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Balancing Feedback: Assault Ships

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Axel Greye
Unlikely Suspects
#821 - 2012-01-16 16:41:32 UTC
hay gaiz i kno how to fix assault frigs. giv them cruiser sized weapons. Lol
#822 - 2012-01-16 16:46:27 UTC
What are assault frigs supposed to be FOR exactly?
Dani Lizardov
Immortalis Inc.
Shadow Cartel
#823 - 2012-01-16 16:48:03 UTC
WisdomLikeSilence wrote:
What are assault frigs supposed to be FOR exactly?

A well known Skill points hole I will say Big smile
Kahega Amielden
#824 - 2012-01-16 17:06:19 UTC
What are assault frigs supposed to be FOR exactly?

Er, frigate-sized combat ships?

What are HACs for?
Alex Medvedov
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#825 - 2012-01-16 17:07:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Alex Medvedov
AFs have one role already - they excel as low-sec pirate vessels, so keep that in mind when proposing some ingenious "fix all role bonuses". In my opinion, no role bonus is needed and if you really insist on having one, it should be something which improve AFs survivability during fleet fights. Nothing exotic, please...
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#826 - 2012-01-16 17:19:33 UTC
WisdomLikeSilence wrote:
What are assault frigs supposed to be FOR exactly?

I've always seen them as tough, frigate-sized ships designed for engaging larger targets. For example - the Wolf is slow, and has poor tracking compared to a rifter. It makes a mediocre dogfighter and has weaknesses when used for this purpose, but when orbiting a Battleship at 1000m, it can dodge large turret fire nicely while providing full DPS despite the tracking since you are point blank range.

This is just how I've seen them though, based on their bonuses, drawbacks, etc compared to Destroyers and frigates. CCP may have had something different in mind...

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Captain Nares
O3 Corporation
#827 - 2012-01-16 17:26:20 UTC
New AF's: a bit OP and still useless Smile

Sure FW guys will use them. But they already use them now.

Sure this is an improvement. But not a successs Ugh

Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#828 - 2012-01-16 17:39:48 UTC
If all else fails, it's always possible to give AFs a unique role that no other ship can fill.

Some possibilities:

1) Armor Breaker and Shield Breaker modules: reduce the target's armor and shield resistances by a small amount. Can only be fitted by AFs. Uses a highslot, 8 km range.
2) Anti-logistic module: reduces the effectiveness of the target's remote rep and shield transfer modules. Can only be fitted by AFs. Uses a highslot. 20 km range.

These are both things that gangs of a certain size would want to have. There's not even any need to reduce AF combat capabilities because these modules would only start to become useful in gangs with at least several people.

That said I'm not convinced that this would be needed. If the SiSi incarnation of AFs fails on Tranquility, then it would be worth considering.
Alex Medvedov
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#829 - 2012-01-16 17:44:18 UTC
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
If all else fails, it's always possible to give AFs a unique role that no other ship can fill.

Some possibilities:

1) Armor Breaker and Shield Breaker modules: reduce the target's armor and shield resistances by a small amount. Can only be fitted by AFs. Uses a highslot, 8 km range.
2) Anti-logistic module: reduces the effectiveness of the target's remote rep and shield transfer modules. Can only be fitted by AFs. Uses a highslot. 20 km range.

These are both things that gangs of a certain size would want to have. There's not even any need to reduce AF combat capabilities because these modules would only start to become useful in gangs with at least several people.

That said I'm not convinced that this would be needed. If the SiSi incarnation of AFs fails on Tranquility, then it would be worth considering.

Yes Takeshi, AFs just need one more reason to be primared during fleet fights. So again guys, NO exotics here..
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#830 - 2012-01-16 17:54:46 UTC
Bent Barrel wrote:
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
They'd still remain slower than cruisers, and therefore useless for most cases, and overpowered in the rest.
Just a simple Q. How is the cruiser going to be faster with a scrambler on him ? I mean you cannot go fast without a working MWD.

Overall I like the changes, because I'll profit on the inflated AF prices and my Ishkur use will not be affected by them in any way. Other than that, the MWD bonus just adds a requirement to use a module that heavily taxes an already vulnerable frigate capacitor.

Add a cap penalty reduction to the MWD bonus and I am completely fine with the changes.

The fits that were posted were MWD fit with only a scram, & injector with no web. Any cruiser that has a web/scram against that AF is faster. And for the MWD bonus, nobody is being forced to fit an AB. The Empire folk will continue to fit ABs to their setups, but AFs will now be usable outside the padded cell that is low-sec.

