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EVE General Discussion

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This is why people don't ever go into 0.0 space anymore

First post
Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#181 - 2012-01-09 03:22:28 UTC
Regam Voss wrote:
you guys are so dumb. not even close to the OPs topic. just a bunch of whining

The OP was stupid in how he tried to go to nullsec. There's not much more that needs to be said.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Vyl Vit
#182 - 2012-01-09 09:38:00 UTC
Terajima Kazumi wrote:
Vyl Vit wrote:
IAnyone with a knowledge of naval warfare KNOWS the main problem is finding the enemy and pinning him down. Neither of those is certain, and when it's accomplished it's UNIQUE, and not the rule. PROVE you can actually fight. Lose the warp scrams and webefiers. Use some sort of SKILL, then brag.

I can see, OP, why you're miffed.

Aside from jumping through gates, which you shouldn't be going through without a scout unless you're in something small and fast, it's nearly impossible to get caught when you do not want to be caught (so long as you don't make a mistake). Prove you can actually survive. Use some sort of skill. Then you won't have to whine.

Uh...I have no problem whatever transversing the great expanse of EVE, crutches on the gates, or no. I have a handful of well-equipped ships, and a few tricks of my own. I go where I want, when I want. I guess that's called "surviving." Whining? Nice try. No cigar.

Paradise is like where you are right now, only much, much better.

knobber Jobbler
State War Academy
Caldari State
#183 - 2012-01-09 11:40:11 UTC
Valei Khurelem wrote:
I guess I have a billion ISK to grind then so I can afford some mercenaries.

Don't pay mercs, join a corp and learn the ropes, do the killing yourself. There are plenty of newbie freindly 0.0 based corps out there who'll take anyone so long as they can fly hero tackle and a cane or drake.
Ciar Meara
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#184 - 2012-01-09 12:18:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Ciar Meara
Messoroz wrote:
1. It's a fudging thrasher, you should be far faster than a single broadsword
2. If you travel in 0.0 without a burner of some kind, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG
3. Most frigs and sometimes destroyers can easily just burn back to gate and jump back out of the gate they spawned on when running into camps, this is a valid tactic assuming the campers shoot at you and aggress themselves meaning they can't jump for a minute. This also assumes you weren't stupid enough to shoot as well. AND it assumes you are properly fit.

The problem isn't an balancing issue, IT'S AN INTELLIGENCE ISSUE. I suggest reading some guides/tips/how tos on how to properly traverse null sec.

This pretty much, charging somebody when you can outrun them makes you this guy when you should be these guys.

- [img][/img] [yellow]English only please. Zymurgist[/yellow]

The Whispering
#185 - 2012-01-09 12:50:44 UTC
Valei Khurelem wrote:
I was trying to get to a 0.0 agent that I wanted to do missions for, feel free to tell me an ideal way that doesn't involve millions of ISK loss?

If you suspect their are people in the next system, next time don't go through anyway... wait, make a safe spot, log off and come back later. Check your map for intel, it will tell you the number of ship/pod kills in the next system during the last hour/day also the amount of traffic moving through it. Perhaps get an alt to act as a scout? My advise is to do missions in Hi-sec till you are doing lvl 4's ok, this will provide you with more than enough isk to start risking vessels in 0.0 If I was going to do what you want to do I would use a T3. Properly fit you have a good chance of suviving (evading) a gate camp and being able to complete the mission.
#186 - 2012-01-09 13:13:12 UTC
As anyone who knows me will tell you when it comes to PVP I'm pretty much at the lower end of the PVP genetic pool.
You talking to a guy who randomly warped to a safe spot only to land in the middle of a neut fleet, now the odds of that are mindblowing.

I'll attest that many times a lower skille dplayer can quite easily kick a more mature players arse.

Take it like real life, What would you expect if you hung around somebodies neighbourhood looking all suspect and trying to enter various houses? Your going to find yourself on the bad side of a can of whoop-ass (as our esteemed American bretheren say)

You need to think things through with EVE, even though you think what you are doing is easy or simple, EVE has a great way of telling you it isn't, usually this means a firery death and much laughter!

