is racing, the hunt is on, and we know that this nightmare more than likely has friends who will come to his aid in a moments notice. But hey, what the hell, right!? It's a nightmare!

I manage to probe the nightmare relatively fast, whether he had his shield modules activated and thus increasing his signature, I will never know. However, I pull in my probes, pray to some divine entity that he had not caught my probes, and begin my warp to this nightmare.

Now, at this point in time I knew enough about wormholes that if I landed with a nightmare in a complex, I would most likely be torn to shreds by the rats, I also knew a nightmare properly fit would do incredible amounts of damage, and chances would be good his fleet would be in to tear me up as well...

I land...

The nightmare is sitting 20KM from me, alone, not in a complex, and not aligned. I quickly uncloak, cross my fingers that he does not have warp core stabilizers and escape.

I turn on my MWD to orbit him at 15KM to keep my transversal up to avoid his guns. He begins to engage as I am screaming like a little girl who just had her favorite singer win American Idol for my fleet to jump through the wormhole and land on me.

Fleet lands, by this point in time I am in 30% shield, and am yelling at our scorpion to get a successful jam cycle off. He succeeds, by mere seconds of me going into armor.

All the while, we are all screaming at each other to increase our damage (yeah right I'm in a rapier I do 200 DPS on a good day, with the right wind, on a hauler in structure); just in case his fleet comes back.

We slowly begin to break his tank, our scorp is lobbing his pitiful cruise missiles at the nightmare, our zealot is trying to figure out which ammo to use and why, and I'm sitting with a clenched butt hole spamming my directional scanner.

The nightmare drops, we were too excited to offer a ransom (I had not yet made it nearly mandatory in our fleets by this time). We scoop the loot and make our run back into our systems, with around 2B isk in loot, split between the four of us roughly coming out to 500M per pirate.