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Balancing Feedback: Assault Ships

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Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#721 - 2012-01-13 15:47:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Prometheus Exenthal
I wasn't using Hobgoblins..
I was using Warriors & Acolytes, and Anja wasn't shooting kinetic at me


Alex Medvedov
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#722 - 2012-01-13 15:51:42 UTC
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
I wasn't using Hobgoblins..
I was using Warriors & Acolytes, and Anja wasn't shooting kinetic at me

Ok just try that setup and tell me what is able to get you...
Anja Talis
Sal's Waste Management and Pod Disposal
#723 - 2012-01-13 15:57:19 UTC
Alex Medvedov wrote:
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
I wasn't using Hobgoblins..
I was using Warriors & Acolytes, and Anja wasn't shooting kinetic at me

Ok just try that setup and tell me what is able to get you...

Yeah, sorry, it was Acolytes. My mistake.

That is almost the same fit I was using, with the exception of a DCU rather than a shield power relay and some named metas instead of Tech II.

Go log in and duel him.
m0cking bird
#724 - 2012-01-13 16:02:50 UTC  |  Edited by: m0cking bird
Alex Medvedov wrote:
Anja Talis wrote:

Now you say this, but have you actually tested it?

I was dueling Prom in the "uberwtfdualwebmsehawk" fit vs his Ishkur. I had him nice and contained at about 9k. He popped out his Hobgoblin IIs, I moved webs over on to the drones and started popping them. I killed two, but was dropping into 1/4 shields by this point. I swapped back to him and he killed me with about 15-20% armour. Those drones weren't that quick to drop.

It wasn't just one duel either.

Admittedly, I wasn't attempting to disengage which would have been an option, but if this Hawk is so OP surely I wouldn't need to. I've got perfect shield skills and near perfect rocket skills (4/5 rocket spec, all the rest 5/5)

That purely because neither you neither Prom can fit and fly that hawk properly:))
Try this:

4x rocket launcher II

2x web
1x scram
1x AB II
1x medium shield extender II

1x ballistic control II
1x shield power rellay

2x Anti EM screen reinforcer II

With this setup I have killed 10 Iskhurs in a row blaster and rail fitted, not much of a difference.
Side note - you dont have to even bother with killing hobgoblins - this setup is able to tank them:))

1 v 1's Ugh

Here I am throwing all the assault frigates into impossible situations and against serious odds. You, know. To accurately reflect the fact. Most anything can happen in eve and you're generally engaging multiple ships. What is the most viable ship in said engagements...

Yes one versus ones... Could you please tell me what kind of Ishkur set-ups you're engaging, with that Hawk set-up? Also, are they taking full advantage of the new possible set-ups you're able to field with these changes?

Anja Talis
Sal's Waste Management and Pod Disposal
#725 - 2012-01-13 16:09:22 UTC
m0cking bird wrote:
Alex Medvedov wrote:

Here I am throwing all the assault frigates into impossible situations and against serious odds. You, know. To accurately reflect the fact. Most anything can happen in even and you're generally engaging multiple ships. What is the most viable ship in said engagements...

That's the point though isn't it. If in a 1v1 the drones aren't that easy to take out, then it's going to be in a better situation in larger engagements with the other fire and distractions going on. We are talking about:

[quote]New ishkur not only has less dmg then new enyo but due to lower armor HP also less tank. The 80 dps you can send out that, even with the hp bonus, still die in few seconds if shot by frigates.
m0cking bird
#726 - 2012-01-13 16:19:16 UTC  |  Edited by: m0cking bird
Recently I've been in communication with someone who made an amusing discovery (news to me). It has to do with the assault frigate signature bonus, which is a role bonus and Interceptors bonus to signature per level. Kind of explains what I've been noticing (sad that I didn't look that much @ both classes of ships bonuses and just focused on what they're able to do, with said bonuses). and would substantiate what I've been saying about assault frigates encroaching into Interceptor territory.

