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Incursion fixes/feedback thread

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Smoking Blunts
ZC Omega
#341 - 2012-02-04 10:05:05 UTC
Fearless M0F0 wrote:
According to CCP_Diagoras twitter feed:

  • In average, incursion runners made 300m/month (10m/day) on the last 3 months of 2011
  • Total incursion payouts are about twice as much as total mission payouts (and they should, since you can't solo a vanguard in a Drake)
  • Incursions add about a third of the isk bounties add to the eve economy.


1/3 incursions--- guess thats all sec lvl's. whats the break down accross sec lvl's??
1/6 missions--- empire mostly??
1/2 ratting--- 0.0??

maybe adjust the vg to be a bit harder and not so easily farmed and they should be about it for balanced

OMG when can i get a pic here

State War Academy
Caldari State
#342 - 2012-02-04 10:58:03 UTC
Incursions are fine, they are content open to EVERY player. Its thier own descression wether they participate or not. CCP shouldnt have to cater to people who are too stupid or too stubbon to participate in a freely open available aspect of the game


Razor Blue
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#343 - 2012-02-04 11:13:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Razor Blue
Smoking Blunts wrote:
Fearless M0F0 wrote:
According to CCP_Diagoras twitter feed:

  • In average, incursion runners made 300m/month (10m/day) on the last 3 months of 2011
  • Total incursion payouts are about twice as much as total mission payouts (and they should, since you can't solo a vanguard in a Drake)
  • Incursions add about a third of the isk bounties add to the eve economy.


1/3 incursions--- guess thats all sec lvl's. whats the break down accross sec lvl's??
1/6 missions--- empire mostly??
1/2 ratting--- 0.0??

maybe adjust the vg to be a bit harder and not so easily farmed and they should be about it for balanced

1/3 is bit higher than i had though, but i think that is acceptable portion since the Incursions dont add minerals into market.

Edit. I guess that doesnt take account the LP-store isk sink?
Lilan Kahn
The Littlest Hobos
The Whale Hunters Association
#344 - 2012-02-04 17:39:22 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Lilan Kahn wrote:
Slash isk payouts by 50% and double the lp payout

No thanks. That will crash the LP market and make Incursions a ghost town.

It's a nuke from orbit that is unwanted.

brings it in line isk wise with mission runners with slightly less lp but slightly more isk
TheLast Poofighter
Squirrel Horde
#345 - 2012-02-04 18:21:03 UTC
Rather than reduce the isk/LP rewards - why not just contrict the pipe a bit? Limit 1 incursion constellation in High Sec, 2 in Low Sec, 3 in Null. I think fewer sites in highsec could make for some interesting sandbox dynamics.

Or offer the option for real world rewards like tacos and beer. Or vodka and bread...
Ziranda Hakuli
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#346 - 2012-02-04 20:17:47 UTC
TheLast Poofighter wrote:
Rather than reduce the isk/LP rewards - why not just contrict the pipe a bit? Limit 1 incursion constellation in High Sec, 2 in Low Sec, 3 in Null. I think fewer sites in highsec could make for some interesting sandbox dynamics.

Or offer the option for real world rewards like tacos and beer. Or vodka and bread...

the idea sounds good but one problem. you are suggesting to get more people who have no desire to go out into low sec or 0.0 space.

Yes i know empire space is care bear land but you also seem to forget that the mighty 0.0 alliance hide behind their wall of Blues doing their care bear stuff. The risks are there for both and many people are tired of the BS politics that go on out there forcing them to go back is wrong. CCP released this content for everyone. i think everyone just needs to grow and grab a cotex that are still crying about things and get over it and move on.
No Wise Guy's
#347 - 2012-02-05 11:29:55 UTC
Ok, here is my stand:

Incursions are currently the only fun group activity in high (where some paying subscribers like to life), after Level 5 Missions already have been send to low (and into oblivion), and group mining in the current state more or less fall under special interest.

People complain a lot about the risk versus reward aspect. I guess they should think about the difference of risk, if you either loose a cheap mostly insured ship versus loosing a faction/officier t2 rigged ship. e.g. Loosing one good fitted vindicator in an incursion means 20 times the loss of someone blowing up his cane in pvp. Ship looses in incursions do happen either due to ganking, logistics going off line or being drunken. Incursion pay outs are already limited, due to respawn rate. In average I assume a dps ship in incursions is worth > 600m.

It is part of the fun to make expensive "optimum" ships. If the ship blow up to often or too easily no sane person would use such expensive item, which would eve make a much less fun to play.

People often bring up the numbers a consistent bad ass fleet could make (which is great money), than they forget to mention overhead times ( getting to the system, waiting for a fleet to form (some not skilled out pilots actually wait for hours, if they get in at all), waiting for others while they visit the bathroom, drink, fight with their gf's, bringing out their dogs, ... ) and the fact that on good hours the areas are totally over farmed, meaning that most sites are contested and the winner takes it all. Actually my numbers show me, that my payout is only slightly better than l4 mission grinding, and way worse than ninja exploration.

