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welcome to the agency event

Baboo Yagu
#41 - 2017-07-19 20:09:49 UTC
They're all bugged. I've just done the 'kill 25 pirates' one and it's just sitting there showing 25/25 yet I didn't receive the 10pts and it didn't disappear to show the 'next thing in 22hrs' box.

Bug report sent.

Hello darkness, my old friend.

Jaime Hareka
Steam Powered Spaceships
#42 - 2017-07-20 02:51:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaime Hareka
I'll give you another one:

"Next challange: 0s"

... and that's it. Nothing happens.

Edit, they reset... eventually (couple of hours later). Same crappy "make 1 mil bounty" for 10 points.
"Kill 25 pirates"

... "content".

No comment.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2017-07-20 04:44:38 UTC  |  Edited by: AgentMaster
Why this issue was not reported on test server? How many ppl complete these tasks on test server? Anyway pve content is very importatant to me because PVE is made by EVE! PVP is made by players and look how beautiful look it. But i cant see the same in PVE - its like slow motion - how many new missions was made for last 10 years? Why people who like pvе are forced to do the same 4 level missions for so many years? Therefore, they are thirsty for new content and when this content is presented to them in such a deplorable form they are completely right in their indignation!

Blessed is the man who has nothing to say and remain silent yet!!

Henri Alabel
Dane Solo Corp Inc
#44 - 2017-07-20 15:26:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Henri Alabel
Baboo Yagu wrote:
They're all bugged. I've just done the 'kill 25 pirates' one and it's just sitting there showing 25/25 yet I didn't receive the 10pts and it didn't disappear to show the 'next thing in 22hrs' box.

Bug report sent.

Had the same bug, just with bounties
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#45 - 2017-07-20 16:08:16 UTC
Kani Tsuguro wrote:
Can it be that some challenges are not working correctly?

Locate and complete a Combat Signature Site. - I did it in a Drake -> success.
Locate and complete a Combat Signature Site, while flying a Battlecruiser. - I did that three times in a Drake -> no success
Locate and complete a Combat Signature Site, while flying a Tech III Cruiser. - I did it in a Tengu -> no success

Do I something wrong?

You used a drake. P

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

hog butter
Romex Inc.
#46 - 2017-07-20 17:22:47 UTC  |  Edited by: hog butter
So I'll bite

Why is this for new players tech 3 ships and battle cruisers ftw? So if you don't have the skills for those ships go pound sand. Sweet I guess CCP opted me out of this one?

CCP stop awarding 1 PLEX it makes you look like morons. No one wants 1/500 of one month of game time as a reward for anything other then logging in. You want to give me 1 PLEX a day for a login bonus i'm down but if I see 1 PLEX as loot again i'm trashing it. It makes you look stingy and is a big screw off when players figure out the drop rates of your 1/500 of one month of game time. Just give out something else give me a booster or some valuable skill book stingy PLEX is not rewarding.

Lets do the math on that so for everyone involved can see.

1/500 = 0.002% of one month
1 PLEX = 1.44 hours of game time on a 30 day month (720 hours).

Weak Sauce.

Not to mention the commodities markets are getting beat because their is a flight to safety in the new PLEX denomination and vault changes. This has caused a defacto reserve currency outside of ISK (PLEX) and thus tethering your game currency to your reserve currency (PLEX).

This creates two problems CCP selling PLEX for dollars so this reserve currency cannot crash otherwise this will cause CCP loose profits. You cannot exercise control over the market like a central bank because your profits are tied to the dilution of the PLEX. Players are hording them being the safest asset to hold because of Plex Vault changes. This causes the price to climb without much of an end in sight except the occasional crash i'm sure. The other problem is when PLEX climbs now anyone that buys plex has much more leverage over the commodities economy. You would normally re-balance this would by "printing" currency however every PLEX you give is viewed by CCP as a Plex not sold ouch.

CCP you created a reserve currency that you don't want to manipulate without hurting your short-term potential profits. This will cost players potentially and CCP by extension. The problem becomes exacerbated when you don't want to dilute the market because your cannibalizing your profits (IE giving out 1 PLEX as loot) and this means your have no measure to stop the inflation of PLEX and deflation of commodities that is sure to come.

So in short ISK is not money anymore PLEX is and if your wallet is filled with ISK, materials, or any under preforming assets you will be losing money by holding them versus PLEX.