I hope to see a post from that pilot very soon. Should be interesting. However, I'm taking this new information (at least to me, because I'm a fool) and taking a more serious look @ Interceptors and assault frigates ability to mitigate damage threw signature and velocity (I've just focusing on assault frigates ability to take alot of damage from larger vessels, which is substantial (fock transversal)).

Cpt Cosmic
Caldari State
#727 - 2012-01-13 16:22:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Cpt Cosmic
Anja Talis wrote:

Now you say this, but have you actually tested it?

I was dueling Prom in the "uberwtfdualwebmsehawk" fit vs his Ishkur. I had him nice and contained at about 9k. He popped out his Hobgoblin IIs, I moved webs over on to the drones and started popping them. I killed two, but was dropping into 1/4 shields by this point. I swapped back to him and he killed me with about 15-20% armour. Those drones weren't that quick to drop.

It wasn't just one duel either.

Admittedly, I wasn't attempting to disengage which would have been an option, but if this Hawk is so OP surely I wouldn't need to. I've got perfect shield skills and near perfect rocket skills (4/5 rocket spec, all the rest 5/5)

Anja Talis wrote:

That's the point though isn't it. If in a 1v1 the drones aren't that easy to take out, then it's going to be in a better situation in larger engagements with the other fire and distractions going on. We are talking about:

Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
I wasn't using Hobgoblins..
I was using Warriors & Acolytes, and Anja wasn't shooting kinetic at me

I am really wondering that you even tried to shot his LIGHT drones with ROCKETS. This is the only case where shooting the drones is stupid... does not matter which drones were used, shooting them with rockets in that fit was not a good move because you want to maintain range with the webs. you know, light drones have interceptor like signature and awesome base speed, you will scratch them at best unless you dual web the drones instead which makes your fit kind of pointless. I guess you kept webs on the ishkur and tried to kill his drones but you barely scratched them and thus he was able to wear your shields down.

2 out of 6 AS have difficulties shooting down light drones due to the weapon system (which was actually obvious anyway) but now try to shoot the drones with any turret based AS and they will melt fast.
m0cking bird
#728 - 2012-01-13 16:23:16 UTC
Anja Talis wrote:
m0cking bird wrote:
Alex Medvedov wrote:

Here I am throwing all the assault frigates into impossible situations and against serious odds. You, know. To accurately reflect the fact. Most anything can happen in even and you're generally engaging multiple ships. What is the most viable ship in said engagements...

That's the point though isn't it. If in a 1v1 the drones aren't that easy to take out, then it's going to be in a better situation in larger engagements with the other fire and distractions going on. We are talking about:

[quote]New ishkur not only has less dmg then new enyo but due to lower armor HP also less tank. The 80 dps you can send out that, even with the hp bonus, still die in few seconds if shot by frigates.

Ah! I see. I apologize. However, when I saw these new changes I did not think of the added low slot as another place to put damage modules. Damage was not the weakness of the Ishkur. It lacked buffer, which is something I've always liked about the Wolf.

Anja Talis
Sal's Waste Management and Pod Disposal
#729 - 2012-01-13 16:38:55 UTC
Cpt Cosmic wrote:

Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
I wasn't using Hobgoblins..
I was using Warriors & Acolytes, and Anja wasn't shooting kinetic at me

I am really wondering that you even tried to shot his LIGHT drones with ROCKETS. This is the only case where shooting the drones is stupid... does not matter which drones were used, shooting them with rockets in that fit was not a good move because you want to maintain range with the webs. you know, light drones have interceptor like signature and awesome base speed, you will scratch them at best unless you dual web the drones instead which makes your fit kind of pointless. I guess you kept webs on the ishkur and tried to kill his drones but you barely scratched them and thus he was able to wear your shields down.

2 out of 6 AS have difficulties shooting down light drones due to the weapon system (which was actually obvious anyway) but now try to shoot the drones with any turret based AS and they will melt fast.

