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Low sec exploration

Riley Aity
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2012-01-14 18:27:30 UTC
Hi! I've got two accounts, one's built for shoowing, mostly PvE, with a fair emmount of combat skills and mainly flies battleships, while my other has all the exploration type skills. I've been using them in high sec for probing and so on, and while its earning money, I was earning more just doing solo Lv4s. So I've been thinking about making the move to lowsec to make more money. I've got a couple of areas in mind which are pretty close to where I've been missioning anyway, which don't have any recent pod kills and a fairly low ship kill number, so it seems safe enough, though equally I know the risks of low sec and am going to be preparing appropriately, the main question I have is what ships to use. I'm thinking a ship with scanning bonuses and so on for one character, and a PvE combat fitted cruiser for the other? The scanning ship would also be filled with guns wherever spare as well so it could protect itself if required, though I'd rather run than engage if possible.

The main question I have is, what ships to use? I have a well fitted Crusader but I'm not sure how well that would work in these situations. And would a Pilgrim work for scanning? It seems to be a very good ship for solo exploration, so adding a second ship just for protection would surely be better? Especially since my scanning character doesn't have too much in the way of combat skills yet. Also, both characters area Amarr, and the combat char can only use lasers, so amarr missile ships aren't much use.

Mnemosyne Gloob
#2 - 2012-01-14 18:38:02 UTC
If your probing character has decent skills (rangefinding IV) you should have no problems scanning in a pilgrim with sisters gear and one or two gravity rigs. Aim for a probe strength of around 80 and you will be fine.

Now as for the other character - obligatory T3 response ... cloaky sub and carry a combat fit in cargo to switch out when you have found a site that warrants it - otherwise i wouldn't start out flying a battleship around lowsec, unless you are confident in your abilities and/or sorta live there with buddies.

I don't have much experience with amarr ships apart from the pilgrim, so i can't really comment about the viability of other ships.

Good luck.
Riley Aity
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2012-01-14 19:08:26 UTC
Thanks for the quick reply! I've got rangefinding at III at the moment, but not long until it reaches IV.
And I hadn't considered going for T3, but I can see how that would work. I wasn't going to be flying a BS around, was thinking more along the lines of a cruiser or frigate of some type, hence the crusader mention.
Ideally, I wouldn't see any combat besides that from the rats in the sites, its more of a deterrant than anything. Plus, hopefully having two ships in the one place would be enough to scare off the opportunist who is trying for an easy kill.
#4 - 2012-01-15 05:54:23 UTC
BS without support is just well BS.
King Rothgar
Deadly Solutions
#5 - 2012-01-15 09:50:00 UTC  |  Edited by: King Rothgar
Low sec exploration is an interesting activity. I can't say if it pays better than high sec lvl4's but I don't think it pays less. Regardless, you want something that makes a good swiss army knife ship. It needs salvagers, a codebreaker and an analyzer at the same time. Obviously you need to be able to kill the rats as well. These vary from frigates to cruisers for profession sites. A pilgrim can fill this role just fine but I favor the higher dps of the ishtar. It may not have the cov ops cloak, but the mwd + ordinary cloak trick works just fine in low sec. With this type of setup, I recommend your second toon stick to probing. So a cov ops frig is your best bet as they have the best probing bonuses. Alternatively a gangboost t3 with the probing subsystem is also a good choice, though they don't probe quite as quickly as the cov ops frigs do.

If you plan to run the combat sites in addition to profession sites, then you'll need a proper combat ship and a pilgrim won't cut it (ishtar is fine though). On the amarr side, I recommend a gunboat legion without the cov ops subsystem. You can certainly fit that subsystem to move around, but you need to swap it out before going into a combat site. The legion may not have a stellar amount of dps (650-ish max) but it has decent range, good mobility and can tank the sites (5-6 of 10) pretty easily. Once again I suggest having the prober alt be just that, a prober alt in a cov ops. The legion does not make a good swiss army knife ship however. It needs those high slots for guns, you can't afford to be tossing salvagers there and codebreakers/analyzers in the mids. For the profession sites, the drone boats really are the best at them.

