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Incursion fixes/feedback thread

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Tir Capital Management Group
#321 - 2012-01-31 18:23:39 UTC

I'm going to guess that this is outside the scope of your goals on fixing incursions - but let me throw this out there.

Incursions in Low Sec (and probably null sec) provide a HUGE GLOWING BEACON for the whole world to see and come down on you.

If you made these anamolies scannable with the ship scanner (and probes) rather than just easily visible it would make the PVP less of a overall risk deterrent - but easily a PVP experience.

You'd walk into a system, hit your scanner, find a site and warp to it. A committed Incursion fleet would have a dedicated scan probe out there (you only need one to find anamolies) - and they can then scan, warp to the one they want, etc. It doesn't provide a 100% PVP deterrent at all, but it gives a greater sensation of safety moving around. In some ways it also becomes more dangerous as well.

The suggestion isn't cohesive and requires some thought - but review this for at least Low Sec sites.

Where I am.

Tenris Anis
Schattenengel Clan
#322 - 2012-01-31 22:09:06 UTC
Magic Crisp wrote:
No ISK payouts please. The economy in eve is getting more and more rich, and (especially highsec) incursions doesn't meet the isk/reward ratio we have all over the game. Add some shiny stuff to the LP, remove ISK payout, boost LP. That'll do good to the economy, and maybe even help to stabilize the PLEX prices. Having only LP items will circulate the ISK, and not bring more into the game. We have more than enough money drains in eve, we need more sinks (and not just in 00 for the sov stuff).

Also the spawning of the mom disabling site respawning seems like a good idea. Also, I don't know how does it work currently (only tried incursions once in null), but players shouldn't get some final bonus payouts when the mom is despawned and hasn't been killed. Quite the opposite, payouts should be held back, if the mom is not killed in that incursion. Therefore, people are forced to kill the mom.

Also, the despawning of the mom could receive a randomized timer, varying at a medium scale, like 1 to 4 days from spawning. That way players can't farm the sites endlessly, if they need their payouts. So they'll be forced to kill it soon.

About the waves, randomize them, even the triggers. Triggers should be completely random, and even include some "first shot landing" types. That'll add some additional risk. Add jammers, neuts, webs, disruptors, painters, dampeners to the NPCs, so the incursion carebears will need some brains to deal with the sites.

Make it fair, and stop putting even more isk into the game, make it circulate, that'll do a lot better to the economy.

Risk vs Reward is a good scale. But you seem to ignore ISK/Time totally. if you decrease up time of incursions and include risk of no payout of incursion isk you increase risk dramatically. If you want this incursions would have to pay out much, much more.

Changing the balance of the rewards from ISK and LP with ISK sink to primary ISK sink with LP Store Items you reduce value of LP in general. From your viewpoint I guess you are hoping this will reduce inflation and make your sanctum isk more worth.

A inflation in LP in the universe available will decrease value of LP in general. At least at first, players may adapted and do something else IF there are other options, though right now mining prices are more or less bot controlled, which leaves not much options for high sec bears, at least I can not see them right now.

Overall I guess you are thinking along the same lines and are trying to achieve to become more wealthy via game changes instead of actually doing something in game.

Remove insurance.

Tenris Anis
Schattenengel Clan
#323 - 2012-01-31 22:17:21 UTC
Alec Freeman wrote:
Half the payout of vanguards so they deliver about 5mill per site with 10 people. This wouldnt break incursions they would still be more profitable than mission running and it would encourage folks to run the more dangourous assaults / HQs for isk.

Have you done the math for this really? Because your results seems way of the truth, vanguards do not pay even close to twice as much as l4. Not even in a shiny, shiny blitz fleet. You seem to have forgotten opportunity costs and logistics ... they are not for free in 0.0 and they are neither in high sec incursions.

Remove insurance.

Tenris Anis
Schattenengel Clan
#324 - 2012-01-31 22:29:14 UTC
E man Industries wrote:
Pay out is fine but they need more risk and more variables. They are boring and static.

Also they need to stay in one place longer.

I can only play for about 2h a night. Having to fly 20-30 jumps takes a large part of my play period and is boring.
EvE shouldn't just have content for people who can play for 6h a time!

