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Return of the Hood Bug

Jack Aquinas
KE Transport Inc
#1 - 2012-01-10 21:53:59 UTC
It looks like the infamous hood bug is again rearing its ugly head. Shocked

Shadows cast by the hood disappear from the character portrait upon logging off and back into the client. I can recustomize and retake the portrait, but the cool looking shadows dissappear again once logging off. Ugh

Recently recustomized portrait

After logging off and back into the client.

Both pictures at once as portrait hasn't refreshed yet. The small one is how it should look.

Also, as shown in the images above, besides loosing the shadows, the portrait changes slightly as the collar seems to move. Very strange.

Anyone run into a similar issue or know why this is happening? I am assuming this is an issue with the Eve client rather than something with my graphics settings? (Radeon 5800 series drivers up to date)