[u]Fireworks and snowballs are great, but what I really want is a corpse launcher.[/u]

Uzii Jay
Special Reconnaissance Regiment Corp
#6 - 2012-01-15 11:27:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Uzii Jay
King Rothgar wrote:
Alternatively a gangboost t3 with the probing subsystem is also a good choice, though they don't probe quite as quickly as the cov ops frigs do.

I keep seeing this, but what is this based on? The Probing Subsystem has the same per-level bonus as the Covert Ops frigate, but to get to Level 5 takes considerably less time. They also have the same calibration for Rigs (2x T1 Gravity Capacitors, or 1x T2). So I'm not sure on what you are basing this view on. They are cheaper and possibly quicker to train for a new pilot, but as for a general comparison, they are the same.

Edit: Although, I do agree with your other points. I'd prefer a swiss army ship rather than two, and the Pilgrim fits that roles perfectly, without being too expensive, which I can't say the same for a T3.
King Rothgar
Deadly Solutions
#7 - 2012-01-15 11:58:43 UTC  |  Edited by: King Rothgar
Cov ops frigs warp faster and are more agile. They also have some additional probing bonuses. The big thing is the warp speed, when you're going system to system looking for worthwhile sites, 13au/s vs 3.5au/s or whatever the base speeds are is not insignificant.

[u]Fireworks and snowballs are great, but what I really want is a corpse launcher.[/u]

Uzii Jay
Special Reconnaissance Regiment Corp
#8 - 2012-01-15 12:43:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Uzii Jay
King Rothgar wrote:
Cov ops frigs warp faster and are more agile. They also have some additional probing bonuses. The big thing is the warp speed, when you're going system to system looking for worthwhile sites, 13au/s vs 3.5au/s or whatever the base speeds are is not insignificant.

True about the warp speeds, but again, what "additional probing bonuses"? Survey probes? They don't count, the T3 sub gets a better bonus to the Cloak CPU usage, unless you have Covert Ops V.

But yes, the Warp speed is the big thing, you are right there. Just when it comes to the actual probing, they are equal.
King Rothgar
Deadly Solutions
#9 - 2012-01-15 13:51:25 UTC
The time spent moving around is part of the probing process. Generally, a low sec explorer will setup shop in a vacant system and then probe it daily, sort of like corps moving into w-space. You'll probe your system and those within a few jumps of it. The added speed of the cov ops frig shaves a few minutes off the process assuming you drop your probes at safe spots rather than on the gate. You're also likely to poke your head into wh's, in those you'll be warping around to check that the entire system is genuinely empty before you go in to run sites. Some of those systems are 8au across, others 50+. Typical seems to be about 30-40au, so you'll be doing 2-3 warp to planets to do your snooping. That's a lot of time in warp in a t3, not so much in a cov ops frig.Blink

That said, a gang booster t3 is pretty handy. If you do one or the other, I recommend the t3. If you are willing to move both out, I recommend you do the probing/scouting with the cov ops and then switch into the t3 for boosting once you're ready to start running sites. And as already mentioned, you don't need those boosts to run the profession sites. Those are super easy. The only time such boosts are useful is when you start soloing 5 or 6 of 10 sites or dive into a c3+ wh.

[u]Fireworks and snowballs are great, but what I really want is a corpse launcher.[/u]

Riley Aity
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2012-01-18 13:38:00 UTC
I've been playing around with pyfa and come up with these fits:

[Arbitrator, 1 lowsec]

Small Energy Neutralizer II
Small Energy Neutralizer II
Small Energy Neutralizer II
Small Energy Neutralizer II

Tracking Disruptor II
Warp Disruptor II
10MN Afterburner II
Cap Recharger II

Damage Control II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I

Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Hammerhead II x5
Hobgoblin II x5


[Arbitrator, 2 lowsec]

Salvager I
Sisters Core Probe Launcher, Sisters Core Scanner Probe
Focused Anode Medium Particle Stream I, Standard M
Focused Anode Medium Particle Stream I, Standard M

Analyzer I
Codebreaker I
Y-S8 Hydrocarbon Afterburners
Cap Recharger II

Damage Control II
Capacitor Power Relay II
Medium Armor Repairer II
Medium Armor Repairer II

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
[Empty Rig slot]

Hammerhead II x5
Hobgoblin II x5

The first one was tweaked from a battleclinic build I saw, though I can't work out if I like it or not. Since I'd be looking at warping off if I see someone close on d-scan, I don't really want to engage, but with no bonus to weapons, it seems like I might as well fill it with neuts and disruptors so we can escape if someone does join us.

