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How should we improve the inventory UI?

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Gallente Federation
#401 - 2012-06-21 00:56:42 UTC
I love this UI like a Muslim loves a Jew! this UI needs a little love like a Muslim with an automatic weapon in a Jewish market place.

on a side note

how do you open in a new window the fuel bay of a carrier without sitting in the ship? shift clicking don't work! right clicking don't work ether! shooting the monitor with a .45 APC hollowpoint just makes a mess and cost me more money!

logistics takes twice as long now. pos work takes forever now. working with any pos is a complete joke. dealing with a carrier or rorqual in station is stupid and confusing, as me and everyone I talk to keeps mistaking there ships corp hangers with the station corp hangers. and when I click a ship, posmod, or anything I should be able to open that item, but you cant. its like having folders on your desktop that you cant open with out going to "my computer" and then navigating to the folder you want. no one uses windows this way, why is this UI making us use it that way! also with the old way i would open a ship hanger or something and have only a fue small windows open, now the UI takes up the entire screen and it very bulky. improvements to EvE's UI should be natural and user friendly. what we have now is not!
Commander A9
This Was The Way
Homicidal Tendencies.
#402 - 2012-06-21 14:26:34 UTC
Alright, I know CCP isn't going to change this UI, so I have a suggestion.

How about giving us a way to shut off the "borders;" the ISK revenue estimator, the filters, the top item counters, because they take up alot of space and cause the windows to operate at obnoxiously large levels.

By allowing us to disable all of these or at least collapse them (and by allowing multiple windows to be opened and retain their locations), we will at least achieve some semblance of the old UI.

I'd rather have the old UI back, but that's not happening, and we all know it (unless we start another riot in the trade hubs).


-enable ships wobbling in hangar view (pre-Captains Quarters)

-add more missions (NPC fleet vs. NPC fleets that actually shoot)


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Dex Tera
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#403 - 2012-06-22 04:13:17 UTC
new ui still sucksAttention
Callidus Dux
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#404 - 2012-06-22 06:33:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Callidus Dux
Captain' Jack Sparrow wrote:
CCP: Your DEVs and GMs sent me to this thread to voice my concern.

My question seven posts above still remains after weeks of getting the runaround.

Will someone please answer my question?

I am afraid but they do not intent to respond to customers critism. You can have a look at ALL AVAILABLE threads which say that this crapified UI is a horrible sh!t and a big failure as concept. But did anyone from the responsible devs gave a statement, WHAT they will really do to ( further Lol ) improve this UI? They know that they are unable to real improve this mess called UI. They can just polish their sh!t of development. Roll

All they can do is trolling the loyal customers, as they did, erase opinions which are in conflict to CCP's plans and absolute deny every statement what they want to do as next step. Just "blahblahblah improving" and "mumble reducing lag". Only Devs, who absolute are not involved in the team for UI development, try to answer questions. But they cant. They can not say anything about the further developement, must ask someone, talked with someone but can not give a binding statement WHAT COMES NEXT!

They do not intent to listen to you, me or everyone else. But we must be thankful that they have stopped trolling all players who do not like this sh!t UI.

Who is that id!ot who is unable to use a double click, two windows and drag & drop but likes this crap? 3 Steps for a working UI. But now we have just a bunch of code, which do not work, produces lag but is called unified UI.

I do not need you sh!t filters. I have containers which I can not acces in a normal way now.
I do not need a absolute false estimated price which causes lag.
I absolute hate your concept of ONLY one window.
I miss right click options, doublecklick and several independent windows. WITHOUT ANY FURTHER CLICK OR SHORTCUT!

As Goliath stated, he asked someone about the checkbox for the default SHIFT settings in order to open new windows via doublecklick again. But no further response. Just shut up; I have already asked!
Vincent Athena
#405 - 2012-06-22 17:01:20 UTC
shado20 wrote:

how do you open in a new window the fuel bay of a carrier without sitting in the ship? shift clicking don't work! right clicking don't work ether!

Open an inventory window
Shift click on any item in the tree to open a second window
Open the tree in the second window
In that second window, find ship hangar, click on its triangle expanding it out
Find ship, click on its triangle expanding out its bays.
Click on the bay of interest.