My personal ideas:

a) buff up payout for 5 man sites a little
b) reduce vanguard payouts
c) buff up assaults
d) moms are fine

Spawn rate:
waiting for new spawns is boring. If you really need this to limit income a better way would be to reduce payout per hour and system to a fixed number, so that if the area is over farmed the payouts are reduced.
mom spawn should come later. I like the idea that you would need tags e.g. 10 tags per participant to enter which before have to be farmed from assault and vanguards. That would limit any kind of ninjas from entering.

More types or more complex sites would be great.
Currently most sites can be done without much moving around. Forcing the fleet to move around possible having to split up could be fun. E.g. structures that give fleet bonuses to the sansha worth enough to make you think about removing them, bomb deployments (slow enough so that you actually can evade them), officers spawning that bring a certain fleet tactic with them, so that you have to regroup to avoid that ...

Kill death sites:
Make a new type of site that has a great chance of killing even the most skilled and best fitted entering ships (e.g. 15-20% kill rate). That on the other hand do pay out enough to make this loss worth it. Discourage use of any expensive ships, either by entering limits e.g. max t1 cruisers or even frig only.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#348 - 2012-02-05 15:30:10 UTC
Make the incursions create a temporary lowsec system of a normally high sec =P

Hello, hello again.

El Geo
#349 - 2012-02-05 17:45:25 UTC
Degren wrote:
Make the incursions create a temporary lowsec system of a normally high sec =P

all systems sec in constellation drop by 0.1
Jerika Bodet
Kingdom of Glory
#350 - 2012-02-05 18:44:39 UTC
Ya know, it's always been said that CCP favors the Amarr, and Incursions is no exception. My meaning here is, Incursions are predominantly in Amarr or Gallente space. with the rare occassion in Caldari or minmatar space. Pretty much everytime I look, ah yes, yet another Incursion in Amarr... the Default.

How about spreading the love to other factions on a more balanced "Random" Incursion invasion. I don't know if there's a specific story behind the Sansha, that hate the Amarr more, thus invade it more... I could care less to be honest, in favor of a fair spread of opportunity. If you have a Hi-sec functioning gameplay, it should be easily accessible everywhere in Empire... without an obvious Favorite. Ugh

Minmatar Heavy Industries
#351 - 2012-02-05 22:30:10 UTC
TheLast Poofighter wrote:
Rather than reduce the isk/LP rewards - why not just contrict the pipe a bit? Limit 1 incursion constellation in High Sec, 2 in Low Sec, 3 in Null. I think fewer sites in highsec could make for some interesting sandbox dynamics.

Or offer the option for real world rewards like tacos and beer. Or vodka and bread...

No need to constrict... they are ONLY 1/3 the mission bounties & 10X the fun
If you constrict them you'll only be constricting the fun... because of a minority of whiney NULL SECers who think everyone should be their whipping boy
An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Tenris Anis
Schattenengel Clan
#352 - 2012-02-06 00:01:16 UTC
Eleena Frost wrote:
CCP, since I started in 2006 you have always stated that eve is a harsh world where the more risk you take the more rewards you can reap. The stupid amount of isk and LP incursions give have broken this paradigm. It's pretty telling that people who live in well settled 0.0 regions still go to empire and run incursions for isk. At this point the only people who have reason to be in 0.0 are full time pvp'rs, bots, and masochists.

Incursions pay more to the individual pilot than any other activity (barring trading) in hisec, lowsec, or 0.0 without any pvp risk and very little pve risk. Before sanctums were nerfed a pilot was at least required to risk a carrier/mom/shiny ship to make 60-100m/hr plus. This also required sov and an ihub with upgrades and always ran the risk of being killed by another player.

Now you can do this in complete safely in hisec. Anyone who complains of risk is full of crap. If there were any significant risk involved you wouldn't see fleets full of faction fitted machs, nightmares, and t3s running these sites day in and day out.

My view is nerf incursions to be a fun hisec alternative to L4 mission with no more payout than that. Then you keep the fun content, people still get paid decently, and the whole risk/reward balance stays the same as the past.

First do it, than come back. You are part of the crowed complaining about the isk incursions make, while actually do not running them, and even more important totally ignoring travel time, down times changes in fleet composition or afk times, as well down time from searching fleets.

Incursions are not the money maker everyone calls them, I have yet to make on a single day more isk/hour in incursions than I could have done in l4s. And we all know that while l4s are good isk, 0.0 and wh are giving way more isk/hour.

Remove insurance.

Tenris Anis
Schattenengel Clan
#353 - 2012-02-06 00:38:57 UTC
[quote=Shiu Juan] Maybe in Scout sites you can either fit a really good local rep, or you only need 1 baby logi (Osprey/Exequror). (eg these Sansha recognize that damage is a threat, but don't realize the problem with repping. I can't really think of another way of avoiding needing a logi pair and as a result blowing up the size of the fleet.)

You could give those baby logistics some kind of anti-sansha jammers modules which protects them from getting targeted ... ships would needed to change ... actually anti-npc jammers sounds like a great idea in general for this ship kind to make them useful for pve. Or give them some kind of better local rep. I actually do not like this, I do not like t1 logistics at all, because they simply do not work very well, not even in pairs.