@Kahega / J Random
The Navy ships are lesser than T2, and the Pirate ships need some balancing. The Worm/Cruor specifically are much weaker than their Pirate counterparts and need some tweaking no matter what happens with the AFs. The other Pirate ships are still very capable and depending on the matchup, can kill some of the AFs.

Ovella wrote:
So, goons simply want make new HACs out of AFs to get cheap counter to nasty arty mael fleets... could just have written so in the OP.
Don't group me into those folks. I don't speak for anyone/anything Goon related. I'm as much of a Goon as you are Roll

WisdomLikeSilence wrote:
What are assault frigs supposed to be FOR exactly?
Big-Game hunting Smile

Dani Lizardov wrote:
What is next? HACs ... are we looking forward for another 41 pages of "overpowered sugestions" that will make the game more fun?! .... And to the CSM you have compleatly lost me here? 41 page saying you they want AB bonus and yet you continue to ignore what people want?
HACs are actually good ships that are widely used. And nobody is ignoring the pleas for the AB bonus. That was tried and it failed miserably as an overpowered mechanic. Perhaps you should take a lesson on EVE history, or at the very least read this thread.


Norris Packard
Horde Vanguard.
Pandemic Horde
#831 - 2012-01-16 18:17:38 UTC
I feel that giving them the role bonus is out place, AFs are smaller HACs and should be basic better combat frigates like HACs are basic better combat cruisers. They all needed their 4th bonus, slot reworks and fitting fixes but feel that the role bonus is a step too far. Nice that they are more survivable with a MWD on but maybe a slight mass and sig reduction were all they need rather than a role bonus.

- Retribution; 4H/2M/6L might be an interesting and unique slot layout for the ship and no-one seems to have said it yet. Amarr should have the most lows on one of their ships at least. Also 5% tracking boost WTF??? every other ship in the game gets 7.5% did you not learn from that last time when you decided in needed to be increased?

- Vengeance; 4H/3M/5L would be a better layout for this ship. Also the bonus "5% bonus to Capacitor Recharge Rate per level" should be changed to something useful like the very Khanid bonus of "10% bonus to armor hitpoints." Also going with frigate size ROF bonuses were a huge issue with server lag back in the day why go back to that rather than a straight up DPS bonus? (I know it gets a bit more DPS with ROF but with added tanking of HP bonus that would need to be toned back a bit)

- Enyo; 5H/3M/4L seems fine, wouldn't mind a 4H/3M/5L layout but not complaining. Enyo's Optimal bonus should be switched to a falloff bonus. Makes more sense with blaster boats for falloff

- Ishkur; 4H/3M/4L is pretty amazing and scary, Rather than a drone bonus to just drone HP why not do something like active reps (a very Gallente bonus) or like someone else stated a bandwidth increase per level.

- Hawk; where are you finding the fittings for the added slots? Also booster bonus has always been out of place on it should be a straight up 5% Shield Resistance bonus and that bonus would help both active tankers and buffer tankers rather than the just active bonus now.

- Harpy; looks nice don't fly them so not sure about the fitting issues but bonuses seem like they should work well together.

- Jaguar; 4H/4M/4L is amazing! Still needs to be the falloff bonused ship. Feel like the Jaguar should have a 4th turret

- Wolf; 5H/2M/5L Artillery beast needs the Optimal bonus not falloff.

I feel like the Amarr ones are still trailing behind the others and noticed I wrote quite a bit more on them...
m0cking bird
#832 - 2012-01-16 18:33:51 UTC  |  Edited by: m0cking bird
Very glad other pilots have returned to this discussion and are making their opinions known. +1

I also believe assault frigates do not need a role bonus. How that idea became popular is a p funny story. Has alot to do with Interceptors role bonus. Not really against it though.

Norris Packard
Horde Vanguard.
Pandemic Horde
#833 - 2012-01-16 18:42:23 UTC
m0cking bird wrote:
Very glad other pilots have returned to this discussion and are making their opinions known. +1

I also believe assault frigates do not need a role bonus. How that idea became popular is a p funny story. Has alot to do with Interceptors role bonus. Not really against it though.


Feel that they are trying to encroach too much on interceptor territory with that role bonus.
Kahega Amielden
#834 - 2012-01-16 18:43:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Kahega Amielden
The role bonus does two things.

a) Lets MWD-fit AFs get in close to things that might otherwise kill/do serious damage on the approach.

b) Allows skirmish-fit frigates (harpy, etc.) to survive at 20km where they otherwise would be shot to death in seconds by anything with barrage or scorch.

