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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Ideas for new modules

First post
DG Ale
Sodium Chloride Mining Institute
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#1901 - 2013-07-16 16:32:11 UTC
Cyno Jamming Module

  1. It would have a range of 3k - 5k or less.
  2. You have to lock the activated cyno before activating the module.
  3. It can be fit to any ship. ECM ships would have a range bonus. So a small fast ECM frigate would be best.

Maybe you can load scripts to either kill the cyno, delay the jump or scatter a jumping fleet over the region.
Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1902 - 2013-07-17 15:30:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
DG Ale wrote:
Cyno Jamming Module

  1. It would have a range of 3k - 5k or less.
  2. You have to lock the activated cyno before activating the module.
  3. It can be fit to any ship. ECM ships would have a range bonus. So a small fast ECM frigate would be best.

Maybe you can load scripts to either kill the cyno, delay the jump or scatter a jumping fleet over the region.

Let's revise that one:

Cyno Jamming Script for Cyno Field Generator
Loaded into a cyno field generator to disrupt all cyno fields within 5,000 km. Non-targeted; has the same effect on the ship as a cyno field (cannot warp, log, dock, move, etc.) and requires the same amount of liquid ozone. Kills existing cyno fields and prevents new fields within the range and frees those cyno ships from the effects of the cyno field so they can warp, dock, log, etc.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Silivar Karkun
#1903 - 2013-07-17 18:10:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Silivar Karkun
beating a dead horse here: mining sentry drone

-base yield of a mining laser, so the T1 sentry miner can pull the same as a miner I, while the T2 version pulls the same as a miner II (60 m3 per min, same as 4 tech 1 mining drones).

-sentry drone attributes, this means, 25 m3 and 25 bandwith, sentry tank and range, as they are inmobile, they use a tractor beam to move the ore from them to the ship. the time it takes to them to do that depends on the distance again.

-skill intensive: it would require Drones V, Drone interfacing IV, Mining Drone Operation V and Sentry Drone Interfacing I. aditional to this Sentry Drone Interfacing would give a bonus of 5% of mining yield per lvl for them.

now, about balance:


a sentry miner drone II pulls 60 m3, with full V skills it would ad a maximum of 150 m3. as the drone wouldnt move, it would use a tractor beam to move the ore, the time it would retrieve the ore would depend in the distance from the ship, like with any other mining drone.

mining sentry drones would get bonuses from the mining drone rigs, so they could get up to a maximum of 177 m3 of yield per drone.

a drone ship like the dominix has 125 bandwith so it can field 5 of these, 177*5 = 885 m3 of aditional yield. a dominix with full lvl V skills and using miner IIs in its high slots would have 360 m3 of yield, and a cargohold of 4998 m3, almost the same as a venture, if uses T1 cargo rigs and T2 cargo expanders. with sentry mining drones and implants that would have in total a yield of 1245 m3 of ore per minute. (note that with cargo rigs you would have a yield of only 1147 m3)

in the case of a carrier, it can port 15 of these, so the drone yield would be of 2225 m3 with full skills, of course, this means the sentries take all the slots, leaving the ship vulnerable. aditional to that, a thanatos with full cargo, this means, T1 CAPITAL cargo rigs and T2 cargo expanders, gets an aditional of 5717 m3 for cargo, which includes to the fleet hangar and you would get 15717 m3 of posible cargo to move. or it would have a yield of 2655 m3 if it used rigs (2 T1 and 1 T1)

with those 2 examples i can show that the idea wouldnt be OP, why?.

example A: while a battleship like the dominix could have better yield than a venture, it becomes basically a ganking target, it cannot tank, it doesnt have speed and it cant defend properly if attacked. the venture can basically GTFO quickly and has the same performance as the dominix given in the example, for only a little fraction of the skills and isk required.

example B: while the mining thanatos in this example has a good yield, it cannot match that of any mining barge or exhumer at good skills, also, as a capital ship it is vulnerable to get hot droped, its total cargo goes slightly up compared to the ore hold of a skiff, but cannot match the ore hold of a retriever/mackinaw or the work of a covetor/hulk with an orca/rorqual.