This does not mean I want them easier, or simpler, or less intresting though. They should provide and intresting contnent.
Increasing the randomness would be one great help.

Another would be to increase the sancha presence and make them harder to fight out of a system. The snacha control is a joke in empire since the snacha just get farmed....

Make it so we feel like we are fighting not farming. Make it harder to move the progression bar. Make the progression bar ties to certain types of missions. Maybe speciall mission that we would have to form mini mom fleets for or the bar swings and gives us all a heavy debuff.

I think you are here on something. Multiple super and cap fleet spawns on different stages of the incursions sounds like a good idea, together with longer overall time for each incursions. If you increase the time a incursion is up from 4-8 hours (if actually someone is aiming to finish them right now) to 4-8 days balance with travel time would be much better, and if those super spawns will make vanguard and assault sites stop spawning or even better decrease spawning of them by about 50% everyone will just happy nuke those motherships and other cap fleets sansha bring to the field.

Remove insurance.

Ziranda Hakuli
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#325 - 2012-01-31 23:04:45 UTC
kinda nice seeing the tears of 0.0 crying but playing in both is so much fun. when you get your panties out of a wad and complaining that someone just tea balled ya and do some actual reading on Sansha and the history involved you realize he is not trying to hide from folks but sending in drone armies to capture more people seeking revenge and GODs work in his eyes that we all have strayed from the path and that his path is the only salvation anyone has within the New Eden.

Oh hold it that have to invole words and not picturs for them ~A~ guys and Something awful to point out the emphasis to the goons while Orphnage ganks those in jita.

Making them scannable sites....screw that your an idiot for thinking only WAR can be only scanned like a Sanctum.

zzlep Alduin
Alveare Artifex
#326 - 2012-02-01 11:44:01 UTC
DocKado wrote:

Nothing is up with incursions

they are creating emergent game play

people are trying to do them quicker and get more isk from it via doing it

people feel agrieved that this isnt fair

they make a pact to try disrupt them ASAP.

High sec is just as unsafe as low and null sec (infact you do not see many 4 bill awoxers in null)

Missed anything?

Nope think you've summed it up pretty well....

DocKado wrote:
Proactive idea to argument - fix null sec so the null sec tears are not aimed at what they can not do in null sec.

Fire all CSM for complete incompetence on this issue - you are all like Matinnni's ***** and not everyones end game is to live and get boned in null sec by all you CEO's who moooch most of the isk your alliance sits on via moons.....PS: Goons although can make a killing in their cluster **** world still have the need to cap every low sec moon their is.....

Balancing is needed there not cutting peoples throats at something that is giving many the ability to kill a goon....


TBH all cluster **** alliances need trimming there is too much ISK to be made in null sec and tbh it is far safer.
Tallian Saotome
Nuclear Arms Exchange Inc.
#327 - 2012-02-01 11:59:53 UTC
I just realized something.... With a small amount of tuning, incursions would be both self correcting, and a mechanism to push people out of highsec.

They are, without a doubt, a draw for new players to come to eve. However, if competition for them were actually fierce enough to drive people out, alot of them would be likely to go to lowsec to run them. After all, they are already organize with a fleet that, composition-wise, should be able to hold its own. Carriers and orca's are not that hard to come by, so just jump your ships out in carriers, refit your orca to a non-travel fit, and go into the incursion. You keep the orcas handy so you can swap for a pvp ship when people come in.

If you build a community doing this, you get an automagical constellation-wide intel network, done the same way 0.0 alliances set up our intel.

Right now, tho, the way the competition system works apparently balances so every gets isk in the end, due to trading most dps role back and forth. Make it where final blow gets the reward, and really make it competitive Bear

Inappropriate signature removed, CCP Phantom.

Minmatar Heavy Industries
#328 - 2012-02-01 16:33:25 UTC
Tallian Saotome wrote:
I just realized something.... With a small amount of tuning, incursions would be both self correcting, and a mechanism to push people out of highsec.


They are, without a doubt, a draw for new players to come to eve.


However, if competition for them were actually fierce enough to drive people out, alot of them would be likely to go to lowsec to run them.


After all, they are already organize with a fleet that, composition-wise, should be able to hold its own. Carriers and orca's are not that hard to come by, so just jump your ships out in carriers, refit your orca to a non-travel fit, and go into the incursion. You keep the orcas handy so you can swap for a pvp ship when people come in.

