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Issler Dainze for CSM7! Hear the bears roar!

First post
Hai Boiz
GaNg BaNg TeAm
#541 - 2012-03-09 21:06:36 UTC
Weaselior wrote:
you could hold a miner march to gather support!!!!!!!!!!!

I dare say you'll feel dumb when that statement comes back to bite you on the bum. As for the vote. I want to open the door and so does Issler. She has my vote.

Ka P'lah
#542 - 2012-03-09 21:45:59 UTC
Snow Axe wrote:
Honestly, the idea of assigned mentors is a good one, though rewards become an issue. That said, I doubt you'd even need to reward them with anything concrete - maybe an in-game and in-forum tag, similar to the DEV and CSM tags you see on people now. This may sound presumptuous, but remember we're posting in a forum where people are literally trying to get elected to help the game for free, so I don't think it's much of a stretch that enough people would be willing to help out just for a vanity tag or w/e.

Good idea, I think you actually may be on to something there Shocked *clunk* (that was me passing out from surprise Blink )

Personally, I find it hard to imagine any circumstance where bot-mining would be good for the game. Destroy botting! Maybe it can't be realistically totally prevented, but it certainly could be reduced a lot. ...Making mining much more dynamic would not only get more humans to mine, but would make writing scripts for bots harder, hmm?
Snow Axe
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#543 - 2012-03-09 22:41:24 UTC
Ka P'lah wrote:
Personally, I find it hard to imagine any circumstance where bot-mining would be good for the game. Destroy botting! Maybe it can't be realistically totally prevented, but it certainly could be reduced a lot. ...Making mining much more dynamic would not only get more humans to mine, but would make writing scripts for bots harder, hmm?

I don't think changing mechanics is the way to do it - if it's to be changed, do it solely with the interest of making mining better/more interesting for miners. If it makes scripts harder, then so be it, but it shouldn't even be a consideration, more of a happy coincidence if it works out.

"Look any reason why you need to talk like that? I have now reported you. I dont need to listen to your bad tone. If you cant have a grown up conversation then leave the thread["

Frying Doom
#544 - 2012-03-10 00:31:30 UTC
Sorry Issler Im feeling extremely lazy today:) Whats the direct link to vote for you like the ones I see on almost every other candidates page.

Frying Doom

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#545 - 2012-03-10 00:39:36 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Sorry Issler Im feeling extremely lazy today:) Whats the direct link to vote for you like the ones I see on almost every other candidates page.

Frying Doom

This is supposed to be it.

Issler Dainze CSM 7

Please double check since I've voted and it doesn't seem to let me confirm.


Frying Doom
#546 - 2012-03-10 00:44:53 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:
Frying Doom wrote:
Sorry Issler Im feeling extremely lazy today:) Whats the direct link to vote for you like the ones I see on almost every other candidates page.

Frying Doom

This is supposed to be it.

Issler Dainze CSM 7

Please double check since I've voted and it doesn't seem to let me confirm.



So have I so will have to presume it works unless one of the people with alts left can confirm.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Frying Doom
#547 - 2012-03-10 01:01:41 UTC
Ka P'lah wrote:
Snow Axe wrote:
Honestly, the idea of assigned mentors is a good one, though rewards become an issue. That said, I doubt you'd even need to reward them with anything concrete - maybe an in-game and in-forum tag, similar to the DEV and CSM tags you see on people now. This may sound presumptuous, but remember we're posting in a forum where people are literally trying to get elected to help the game for free, so I don't think it's much of a stretch that enough people would be willing to help out just for a vanity tag or w/e.

Good idea, I think you actually may be on to something there Shocked *clunk* (that was me passing out from surprise Blink )

Personally, I find it hard to imagine any circumstance where bot-mining would be good for the game. Destroy botting! Maybe it can't be realistically totally prevented, but it certainly could be reduced a lot. ...Making mining much more dynamic would not only get more humans to mine, but would make writing scripts for bots harder, hmm?

Personally after spending litterally hundreds if not thousands of hours mining I would like to see botters computers explode. The worst thing is that after all these years and a special team to stop botting it just isn't putting a dent in it. I just find it very frustrating that some piece of scum is botting and gaining an unfair advantage. In the recent ice attacks by the goons they noted alot of bots ice mining. The current attempts to spot this are not effective enough and something needs to be done.

On a happier note I think the ideas for helping the newbies are really on the right track, I'm not sure if a simple tag would be enough but yes I definitely believe we are on the right track here.