now about the mining ships, an orca can only deploy 2 sentries, same for exhumers, mining barges can deploy only one, and the rorqual can field 5. not a big deal in terms of yield.

the uses for them, well, for one part, defense, if the ship can focus its aditional yield in one drone at reduced bandwith, it can field others. mining barges wouldnt be able of course, exhumers could field 1 sentry miner and 4 scouts so they can get a little improvement in yield while they get defense, an orca would be able to do the same in that matter, but no one mines in a hauler, as for the rorqual, it gets the same example as the orca.

battleships would get clearly bonused with this, just look at the example of the dominix, there are many possibilities
Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#1904 - 2013-07-17 20:20:18 UTC
capital neuts (meta 1 and 2)
capital NOS (meta 1 and 2)

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

#1905 - 2013-07-17 21:17:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Whitehound
Tech3 Turrets

Intro: All turrets currently have attributes like optimal range, falloff, tracking, ammo type, RoF, etc.. When players fit turrets do these almost always fit 2 to 8 at a time. The more the better, and always following the rule "not to mix weapons".

Idea: This led me to the idea of a Tech3-like weapon system, where one does not fit identical weapons into the high-slots, but instead fits weapon modules that select a variety of properties. The more high-slots a ship then posses, the more complex features the resulting weapon can have.

- The "mount" weapon module selects the type of weapon, meaning its visual effect, i.e. laser, projectile, hybrid or something completely new.

- The "range" module selects the range, i.e. short, medium and long. Fitting two or more "range" modules extends the range, but also increases requirements. To avoid simply copying tracking computers with this should the "range" module only provide certain combinations of tracking speeds, optimal ranges and falloffs, even ammo capacity, and not allow for a complete freedom over these values so that TCs and TEs stay desirable.

- The "damage" module selects the damage type. Fitting multiple "damage" modules into the high-slots allows for multiple damage types and more damage while also increasing requirements. One can use these to construct a weapon that deals a high amount of only thermal damage, or one that deals omni damage, or even one that deals EM+Explosive.

More weapon modules are thinkable, but I will leave it at three. Players have to fit at least one of each weapon module and can fit at most 8 depending on their ship's high-slot layout. The result is that the trade-off between range and damage remains, but it becomes harder for players to tell what the exact threat of someone's turrets are and opens more possibilities for players.

The idea may also be limited to only Tech3 cruisers and require the player to fit a specific offensive subsystem to use Tech3 turrets.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#1906 - 2013-07-17 21:58:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Ranger 1
Probably far too late, and already mentioned, but I'd like to see a true "Heat Sink" introduced.

A limited use or single use module that takes heat damage first instead of modules that are overheated. Only after this module is "burned out" does an over heated module begin taking normal damage.

Obviously the more modules that are over heated the fast this module would burn out.

Potentially you could have it's effect limited to either High, Medium, or Low slot modules depending on which rack you have installed it in, although that would probably reduce it's appeal significantly compared to other modules you could put in those same slots.

If they could be fit in any rack however, that would be awesome, and give use to what are now often unused utility high slots.

This module should not be repairable, even if only partially damaged.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Me ofcourse
Goonswarm Federation
#1907 - 2013-07-18 01:49:10 UTC
Keyword: Fitting

Point-Defence turret

basically something in the line of a Smartbomb/ friend or foe, however the difference is that this will run off ammunition and instead of damaging everything in range, it will target something which you base your standings off of and shoots a single target at a time. so it will act as an anti-drone/missile weapon.
Will be a high slot module of course, powergrid and CPU will be based off of the ship which fits it, that also affects the damage that is dealt by the module
scarify ardonn
The First Kiss
#1908 - 2013-07-18 08:12:48 UTC
just do something with cyno :-)
I understand why people hotdroping even 2 frigates with 20 blackops, it is because they are so noob to make kills another way.

So, in this topic are plenty of ideas about cyno jamming. I like few of them.