This just in a new position created at CCP an economist to help them not ruin their game.
Roderick Mellius
Prometheus LTD
#47 - 2017-07-20 17:42:55 UTC
Well I'm after a 2y break, so I'm doing it just to get the hang of things again.

Rewards are crap, tho.
Corporate Navy Police Force
Sleep Reapers
#48 - 2017-07-20 18:02:34 UTC
I'm pretty much just playing like normal with the exception of stopping by a belt to kill 5 rats there.

I get 30 points a day without doing anything different than I normally would. Given that I'm not changing my gameplay much... it's all a bonus I suppose.
Hello Meow Kitty
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#49 - 2017-07-20 19:23:17 UTC
Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
has anyone else checked this out on the test server and agree the rewards are all completely worthless?

>useless booster
>useless amount of plex
>slightly darker version of the generic tengu skin

dont see much of an incentive to actually try and go out of my way to do the ... erm tasks i guess.

Dude it's free things just playing the game. Do I agree the boosters should be maybe packages of 3-5, yes. But just doing normal gameplay (usually) you are rewarded.Roll
Joy Pad
#50 - 2017-07-20 21:13:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Joy Pad
I don't get any new challenges, the counter stays at "next challange: 0 seconds" and this since some hours.

Is this normal? I completed 4 of the 6 challenges, for the others I haven't the right ship.
Ivan Kirst
#51 - 2017-07-20 21:34:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Ivan Kirst
Decided not to get into this "Agency" thing.

So I run a L4 mission, kill some Guristas, and get 10pts anyway. Whoop de do.

This event is over in 11/12 days, so at that rate I'll get 120pts. Is that enough to get a booster than last 1800sec?

In looking at some of the information, I see that if you do something in a battle cruiser you get 4 points. Wow.

If you do earn enough points in this event, you can get a skin for a Strategic cruiser. That leaves out Alphas.

CCP dudes and dudettes, what were you thinking?

And with plenty of other good comments from others, I see no initiative to do any more that what I am doing.

Ivan K.
Ebony Texas
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#52 - 2017-07-20 22:45:13 UTC
Hello Meow Kitty wrote:
Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
has anyone else checked this out on the test server and agree the rewards are all completely worthless?

>useless booster
>useless amount of plex
>slightly darker version of the generic tengu skin

dont see much of an incentive to actually try and go out of my way to do the ... erm tasks i guess.

Dude it's free things just playing the game. Do I agree the boosters should be maybe packages of 3-5, yes. But just doing normal gameplay (usually) you are rewarded.Roll

I hate it when someone tries to say "dude its for free why complain"

I complain about this crap due to fact its something I never asked for nor demanded from ccp.. ccp instead used labor hours to fawk up..again.. and put forth the absolute most worthless "event" of all time for some stupid ship skin.

its wasted time..point blank simple.

Omerta Syndicate
#53 - 2017-07-21 02:57:26 UTC
Four of the challenges are stuck on "Next challenge: 0s"

Re-logging hasn't helped. It's been several hours at this point.

Matthias Ancaladron
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#54 - 2017-07-21 04:14:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Matthias Ancaladron
Hello Meow Kitty wrote:
Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
has anyone else checked this out on the test server and agree the rewards are all completely worthless?

>useless booster
>useless amount of plex
>slightly darker version of the generic tengu skin

dont see much of an incentive to actually try and go out of my way to do the ... erm tasks i guess.

Dude it's free things just playing the game. Do I agree the boosters should be maybe packages of 3-5, yes. But just doing normal gameplay (usually) you are rewarded.Roll

If NPCs had Plex in the drop table maybe.
CCP is desperately trying to lower Plex prices only they haven't done a single meaningful thing to achieve that.
1 Plex for 2-3 days of this event is embarassing even by their standards. Throw a 100 Plex drop into faction spawns loot tables as an ultra rare drop. Problem solved.
Why waste time trying to get people to follow these timers for two weeks and accomplish nothing.
Faction spawns are dud drops 9/10 times already. It's time to buff them.
Anna Maria Yolo
Neutron Blaster Solutions
#55 - 2017-07-21 04:14:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Anna Maria Yolo
hog butter wrote:

This creates two problems CCP selling PLEX for dollars so this reserve currency cannot crash otherwise this will cause CCP loose profits. You cannot exercise control over the market like a central bank because your profits are tied to the dilution of the PLEX. Players are hording them being the safest asset to hold because of Plex Vault changes. This causes the price to climb without much of an end in sight except the occasional crash i'm sure. The other problem is when PLEX climbs now anyone that buys plex has much more leverage over the commodities economy. You would normally re-balance this would by "printing" currency however every PLEX you give is viewed by CCP as a Plex not sold ouch.