I must say thanks to Issler for letting us highjack his post:)

Frying Doom

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#548 - 2012-03-10 01:07:50 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Ka P'lah wrote:
Snow Axe wrote:
Honestly, the idea of assigned mentors is a good one, though rewards become an issue. That said, I doubt you'd even need to reward them with anything concrete - maybe an in-game and in-forum tag, similar to the DEV and CSM tags you see on people now. This may sound presumptuous, but remember we're posting in a forum where people are literally trying to get elected to help the game for free, so I don't think it's much of a stretch that enough people would be willing to help out just for a vanity tag or w/e.

Good idea, I think you actually may be on to something there Shocked *clunk* (that was me passing out from surprise Blink )

Personally, I find it hard to imagine any circumstance where bot-mining would be good for the game. Destroy botting! Maybe it can't be realistically totally prevented, but it certainly could be reduced a lot. ...Making mining much more dynamic would not only get more humans to mine, but would make writing scripts for bots harder, hmm?

Personally after spending litterally hundreds if not thousands of hours mining I would like to see botters computers explode. The worst thing is that after all these years and a special team to stop botting it just isn't putting a dent in it. I just find it very frustrating that some piece of scum is botting and gaining an unfair advantage. In the recent ice attacks by the goons they noted alot of bots ice mining. The current attempts to spot this are not effective enough and something needs to be done.

On a happier note I think the ideas for helping the newbies are really on the right track, I'm not sure if a simple tag would be enough but yes I definitely believe we are on the right track here.

I must say thanks to Issler for letting us highjack his post:)

Frying Doom

"Her" post, remember I am the only female candidate this election! Big smile

And happy to have great conversations in any thread I'm part of!

I'm a little suspicious of the goons claims of the number of bots vs other miners, but I agree botting must stop! And CCP needs to start changing its tactics because the current approach is like bailing out the Titanic with a thimble.

Frying Doom
#549 - 2012-03-10 01:14:53 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:

"Her" post, remember I am the only female candidate this election! Big smile


Sorry someone already said this but it's just habit as only 5% or so of the EVE population is Female. The number of people who play female however is a lot higher so over the years I have got in the habit of saying he, that way I'm more likely to be right:)

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#550 - 2012-03-10 01:18:48 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Issler Dainze wrote:

"Her" post, remember I am the only female candidate this election! Big smile


Sorry someone already said this but it's just habit as only 5% or so of the EVE population is Female. The number of people who play female however is a lot higher so over the years I have got in the habit of saying he, that way I'm more likely to be right:)

No worries! Big smile Just gave me a chance to point it out again...... Blink

Frying Doom
#551 - 2012-03-10 03:37:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
Ok this is going to be a bit of a long one covering the newbie mentor program.

I would like to thank Tallian Saotome of Fatal Ascension and Snow Axe of GoonWaffe for their ideas. I almost forgot to thank Issler Dainze for allowing me to run this idea in her post. (I left it here as it was developed here)

What I am currently proposing is that all Newbies enter a pool effectively like that for the Rookie Channel (probably using the same info that allows people onto that channel, except with the added requirement that the account the character is on is not a buddy or other added account and isn't a plex accountand the account is less than 60 days old)

At the same time allow people to opt in to a mentor pool. Give this pool some kind of criteria, possibly a time frame like 6 months + active for the account.

Allow the newbies to do a tutorial quest to teach them how to use the mentor database. Have the mentor list showing things like Name, Age(of Character), number of jumps away from mentor and scores previously given to the mentor by previous newbies. Also a button to allow a chat to be opened to the Mentor before accepting (also removing the mentor and pupil from the lists for the duration of the chat, preventing a mentor from being overwhelmed)

Have a panel similar to this for the mentors to access with access to the newbie information like age of character, amount of time played (Allowing the mentor to see if the current activity level of the player fits in to his own) and how many jumps to get to the newbie.

Allow a simple pop up like the one currently used for fleet invites to allow a mentor invite.

Now the hard bits are the rewards for the mentors. I agree with Tallian Saotome that a corporate reward system is probably a good place to start. This will allow CEO's to set up a structure within their corp to allow newbies to flourish and give something to the Corp as a whole. I'm not sure about Tallian Saotome's idea of increasing tax rate mostly because of the current inflation in the game it's self. With PLEX's rising at a fairly allarming rate and mineral prices rising as well. I suggested a leveled system for corporations to assist this as well (but I don't think that is right either). So what I am going to suggest is that corps should get a 1% reduction per newbie up to 10% in a reduction in the price of medical clones, repairs, insurance costs and production costs at npc stations.