Best anti-cyno idea:
ArrowPersonal cyno jammer : module with +-50km range, mid-slot, effect: targeted ship cant light a cyno <---CCP pls do this

or second good idea:
Arrowadd cyno jam ability to all bulles - interdictor, HIC, mobile,

third good idea:
Arrowmobile cyno disruptor : same as mobile warp disruptor, but in range cant be used cyno

PS: for love o god add new Accessorier item : stopwatch (avarage programmer can make and implements stopwatch in 1 hour)

Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#1909 - 2013-07-18 10:19:37 UTC
scarify ardonn wrote:
just do something with cyno :-)
I understand why people hotdroping even 2 frigates with 20 blackops, it is because they are so noob to make kills another way.

So, in this topic are plenty of ideas about cyno jamming. I like few of them.

Best anti-cyno idea:
ArrowPersonal cyno jammer : module with +-50km range, mid-slot, effect: targeted ship cant light a cyno <---CCP pls do this

or second good idea:
Arrowadd cyno jam ability to all bulles - interdictor, HIC, mobile,

third good idea:
Arrowmobile cyno disruptor : same as mobile warp disruptor, but in range cant be used cyno

PS: for love o god add new Accessorier item : stopwatch (avarage programmer can make and implements stopwatch in 1 hour)


no if you wanna get rid of a cyno kill it... if you dont you ran out of luck

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

Goar Arran
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1910 - 2013-07-18 12:32:54 UTC
boost legion ship please
J33 Monocombine
#1911 - 2013-07-18 15:59:38 UTC
Hell I'll give it a try.

Webifier scripts:
Range script: range of the webber goes up in exchange for smaller speed penalty of the target ship.
Velocity penalty script: Higher velocity penalty for a dramatic reduction in range.

MWD scripts:
Speed script: greater speed for massive sig radius penalty increase.
Sig radius penalty script: Large speed nerf for a smaller sig radius.

(I really like scripts.)

Single use module:
Targeted energy de-stabilizer : a highslot module that can hold one charge at a time, that when used on the targeted ship, drains a moderate amount of cap instantly. Can only be reloaded in stations and has a long universal cooldown.

I really like the scripted armor hardeners idea.

I sell combat boosters of every strength and type. Message me to get your edge.

Swiftstrike Incorporated
#1912 - 2013-07-18 18:39:32 UTC
Don't recall if I already posted in here or not. I like the anti-cyno theme, but most ideas put forward are too powerful imo. My version of a "cyno-jammer" would be based on the cyno module itself.

  • You'd light it up and your ship would be disabled.
  • It would last for 10 minutes and show up on the OV for all to see.
  • In addition, the "fuel" would have an extended reload time e.g. 15 minutes.

Casual Incursion runner & Faction Warfare grunt, ex-Wormholer, ex-Nullbear.

Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#1913 - 2013-07-25 18:54:52 UTC
Goar Arran wrote:
boost legion ship please

since when is a legion a module Question

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

Ellendras Silver
CrashCat Corporation
#1914 - 2013-07-25 18:59:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Ellendras Silver
Swiftstrike1 wrote:
Don't recall if I already posted in here or not. I like the anti-cyno theme, but most ideas put forward are too powerful imo. My version of a "cyno-jammer" would be based on the cyno module itself.

  • You'd light it up and your ship would be disabled.
  • It would last for 10 minutes and show up on the OV for all to see.
  • In addition, the "fuel" would have an extended reload time e.g. 15 minutes.

there is no need for a cyno fix because there is no problem

the ship is imobile for 10 min cant move cant logoff nothing its a sitting duck all you have to do is kill it

FFS if you have that much issues with it move to high sec

[u]Carpe noctem[/u]

Marwolaeth Arglwydd
Alternate Powers
#1915 - 2013-07-25 19:22:15 UTC
Not really a new module, but I would like to see a lot more of the high-slot modules on the outside of the ships. Like how Missile turrets are now. Or if nothing else at least the ones that affect other players like vamps and nos and reppers.
Vayn Baxtor
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1916 - 2013-07-25 20:58:23 UTC
or second good idea:
cyno jam ability to all bulles - interdictor, HIC, mobile,

I like this one - for Interictors and HICs. Lives up to the name.

Using tablet, typoes are common and I'm not going to fix them all.

