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[EVENT] Summer Debauchery Gala at the Zyphillian Gate

Casserina Leshrac
Sanguine Illuminations
#1 - 2017-06-27 18:08:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Casserina Leshrac
The Zyphillian Gate is proud to announce the first of its Debauchery Series of Galas for the year.

Save the Date: July 22

Time: 2000 NEST

The dress code as been altered so capsuleers can show off their edgier best. Full nudity is not acceptable. Opaque, holographic and body paint are encouraged. Not comfortable with this side of things then dress your best (normal dress code applies).

In addition we will be having our first capsuleer auction. All proceeds to go to charity. No more than 12 nominees please so make your choices carefully.


Please monitor this thread for updates.

We stand at the Abyss, drawing the Patterns of Fate - Casserina Leshrac, Savant, Sani Sabik.

Yarosara Ruil
#2 - 2017-06-28 18:05:17 UTC
I don't like debauchery. It's silly.
Casserina Leshrac
Sanguine Illuminations
#3 - 2017-06-28 18:17:25 UTC
Yarosara Ruil wrote:
I don't like debauchery. It's silly.

Even for a good cause?

We stand at the Abyss, drawing the Patterns of Fate - Casserina Leshrac, Savant, Sani Sabik.

Lunarisse Aspenstar
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#4 - 2017-06-28 19:18:15 UTC
Casserina Leshrac wrote:
Yarosara Ruil wrote:
I don't like debauchery. It's silly.

Even for a good cause?

The end does not justify the means.
Casserina Leshrac
Sanguine Illuminations
#5 - 2017-06-28 20:18:04 UTC
Lunarisse Aspenstar wrote:
Casserina Leshrac wrote:
Yarosara Ruil wrote:
I don't like debauchery. It's silly.

Even for a good cause?

The end does not justify the means.

Of course it does. That's the point. There are a lot a good people out there.

By the way as a remember I am trying to keep all posts on the new forum the link is in the beginning of the message. Thanks.

We stand at the Abyss, drawing the Patterns of Fate - Casserina Leshrac, Savant, Sani Sabik.

Aldrith Shutaq
Atash e Sarum Vanguard
#6 - 2017-06-28 23:37:19 UTC
This is why I killed you.

Aldrith Ter'neth Shutaq Newelle

Fleet Captain of the Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris

Divine Commodore of the 24th Imperial Crusade

Lord Consort of Lady Mitara Newelle, Champion of House Sarum and Holder of Damnidios Para'nashu

Casserina Leshrac
Sanguine Illuminations
#7 - 2017-06-29 00:12:17 UTC
Aldrith Shutaq wrote:
This is why I killed you.

So by that... I should add you our Caspsuleer Auction? Perhaps best to ask your wife about this first because you know everyone wants your hair.

We stand at the Abyss, drawing the Patterns of Fate - Casserina Leshrac, Savant, Sani Sabik.

Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2017-06-29 10:54:03 UTC
Lunarisse Aspenstar wrote:
Casserina Leshrac wrote:
Yarosara Ruil wrote:
I don't like debauchery. It's silly.

Even for a good cause?

The end does not justify the means.

That really depends on just how well you use the end...
Lasairiona Raske
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#9 - 2017-06-29 11:01:17 UTC
Eh, it's not so bad. Just a bit of fun. And the ISK goes to the slaves liberated from Nauplius being cared for by Lit.

Are you a devil or an angel

Sent here from heaven or from hell?

Sweet temptress, I'm wrapped in your tangles

Can't find my way out of your spell

Mitara Newelle
Newelle Family
#10 - 2017-06-29 20:54:34 UTC
Casserina Leshrac wrote:
Lunarisse Aspenstar wrote:

The end does not justify the means.

Of course it does. That's the point.

No, it does not, not for Amarr... but why should we be surprised you think it does, you are a heretic after all.

Lady Mitara Newelle of House Sarum, Holder of the Mekhios province of Damnidios Para'nashu, Champion of House Sarum, Sworn Upholder of the Faith, Divine Commodore of the 24th Imperial Crusade

Admiral of Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris

Casserina Leshrac
Sanguine Illuminations
#11 - 2017-06-29 21:04:14 UTC
Mitara Newelle wrote:
Casserina Leshrac wrote:
Lunarisse Aspenstar wrote:

The end does not justify the means.

Of course it does. That's the point.

No, it does not, not for Amarr... but why should we be surprised you think it does, you are a heretic after all.

Well then, I guess it's a good thing that the club is in Villore in the Federation isn't it?

We stand at the Abyss, drawing the Patterns of Fate - Casserina Leshrac, Savant, Sani Sabik.

Che Biko
Alexylva Paradox
#12 - 2017-06-30 08:41:16 UTC
Casserina Leshrac
Sanguine Illuminations
#13 - 2017-06-30 17:08:35 UTC
Che Biko wrote:
Really? I'm a little surprised. On Villore IV, by any chance?

Why yes. Needed a place that was happening in the Federation.

We stand at the Abyss, drawing the Patterns of Fate - Casserina Leshrac, Savant, Sani Sabik.

Casserina Leshrac
Sanguine Illuminations
#14 - 2017-07-05 15:22:42 UTC
Currently the total amount of bids for the event is 77,000,000 ISK.

Interested in volunteering? Just go to this thread.

We stand at the Abyss, drawing the Patterns of Fate - Casserina Leshrac, Savant, Sani Sabik.

Casserina Leshrac
Sanguine Illuminations
#15 - 2017-07-05 17:33:51 UTC
Already up to 96,000,000 ISK going to help Literia's refugees from the tortures of Nauplius. There is still time to join as we will have a live auction on July 22 during the party.

We stand at the Abyss, drawing the Patterns of Fate - Casserina Leshrac, Savant, Sani Sabik.

Casserina Leshrac
Sanguine Illuminations
#16 - 2017-07-06 15:30:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Casserina Leshrac
Current bids now stand at 223,000,000 ISK.

We are still taking volunteers for this great cause.

We stand at the Abyss, drawing the Patterns of Fate - Casserina Leshrac, Savant, Sani Sabik.

Casserina Leshrac
Sanguine Illuminations
#17 - 2017-07-07 17:58:09 UTC
We are standing at about 287,000,000 ISK! Big smile

We stand at the Abyss, drawing the Patterns of Fate - Casserina Leshrac, Savant, Sani Sabik.

Casserina Leshrac
Sanguine Illuminations
#18 - 2017-07-08 13:29:06 UTC
Thank you to all the bidders. The refugees under Literia's care will receive 370 million ISK. Big smile

We stand at the Abyss, drawing the Patterns of Fate - Casserina Leshrac, Savant, Sani Sabik.

Casserina Leshrac
Sanguine Illuminations
#19 - 2017-07-10 19:21:40 UTC
After two days the Auction has netted near to 2.6 billion ISK for the refugees. Thanks to everyone helping out.

We stand at the Abyss, drawing the Patterns of Fate - Casserina Leshrac, Savant, Sani Sabik.

Casserina Leshrac
Sanguine Illuminations
#20 - 2017-07-13 13:45:00 UTC
Total bids right now 2,685,000,000 ISK. To help Matari refugees in Literia's care. Many have been traumatized after suffering under the boot of Nauplius.

We stand at the Abyss, drawing the Patterns of Fate - Casserina Leshrac, Savant, Sani Sabik.

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