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Crime & Punishment

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.


First post
Deep-Fried Prawns with Lemon
#301 - 2012-08-16 18:07:10 UTC  |  Edited by: HoleySheet1
Evolution1979 wrote:
So any updates on how your presonal vendetta is going? P vendetta. But I'm making lots of p4s and like to talk about feelings....and bunnies

Killing your ships and pods since 2008. Killboards don't lie, Don't get mad, get better.

Deep-Fried Prawns with Lemon
#302 - 2012-10-31 01:08:32 UTC
A lil necrophelia can revive a thread....all i need is some bat guano and some KY jelly and someting to watch while i do the deed

Killing your ships and pods since 2008. Killboards don't lie, Don't get mad, get better.

Solar Winds Security Solutions
#303 - 2012-10-31 01:27:19 UTC
What's a "Hawse"?

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#304 - 2012-10-31 02:35:12 UTC
Wait, holeysheet changed the way he write in the foruns..., Vegas, did you buyed Holeysheet?

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Sight Picture
#305 - 2012-10-31 03:33:39 UTC
You spent a lot of time on your portrait. Your eyes are very shaded and therefore "evil" with big, fat air quotes.
Deep Dark Fantasy.
#306 - 2012-10-31 18:10:29 UTC
fail corp name bro.
Deep-Fried Prawns with Lemon
#307 - 2012-10-31 19:35:25 UTC  |  Edited by: HoleySheet1
we're better than you by a multiple of 1000, so be quiet you lil veldspar miner
dont arouse my ire, or i will chuck thee in the mire.

Killing your ships and pods since 2008. Killboards don't lie, Don't get mad, get better.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#308 - 2012-11-01 04:35:54 UTC
HoleySheet1 wrote:
we're better than you by a multiple of 1000, so be quiet you lil veldspar miner
dont arouse my ire, or i will chuck thee in the mire.

Keep telling everyone how awesome you are, one day you might actually convince someone!
virm pasuul
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#309 - 2012-11-01 08:58:51 UTC
Why do all your threats centre on both sex and violence at the same time?
Reading the many threads I get drenched in recurring themes of ****, knives, ***, where the *** goes, etc......
It's like you are unable to separate one from the other. I hope this is not true outside of spaceshipland.
I find it disturbing that you are sexualising my otherwise clean wholesome space violence :(
Sarah xCalibre
Pod Liberation Authority
#310 - 2012-11-01 09:41:53 UTC
You are all equally terrible.
  • Sarah xCalibre
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#311 - 2012-11-01 16:24:49 UTC
Sunny Weather Mercenaries
The Initiative.
#312 - 2012-11-01 17:55:28 UTC
This thread. My eyes. Ban OP, gas thread, do the world a service.

o7 toonies

Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#313 - 2012-11-02 13:46:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Kalel Nimrott
virm pasuul wrote:
Why do all your threats centre on both sex and violence at the same time?
Reading the many threads I get drenched in recurring themes of ****, knives, ***, where the *** goes, etc......
It's like you are unable to separate one from the other. I hope this is not true outside of spaceshipland.
I find it disturbing that you are sexualising my otherwise clean wholesome space violence :(

Repressed homosexuality could be a cause. If he accepted this he could live a more healthy life. Nothing is more psychological damaging than not assuming what you are.
I mean, you can be whatever you want, I wont judge you, I dont feel right doing that to ppl. But spreading hate for not assuming what you are, yeah, I have a problem with that.

Thou I could be completely wrong and he is just a douche.

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Freundliches Feuer
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#314 - 2012-11-02 14:05:48 UTC
So much anger...

Why don't we settle this while mining together in a peaceful belt hmmm?
Nor Tzestu
Dos Pollos Hermanos
#315 - 2012-11-03 16:50:05 UTC
Kalel Nimrott wrote:
virm pasuul wrote:
Why do all your threats centre on both sex and violence at the same time?
Reading the many threads I get drenched in recurring themes of ****, knives, ***, where the *** goes, etc......
It's like you are unable to separate one from the other. I hope this is not true outside of spaceshipland.
I find it disturbing that you are sexualising my otherwise clean wholesome space violence :(

Repressed homosexuality could be a cause. If he accepted this he could live a more healthy life. Nothing is more psychological damaging than not assuming what you are.
I mean, you can be whatever you want, I wont judge you, I dont feel right doing that to ppl. But spreading hate for not assuming what you are, yeah, I have a problem with that.

Thou I could be completely wrong and he is just a douche.

Not emptyquoting. Now that that is out of the way continue shitposting. kthanksby
#316 - 2012-11-06 14:30:56 UTC
Lady Spank wrote:
Too many drugs.

What happened to you?