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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Ideas for new modules

First post
Deutzer Freiheit
#521 - 2012-01-27 19:06:14 UTC
Hull-repair Drone

Repairs Hull damage
Deutzer Freiheit
#522 - 2012-01-27 19:08:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucjan
Wormhole Destabilization Bomb

Causes [x] kg passed through to wormhole when detonated.

Wormhole Stabilization Bomb

Reduces [x] kg passed through to wormhole when detonated.

Time wormhole can stay alive unchanged for both
Dark Rawen
The 1st Regiment
#523 - 2012-01-27 19:56:20 UTC
Active omni armor hardener like invu field in shield
Nova Fox
Novafox Shipyards
#524 - 2012-01-27 20:05:00 UTC
False Signature Drones.

Electronic Warfare

These drones once deployed mimic ship signals over long range scanners. Ships that picked are random but in the same class as the host ship so the chance of somone seeing though the ruse is posisble. These drones are unable to attack or defend.

Dust 514's CPM 1 Iron Wolf Saber Eve mail me about Dust 514 issues.

Deutzer Freiheit
#525 - 2012-01-27 20:13:35 UTC
Close Proximity Defense Drone

Small Sentry drone 5m3 each.
Range about 5km-10km
Damage : Scout Drone Damage
Tracking : Scout Drone Tracking

Automatically attack hostiles when they get within range.

Deutzer Freiheit
#526 - 2012-01-27 20:21:14 UTC
Cloaked Drone Controller

Module Gives ability to control drones while cloaked.

Drones still decloak you if they get too close.
Deutzer Freiheit
#527 - 2012-01-27 20:33:16 UTC
Projected Warp Stabilizer

Projects Warp Stabilization
T1 = +1
T2 = +2
Deutzer Freiheit
#528 - 2012-01-27 20:48:21 UTC
Bomb Drones

Can come in all sizes

When ordered to engage it will orbit target

New drone order available 'detonate' Does 'mini' bomb damage * drone size factor

Drones have same resistance as bombs to to each other limiting the number that can explode without taking the rest with them.

Can be used as mines if you can get them to stay still in an area

Possible to blow yourself up if not paying attention
Deutzer Freiheit
#529 - 2012-01-27 20:54:07 UTC
Drone Deploy Bomb

Bomb contains 5 drones put inside by the player before hand

When bomb detonates those 5 drones 'hatch' and are controllable by pilot even though drone bay too small to hold all.

Bandwidth still applies. So right now if bombers still only able to fire bombs, 25 bandwidth is all you'd get to play with.

Deutzer Freiheit
#530 - 2012-01-27 20:55:27 UTC
T2 Bombs

Given the ability to change the detonation time : 5s <-> 15s == 15km <-> 45km
Zod's Minions
#531 - 2012-01-28 01:27:50 UTC
Sentry Mining Drones.

25 bandwidth
eph between a heavy and medium drones
(suggesting an Ice version, but the cycle time would have to ... discouraging)

Logi module
projected resistance. three versions each for structure, armor and shield. omni without scripts for specific resists.
University of Caille
#532 - 2012-01-28 01:36:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Clementina
More additions

There should be a high-slot warp disruptor. Make it disrupt with strength 2 without effecting microwarpdrive at up to 10kms away and take up as much CPU/Grid room as a Small Nosferatu II.

There should be a damage control that will give 10% resists to shields, 7.5% resists to armor and 50% resists to structure.

There should be an afterburner that uses fuel of some kind in addition to cap, and goes faster. Perhaps even a biofuels version for slightly faster and a rocket fuel version for really faster.

Extra Ships

Sansha's Nation needs a Destroyer and a Battlecruser model of some sort (Really for missions but if you are going to create one you may as well release it to the players since they will no-doubt look awesome.)
Deutzer Freiheit
#533 - 2012-01-28 04:55:10 UTC
Consumable Microwarp fuel additive

Fuel that gives microwarps and/or afterburners additional boost. +10% +25% +50%?

Made out of materials like Rocket Fuel[x] and Quafe[y] on a planet.

