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TORtanic Trailer

Arctic Light Inc.
Arctic Light
#61 - 2012-01-22 21:05:05 UTC
Destination SkillQueue wrote:

Such attempts were to be expected though and will even be celebrated by the fanboys and marketing talk illiterate. I've followed a decent amount of MMO launches and every one of them have plans to get people to sub for additional months. Timing patches right before subs end, so people see fixes are being made and new content added(Backfired for TOR). They can also intentionally withold content from launch and put it in a content patch later on, so they can give the impression, that they can deliver high quality content quickly and make it easier for people to sub for another month. I see it more as prudent planning than anything else at least from the company's point of view, but if they don't deliver people can, rightly so, feel angry about being manipulated.

Or they do it Blizzard style with burning crusade where "open beta testers" were given only one area to "test" and that area filled with ridiculously good gear (for lvl's that they were usable) in order to get the buzz going.
Result of c. was that everyone just HAD to buy the new expansion because the new gear was insanely good and WOW being WOW you had to had gear to have any life expectancy in PvP.
And once boy were people annoyed when they realised that lvl 70 blue dungeon stuff was worse then lvl 63 random green monster drops and they realised that this good stuff just so only happened to drop on that specific area where beta test had been held (starting area what else ...).
#62 - 2012-01-22 21:14:07 UTC
This was the typical response when you tried to speak out about some broken issue in the game.

The only people hating are the people new to the MMO / gaming world who dont understand the process involved in making an MMO pre and post launch.

Or the people blaming the game for there rubbish PC's and hardware issues.

I never seen such rabid fanboys for a game. That was a nice reply compared to most.

Everyone I know who bought it unsubbed within a couple weeks and went back to whatever they were doing.