If you build a community doing this, you get an automagical constellation-wide intel network, done the same way 0.0 alliances set up our intel.


Right now, tho, the way the competition system works apparently balances so every gets isk in the end, due to trading most dps role back and forth. Make it where final blow gets the reward, and really make it competitive Bear

An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'
Bayushi Tamago
Sect of the Crimson Eisa
#329 - 2012-02-01 21:19:40 UTC
TBH, haven't read through thread, sorry if my ideas have already stated.

Idea 1: What if LP was removed from hisec incursions and isk payouts delayed until the mom went down?* A lot of the problem with incursions is the farming**, which leads to abnormal isk inflation (increasing costs of things etc [economic explination goes here]). If you delay the payouts until the mom is taken down in hisec, then people should be more motivated to clear the incursion and move on to the next one so they get paid, and if this does reduce the amount of farming, then isk inflation will also go down since there is only a decent isk sink to counter incursions if a shiny ship goes down in a site.

Idea 2: Another thing to do would be to make staging systems' sites t1frigs to cruisers and t2 frigs/destroyers only. This doesn't remove the farming problem, however it does open this up to newer players who want to be part of it. The elitism of some hisec runners is palpable and is not healthy for the game.

Idea 3: Once the incursion reaches the point where the mom spawns because the system control is high enough, discontinue other site spawns [allowing sites in progress to be completed], so that (potentially in combination with idea 1) players are forced to take down the mom.

*I don't want to appear to want to force people to go to losec to get LP/immediate payout, but something does need to be done with hisec incursions. Not like the current increased reward mechanic is making people go down there, so I doubt this would either.

**The farming problem isn't completely because people run sites for multiple hours/day, but because there is no incentive to move on. What I understand is that most site runners will run sites until they get a certain amount of isk and then stop running sites for the day. The hardcore farmers do exist, however, it's not just individual players making farming possible, but the group as a whole interacting with a broken system.
El Geo
The Ascendants
#330 - 2012-02-02 02:17:35 UTC  |  Edited by: El Geo
didnt know there was a thread
new players dont even stand a chance of getting into incursion fleet at all so mentioning them is pointless, want something for the new players? add the static ded 1/10 and 2/10's to the anomalies list with appropriate timers (a diferent thread, again to stop farming)

even the playing field
all incursion systems drop sec by 0.1 (thats by 0.1 not to 0.1 and only temporarily for the runtime of the incursion)

> lowest any highsec incursion would go would be 0.4 so no reactor pos etc (could even put in non anchoring in incursion areas)
> players would want to just run any incursions with systems in lowsec quickly (hopefully stop alot of farming)
> cant hotdrop in incursion areas anyway and would give those sansha loyalists and the greifers everyone loves to hate a fair playing ground

just wanted to add : no one cares if people unsub accounts they use isk to pay for
Caldari State
#331 - 2012-02-02 12:35:11 UTC
Keep Vanguard payouts the same just change the hisec payout graph such that a smaller fleet gets the max payout instead of the current 10 man fleet. This could cause shiny fleets to try run these site with less ships thus increasing the completion time of a site and at the same time would allow larger less shiny fleets to successfully compete with them.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#332 - 2012-02-02 19:49:18 UTC  |  Edited by: fuer0n
Tallian Saotome wrote:
I just realized something.... With a small amount of tuning, incursions would be both self correcting, and a mechanism to push people out of highsec.

They are, without a doubt, a draw for new players to come to eve. However, if competition for them were actually fierce enough to drive people out, alot of them would be likely to go to lowsec to run them. After all, they are already organize with a fleet that, composition-wise, should be able to hold its own. Carriers and orca's are not that hard to come by, so just jump your ships out in carriers, refit your orca to a non-travel fit, and go into the incursion. You keep the orcas handy so you can swap for a pvp ship when people come in.

If you build a community doing this, you get an automagical constellation-wide intel network, done the same way 0.0 alliances set up our intel.