Get used to losing ships it's one thing that's constant in EVE

God Said "Come Forth and receive eternal life!" I came fifth and won a toaster!

Jenshae Chiroptera
#187 - 2012-01-09 14:15:54 UTC
OP - group + scouts.
This is a multi-player game.

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Elessa Enaka
#188 - 2012-01-09 14:21:54 UTC
knobber Jobbler wrote:
Valei Khurelem wrote:
I guess I have a billion ISK to grind then so I can afford some mercenaries.

Don't pay mercs, join a corp and learn the ropes, do the killing yourself. There are plenty of newbie freindly 0.0 based corps out there who'll take anyone so long as they can fly hero tackle and a cane or drake.

Hero tackle? Is that what you kids are calling suicide tackles now?

Devour to survive, so it is, so it's always been Eve is a great game if you can get past all of the asshats....

Keep It Simple Software Group
#189 - 2012-01-09 14:57:26 UTC
Valei Khurelem wrote:
You're right, EVE is for cowards.

No, I'm right. EVE is for: cowards, heroes, leaders, followers, thieves, bandits, pirates, assassins, spies, saboteurs, kings, queens, philanthropists, cowboys, indians, winners and losers.

Kitchen sink? Seriousy, get your ship together -

Gallente Federation
#190 - 2012-01-09 14:59:01 UTC
Valei Khurelem wrote:
Jason McCoy wrote:
wow blame ccp for your stupidity

another one, jeeze its friday night, and im stuck at work. Someone get me a double rum and coke plz.

Okay then, how do you beat a tech 2 broadsword with a tech 1 destroyer?

Beat? Hell, you run - generally to the closest exit. That thing has a battleship class tank on it. Firepower probably sucks wind but can hit anything from a frigate up through a capital ship.

You're running a T1 destroyer - probably with a char that can "barely fly it ok" against a pilot with at the minimum 3 skills at level 5, in a cruiser that is designed to survive tackling a carrier long enough for a gang to beat it... And you expect to fight that with your little destroyer?

Time to get a clue. A rock like that isn't going to go pop to your little guns but you sure as hell will get eaten if you stick around long enough for it to chew through you.

I disagree with a lot of the other assessments here.

You CAN fly anywhere you want in this game but you do so with caution and/or with friends. WIthout either - a soloing thrasher pilot? You are going to get eaten badly in such places unless you AVOID dangerous situations. Those who solo there tend to be much higher skilled than you are - both SP wise, as well as practical hands-on PvP.

Old joke about learning to PvP in this game:
1. Learn to run.
2. Learn when to run.
3. Learn to fight.

As you get better at the game, you will do better but expecting to step in and run all by yourself against any other ship you bump into isn't bright. If you were with 10 friends, that pilot would have been aligned and ready to jump in seconds. Instead - you played right into his hands and that isn't a problem with the game, that's a problem with your expectations.

If you want to PvP - make friends. Otherwise - expect to die a lot until you build up a LOT of skills, generally with a hell of a lot of losses as you learn.
Misina Arlath
Darkfall Helix
#191 - 2012-01-09 15:46:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Misina Arlath
Personally I never much liked lag-fest fleetfights and the drama of nullsec.

But as far as avoiding the gatecamps and so on it's honestly not very difficult. As suggested, you can slam the MWD or the AB and race back to gate, then jump back into high/low sec where you have Concord / gate guns to help you.

Or you can send in a scout, i.e. an alt with no training, implants or anything but a shuttle. Then you know for certain what's behind a gate, unless they are cloaked, but then again you can see who is in local at least.

Optionally, you can use the starmap and the filter settings to display amount of ships jumping through a system, how many were destroyed in the last half hour, hour or longer as well as the amount of pods destroyed. Obviously, any system with several ships and/or pods destroyed should be avoided or at the very minimum be scouted before you jump in your main character/ship.

Also, you can equip warpcore stabilizers en masse if you are worried about being scrambled. As long as your goal is only to get from A to B, then you don't need anything other than being able to GTFO. A frigate or destroyer should align fast enough that you can warp out before taking any, or at least significant damage.