CCP you created a reserve currency that you don't want to manipulate without hurting your short-term potential profits. This will cost players potentially and CCP by extension. The problem becomes exacerbated when you don't want to dilute the market because your cannibalizing your profits (IE giving out 1 PLEX as loot) and this means your have no measure to stop the inflation of PLEX and deflation of commodities that is sure to come.

So in short ISK is not money anymore PLEX is and if your wallet is filled with ISK, materials, or any under preforming assets you will be losing money by holding them versus PLEX.

This just in a new position created at CCP an economist to help them not ruin their game.

Exactly. You have mistaken in one point, but it is rather mistype than mistake. We will be observing devaluation of ISK (not PLEXes) and assets as well, and appreciacion of PLEX, what will cause further inflation of ISK. The exchange rate of a real world currency is set at 500 plexes / month / 15 USD. ISK is not connected this way, so it is much safer to keep the wallet in PLEXes rather than ISKs. Increasing demand will cause a speculation opportunity and sooner or later we will see a giant speculation on the PLEXes. I think that this fall the price of PLEX will reach 4m or more.

This will seriously damage the New Eden market (many activities will not be profitable and maintaining many accounts will be much more challenging) but finally we will see the bright side - visiting EVE we will be like on the trip in Zimbabwe where we could exchange 1 USD for billions of Zimbodollars. Pirate
Matthias Ancaladron
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#56 - 2017-07-21 04:25:36 UTC
hog butter wrote:
So I'll bite

Why is this for new players tech 3 ships and battle cruisers ftw? So if you don't have the skills for those ships go pound sand. Sweet I guess CCP opted me out of this one?

CCP stop awarding 1 PLEX it makes you look like morons. No one wants 1/500 of one month of game time as a reward for anything other then logging in. You want to give me 1 PLEX a day for a login bonus i'm down but if I see 1 PLEX as loot again i'm trashing it. It makes you look stingy and is a big screw off when players figure out the drop rates of your 1/500 of one month of game time. Just give out something else give me a booster or some valuable skill book stingy PLEX is not rewarding.

Lets do the math on that so for everyone involved can see.

1/500 = 0.002% of one month
1 PLEX = 1.44 hours of game time on a 30 day month (720 hours).

Weak Sauce.

Not to mention the commodities markets are getting beat because their is a flight to safety in the new PLEX denomination and vault changes. This has caused a defacto reserve currency outside of ISK (PLEX) and thus tethering your game currency to your reserve currency (PLEX).

This creates two problems CCP selling PLEX for dollars so this reserve currency cannot crash otherwise this will cause CCP loose profits. You cannot exercise control over the market like a central bank because your profits are tied to the dilution of the PLEX. Players are hording them being the safest asset to hold because of Plex Vault changes. This causes the price to climb without much of an end in sight except the occasional crash i'm sure. The other problem is when PLEX climbs now anyone that buys plex has much more leverage over the commodities economy. You would normally re-balance this would by "printing" currency however every PLEX you give is viewed by CCP as a Plex not sold ouch.

CCP you created a reserve currency that you don't want to manipulate without hurting your short-term potential profits. This will cost players potentially and CCP by extension. The problem becomes exacerbated when you don't want to dilute the market because your cannibalizing your profits (IE giving out 1 PLEX as loot) and this means your have no measure to stop the inflation of PLEX and deflation of commodities that is sure to come.

So in short ISK is not money anymore PLEX is and if your wallet is filled with ISK, materials, or any under preforming assets you will be losing money by holding them versus PLEX.

This just in a new position created at CCP an economist to help them not ruin their game.

See this guy gets it too. It was the same during the rogue swarm event,
Oh look at that, I ran 200-230+ swarm sites. Give or take ten. Got 4 Plex to show for it. Plex drops during the swarm event were so worthless you were actually losing money over any other skin drop/booster drop.