One web on him, one web on drone. Didn't seem to have much too difficulty staying out at range once established though! I'll find him and specifically run an go when ignoring the drones. You know, test it. On sisi where the changes are ;)
Zircon Dasher
#730 - 2012-01-13 17:25:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Zircon Dasher
This is now tested and confirmed:

Dual disruptor vengence is pretty nice at long point tackle. ~3k (4+k heated) speed, 60m sig, and handles multiple flights of drones (unbonused- bonused not checked). 2+ AML cerbs raep it, but 1 was tankable long enough for gang to dispatch.


Also- MWD AF that cannot operate past 20km are going to be risky. 20km heated t2 web range + 16.5km heated t2 scrams (20+km on Inty) make life pretty difficult in a number of common scenarios.

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Alex Medvedov
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#731 - 2012-01-13 18:13:39 UTC
After extensive testing of a Hawk against various AFs Prom was piloting I have to admit my concerns were largely disposed.
Hawk will indeed be very powerful AF, but as Prom have proved to me, its far from being unbeatable.
I have to admit as well that Iam not a Hawk specialist (in sense of flying that ship - i had all related skills at 5 during the testing however). So if anybody has the extensive experience with Hawks feel free to prove me wrong.

Iam still convinced, that AFs would do better without the changes, but Prom have proved to me that those changes are making some sense.
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#732 - 2012-01-13 18:28:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Prometheus Exenthal
60m sig? Sooo.... You're saying that people will be spending several hundred millions on a Vengeance (links + hg halos) to do a lesser job than an Interceptor. Don't see a balance problem here RollP

As Alex has said, we did some testing Smile
I wasn't fit to counter AFs any more than he was fit to counter AFs.

I used a Blaster Ishkur, & Rail Ishkur first. Both won handily as he tried to kill my drones.
I just retrieved/released the ones he attacked, and he died in short order even though kiting at the edge of scram range.
I then flew a Vengeance, which was a stalemate since he couldn't keep a point on without being shredded. He ended up warping off because he couldn't do anything in tackle range.
I then flew a Wolf which is the worse possible ship against a Hawk. I lost with the Hawk entering armor both times P
I'm sure if someone were to try and kite out of tackle range for a bit, they could beat that Hawk setup, but then said hawk could just as easily escape so that wasn't tested Smile

Go back a page or two, I explain very clearly why AFs won't replace Interceptors.

The difference is that the range is less than a Fleet Inteceptor, the AF (unless heavily pimped) is too slow/fat and takes at least 5x more damage than the ceptor, the AF looses it's combat functionality, and the AF is in no way cap stable without heavy gimping (except Vengeance).

Can they do long range tackle? Yes.
Is it practical enough to replace Interceptors? No.


Zircon Dasher
#733 - 2012-01-13 18:58:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Zircon Dasher
Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
60m sig? Sooo.... You're saying that people will be spending several hundred millions on a Vengeance (links + hg halos) to do a lesser job than an Interceptor. Don't see a balance problem here RollP

HG Snakes and Halos are not uncommon on existing 'ceptor/Dram pilots
Links are not uncommon
Disruptor range (cheap pimping) can outstrip inty lock range
I never said anything about imbalance.

That said the range+tank+speed/sig make it an interesting alternative to an inty in some cases. Definately not all cases.

Stop being so touchy. This actually highlights a use that was previously not possible due to sig explosion. It helps your causeRoll

Nerfing High-sec is never the answer. It is the question. The answer is 'YES'.

Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#734 - 2012-01-13 19:07:27 UTC
You came off as trying to say they can replace inties, that's all P
There's no doubt that snakes/halos are popular, but they're more useful (in this purpose) on Interceptors.


m0cking bird
#735 - 2012-01-13 20:45:26 UTC
Here are some conservative changes to assault frigates. These changes keep all other classes of frigates in mind. For example: navy faction, pirate faction and Interceptor will be capable of engaging assault frigates as effectively as they can now. Keeping rock paper scissors. Instead of assault frigate = everything... I'm interested in other pilots ideas of what changes to assault frigates should look like. If you could please use the fromat below. That would be pretty cool.


Role bonus: 50% bonus to Capacitor


Added bonus: 5% bonus to Small Energy Turret tracking speed per skill level.
Remove (- 1) High slot
+1 mid slot
+15 CPU

Slower than a Slicer, but has better defences, damage and tracking.