Consumes 10[x]m3 / sec, so 100m3 would give that boost for 10s.

Works in conjunction with heat system.

Used like nanite paste.

If module is disabled due to heat damage, engine explode causing catastrophic damage to the craft possibly destroying it.

Using it is suppose to feel like a gamble and less skill.

Random Damage type explosion if you have enough resists on that damage type you may survive.

Rough numbers :
1mn - 1000 damage
10mn - 5000 damage
100mn - 10000 damage
#534 - 2012-01-28 18:32:03 UTC
Lucjan wrote:
Wormhole Destabilization Bomb

Causes [x] kg passed through to wormhole when detonated.

Wormhole Stabilization Bomb

Reduces [x] kg passed through to wormhole when detonated.

Time wormhole can stay alive unchanged for both

no. this screws with so many WH mechanics it's not even funny. esspecially the 'stabilization' concept. a WH's definite size is the saving grace to any smaller WHing corp. this would kill off so many POSs in WH space since bigger fleets would just be able to keep WHs open to bring in everyone they wanted.
The Thirteen Provinces
#535 - 2012-01-28 22:00:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Maenth
Idea#1: A high-yield self-destruct-bomb module that, once activated, asks "are you sure you want to do this?" and you get 3 options: NO, YES, and YES+EJECT ... the last option being to eject your capsule immediately and the ship autopilot-approaches the target, and when within X range of the target, your ship explodes (if you only select YES then you have to eject manually or else go in and explode with your ship) .... while the ship is on its way, it still counts as your property and your attack. and everything about it continues as it was, but having ejected the capsuleer has relinquished any further control of the vessel. The ship has (for example) 20 seconds to reach the target; it detonates either after 20 seconds or once it gets within [blast range] of the target, which ever comes first. There would be 3 size categories (S/M/L) and each has a different blast radius and damage amount appropriate for its size class. There may be 'ammo' options so as to affect the damage amount and types... examples:
standard destruct compound: explosion does X explosive damage
slow-burn destruct compound: explosion does X explosive damage and Y thermic damage
fast-burn destruct compound: explosion does X explosive damage and Z kinetic damage

Other ideas, which I think/hope have not been often brought up:
- rigs that 'convert' a fitting slot from one type to another (maybe limited to one per ship)
- rig that adds a launcher/turret hardpoint (probably limited to one per ship)
- rigs to convert between turret/launcher hardpoints
- mining rigs
- scripts for drone tracking computers
- rigs to give damage bonuses to drones other than just sentry drones (maybe just less of a bonus to the mobile drones, if that's an issue)
- ability to target self with drones ("What do you mean I can't tell my repair drones to repair me?")
- drone self-destruct/suicide-crash to go out in a blaze of glory 8)
- smartbomb drones; the drone effectively carries and fires a smartbomb module
- stealth plating; gives no armour bonus, but any ships targeting you have an effectively reduced sensor strength, making it harder to target lock your ship

These ones I'm sure will be shot down immediately, but seeing guns getting up nice big DPS numbers that drones can't hope to reach, and that's before logistic computers support...
- [Drone Control Unit I] becomes [Drone Crontrol Unit II] and there is a new [Drone Control Unit I] which does give +1 max drones controlled, but only 1 can be fitted to a ship and the effect does not stack with any [Drone Control Unit II]
- Drone Control Rig (probably limited to one per ship, and/or high calibration cost, whatever!)

Drones. Drones are a means to an end. An end to the ruthless Caldari 'progress' machines. An end to the barbaric 'redemption' proposed by the Amarr. What they see as chaos shall be my perfect order, merely beyond their comprehension.

Revii Lagoon
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#536 - 2012-01-29 11:13:19 UTC
Signature Radius Reducer module, would take up a mid slot and come at the expense of locking range.

EWar Optimal Range / Falloff increase, would be a mid slot, and increase point, web, target painter, ect. range by a certain amount.

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#537 - 2012-01-29 23:48:49 UTC
A long time ago, I use to trade NPC commodities across and within high and low sec. The trade system had a few problems, especially in regard to the price reset mechanic, and the profit margin was abysmally low considering the risk, especially by today's standards.