For the mentor himself I recommend the addition of an in-game and in-forum tag, similar to the DEV and CSM tags you see on people now.(As suggested by Snow Axe)

it was suggested that
Tallian Saotome wrote:

2) Easily manipulated to turn newbies into personal slaves and be rewarded for it. If I go pick a random newbie, tell him I am gonna get him started in the game, give him 50 mil, and use him as my slave til the mentor bonus goes away, then tell him to bugger off, that is going to reward me for behavior that will ultimately make that newbie leave the game.I can make 50 mil in roughly an hour, but to a newbie its gonna seem like I am the richest man in eve, so he will think its legit.

If EVE were not the cut-throat game it is, your ideas would be wonderful, but CCP encourages us to abuse and exploit mechanics. (The rule is that unless its an obvious bug, we can use it til they change the mechanic)

A corp isn't as likely to do this, as they don't want dead weight screwing up their numbers(unless it is a newbie training corp) so they will teach the newbie to survive so they can help the corp.

For this I recommend that an easy ability for the newbie to remove them self from the mentor be established so that way if the mentor does us them as a personal slave, the pupil can get out simply, I also recommend the ability for either the mentor or the pupil to cease the relationship easily as sometimes personalities clash.

I agree that a corporation is an integral part of this process, for it to succeed corps have got to want newbies. I also feel the need for the newbies at the end of their tutelage whether from time or they leave the current mentor need to be able to rate the mentors performance. Allowing an averaging of this score and possibly a pop up on comments to appear on the Newbie Mentor screens for others to see.

For the future of eve we need not just us regular bar flies but need blood to move the game forward. I personally hope EVE will be around in the distant future so I have something to play if I ever make it to retirement:)

In addition to this I feel that additional tutorial quests and and an expansion of the lvl 1 quests are needed to intice players to stay and play.

Please feel free to leave any helpful comments and suggestions as I think this is a good idea on a way forward for the game.

Frying Doom

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

#552 - 2012-03-10 03:48:18 UTC
Kimiko Nodachi wrote:
No time to swap accts before I head off for the day.

Friendly bump to the top and confirmation of yet another Mr Epeen vote for Issler.

tsk tsk tsk nice anime name BlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlink

TA on wis: "when we have a feature that is its own functional ecosystem of gameplay then hooks into the greater ecosystem of EVE as a whole, and it provides good replayability."

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#553 - 2012-03-10 04:30:49 UTC
Taiwanistan wrote:
Kimiko Nodachi wrote:
No time to swap accts before I head off for the day.

Friendly bump to the top and confirmation of yet another Mr Epeen vote for Issler.

tsk tsk tsk nice anime name BlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlink

I'll have to take your word for it. Can't stand the stuff. But feel free to enlighten us with what must be plenty of first hand knowledge.

And remember. A vote for Mittens is a vote for Mittens. A vote for Issler is a vote for EVE.

Mr Epeen Cool
#554 - 2012-03-10 04:45:16 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Taiwanistan wrote:
Kimiko Nodachi wrote:
No time to swap accts before I head off for the day.

Friendly bump to the top and confirmation of yet another Mr Epeen vote for Issler.

tsk tsk tsk nice anime name BlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlink

I'll have to take your word for it. Can't stand the stuff. But feel free to enlighten us with what must be plenty of first hand knowledge.

And remember. A vote for Mittens is a vote for Mittens. A vote for Issler is a vote for EVE.

Mr Epeen Cool

really? can you explain? cus to me is like
seleen = industry + pvp leaning
trebor = industry + hisec nonbloc leaning
issler = industry + wis

TA on wis: "when we have a feature that is its own functional ecosystem of gameplay then hooks into the greater ecosystem of EVE as a whole, and it provides good replayability."

Frying Doom
#555 - 2012-03-10 04:52:12 UTC
Taiwanistan wrote:
Mr Epeen wrote:
Taiwanistan wrote:
Kimiko Nodachi wrote:
No time to swap accts before I head off for the day.

Friendly bump to the top and confirmation of yet another Mr Epeen vote for Issler.

tsk tsk tsk nice anime name BlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlink

I'll have to take your word for it. Can't stand the stuff. But feel free to enlighten us with what must be plenty of first hand knowledge.

And remember. A vote for Mittens is a vote for Mittens. A vote for Issler is a vote for EVE.