Better balance scouts sites around speed tanks and ecm. Blackbird or kitsume could jam dangerous sansha ships while the fleets kills them.

Remove insurance.

Comrades in Construction
TOG - The Older Gamers Alliance
#354 - 2012-02-06 01:23:52 UTC
is it just me or does most of the Replies in this post mostly sound like its been posted by Capsuleers from either Null or Low-sec. from what i have read (stopped at page 5) there have been some fairly okay suggestions but i bet that most posts is just about whining.

Im not much for PvP myself, but i do hangout in null-sec from time to time

The Incursion i have been in seem to be nice and fun, although i have only tried Assaults, Headquarters and Mothership sites.

Changes i would suggest:
- Decrease payout on Vanguards or make penalty for Blitzing sites. example: if intended average site time is 5-10min, make penalty of 0-50% if you do a site faster than 5min
- Increase payout of Assault and HQ sites to compensate for effort and time used in site to make them more favorable.
- If a incursion is intended to last up to 7days. have the Mothership Spawn on the 5th (70h after incursion-spawn). once mother ship has spawned remove spawn of Scout and Vanguard sites.
- more variations in spawns in the sites to make them more interesting and fun
- Add more stuff to the LP-store so you can buy other stuff than just Capital BP's and equiptment. example. add Hybrid/Laser/Projectile/Missile Specialization Skill books and Capital Skill books (LP + Isk) appropriate amount of LP cost + reduced Isk price compared to the normal market price

Hope this feedback can give you CCP some ideas of what could be implemented. Big smile

Endeavour Starfleet
#355 - 2012-02-06 04:46:43 UTC
Degren wrote:
Make the incursions create a temporary lowsec system of a normally high sec =P

No thanks. This is yet another nuke from orbit attempt.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#356 - 2012-02-06 13:04:58 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Degren wrote:
Make the incursions create a temporary lowsec system of a normally high sec =P

No thanks. This is yet another nuke from orbit attempt.

because you're a risk averse publord?

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Barada Nicto
Caldari State
#357 - 2012-02-06 15:11:31 UTC
1. HQs Should have higher rewards/Hour than Assaults. Assaults should have a higher reward than Vanguards.
2. More spawn/site variation. Break the monotony
3. The Second Room in TPPHs should go away. The fleet has to fly through 2 rooms to get to the main site and THEN kill a tower?
4. Why are TCRCs so difficult but Mom sites are relatively easy? TCRCs should be made slightly easier or at least increase the reward.
5. Create more types of incursions. Sansha shouldn't be the only enemies.
Petrus Blackshell
#358 - 2012-02-06 15:27:05 UTC
Andski wrote:
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Degren wrote:
Make the incursions create a temporary lowsec system of a normally high sec =P

No thanks. This is yet another nuke from orbit attempt.

because you're a risk averse publord?

I had to read that twice. I thought you said "pureblood" at first, and was really confused.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

El Geo
#359 - 2012-02-06 17:26:46 UTC  |  Edited by: El Geo
Petrus Blackshell wrote:
Andski wrote:
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Degren wrote:
Make the incursions create a temporary lowsec system of a normally high sec =P

No thanks. This is yet another nuke from orbit attempt.

because you're a risk averse publord?

I had to read that twice. I thought you said "pureblood" at first, and was really confused.

i dont think it should make all the systems in a constellation lowsec, but a couple would add more to eve as a 'sandbox' than what we currently have, it would also create a few systems that have less of a farming population creating a gap for people who are willing to take the risk and i can pretty much guarentee they'll be tonnes of oppertunity for the more adventurous players

or the easy alternative which would see more of an equal spread over all the empire factions space, just make incursions available to any constellation, as currently they dont spawn in mixed sec const i believe?
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#360 - 2012-02-06 20:51:36 UTC
I swore I would not get into this again, but John Turbefield (CCP), has provided HARD, REAL numbers about Incursions, and other PVE numbers for the entire month of January.

Let's have a look at them, shall we? BTW, these are from his twitter feeds YESTERDAY.

4.37tn ISK paid out in agent mission rewards in Jan 2012.
8.13tn ISK paid out in Incursion rewards in Jan 2012.
27.03tn ISK paid out in NPC bounty rewards in Jan 2012.

The total for those 3 numbers is 39.53 trillion.
Incursion payments were 8.13/39.53 = 20.56% of ALL PVE payouts in ALL of Eve in January.

That of course does not include loot and faction items dropped in plexes and from rats.
Only loot dropped by Incursion rats are the potential BPC's, which are usually scooped by Ninja thieves in high sec.

So the impact of Incursions on PvE total pay is significantly less than 20% of the total payouts.
And given that many of those running Incursions would be grinding ISK in those L4's and plexes anyway, Incursions are a DROP IN THE BUCKET when it comes to PvE pay in Eve.

So enough of the hyperbole and lies from all the griefers and general asshats.
CCP, leave Incursions alone.

I could envision a change in the payout structure so the more complex sites get a better payout and VG's slightly less, but NO OTHER changes are necessary.