What I propose is to setup a new dynamic economy of NPC goods, and, with it, a cluster of new modules that enable ships to handle these cargoes.

These special cargoes would be comprised of "perishable commodities" which would carry with them both increased risk and reward. Their associated modules, then, would dynamically compete with cargo expanders and other modules used in trading (like shield expanders) to improve the longevity of the cargo. Each cargo would be available in only one part of space and in high demand elsewhere, encouraging traders to travel far and fast (especially if the the demand scales dynamically, with higher and higher payouts for increasingly long periods without a successful trade run).

Different cargoes would be handled differently, but several dynamics can be set up. For example, suppose there is an exotic, ceremonial Amarrian fruit that only grows on one planet and is believed to "purify" those who consume it before it changes color (normally within 2 hours of it being picked), after which the whole batch is ruined. Ships then, that can go farther and faster will see drastically higher profits per unit, though such ships typically will (and do) have significantly smaller cargo holds and higher skill requirements. Though it is possible for this fruit to stay good for quite some time on its own, use of special refrigeration or environmental control units in your low slots can preserve its value for a limited period (with multiple units giving diminishing returns, if any at all).

Meanwhile, Radioactive Byproducts (for, say, medical use; like barium) will have a half-life, thus as the material sits in your cargo bay it is constantly devaluing (and, perhaps, even getting smaller). Thus, faster pilots are rewarded by being able to sell more of their load before it decays. Materials with a short half-life also tend to put out a lot of heat and radiation though, so low slots are needed to augment the internal hulls to dissipate heat and shield the ship's systems from damage and interference. A dynamic may even be made where unshielded or poorly shielded ships slowly lose structure/armor/shields and have modules overheat as they fly, but are able to carry greater amounts (which of course worsens the radiation problem). Perhaps these ships would even require active hull repair mods in order to keep from exploding on the fly.

Another possibility is wildcard type commodities. A viral agent may require a CPU intensive mid slot to monitor and adapt to changes in the virus, which simply has a random chance of mutating and becoming suddenly worthless (with the module reducing the chance along a Poisson distribution).

Many other possibilities exist for this type of trade: Emergency medical transport, that requires a triage bay to keep the patient alive and requires that the ship not be shaken (i.e. shot at) or the patient may die (perhaps he even has hit points). Livestock requiring environmental controls or sedation. Unstable material, which might explode if the ship is exposed to certain types of radiation (possibly preventing the ship from safely entering systems with highly energetic blue stars unless their EM resistance on shield or armor is above some ridiculous threshold like 95-97%). And many more such scenarios which encourage people to play with their ship fittings or deal with threats from other players.

All the while this system will encourage people to move though dangerous areas of low and null sec . This will make pirates happy as people move through their space in an attempt to claim the reward, while simultaneously folks are encouraged to leave secure space and pass through all areas of the galaxy with NPC stations (and perhaps even outposts?).

It would even encourage people to explore wormholes which can act as extremely profitable shortcuts. Generally speaking this would encourage people to touch, examine, and interact with every aspect of the game. A win, win.
Amaroq Dricaldari
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#538 - 2012-01-30 02:34:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Amaroq Dricaldari
Traidir wrote:
A long time ago, I use to trade NPC commodities across and within high and low sec. The trade system had a few problems, especially in regard to the price reset mechanic, and the profit margin was abysmally low considering the risk, especially by today's standards.

What I propose is to setup a new dynamic economy of NPC goods, and, with it, a cluster of new modules that enable ships to handle these cargoes.

These special cargoes would be comprised of "perishable commodities" which would carry with them both increased risk and reward. Their associated modules, then, would dynamically compete with cargo expanders and other modules used in trading (like shield expanders) to improve the longevity of the cargo. Each cargo would be available in only one part of space and in high demand elsewhere, encouraging traders to travel far and fast (especially if the the demand scales dynamically, with higher and higher payouts for increasingly long periods without a successful trade run).