Equally, would I be putting out enough DPS to deal with the low sec sites? With the hammerheads, I'd be looking at about 200dps per ship, and the lasers barely add anything, but that's better than nothing. Plus they are both pretty cheap, so if I did lose them it wouldn't be the end of the world, a couple of sites should make more than enough profit to replace them.
Spite Industries
#11 - 2012-01-18 19:40:57 UTC
I just started to use something similar to your second fit on a pilgrim for low-sec combat, mag and radar sites and it works like a dream. The damage output is plenty from the Hammerhead IIs and it can hold all the mods to unlock everything (and scan).
Mnemosyne Gloob
#12 - 2012-01-19 08:57:59 UTC
King Rothgar wrote:
Generally, a low sec explorer will setup shop in a vacant system and then probe it daily, sort of like corps moving into w-space. You'll probe your system and those within a few jumps of it.

I guess that's a valid plan, especially if you have something like a base that you start out of. On the other hand i myself wouldn't want to restrict myself to a few systems only, because sometimes you just won't find any good sites there. I rather set out and try to cover many different systems. Of course knowing the region and the regular inhabitants is good (tho not mandatory).

Many people seem to like the main + probe scout approach, however if your skills are okay i find a setup of main (prober+all in one [like ishtar]) + dps buddy to be just as good.
King Rothgar
Deadly Solutions
#13 - 2012-01-19 11:39:12 UTC
Well, you should have plenty of systems around your home base. If your base system has 3 gates and each of those systems has 3 gates, that's a total of 10 systems while only moving 2 jumps out. That's an awful lot for one player and that scenario is not at all unusual, I'd say it's typical.

Of course, you can also go complete nomad if you have two accounts. You'll want your proby-cloaky-salvaging-hacking-analyzing-gas-mining ishtar of doom on one account, and a cloaky transport on the second to move all your supplies/loot around (and probably take over the probing role too via repackaged cov ops). But that approach really does require the second account to be practical. For single client, it's best to have a home system where you keep your stuff and drop your loot off at. You will have some sort of cloaky hauler there as well to make periodic runs to high sec, but that can be on the same toon as the aforementioned ishtar since you don't need to move the other ship at the same time.

I say ishtar in all these cases since it is genuinely the best at this type of thing, but the gila is damn close to it while the myrmidon, pilgrim, and a variety of other drone based ships are all acceptable. They need not be even remotely fancy either, a completely ordinary vexor/arbitrator also works, though not as well.

[u]Fireworks and snowballs are great, but what I really want is a corpse launcher.[/u]

Riley Aity
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2012-01-19 12:03:59 UTC
Thanks again for the replies!

I've also been speaking with some corp mates about the idea, and think I'm going to stick with the two arbitrator setups for the current moment as its something we can both fly. But then the scanner char is starting to train to a Pilgrim for the cov ops cloak which will make getting my dps character in far less risky. And then I'll be fitting either a Legion or more likely a Zealot, just for the shooting. And just keep an eye on d-scan for trouble and warp out at the first sign of it.
kasai zenpachi
Circle Of Chaos
#15 - 2012-02-01 03:45:52 UTC
Malaxy wrote:
I just started to use something similar to your second fit on a pilgrim for low-sec combat, mag and radar sites and it works like a dream. The damage output is plenty from the Hammerhead IIs and it can hold all the mods to unlock everything (and scan).
This is the fit you are talking about which was the first exploration fit i ever used before going to incursion. I have to say i miss those days might start doing it again.