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The final topic of The New Old forums!

First post
Vortexo VonBrenner
#41 - 2017-06-22 05:12:19 UTC
Ha! I got #1631 - more than any of you! I WIN, LOSERS!

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2017-06-22 13:14:20 UTC
Vortexo VonBrenner wrote:
Ha! I got #1631 - more than any of you! I WIN, LOSERS!


“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Matthias Ancaladron
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#43 - 2017-06-22 13:40:06 UTC
Just stay on these forums, new forums ae hot garbage. No reason to switch when these work perfectly fine.
Matthias Ancaladron
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#44 - 2017-06-22 13:41:15 UTC
Yang Aurilen wrote:
I've been under a Veldspar Asteroid lately what's this new forum every one is talking about.

A terrible awful no good very bad place.
Vortexo VonBrenner
#45 - 2017-06-22 15:02:42 UTC
Discobot hater Blink

We're going to have just them whether we like it or not, might as well work with what is.

There are some good things about them, and some things that really need sorted out with them. New new forums have potential anyway...

Embrace the suck / possibilities, Mathias.

Toxic Yaken
Slavers Union
Something Really Pretentious
#46 - 2017-06-22 20:46:21 UTC
Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
Just stay on these forums, new forums ae hot garbage. No reason to switch when these work perfectly fine.

Well you'll have a reason once old new forums gets shuttered...

Curator of the Wardec Project - Join our Discord to join the discussions about Wardecs

Hal Morsh
#47 - 2017-06-23 22:48:28 UTC
Zanar Skwigelf wrote:
And this is how the forums end: not with a bang, but a whine thread about Plex prices.

Well there is this.

Ze ni th wrote:
Putin is gay. It's on the news.

Post proof yo.

Oh, I perfectly understand, Hal Morsh — a mission like this requires courage, skill, and heroism… qualities you are clearly lacking. Have you forgotten you're one of the bloody immortals!?

Inactive Seller
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#48 - 2017-06-27 15:16:26 UTC
Akrasjel Lanate wrote:
But the new design Straight

That is not a design. In real worlds, many designers are fired for things in that "style"

All character bazaar done. Finally 39 pilot and 3 can be killed later. This account will be used only for forum interaction, fly safe.

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