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Voice Com, Push-To-Talk button only OUTSIDE of EVE

Atlantis Fuanan
Wormhole Research Inc.
#1 - 2012-01-09 11:59:52 UTC
Hello dear readers,

i have a problem that really starts to bother me a lot. The Ingame Voice is a great tool, espacially in Incursions:
Problem: The PTT-Button (no matter which one), doesnt activate the VOIP when i press it in the INGAME.
It DOES activate it outside of EVE (On firefox, evemon, windows explorer).
It worked for me, but one time (can't define a specific moment), it turned into this.

Info: Win 7 64bit, onboard soundcard. No other issues with MIC or PTT in any other tool.

[u]Things that would make EVE better:[/u] NRDS - Remove Local - Balance Cloak - Sov-Mechanic Changes - Less QQ

Legendary Umbrellas
#2 - 2012-01-09 13:00:59 UTC
Atlantis Fuanan wrote:
Hello dear readers,

i have a problem that really starts to bother me a lot. The Ingame Voice is a great tool, espacially in Incursions:
Problem: The PTT-Button (no matter which one), doesnt activate the VOIP when i press it in the INGAME.
It DOES activate it outside of EVE (On firefox, evemon, windows explorer).
It worked for me, but one time (can't define a specific moment), it turned into this.

Info: Win 7 64bit, onboard soundcard. No other issues with MIC or PTT in any other tool.

Try to change button, It works flawless for me when using middlebutton. Works both ingame and outside and when the game freezes.

[url=] EVE - Online Launcher [Linux] [/url] Installs, launches character prefixes (both SISI & Tranquility). Simplescreenrecorder shm inject

Atlantis Fuanan
Wormhole Research Inc.
#3 - 2012-01-09 19:10:03 UTC
Did not help me: Checked all keys (not the middlebutton, its broken on my mouse), disabled and re-enabled the eve voice.

[u]Things that would make EVE better:[/u] NRDS - Remove Local - Balance Cloak - Sov-Mechanic Changes - Less QQ