I think these are appropriate buffs to AFs. They're not really unbalancing; hell, they don't even provide incentive to use MWDs on fits that didn't use them already. Ships that use ABs will still use ABs.

Interceptors exist to be extremely fast tackle. They are so because they get bonuses to warp disruptors and have ridiculous speed/agility. Giving AFs the ability to survive at 20km is not encroaching on interceptors.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#835 - 2012-01-16 18:44:36 UTC
So, I’ll be perfectly honest and say I haven’t read the whole thread yet. I plan to do this tonight when I have more time. But looking at the bonuses, I want share my initial reaction:

AF’s should have a role distinct from tackle – right now it seems CCP is trying to make them a “tank and hold” alternative to “speed tank and hold” interceptors – the MWD bonus just screams of trying to force them into a tackle role, which is a shame.

The extra tracking speed leaves them bordering on OP, in my opinion. I think AF’s should fill a role of being ABLE to tackle a larger target (but still not as well as an Inty) but primarily be built around providing a heavy DPS role, same as HAC’s. The problem with the tracking boost as I see it as these than become FOTM along with new destroyers, leaving new weak points in the form of pirate and faction frigs.

AF’s should not be a one-size fits-all megafrigate. I fear that’s what they are headed towards. I always liked the lack of tracking because they made them sub-par for dogfighting and I think that frig-to-frig combat is still an area where Pirate and Faction frigs should really shine. Rock-paper-scissors and all that stuff. I think with AF’s you should have to know how to fly to get that DPS to apply – it should only melt frigates when you’re watching transversal and hitting that sweet spot, an Interceptor or Dramiel who’s managed to spiral in should be able to snag you and mitigate some damage without melting if he’s made a solid approach.

Whoever mentioned big-game hunting, this is spot on IMHO. An AF should be the perfect ship for pilots who want to prove what can be soloed in a frigate-sized ship – whether its PvE or PvP, AF’s should be able to engage a RANGE of target sizes and strengths while still being not the strongest in a direct frig-to-frig situation.

TL:DR In an ideal world (and this is completely my subjective opinion) I think Inty’s should be the MWD-bonused supertackle, AF’s should be a slow(er), lower tracking, tankier-than-normal frigate capable of putting out MASSIVE damage when flown carefully, but can still fall prey to the faction frigates, who should be the ultimate frig-on-frig choice for ace dogfighters.

I’m sure I’ve repeated the feedback of others who have said the same thing, or possibly offered up ideas already shot down by people with better reasons than I have atm, but that’s just my thoughts for now till I catch up on all the shop talk here.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#836 - 2012-01-16 18:47:32 UTC
Norris Packard wrote:
I feel that giving them the role bonus is out place, AFs are smaller HACs and should be basic better combat frigates like HACs are basic better combat cruisers. They all needed their 4th bonus, slot reworks and fitting fixes but feel that the role bonus is a step too far. Nice that they are more survivable with a MWD on but maybe a slight mass and sig reduction were all they need rather than a role bonus.

A mass reduction with the changes would have been more threatening to other classes than the mwd-sig would be.

Norris Packard wrote:
- Retribution; 4H/2M/6L might be an interesting and unique slot layout for the ship and no-one seems to have said it yet. Amarr should have the most lows on one of their ships at least. Also 5% tracking boost WTF??? every other ship in the game gets 7.5% did you not learn from that last time when you decided in needed to be increased?

- Vengeance; 4H/3M/5L would be a better layout for this ship. Also the bonus "5% bonus to Capacitor Recharge Rate per level" should be changed to something useful like the very Khanid bonus of "10% bonus to armor hitpoints." Also going with frigate size ROF bonuses were a huge issue with server lag back in the day why go back to that rather than a straight up DPS bonus? (I know it gets a bit more DPS with ROF but with added tanking of HP bonus that would need to be toned back a bit)

The Retribution would become useless for anything other than fighting frigates. No potential for cap warfare to save itself from neuts and waay too many lows for a ship that already tanks a significant amount. And if I had to choose more damage or more tracking, I'd take damage over tracking every time. For a tanky turret ship it's fairly low..

The Vengeance with 5 lows would be incredibly overpowered, moreso than those wanting to have 4 mids. The 5% cap recharge is a great bonus, and it is a Khanid bonus (Sacrilege). The ROF issues you speak of went the way of the dinosaur, which is why the Destroyers no longer have the 25% ROF penalty.