Added bonus: 5% bonus to missile explosion velocity
+10 CPU

There's not much you can do to this ship without making it overwelming. However, increasing applied damage threw increased explosion velocity seems good.


Added bonus: -5% bonus to shield resistances
+10 CPU

Serious defensive ability, projected and applied damage. Looks good too, which is pretty important...


Added bonus: 5% bonus to missile explosion velocity
Remove - 1 High slot
+1 mid slot
+10 CPU

The Hawk should be allowed to keep it's defensive ability. However, increasing applied damage threw increased explosion velocity. Will not limit this ship versus other frigates, in anyway.


Added bonus: +5% damage changed to 10% bonus to damage
Remove - 1 low slot
+1 mid slot
+10 CPU
+ 5 powergrid

Midslot and damage stays. However, this ship defensive ability has been reduced. Although, CPU and Powergrid are increased for flexibility in fittings.


Added bonus: 10% bonus to drone hitpoints per level
Drone bay increased by 25m3
+10 CPU

Reduced this ships defensive capabilities and increased versatility. By increasing drone bay.


Added bonus: 7.5% bonus to Small Projectile Turret Tracking per level
+15 CPU
7 powergrid

CPU and Powergrid are increased for flexibility in fittings. Tracking is a GO!


Added bonus: 7.5% bonus to Small Projectile Turret Tracking per level
+12 CPU
+ 7 powergrid

CPU and Powergrid are increased for flexibility in fittings. Tracking is a GO!

THOUGHTS!? (perferably from pilots who're not Prometheus Exenthal (not to be rude)

Takeshi Yamato
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#736 - 2012-01-13 20:50:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Takeshi Yamato
m0cking bird wrote:
Here are some conservative changes to assault frigates.


Role bonus: 50% bonus to Capacitor

Yea that looks pretty good for keeping the status quo.

Just to avoid confusion, this is meant to be sarcastic.
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#737 - 2012-01-13 21:25:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Prometheus Exenthal
I think you're missing the point of AFs.
AF > frigates already. If you can't see that, then you're a little lost and shouldn't be proposing anything anyways.

All you're doing is making them better at killing other frigates, which serves no purpose when Destroyers already fill that role better. AFs are slow, fat, expensive, and tanky. Those aren't things that add up to anti-frigate work.

Destroyers already do everything you're trying to achieve, for a fraction of the cost in both terms of SP and ISK.
Who in their right mind wants to spend 700% more on a T2 Rifter when it only does Rifter things * slightly* better, but worse than a Thrasher.

Navy are T1 ships, not comparable to AFs. They already win in some matchups, depending on the ships used.
They have been discussed to death already, they're fine. Interceptors are a different role entirely and shouldn't even be considered as comparable when it comes to combat. Pirate frigates (Succubus/Cruor/Worm) need work period, this goes without saying even without the AF changes. The Dramiel & Daredevil both remain very good ships, and even the Cruor is half-decent in some matchups.

As for the changes you're adding, you're all over the place.
For one, you're giving the Enyo more dps but an cripplingly weak tank. You've made it completley useless and it will get shredded by any frigate that can do explosive or em damage. You also want to give it grid and cpu, when it already has no trouble with fitting. You make no sense Roll

Secondly, you've totally missed the mark with the Vengeance & Hawk. Not only are they remaining the lowest damage AFs (by far), you're giving them a fairly useless bonus. The Vengeance doesn't have trouble hitting targets, the explosion velocity bonus simply means you want people to forgo a web and put a massive tank on the thing, without sacrificing anything. The same applies for the Hawk. The only reason it would need that explosion velocity bonus is because it was LACKING a mid slot. You've given it the mid slot, and you've given it the bonus. And once again, by removing its utility high, you're implying that people should be fitting an obscene tank on the ship, without sacrificing its damage application.

