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A lazy way for make more
"The world as we know it came about through an anomaly (anomou)" (The Gospel of Philip, 1-5)
This message brought to you by Experience(tm). When common sense fails you, experience will come to the rescue. Experience(tm) from the makers of CONCORD.
"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet
Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.
I may not like you or your point of view but you have a right to voice it.
"Measure Twice, Cut Once."
5 Senses In A Person... 4 Seasons In A Year... 3 Colors In A Stoplight... 2 Poles On The Earth... ONLY 1-UP MUSHROOM!!! If You Like My Sig, Like Me! Remember EVE is EVErything!
@ChainsawPlankto on twitter
Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .
Bumble's Space Log