Unless, of course, they are sniping you from way back and actually lockon fast enough to get a volley off.

So, briefly summed up.

1) Burn back to gate
2) Send in alt to scout
3) Use starmap to check for activity along your planned route
4) Use stabs when crossing dangerous systems
5) Combination of all the above

Failing to do any of these, and just hoping your destroyer with (most likely) subpar training will be sufficient to keep you safe, well... it's just a sad fact that you had it comming. If not that day, it would have happened any other day when you are jumping blind into places where everyone (and you do get a huge warning plastered in your face when you try to jump to low/null) knows how dangerous it is.

PvP is not dead.

Solo-PvP is, arguably, alot less common. While the prospect of being a lone wolf flying around space just like good old Wing Commander and such sounds appealing and fun, it's neither safe nor recommended (especially not for newer players). Also, it's 100% guaranteed that sooner or later you will lose your ship and might even lose the pod. That's the simple rule of PvP and anyone wanting to do PvP need to face the fact that:

You WILL lose your ship at some point.

Sooner or later someone has a better ship, have just the fittings that counter yours, they are in a bigger gang or otherwise will destroy you. You can call it unfair and cry wolf and broken game as much as you want, but it's a simple fact in any PvP game (especially so in EVE).

People who do work together, in corps, gangs and so on are of course rewarded. I'm not really sure it should be called a reward to have an advantage if you take the time to organize and work together. Afterall, it is an MMO and teamwork should be obvious, at least if you want to get anywhere relatively safely.

Otherwise, go ahead and attempt to solo pirate (there are those that do it successfully). However, never think you are invincible.

Also... just for any new players reading this... bigger is not always better in EVE. A pack of cruisers or battlecruisers can easily defeat a battleship, despite it being a larger shipclass. I know this is obvious to most EVE players, but there are those out there that still think they will be safe as long as the ship is big enough.

Anyways... bottom line though... if you don't like the flow of the game, I guess it's not the game for you. CCP won't change the entire game structure at the whim of one lazy player who failed to scout his route.
Fidelium Mortis
Minor Major Miners LLC
#192 - 2012-01-09 16:10:04 UTC
Traveling in 0.0 can be done relatively safely even through gate camps but a thrasher is probably one of the worst choices that could be made. I would recommend doing a bit more homework and look into something that will survive bubbles (super fast or cloaky), and also read up on bubble mechanics and common tactics.

ICRS - Intergalactic Certified Rocket Surgeon

#193 - 2012-01-09 16:18:35 UTC
Some tips for the OP.

1. When you know the other side of the gate is probably going to have someone waiting, hold your gate cloak until you decloak on your own. Don't move or anything else, just sit there until your cloak drops. You need to wait out the session change in this manner otherwise you will not be able to jump through the gate right away.

2. Lock up the other person to get him to aggress you, DO NOT FIRE ON HIM. If you do anything to aggress your attacker you will not be able to jump the gate right away.

3. Once he has aggressed, burn for the gate and jump through. You may or may not make it, you may get bumped off before making it back to the gate, but there is a good possibility in a small ship like that if you have a mwd that you will make it through. He won't be able to follow you right away due to having aggression. Hope there is no one left on the other side waiting to catch you when you jump back through.

Dr Karsun
Coffee Lovers Brewing Club
#194 - 2012-01-09 16:21:56 UTC
Valei Khurelem wrote:
I was trying to get to a 0.0 agent that I wanted to do missions for, feel free to tell me an ideal way that doesn't involve millions of ISK loss?

Getting to a 0.0 agent is easy... Take a bomber or even just a cov ops frig with a cloak and just go. It's not likely anyone will manage to catch you on the way, unless it's really a huge gang with interceptors to decloak you.

It's the survival during the mission you want to run that is a problem.

But my recipe -> if you can't beat them, join them. And if you can't join them, join their big brother / their enemy. Someone will take you under their wings and allow you to kick ass. It's not like people don't want active members, they do! But it's actually hard to find noob players who'd just like to join a 0.0 corp with 0.0 space of their own to rat AND join their pvp ops, even if those ops are only on weekends.