Right now, tho, the way the competition system works apparently balances so every gets isk in the end, due to trading most dps role back and forth. Make it where final blow gets the reward, and really make it competitive Bear

pretty sure ccp designed them in this way, too many people contesting sites and some fleets will disband. some won't and them fleets might turn into a random group roaming lowsec or a WH. good fun when 20 people warp to a gate and jump through to kill some lazy gate campers that thought they were in for some easy kills. getting the balance right so people stay interested in incursions and pushing people (who have disposable isk) to do other stuff is hard and from what i've seen ccp have it just right.

assaults and hq's need buffing a little payment wise and some hq's need making a little harder - you don't broadcast when your yellowboxed because your dual boxing or whatever and not paying 100% attention your ship deserves to die. vg and incursions are fine as they are in hi sec, players can police them if they think hi sec players are making too much isk. if the hi sec players don't like it they better learn to fight back. after all this is a sandbox right?
Breaking Ambitions
#333 - 2012-02-02 21:54:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Wolodymyr
Well one quick fix to help the economy is to have incursions only give out LP. People will still make money selling LP store goods but it'll make incursions into an isk sink rather than an isk faucet.

Also there need to be ""noobcursions" something that can be run with 2 to 4 people with the same payout and difficulty of running level 1, 2, and 3 missions in highsec.

Right now people running incursions are either in pimped out faction battleships or T2 logi. So the incursion FCs, who are usually part of the big incursion running cartels, tell noobs that if they want to get in on the action they either need enough isk to get a pimp fit faction battleship or enough skill points to fly a T2 logistics cruiser.

I always imagined incursions existing as a way to get newer players involved in group activities, not for highsec carebears to grind isk more efficiently.

I honestly think PoCo based sov is a good idea

Amarr Empire
#334 - 2012-02-03 00:34:59 UTC
Wolodymyr wrote:
Well one quick fix to help the economy is to have incursions only give out LP. People will still make money selling LP store goods but it'll make incursions into an isk sink rather than an isk faucet.

Also there need to be ""noobcursions" something that can be run with 2 to 4 people with the same payout and difficulty of running level 1, 2, and 3 missions in highsec.

Right now people running incursions are either in pimped out faction battleships or T2 logi. So the incursion FCs, who are usually part of the big incursion running cartels, tell noobs that if they want to get in on the action they either need enough isk to get a pimp fit faction battleship or enough skill points to fly a T2 logistics cruiser.

I always imagined incursions existing as a way to get newer players involved in group activities, not for highsec carebears to grind isk more efficiently.

the economy is not suffering...inflation is well within expectations
Endeavour Starfleet
#335 - 2012-02-03 03:45:44 UTC
So again for those who weren't reading the earlier posts. The only near term changes needed are.

#1 Force Vanguard sites to be completed for payout. Clear the field

#2 Increase payouts for higher than Vanguard sites.

Bingo! Incursions are better balanced after that. No need to nuke them from orbit as the payouts and LP are mostly good to go!
The Green Dollar
#336 - 2012-02-03 17:03:33 UTC  |  Edited by: kenxi
Incursion views:

High sec players who don't Incursion: What is this Incursion thing you keep talking about? I can't be bothered to fit a ship and fly over there.

High sec players who do Incursion: Why are you kicking over my sand castle? I don't have the time for large null sec alliances as I have a life and these are the only way for me to make real isk.

Lowsec players Yay please nurf highsec we need more targets!

Null sec Nurf highsec we need more players and my plex price is going up cause normal people with a life can buy them HELP! I have no job and live in my parents basement........... O and don't forget to give me more isk for my null sec Incursion!

CCP------ Out to lunch and siding with nullsec

P.S I'm on the nullsec side

Also since when do capsuleers give a flying !#@$# about the people on the planet? Last I heard they were pointing guns at the civilians to get them to move so they could setup their PI Stuff

The % of morons is always greater than what you would expect it to be unless you always assume 100% of people are morons

Lilan Kahn
The Littlest Hobos
The Whale Hunters Association
#337 - 2012-02-03 23:18:01 UTC
Slash isk payouts by 50% and double the lp payout
Tenris Anis
Schattenengel Clan
#338 - 2012-02-04 00:06:07 UTC
Akrasjel Lanate wrote:
Ninavask wrote:
Here is what should happen:
-Lower isk payout for vanguard sites by 30-40 percent


As long as you add up time of incursions by at least 300 percent I am fine with that. If you donĀ“t I will just run l4s like I have done while the interdiction lasted. Makes no difference for me, I am making the same amount of isk in both, though I enjoy grinding in fleets more than solo grind ... ;-)

Remove insurance.

