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Magnetar Wormhole Bonuses - Fix ETA?

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-01-18 16:10:31 UTC
I live in a magnetar and the bonuses are far from properly functioning. Not only have all the e-war bonuses been stripped, the damage modifier doesnt apply after you change ships unless you leave the hole and come back. You still get the tracking/missile penalty and targeting range penalty though?!?
Furthermore the fighters seem to have the same issue, tracking penalty but no damage modifier. On the rare occasion, the damage modifier will stick with you when you go into other holes too. Giving you more damage there, for a few minutes atleast. When someones comes to attack, they have the advantage, they jump into the hole in the ships they intend to be in and get the bonus. I on the other hand switch out of a money making ship and into something to pvp with and get shafted with a targeting range penalty and a tracking/explo velocity penalty, but no damage modifier!

I've made multiple, extremely well detailed and documented reports on this. All I've received in reply so far is "we're aware of this issue". I've had ships returned to me in losses related to this, a long time ago. The rest have simply been ignored or waved off, so why one and not the others?

It has been over half a year since my first report and much longer than that since CCP further broke it in attempting to fix the infinite tracking exploit.

Where is CCP at in fixing this? That is what I really want to know. There has been massive additions to the game since this has been a known issue and not eve a hint at this being corrected as far as I can find on the forums.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-01-19 23:05:49 UTC
No one has heard anything at all about them fixing it? Are they even going to...?