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Getting kicked from EVE

Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#1 - 2012-01-11 10:40:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Mars Theran
So, I spend a few hundred dollars, and rebuild my computer with my old i7 870 CPU and GTX 460 SC Graphics card today; spend a few hours on the rebuild, and a few more making it work, because it turns out my CPU has some kind of bug.

Had to shut down Hyperthreading, disable C1E, set my RAM for 2T timing to increase stability, and a few other things.

TL;DR I get it up and running; stable as can be, by all appearances.

I download Crucible from EVE Onlinesite, and install it; hit the Finish button and boot the client. Log in to CQ after a few quick adjustments in the ESC menu, and restart my skill training after a long break of ~3 months. Cool.

Everythings good, or so I think. I decide to buy a cool Ishukone Sterling shirt off the market, (probably for too much; but I don't care); and spend some of my free Aur in the Nex store on a pair of combats and some boots.

Okay, sure no problem I figure; might as well see how these look.

Start up the character customization, and check out the new clothes. Okay, pants are cool, but not really fitting with the shirt; same goes for the boots with my alternative pants. No problem, I can always change to something more suitable to those later; so it's not a big deal.

30s later: *Blink* Client crashes to desktop. No idea what happened, but I reboot the client; access customization, and try again. 1 minute later: *Blink* same thing happens; only this time my internet goes down.

Getting a little irritated now, I hit the troubleshooter and get my internet back; reboot the client and try again, with the same results. Internet doesn't go down this time; so I pop in here, and proceed to these forums. *blink* The internet goes down; only this time I have to disable my Ethernet controller to get it back.

So now it's back, and I'm wondering what's up.

Readout of my packets recieved when I disabled the Ethernet Controller: 5.472,000

edit: Actually forgot, the first time it crashed to desktop; was because of Windows Authorization Blocking parts of the EVE client from accessing the Internet. I told it to proceed of course, as EVE isn't the first game I've seen that in.
Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#2 - 2012-01-11 10:56:31 UTC
Seems to have resolved itself for now.