ImperiaI Federation
Goonswarm Federation
#1917 - 2013-07-25 22:04:13 UTC
First off, and its probably been mentioned already, but this is two parts:

First: Change the useless Defender missiles to be more like, Decoy missiles. You shoot one and for say 5 to 10 seconds, all ships have a 30% less chance of hitting your ship, or maybe your signature radius is dropped by 50%.

Second: Give the new Decoy Missiles a seperate launcher. You can only carry one on any ship, and it has a long rate of fire, say 3 to 6 times the duration of the Decoy missile.

A variant of this is to allow for mutiple fast firing launchers, but for each missile to only do a small reduction in signature.

Anyway, tear it up.

He's not just famous, he's "IN" famous. - Ned Nederlander

LowKey Ops
Shadow Cartel
#1918 - 2013-07-25 22:32:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Phaade
Defender missiles changed to this:

Phalanx 40mm Cannon (or whatever)

Fleet support anti-missile / drone weapon system

Functionality similar to that of the close-in weapon system (CIWS) designed to engage anti-ship missiles (rockets to torps) and fixed wing aircraft (drones) at close ranges.

High-Slot weapons system
Does not require lock (drones)
Light damage, high ROF
.2 damage modifier vs. conventional targets (ships), however will auto acquire targets.
Mountable on Destroyer class ships
Operational range: 8KM

Other point defense systems that work on rails / projectiles would be awesome. Lasers too, but that could get funky, how do you beat a laser to it's destination? Perhaps with MORE LAZORS
sprototles Ganzo
Big Fat Panda Corporation
#1919 - 2013-09-22 07:25:56 UTC
I think EVE is not realistic in this way...

I really dont like that capital ships are weak against group of small/medium ships....
I know that only stupid players will face solo in titan against 50 frigates but it may happened :D

Thats why i would like to see DEFENSIVE RIGS of medium, large and capital size

Lets compare titan with something really big from real world.... maybe with battleship Yamato
Both have big guns that can kill everythink in few seconds... but Titan cant face small ships, Yamato can because it have lots of turrets that can defense him

This ship modification is designed to increase a ship's defense at the expense of the ship's CPU capacity, POWERGRID capacity and CAPACITOR capacity. (Drawback -10 % to all)
DEFENSIVE RIGS will allow you add another group turrets/launchhers on your ship this way:

2 large turrets/launchers or
4 medium turrets/launchers or
8 small turrets/launchers

2 medium turrets/launchers or
4 small turrets/launchers

2 small turrets/launchers

your skills (like torpedo skills or whatever) will not boost damage of this rigs
you can choose only TECH1 modules and TECH1 ammo

Like or improve my idea if you like it :)
(Sorry for incorrect english Roll )

... or maybe it may be good as subsystem to every ship...depend on YOU ! Cool

My ideas...pls chceck them :) Battleship Yamato - Nice Missiles - OVERHEAT Drones -

Caleb Seremshur
Commando Guri
Guristas Pirates
#1920 - 2013-09-22 10:23:49 UTC
Ellendras Silver wrote:
Swiftstrike1 wrote:
Don't recall if I already posted in here or not. I like the anti-cyno theme, but most ideas put forward are too powerful imo. My version of a "cyno-jammer" would be based on the cyno module itself.

  • You'd light it up and your ship would be disabled.
  • It would last for 10 minutes and show up on the OV for all to see.
  • In addition, the "fuel" would have an extended reload time e.g. 15 minutes.

there is no need for a cyno fix because there is no problem

the ship is imobile for 10 min cant move cant logoff nothing its a sitting duck all you have to do is kill it

FFS if you have that much issues with it move to high sec

your rebuttal ignores super tanked battleships and capitals.

maybe make cyno have a spool up time for the ship doing the jump? sort of like MJD and set the base time to like 10s and after all 5 skill 7.5s. In this way a defending force can guarantee itself an opportunity to pop a cyno frigate.

In my humble opinion one of the many balance issues this game has is the disparities between ship classes. Small ships can compete with larger ships even at times where they have no right to. It's a matter of isk commitment.