Different cargoes would be handled differently, but several dynamics can be set up. For example, suppose there is an exotic, ceremonial Amarrian fruit that only grows on one planet and is believed to "purify" those who consume it before it changes color (normally within 2 hours of it being picked), after which the whole batch is ruined. Ships then, that can go farther and faster will see drastically higher profits per unit, though such ships typically will (and do) have significantly smaller cargo holds and higher skill requirements. Though it is possible for this fruit to stay good for quite some time on its own, use of special refrigeration or environmental control units in your low slots can preserve its value for a limited period (with multiple units giving diminishing returns, if any at all).

Meanwhile, Radioactive Byproducts (for, say, medical use; like barium) will have a half-life, thus as the material sits in your cargo bay it is constantly devaluing (and, perhaps, even getting smaller). Thus, faster pilots are rewarded by being able to sell more of their load before it decays. Materials with a short half-life also tend to put out a lot of heat and radiation though, so low slots are needed to augment the internal hulls to dissipate heat and shield the ship's systems from damage and interference. A dynamic may even be made where unshielded or poorly shielded ships slowly lose structure/armor/shields and have modules overheat as they fly, but are able to carry greater amounts (which of course worsens the radiation problem). Perhaps these ships would even require active hull repair mods in order to keep from exploding on the fly.

Another possibility is wildcard type commodities. A viral agent may require a CPU intensive mid slot to monitor and adapt to changes in the virus, which simply has a random chance of mutating and becoming suddenly worthless (with the module reducing the chance along a Poisson distribution).

Many other possibilities exist for this type of trade: Emergency medical transport, that requires a triage bay to keep the patient alive and requires that the ship not be shaken (i.e. shot at) or the patient may die (perhaps he even has hit points). Livestock requiring environmental controls or sedation. Unstable material, which might explode if the ship is exposed to certain types of radiation (possibly preventing the ship from safely entering systems with highly energetic blue stars unless their EM resistance on shield or armor is above some ridiculous threshold like 95-97%). And many more such scenarios which encourage people to play with their ship fittings or deal with threats from other players.

All the while this system will encourage people to move though dangerous areas of low and null sec . This will make pirates happy as people move through their space in an attempt to claim the reward, while simultaneously folks are encouraged to leave secure space and pass through all areas of the galaxy with NPC stations (and perhaps even outposts?).

It would even encourage people to explore wormholes which can act as extremely profitable shortcuts. Generally speaking this would encourage people to touch, examine, and interact with every aspect of the game. A win, win.
*starts clapping*
*crowd gradually joins in*
Kamuria wrote:
1. There's a huge gap in powergrid between 400mm plates and 800mm plates.
What about 600mm plates at 135 powergrid ?

2. Let's think about useless modules and make them better. The rigs giving optimal bonus to projectile guns per example, if it was a fixed amount it would be way better than a percentage.

Example : +2000 range for small, +5000 for medium and +10k for large.

Look at the market and check out those items that nobody buys, check out their weakness and make them better. This will add more diversity to modules without inventing anything.
*repeats clapping*

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#539 - 2012-01-30 02:35:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Kamuria
1. There's a huge gap in powergrid between 400mm plates and 800mm plates.
What about 600mm plates at 135 powergrid ?

2. Let's think about useless modules and make them better. The rigs giving optimal bonus to projectile guns per example, if it was a fixed amount it would be way better than a percentage.

Example : +2000 range for small, +5000 for medium and +10k for large.

Look at the market and check out those items that nobody buys, check out their weakness and make them better. This will add more diversity to modules without inventing anything.
Amaroq Dricaldari
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#540 - 2012-01-30 06:30:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Amaroq Dricaldari
Re-Request: Faction Salvagers, Tech II Tractor Beams

Also, can you PLEASE release the following items? They have been in your database for a long time:

- Tech II Mining Frigates
- Bulk Gas Extractors (for Mining Barges)
- Those Tech II Frequency Crystals that do Kinetic and Explosive Damage (you heard right)

Even if you don't release them on Tranquility, could you let us test them on Singularity?

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.