You've also gimped the Retribution into uselessness. The utility high slot is perfect for a nos or neut in pvp, or tractorbeam/salvager/prober for pve or exploration. That ability to fit a nos keeps the ship alive against any ship with a neut. On top of that you want to add another turret without increasing its powergrid, and further reducing its tank ability.
The only reason the Zealot (barely) works is because of its operating range and the fact that it's a cruiser.

You've also done very little to improve the Harpy. The ship is incredibly tight to fit reasonably which CCPs low slot fixes.
All you've done is increase its tank and nothing else. It's still slow, fat and inadequate compared to a ship like the Ishkur.

You're also missing the point with the Jaguar. It doesn't need all that extra fitting when you aren't adding any extra slots to the ships. And for the Wolf, you want to add powergrid over CPU. I don't think people who are fitting 400mm plates (with ease) need to have more powergrid. Once again, you make no sense Straight

And on top of all of this, none of this (role bonus included) solves the inherit problems with AFs.
They are fat, immobile, and ineffecitve against larger targets.
They are not frigate hunters, they already destroy frigates on TQ.

And as for not wanting my input, deal with it.
Nobody wants to see you're terrible attempts at fitment (which your changes would hugely benefit from), and I deal with them and have discredited their usefulness in *actual* pvp. By your standards, everything T2 (Cruisers, BC, BS) should all be weaker so they are balanced with their T1 versions. That a terrible idea that completely devalues T2 ships significantly. Get your head out of EFT, and go try out the actual changes.


Korg Tronix
Mole Station Nursery
#738 - 2012-01-13 21:52:04 UTC
Cpt Cosmic wrote:
Anja Talis wrote:

Now you say this, but have you actually tested it?

I was dueling Prom in the "uberwtfdualwebmsehawk" fit vs his Ishkur. I had him nice and contained at about 9k. He popped out his Hobgoblin IIs, I moved webs over on to the drones and started popping them. I killed two, but was dropping into 1/4 shields by this point. I swapped back to him and he killed me with about 15-20% armour. Those drones weren't that quick to drop.

It wasn't just one duel either.

Admittedly, I wasn't attempting to disengage which would have been an option, but if this Hawk is so OP surely I wouldn't need to. I've got perfect shield skills and near perfect rocket skills (4/5 rocket spec, all the rest 5/5)

Anja Talis wrote:

That's the point though isn't it. If in a 1v1 the drones aren't that easy to take out, then it's going to be in a better situation in larger engagements with the other fire and distractions going on. We are talking about:

Prometheus Exenthal wrote:
I wasn't using Hobgoblins..
I was using Warriors & Acolytes, and Anja wasn't shooting kinetic at me

I am really wondering that you even tried to shot his LIGHT drones with ROCKETS. This is the only case where shooting the drones is stupid... does not matter which drones were used, shooting them with rockets in that fit was not a good move because you want to maintain range with the webs. you know, light drones have interceptor like signature and awesome base speed, you will scratch them at best unless you dual web the drones instead which makes your fit kind of pointless. I guess you kept webs on the ishkur and tried to kill his drones but you barely scratched them and thus he was able to wear your shields down.

2 out of 6 AS have difficulties shooting down light drones due to the weapon system (which was actually obvious anyway) but now try to shoot the drones with any turret based AS and they will melt fast.

Honestly this makes me wonder about your experience with Rockets. Rockets with a single web burn down drones, the only guns I have ever had trouble killing drones with is lasers and even then I don't have that much trouble

Evil: If I were creating the world I wouldn't mess about with butterflies and daffodils. I would have started with lasers, eight o'clock, Day One! [zaps one of his minions accidentally, minion screams]

m0cking bird
#739 - 2012-01-13 22:02:49 UTC
Takeshi Yamato wrote:
m0cking bird wrote:
Here are some conservative changes to assault frigates.


Role bonus: 50% bonus to Capacitor

Yea that looks pretty good for keeping the status quo.

What changes would you like to see to assault frigates?
Prometheus Exenthal
Gallente Federation
#740 - 2012-01-13 22:05:15 UTC
Everyone who has tried to kill my Ishkur spends some time trying to kill my drones.
They are light drones with medium drone hp. I have more than enough time to recall and release them before they get popped.