On the tree in the first window open wherever you store the drones or fuel or whatever you are moving to the carrier.
Drag stuff over.

On the second window click on the next bay you want to work with, drag stuff over.

Repeat until all bays and corp hangar slots have their contents adjusted.

In my experience I find the initial setup, getting the two windows set, getting the tree scrolled to the spot with the bays, takes longer. But once you get there, its quite fast to adjust everything. Overall its about the same time, and as I get use to it, optimize my work flow, it could be faster.

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Taxi Beacon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#406 - 2012-06-22 19:12:34 UTC
It'd be nice if the tree view adjusted its position when dragging something near the top or bottom. This is a pretty common thing most people would be accustomed to doing when dragging things from the current container to one further up or down the tree.

Id still like the ability to create shortcuts to specific views and add buttons to them as well. (A replacement for the old ships button).
Fidelium Mortis
Minor Major Miners LLC
#407 - 2012-06-22 21:03:11 UTC
It would be nice to have customized views retained for specific windows. For instance, I like my ships to be displayed in the large icon view since I usually have far fewer ships than modules, and the large icons make it easy to visually identify a ship to switch to. On the otherhand, I like to have my inventory sorted in a details or small icon view sorted by item type. If either of those windows is closed, the view defaults to the last opened view.

ICRS - Intergalactic Certified Rocket Surgeon

Taxi Beacon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#408 - 2012-06-22 21:11:17 UTC
It'd be nice if there was an option to make opening things in a new window the default action.
hired gunman
Ascendance Rising
#409 - 2012-06-23 04:09:58 UTC
Can we also change the Assets UI to kind of resemble the items UI ... i like the new ease of items UI .....
Felysta Sandorn
#410 - 2012-06-23 12:46:49 UTC
hired gunman wrote:
Can we also change the Assets UI to kind of resemble the items UI ... i like the new ease of items UI .....

This, I'm trying right now to find all my ships dotted about the universe, and having to trawl through thousands of line items in the assets window across hundreds of systems... Why can't we just have a FILTER on the assets menu, filter by SHIPS, and oh look, here are all my ships!

So simple, it JUST MIGHT WORK!

Now back to the monotony...
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#411 - 2012-06-23 14:54:52 UTC
This is from another post I made in reply to a similar discussion that I feel should be in this thread:

I think part of the issue is that some of us don't wanna have to hold shift to open separate windows, like we don't have enough hot keys as it is. I personally love having multiple windows so I can physically see all the things I need at once ex: fuel bay/ cooperate hanger open at the same time. Maybe have the fuel bay in the right click menu and when accessed through the right click menu it open a secondary window automatically?

I think by stringing things to the right click menu to automatically open a secondary window would fix most of the concerns many of us have with the inventory. By doing so, you keep the initial primary inventory method but allow for nearly the same functionality that so many of us are used to if we go through the right click menu instead of through the primary inventory window. I know for me this would quelle all my complaints about the new systems functionality.
Trados Malthazar
Scarlet Industries
#412 - 2012-06-23 15:00:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Trados Malthazar
ISSUE: When moving stuff into the hold of a assembled ship in your hangar, but not your active ship. If you have any cargo extenders on the non-active ship. You cannot move anything into its hold unless you make it your active ship. Because the game only recognises un-adjusted cargo hold capacity.

EXAMPLE: Badger with 2x Expanded Cargohold II, becomes a 8000+ m3 ship. But game only recognises the base 4000+ m3 cargo space. I have to make the badger my active ship, then load the cargo, then switch back to my miner.

FIX: Adjust script to identify cargo expanding mods.
Shigamaru Kishame
Rave Nation
#413 - 2012-06-25 00:53:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Shigamaru Kishame
Alot of great ideas really!
Tyranis Marcus
Bloody Heathens
#414 - 2012-06-25 21:27:55 UTC
IWolfMasterI wrote:
This is from another post I made in reply to a similar discussion that I feel should be in this thread:

I think part of the issue is that some of us don't wanna have to hold shift to open separate windows, like we don't have enough hot keys as it is. I personally love having multiple windows so I can physically see all the things I need at once ex: fuel bay/ cooperate hanger open at the same time. Maybe have the fuel bay in the right click menu and when accessed through the right click menu it open a secondary window automatically?