Pierced Brosmen
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#339 - 2012-02-04 00:43:14 UTC
Now, I've not read through all 17 pages in this thread, but having looked at other Incursion related threads it is clear that the mom site spawns way too soon. As this site is spawned at the first time the influence bar is completely blued, then there should be done some tweaking to make sure the sanshas don't lose their influence so fast.

As it is today, we have the agreements between the incursion communities to leave the mom alone until the incursion hits it's withdrwing state. This to make sure more people gets to join in on the fun, as the majority of people who wants to run/try incursions would be left out, if the whole thing could be killed off in just a few hours... And also, the Sansha wouldn't do a full fleged invasion of an entire constellation if they had so little resources that they could be kicked out again 4-5 hours later, that just doesn't make sense.

So, I don't think the mom site should be triggered solely by the influence rate alone.

The way I percieve the mom site, it's looks more like a Sansha reinforcement fleet that will safeguard the witdrawal of the entire incursion fleet, back to Sansha (or Jove) space. Rather then the Sansha commander arriving to help since they are failing so badly (or something)

Based on how you see the different sites throughout an incursion constellation, you see lots of individual operations (each site as an individual operation but working together for the common objectives of the incursion as a whole). These operations continue to be established and run regardless of the influence level, and even though the mom has arrived to the constellation, it's presence has no impact on the security forces or anything else in each site... So I find it hard to believe the purpose of the mom's presence is to help out the active operation, to fend off capsuleer attacks.

My proposal to change the conditions for when and if the mom arrives:
- When the incursion itself is spawned, a timer is started.
- The timer is set to a random time during the second half of the time the incursion is in it's "Mobilized" state
- If the sansha influence (red bar) has been less then a certain level (for example 30%) on average from the moment the incursion started and until the set timer expires, then the mom arrives in preparation of the "Withdrawing" phase. If not, Sansha doesn't deem it nessecary for a reinforcement to help with the extraction of their forces.
- If the mom doesn't spawn, but the player influence (blue bar) reaches 100% during the "Withdrawing" phase, an alternative site is spawned (more on that below).

' Requirements for spawning the mom in low-sec and 0.0 would have to be different since it would be harder to maintain a high player influence over time in these areas.

Alternative end-site:
If conditions for spawning the mom site is not met, but the player influence is maxed out during the "Withdrawing" phase, a new site is spawned in the Headquarter system. This site would be a rendezvous site for the sansha forces to gather up in force, in preparation for the extraction wormhole. It only spawns with 100% player influence bechause the remaining sanshas feel the need to gather in force to defend their new abductees when they don't have the mom to safeguard the extraction (since that wasn't deemed nessesary at the earlier time and during the withdrawing phase it would be too late for Sansha to send the mom fleet in).

With regards to dfficulty, the site should be about the same as the mom-site. Completing this site will end the incursion, just like killing the mom. BUT... Since this does not involve killing the leader of the incursion and his flagship, only 50% of the LP pool is payed out.

Site variety:
Also, when it comes to sites throghout an incursion I would like to see some more variation. Like many others have said before, having more randomness to the spawns in a site would be welcome to prevent making them too boring, but I would also like to see more then 3 types of sites in each tier incursion system. Variation is good.

I'd also like to see changes to the spawns throughout the incursion.
- When the incursion is in it's "Established" phase, you'd see a somewhat medium activity level. Sites would not spawn as fast as they do today. At this time the Sansha forces are more focused at attacking the planets to establish control on the ground and get ready for the abductions.
- When the incursion goes into "Mobilizing", you enter the peak activity in space and sites spawn at the rate they do today.
- When the incursion is "Witdrawing" the activity level is low, since most sansha forces are preparing to get out.

Endeavour Starfleet
#340 - 2012-02-04 04:57:13 UTC
Lilan Kahn wrote:
Slash isk payouts by 50% and double the lp payout

No thanks. That will crash the LP market and make Incursions a ghost town.

It's a nuke from orbit that is unwanted.