Norris Packard wrote:
- Enyo; 5H/3M/4L seems fine, wouldn't mind a 4H/3M/5L layout but not complaining. Enyo's Optimal bonus should be switched to a falloff bonus. Makes more sense with blaster boats for falloff

- Ishkur; 4H/3M/4L is pretty amazing and scary, Rather than a drone bonus to just drone HP why not do something like active reps (a very Gallente bonus) or like someone else stated a bandwidth increase per level.

The Ishkur is barely cap stable to begin with, and putting an injector on it cripples your engagement ability. Giving it a active tanking bonus is not only a foolish idea, but utilizing it to its full advantage would have very little appeal in light of the downsides. The drone HP bonus is quite useful and keeps it competitive against the new, better damaging AFs.

The Enyo is pretty good, and the optimal bonus (while not very Gallente) is keeping it in balance. With the new changes to Null, the Enyo would have better damage/range ratio than a Wolf. The Daredevil gets to enjoy it instead. The Enyo gets some great range with Null & the optimal bonus, so it's not to be overlooked.

Norris Packard wrote:
- Hawk; where are you finding the fittings for the added slots? Also booster bonus has always been out of place on it should be a straight up 5% Shield Resistance bonus and that bonus would help both active tankers and buffer tankers rather than the just active bonus now.

- Harpy; looks nice don't fly them so not sure about the fitting issues but bonuses seem like they should work well together.

5mids + 5% resist bonus, bad idea. Ask anyone who has been testing the Hawk, you can fit the Hawk just fine Blink

Norris Packard wrote:
- Jaguar; 4H/4M/4L is amazing! Still needs to be the falloff bonused ship. Feel like the Jaguar should have a 4th turret

- Wolf; 5H/2M/5L Artillery beast needs the Optimal bonus not falloff.

Jag is terrible, needs more fitting and base shields.
The Wolf is golden, and the falloff is what makes it so. Everyone on this forum prefers it over optimal, and with good reason.


Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#837 - 2012-01-16 18:56:16 UTC
Norris Packard wrote:
- Retribution; 4H/2M/6L might be an interesting and unique slot layout for the ship and no-one seems to have said it yet. Amarr should have the most lows on one of their ships at least. Also 5% tracking boost WTF??? every other ship in the game gets 7.5% did you not learn from that last time when you decided in needed to be increased?

A 6 low slot Retri seems like an arbitrary change. What are you trying to do with the ship?
If you wanted to make it a fearsome frigate killer, -1 low +1 mid would achieve that perfectly fine (and actually warrant an armor reduction given how powerful a Retribution with a web is).

I agree that it does need *something* more in the current state, but losing its utility high while gaining more EHP (or speed) is not what's needed.

- Vengeance; 4H/3M/5L would be a better layout for this ship. Also the bonus "5% bonus to Capacitor Recharge Rate per level" should be changed to something useful like the very Khanid bonus of "10% bonus to armor hitpoints." Also going with frigate size ROF bonuses were a huge issue with server lag back in the day why go back to that rather than a straight up DPS bonus? (I know it gets a bit more DPS with ROF but with added tanking of HP bonus that would need to be toned back a bit)

I can tell you haven't flown this ship on SiSi against other AFs. It really does not need any boosts, let alone 50% more armor (on a ship with 5% armor resistances to begin with). Unlike the Retribution it's well suited to engage bigger targets and needs a small nos to combat neuts. Your suggestion creates an overpowered frigate-eating monster that's still somehow worse against bigger targets where AFs actually needed help. Bad.
Caldari State
#838 - 2012-01-16 19:15:56 UTC
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
Retribution ... does need *something* more in the current state, but losing its utility high while gaining more EHP (or speed) is not what's needed.

To be fair, the current retri is quite good at killing other (non-Minmatar) AFs as is. A little more tracking would make it better at popping drones, for sure, but its real issue with engaging bigger ships is its cap dependence (IME it's quite vulnerable to neuting even with a small nos). Maybe a bigger base capacitor with unchanged regen time?
XIII Caribous
#839 - 2012-01-16 19:17:33 UTC
Gempei wrote:

For all ship: AB bonus not mwd bonus

Proposed change plus this.

"The Mittani isn't even gone for a day and CCP's management is already making bad decisions."

J Random
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#840 - 2012-01-16 19:18:34 UTC
Kahega Amielden: I'm not arguing on a performance basis the pirates can't outperform or parity the AF (even new ones). What I'm arguing is there has always been a ISK factor to balance them (i.e. worm cost substantianlly more than the Ish for example). Bumping the AF to parity is going to render them obsolete because the ISK risk balance is no longer worth it for near parity.