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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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Black Rose Fleet Systems Recruitment advertisement

Black Rose Fleet Strategics
#1 - 2017-06-13 03:02:26 UTC
Greetings Capsuleers of all creeds and kind

We at Black Rose Fleet Systems are currently seeking to fill our roster, including several management positions, in effort to establish our basic infrastructure. Our organization is focused on the production of military hardware and the manufacturing of small ships,accompanied by the acquisition of high yield materials, and selling at vastly more affordable prices than our competitors. Operations will take place to and from Hi-sec to nullsec where we will begin the mass harvesting of fields and sites as well as ore and rats.

Our industrial operations function is through the usage of corporate Item exchange contracts that are priced to the most reasonable buy price according to various third party sites, namely skypraisal and eve-central. Corporate contracts will be insourced to members to meet the demand of product and influence markets in the near future, as well as drive the prices of potential economic competitors. Our Goal is providing various primary trade hubs and surrounding systems hardware and services at a reasonable markup to force our competitors to meet our prices in those regions.

We host Fleet events called Expeditions where we fleet up to delve into the darker depths of New Edens to reap the rewards hidden away from prying eyes. These may take us from the safety of High security to the wild expanse of Nullsec where our activities may range from simple mining to harassing Alliances. Our goal in expeditions to have fun and generate a little bit of profit on the side.On a more serious note, we’ve various predefined operations that outline various activities to help new and returning pilots get into the swing of things.

Any industrialists and traders within a corporation and Alliance who are seeking to do business with us, message the current CEO and or diplomats, we might even do it cheaper than your fellow corpmates! We are currently seeking in-alliance and corporate informants who are willing to provide us intel on various aspects ranging from Economic to Military in exchange for access to special deals on hardware and equipment. We guarantee your privacy in your invaluable partnership supporting us, and gladly accept any donations to further our goal of mass producing cheap hardware.

In order to apply, simply apply to join Black Rose Fleet Systems and send your resume of prior Corporation and or Alliance experience, your role amongst them, your preferred focus of operations, reasons why left you left or were removed from prior groups, and any potential references from past directors and or CEOs. We currently have established an Internship program where if you feel that our corporation is not the one for you, you are welcome to leave within a 30 day period without repercussions, and if you state your reasons why, we will try to improve upon that aspect. Fly Safe With Guns Primed!