Mr Epeen Cool

really? can you explain? cus to me is like
seleen = industry + pvp leaning
trebor = industry + hisec nonbloc leaning
issler = industry + wis

Actually I would have gone for "And remember. A vote for Mittens is a vote for a community. A vote for Issler is a vote for the EVE community.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

#556 - 2012-03-10 08:43:07 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Taiwanistan wrote:
Kimiko Nodachi wrote:
No time to swap accts before I head off for the day.

Friendly bump to the top and confirmation of yet another Mr Epeen vote for Issler.

tsk tsk tsk nice anime name BlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlinkBlink

I'll have to take your word for it. Can't stand the stuff. But feel free to enlighten us with what must be plenty of first hand knowledge.

And remember. A vote for Mittens is a vote for Mittens. A vote for Issler is a vote for EVE.

Mr Epeen Cool

just come clean and say vote for issler is all about the wis Cool

TA on wis: "when we have a feature that is its own functional ecosystem of gameplay then hooks into the greater ecosystem of EVE as a whole, and it provides good replayability."

Frying Doom
#557 - 2012-03-10 09:58:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
Taiwanistan wrote:
just come clean and say vote for issler is all about the wis Cool

I noticed you really dodged the a vote for mittens there. Is this because a vote for mittens isn't a vote for eve? As it goes into in Sins of a spy master 75
Goons are recruited from quite often before they have even commenced playing EVE. So goons are recruited outside the EVE community, then they are surrounded and nurtured by the Goonswarm fleet. Never having been real newbies or having been a part of the EVE community as a whole. This probably explains why a large part (I will admit not all) of the goonswarm fleet seem so different from us.

And on your post a vote for issler is not all about Wis, there is so much more to this game and she has made her opinions clear to all who look.

I will admit I myself would prefer a lot more done with Wis. That is due to my belief that Newbies are the way forward. If things stay as they are and CCP can see no expanding profits they may decide to sell the game or focus on another game again like they did before with Dust and World of Darkness.. Then who knows what will happen to the game it might even become Pay 2 Win Yuck.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Irokoi Purisukin
Prussia Group
#558 - 2012-03-10 11:25:39 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:

[...yada, yada, yada...]
I noticed you really dodged the a vote for mittens there. Is this because a vote for mittens isn't a vote for eve? As it goes into in Sins of a spy master 75
Goons are recruited from quite often before they have even commenced playing EVE. So goons are recruited outside the EVE community, then they are surrounded and nurtured by the Goonswarm fleet.
[...yada, yada, yada...]

Thank you so much for the link, seriously. Now things make a lot more sense to me as the community I'm in was also created and existed long before any of us even cared for (or knew about) eve online. And while we do not engage in the sort of stuff the Goons do, now I understand where they're coming from... Interesting stuff!

Oh and sorry. I know the purpose of you posting that link wasn't to get this reaction. But I wouldn't worry as I'm sure I'm a minority and most people will give you what you were looking for.
Frying Doom
#559 - 2012-03-10 11:50:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Frying Doom
Irokoi Purisukin wrote:

Thank you so much for the link, seriously. Now things make a lot more sense to me as the community I'm in was also created and existed long before any of us even cared for (or knew about) eve online. And while we do not engage in the sort of stuff the Goons do, now I understand where they're coming from... Interesting stuff!

Oh and sorry. I know the purpose of you posting that link wasn't to get this reaction. But I wouldn't worry as I'm sure I'm a minority and most people will give you what you were looking for.

In all honesty no problem. I do strongly believe that knowledge is always a good thing. I would be a bit bit weird getting annoyed that you learned something from one of my posts :)

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#560 - 2012-03-10 14:08:51 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
Taiwanistan wrote:
just come clean and say vote for issler is all about the wis Cool

I noticed you really dodged the a vote for mittens there. Is this because a vote for mittens isn't a vote for eve? As it goes into in Sins of a spy master 75
Goons are recruited from quite often before they have even commenced playing EVE. So goons are recruited outside the EVE community, then they are surrounded and nurtured by the Goonswarm fleet. Never having been real newbies or having been a part of the EVE community as a whole. This probably explains why a large part (I will admit not all) of the goonswarm fleet seem so different from us.

And on your post a vote for issler is not all about Wis, there is so much more to this game and she has made her opinions clear to all who look.

I will admit I myself would prefer a lot more done with Wis. That is due to my belief that Newbies are the way forward. If things stay as they are and CCP can see no expanding profits they may decide to sell the game or focus on another game again like they did before with Dust and World of Darkness.. Then who knows what will happen to the game it might even become Pay 2 Win Yuck.

Interesting post by Mittens, that translates as: EVE favors the kind of people who don't need EVE for anything, thus can kill it without any personal consequence.