The 1 hour of game time you get after 2 or 3 days of doing these tasks assuming they don't glitch and you can actually complete them is completely offset by the time required to do the actual tasks so in the end you're actually losing game time and the Plex reward itself isn't actually a reward. The net gain is less than 0 to anyone participating unless you happen to fly a tengu and really want a gray ship to have a gray skin that's slightly "grayer"
Matthias Ancaladron
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#57 - 2017-07-21 04:41:11 UTC
The real tell here in all of this is not a single dev response, CCP radio silent in full damage control mode as usual after a glaring blunder.

Had a Corp mate log in excited for this event excited to go out and get 90 Plex as the first reward after he had finished the first 6 tasks the day before, we all sat silently for a few seconds before I whispered "uh you know if you hover over it you see you only get 1 Plex for accumulating the 90 points right?"

Room went dead silent with a befuddled "what?" Several seconds of more silence pass followed by copious amounts of cursing out CCP which was met by laughter from all.

He is no longer actively trying to complete tasks.
Matthias Ancaladron
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#58 - 2017-07-21 05:01:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Matthias Ancaladron
Hello Meow Kitty wrote:
Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
has anyone else checked this out on the test server and agree the rewards are all completely worthless?

>useless booster
>useless amount of plex
>slightly darker version of the generic tengu skin

dont see much of an incentive to actually try and go out of my way to do the ... erm tasks i guess.

Dude it's free things just playing the game. Do I agree the boosters should be maybe packages of 3-5, yes. But just doing normal gameplay (usually) you are rewarded.Roll

So why bother with the event.
Why even waste the time adding it into the game, it's safe to say everyone in this thread is aware they can make more money doing literally every other task in the game.
So what incentive is there to participate in the event.

Back in the runescape days you had a whimsical holiday themed quest, a unique holiday themed area, mini games and the quest itself gave out a non tradable item only available during the event. Collectors items inherently worthless but at the same time priceless. Not just a recolored version of an asset we already have in the game (looking at you project discovery) try making a new tattoo or facial augmentation or a unique outfit that isn't a palette swap.
You want to make a grindy event here? Create a story arc available during the event duration.
10 missions, incrementally more difficult but reasonable for all to complete alone or in groups.
Voice acted like the new tutorial, have some cutscenes and actual story for once.
Everyone gets the item from the levels they complete right into their redeem box.
Promotes group play right there, add a few bonus rounds that don't contribute to over all progress that diverge from the main quest and focus on pvp and back stabbing for some extra fun stuff.
Cosmetic items, not junk skins, actual amounts of Plex, limited 1 bpc for an event ship that will never be given out again. Maybe have a competitive event after that an
(In regard to the last event this would be an "infested cruiser, BC, battleship" hull with a unique skin and some quirky bonus that isn't broken balance wise.

Log in and complete menial task #___ for junk is pretty lazy.
They should have spent the time they used for this event to fix something else.
Anna Maria Yolo
Neutron Blaster Solutions
#59 - 2017-07-21 06:09:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Anna Maria Yolo
Hello Meow Kitty wrote:
Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
has anyone else checked this out on the test server and agree the rewards are all completely worthless?

>useless booster
>useless amount of plex
>slightly darker version of the generic tengu skin

dont see much of an incentive to actually try and go out of my way to do the ... erm tasks i guess.

Dude it's free things just playing the game. Do I agree the boosters should be maybe packages of 3-5, yes. But just doing normal gameplay (usually) you are rewarded.Roll

Dude it is not about the crap prizes. This is about the fact that rewards and bugs show us that devs completely lost contact with the community and even don't play their own game, or at least dont test them on their own. Eve Online desperately needs something like "hittig the stars in WOT". To encourage ppl to log in and play each day.

The prizes could be less costly (giving 5 plexes to everyone active player is a real cost) but much more attractive - for example a new set of "Agency Skins", or a golden tooth, or a cybernetic nose or a new hairstyle, or something else which is not seeded on market in thousands with the price below 3m. Giving one PLEX is just pointless because no player will find it as a great prize, no one player cannot afford it, and no one player will actually use it without buying much more. It is like giving people a screw as a prize while they expect a car. It caused this event became crappy in the eyes of community. This shows how far devs are from us.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#60 - 2017-07-21 23:02:03 UTC
So all my challenges say "next challenge: 0s" Am I supposed to do something to get the next one or is this normal?