I think by stringing things to the right click menu to automatically open a secondary window would fix most of the concerns many of us have with the inventory. By doing so, you keep the initial primary inventory method but allow for nearly the same functionality that so many of us are used to if we go through the right click menu instead of through the primary inventory window. I know for me this would quelle all my complaints about the new systems functionality.

Dude, shift + click is faster and easier than a using a right click menu. :(

Do not run. We are your friends.

Tyranis Marcus
Bloody Heathens
#415 - 2012-06-25 22:10:40 UTC
GreenBreeze wrote:
When dragging an item to another section in the tree, the main window switches focus to this section when you hover over the tree list which is very annoying.

The search box in the upper-right corner clears when you switch to a different section in the inventory. It should remember it's state so you can search for an item and then just click through the sections in the tree, searching for that same item in each tree category.

The tree view uses up far too much screen real estate, a tabbed view would be far superior. Perhaps make it an option so you can choose to use whichever style fits you best. While you're at it, adding tabs to the ship maintenance array that could each be configured for use by a different pilot would be awesome, maybe even allow you to partition off an amount of the total storage capacity so that you could chose to have 2 equal sized tabs, or maybe one tab that is 50% and two other tabs each 25%, etc.

Stacking Items takes way too long.

Make each section remember it's preferred view settings. I want to see my ships as icons and my items as a detailed list without having to constantly push the button to change it.

I like to have my cargohold open in a small window in the lower corner of my screen while flying in space. I don't want other windows to default to opening to this window. Allow a way to seperate a section from the tree view and pin it in place so that it always opens in it's preferred location. I don't want to have to shift-click everytime I want to loot a wreck or something. Maybe allow a way choose whether your default action is open in a new window, or open in the same window.

I have given this new inventory system a chance. I've been using it and feel more comfortable with it now than I did at first. I didn't want to just start griping right away without giving it a fair chance first, however the old inventory system was far superior. Every task you do in the game requires the use of the inventory system and such a fundamental change to one of the core components to the game should have been thought out much better and thoroughly tested before it was implemented. The feedback on the forums about this system while it was on Sisi should have made it clear that it was not ready, yet it was pushed through regardless.

This new system has made me change my gameplay style greatly. I can no longer stand to use the inventory system if it can be avoided. This has cost me a great deal of isk as I no longer want to do any ratting and looting/salvaging, I no longer enjoy trade as it takes much longer to accomplish the same thing. I have had to occupy myself with pvp mostly for now, but without being able to do the tasks easily that I used to do in order to support my pvp habit my funds are dwindling and I'm seriously considering finding another game. My account expires in October. I guess we'll see how I feel about it when October comes around.

They should really put in an option to let you adjust how long you have to hover over the tree before focus switches to a different location. It's a little too fast for my tastes, atm, too. I might turn it off if I could, but just having a longer delay would probably be the most convenient thing, after getting used to it.

I have to say, I like the tree view, myself. Someone earlier in the thread had suggested doing away with containers, but with the tree view, my warehouses are practically a tabbed system, already. We just need to be able to do more with the contents from inside containers.

You can get the new inventory system to work like the old one in space. Let the first wreck you loot open it's window, then separate out your cargo hold from there into another window. Now you have two windows open in space like before, and new wrecks will keep opening separately from your cargo. I hope I'm remembering that right....whether you open a wreck or your cargo first and separate the other out is way it works, the other way it doesn't. Anyway, I had it set up so my cargo hold was one window, and wrecks were stacking in the other, so I was looting and salvaging just like before. After awhile i went to just one, though. I let the wreck open then drag the loot into my cargo hold in the tree of the wreck window. Now that I'm used to that, I like it a lot better. The one window takes up less space than two, and is just less stuff on my screen to jockey around.

Do not run. We are your friends.

Gallente Federation
#416 - 2012-06-25 23:29:12 UTC
Tyranis Marcus wrote:
IWolfMasterI wrote:
This is from another post I made in reply to a similar discussion that I feel should be in this thread:

I think part of the issue is that some of us don't wanna have to hold shift to open separate windows, like we don't have enough hot keys as it is. I personally love having multiple windows so I can physically see all the things I need at once ex: fuel bay/ cooperate hanger open at the same time. Maybe have the fuel bay in the right click menu and when accessed through the right click menu it open a secondary window automatically?