"Have you had your morning coffee?" -> the Coffee Lovers Brewing Club is recruiting!

Sascha der Kriegfisch
#195 - 2012-01-09 16:52:07 UTC
10 pages of Obvious Troll Feeding? Seriously?

Ira Theos
#196 - 2012-01-09 17:13:27 UTC
Dr Karsun wrote:
Valei Khurelem wrote:
I was trying to get to a 0.0 agent that I wanted to do missions for, feel free to tell me an ideal way that doesn't involve millions of ISK loss?

Getting to a 0.0 agent is easy... Take a bomber or even just a cov ops frig with a cloak and just go. It's not likely anyone will manage to catch you on the way, unless it's really a huge gang with interceptors to decloak you.

It's the survival during the mission you want to run that is a problem.

But my recipe -> if you can't beat them, join them. And if you can't join them, join their big brother / their enemy. Someone will take you under their wings and allow you to kick ass. It's not like people don't want active members, they do! But it's actually hard to find noob players who'd just like to join a 0.0 corp with 0.0 space of their own to rat AND join their pvp ops, even if those ops are only on weekends.

1)You CAN'T beat them, your ONLY choice is to join them.

2) Yeah, we know, it's really hard to find good slaves these days.

What an exciting prospect for a new subscriber! How totally unappealing.

That is exactly what is preventing Eve from growing in subscription numbers.
3 R Corporation
#197 - 2012-01-09 19:55:54 UTC
Valei Khurelem wrote:
people go on being in denial about the glaring problems with it? :P

Yes EVE has glaring problems, however your post fails to describe one.

0.0 space has value because it is protected, divided up and alleigance is enforced. If anyone was allowed to putter around in null-sec and mine the good ore, farm the good anomalies, etc, then what would be the value? What would be the challenge? None. You would just have to point and click on the map, set the autopilot and you are there.

No, null sec is absolutely unapproachable for the single player except if you have your eyes open all the time, have a cloaking device and only make temporary visits. You need teamwork to hold and take advantage of null-sec and this is by design. Empire can be the single player version of EVE if you want it that way, but not null-sec.

Therefore get yourself in an alliance or at least a decent roaming gang and you will stop having these troubles. EVE is not the problem here - you are expecting something from the game that it was not designed for.
Leeroy McJenkins
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#198 - 2012-01-09 20:53:51 UTC
Ira Theos wrote:

1)You CAN'T beat them, your ONLY choice is to join them.

2) Yeah, we know, it's really hard to find good slaves these days.

What an exciting prospect for a new subscriber! How totally unappealing.

That is exactly what is preventing Eve from growing in subscription numbers.

1) I don't see anything wrong with this option.

2) This is true.

Confirming the only way run EVE is to turn it into a WOW space clone for kids with ADD, because you have to be nice to kids with ADD.

Also confirming that higher subs should always be the overriding priority, original vision and goals are overrated. It is always the wiser choice to sell out and go with the flow.

I Don't play EVE

Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#199 - 2012-01-09 21:42:41 UTC
I totally understand your frustration if it's real, you are accustomed to playing games a CERTAIN way where you are the Dovahkiin of Legend and you kill dragons by FOS RUH DA'ing them over edges and you have 100 in all skills and you are oh so special and no matter what you do endless hordes of npcs will say you are so awesome and oyu can marry them and they will love you in pxelated polygon love for ever as the world is loaded in your ram , but then you come into eve and right away take an arrow in the knee and you realize you are just another guy in a weird sandlot full of cat crap, bullies, midgets, and the center is full of nice people only because there's a sandguardian, but the edges have all manners of weirdos and wig wearing transvestites.

Omfg i didn't read many of the rest of the posts, this post made me laugh so freaking hard I couldn't see straight and people all over the room were looking at me weird. I just have to say bravo sir you have won the internets for at least a week.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Karash Amerius
The Seven Shadows
Scotch And Tea.
#200 - 2012-01-09 22:35:05 UTC
Props goes to the OP who got 10 pages trollin...

Karash Amerius Operative, Sutoka