I think by stringing things to the right click menu to automatically open a secondary window would fix most of the concerns many of us have with the inventory. By doing so, you keep the initial primary inventory method but allow for nearly the same functionality that so many of us are used to if we go through the right click menu instead of through the primary inventory window. I know for me this would quelle all my complaints about the new systems functionality.

Dude, shift + click is faster and easier than a using a right click menu. :(

its only faster if you like using it that way, for me I'm extremely fast with the mouse and can do a right click open menu and select what I want faster than moving my other hand (blank this part out) to the keyboard to push a stupid button! I want the right click menu back to open any and all hangers associated with that item I'm right clicking! and I want that like 10 PATCHES AGO!

this UI sucks so bad its not even funny anymore. I'm logging off do to frustration and jest pissed off that this sucks so bad. did the old UI cause players blood presser to rise to the point they half to log off before someone gets hurt! NO! so FIX this piece of manure!
Vartan Sarkisian
Tannhauser C-Beam
#417 - 2012-06-26 11:52:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Vartan Sarkisian
There are a fair few pages here so this may have already been mentioned.

Basically when you have items spread over a number of stations/systems/regions it can be very hard to keep track of what you have so I would like to see a feature to associate keywords to items. A basic example of this would be missiles, I could add missiles as a keyword to all stocks of missiles over all locations, then I can keyword search for missiles and it will show me everthing that I have allocated a keyword too.

The adding of keywords can be done via the asset option and also we should NOT be restricted by region in adding keywords, so if I am in Forge and ive items in Domain I should still be able to add keywords.

This would really help us find what we have and where it is much easier than now.

Also when we search it should also search the contents of containers.

Also the ability to start manufacturing jobs or research or any form of industry from within containers. or allow us to create sub folders in the inventory so we can place items within (and search for them and create industry jobs form them)
DooDoo Gum
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#418 - 2012-06-26 22:22:48 UTC
WOW... 21 pages and growing, this new UI is like a turd in a ceiling fan...

My suggestion is to :

Make the filters a pull down menu in the same fashion as how the ships overview window offers your multitude of different combinations.

A green light next to the pull down menu can indicate there is a filter in use [similar to how it is now] and this can also be used to turn the filter off [similar to how it is now]

The filters are great, and very useful once you have them setup properly, but they do NOT need to be so 'in your face'

Its like they just asked the programmers to design the UI while the design team were on holiday...

EVE already had terrible available real estate on the screen, why make it worse ?

This suggestion:

1. Gives us a bit of our precious screen real estate back
2. Removes the 'in your face' aspect of the current filter placement
3. Keeps the filters in a reasonably 'easy to access' place
4. Allows us to see if a filter is in use at a glance
5. Allows us to turn this said filter on and off very easily
6. Allows those of use who think the filters are useful to keep using them
7. Allows those us us who hate them to never bump into them again

Tyranis Marcus
Bloody Heathens
#419 - 2012-06-27 02:03:23 UTC
DooDoo Gum wrote:
WOW... 21 pages and growing, this new UI is like a turd in a ceiling fan...

Actually, this thread started in January. It's pre-new-ui. And if you read the first few pages you'll find a lot of the problems the old inventory system had that everyone has suddenly forgotten. You'll also find plenty of posts about things that have nothing to do with inventory at all, which is pretty funny. With that kind of a lack of reading comprehension, it's no wonder some of those people are having so much trouble with the new system.

Do not run. We are your friends.

Shinzok Knowledge
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#420 - 2012-06-27 02:14:35 UTC
I might have a suggestion.

Currently it is not possible to look inside "own" secure cargo boxes. (which have a password on them).
Atleast not from inside the game without actually being in same location.

It would be nice if I could look inside my own securely locked cargo box, when on other side of galaxy.

Mainly cause this is possible with EVEHQ for some reason. (should it then not also be possible to check contents of own secured cargo boxes in stations around EVE universe. ?