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[June] Fighter Damage Reduction

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Barduck Martins
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#741 - 2017-06-09 18:48:09 UTC
Lucy Callagan wrote:
To all the people complaining that : "I can't plex my account anymore, ccp is so greedy they want me to pay it with RL money"

Don't you understant that all the plexes that are in the game have been bought on CCP's website and therefore paying the sub in plex or RL money makes no difference to ccp ?

But if i cant play enough time to buy plex ingame, and there be some hundred players in the saem situation wont it affect the plex Market and those o buy plex with money?
Captain Mctightpants
Dead and Delirious
Brotherhood of Spacers
#742 - 2017-06-09 18:48:36 UTC
Burn Jita w/ alpha accounts!
Panther X
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#743 - 2017-06-09 18:48:39 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
Vaktul wrote:
This makes no sense. So you're sweeping the biggest ISK making game-breaking exploit and guilty parties under the rug while at the same time punishing people that are actually out their grinding for their ISK instead? You people are the equivalent of corrupt politicians with how you represent us and you're equally as out-of-touch.

Yup Yup yup

Nope nope nope.

This is patently ridiculous.

First of all, the two situations are not remotely comparable, nor are they at all related.

Ghost training absolutely should be punished in some way (I'd start with an outright deletion of all earned ISK and take it from there), but that has nothing to do with this.

You're not being punished. It's simply necessary, for the health of the game, to reduce the inflow of ISK from carrier ratting. vOv

Then just make havens and sanctums gated deadspace. Carriers can't go in. Problem solved. If that's what the problem is? Carriers are still pvp machines, fighters still do capital level damage.

There are better ways of fixing issues than the nerfhammer.

My Titan smells of rich Corinthian Leather...

John Covfefe
John Covfefe Corporation
#744 - 2017-06-09 18:48:48 UTC
At this point, i don't think it matters what any of us say. CCP has consistently done what ever they want and not listened to the players.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#745 - 2017-06-09 18:52:00 UTC
You sirs (CCP), with all due respect and without hiding my name, are idiots.

* You make sure plexs get high enough to make player spend RL money instead of farm to pay gametime;
* Then you nerf the miners to make mineral costs rise and ofc ship prices go up roof;
* To finish, you nerf the ratting stuff to ensure players can't make isk to compensate all the 'economic balance' (this is a private joke for sure);

As for me, i've been gather several members opinion (from other corps) and you have 50% of members of corps simply say that the game reach a level that is impossible for players to enjoy. You basically ensure that a player that needs to plex his account will need to spend at least twice the time doing his normal operations just to pay the game.
This will take the gametime from the players that have "real lifes" that could be use on what really this game is about (space ships blow up) to simply be a SLAVE of ccp to farm money.

I will for sure not be spending my few hours by farming isk just to pay you. And surely i will not be paying you anymore real life money.

Joke... very bad joke.

Luis Magalhaes
Primal Instinct Inc.
The Initiative.
#746 - 2017-06-09 18:52:17 UTC
Sure nerf it... why not.

P.S.: don't forget to nerf again the wh... they do way too much isk there...
Hank Templesmith
Polaris Rising
Goonswarm Federation
#747 - 2017-06-09 18:52:23 UTC
Really do something else Ccp. Anything is better than making every ship in the game ****.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#748 - 2017-06-09 18:53:23 UTC
ah... and thanks for the sun. Very nice change and useful!
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#749 - 2017-06-09 18:53:47 UTC
Anger'is strength wrote:
Changes like this are why you loose subscribers. As if its not bad enough you guys encourage RMT through PLEX and destabilize the plex market causing a 300+mill inflation of Monthly PLEX costs, which half of eve called before it even happened. now you've moved on to wrecking some of your consumers source of paying for those PLEX. Please CCP stop being so bad at your job.

Maybe we should just bot and exploit game-breaking bugs instead? Obviously that's the safer bet at this point. As long as you're not involved in RMT because that takes $$$ from their pockets they really don't seem to care about the ones grinding for their ISK using legit means.
Ysmir Erata
Goonswarm Federation
#750 - 2017-06-09 18:54:45 UTC
The root cause of the "economic crisis" here is that it's horrible to try to project power anywhere with the jump fatigue mechanics, therefore there's not much interest in leaving a home region. Why would I want to spend multiple days of my life jumping caps to find a fight or take space. Subcaps are worse unless you roll intercepters. Making a 30+ jump trip in a 250 man Battleship feet isn't fun. Even cruisers suck at that distance really. So don't act surprised when an organized group sits in a region and generates income when that's the last bit of real entertainment available.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#751 - 2017-06-09 18:54:47 UTC
Crashys wrote:

* You make sure plexs get high enough to make player spend RL money instead of farm to pay gametime;

How many people really don't understand that subbing with CC make them less money so forcing you out of PLEXing is not their goal?
Brigadine Ferathine
Presumed Dead Enterprises
Against ALL Authorities.
#752 - 2017-06-09 18:55:05 UTC
Captain Mctightpants wrote:
Burn Jita w/ alpha accounts!

Lol yes!
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#753 - 2017-06-09 18:55:13 UTC
Panther X wrote:
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
Vaktul wrote:
This makes no sense. So you're sweeping the biggest ISK making game-breaking exploit and guilty parties under the rug while at the same time punishing people that are actually out their grinding for their ISK instead? You people are the equivalent of corrupt politicians with how you represent us and you're equally as out-of-touch.

Yup Yup yup

Nope nope nope.

This is patently ridiculous.

First of all, the two situations are not remotely comparable, nor are they at all related.

Ghost training absolutely should be punished in some way (I'd start with an outright deletion of all earned ISK and take it from there), but that has nothing to do with this.

You're not being punished. It's simply necessary, for the health of the game, to reduce the inflow of ISK from carrier ratting. vOv

Then just make havens and sanctums gated deadspace. Carriers can't go in. Problem solved. If that's what the problem is? Carriers are still pvp machines, fighters still do capital level damage.

There are better ways of fixing issues than the nerfhammer.

I don't disagree with that, and said as much upthread. The nerf to carrier ratting seems appropriate, the nerf to carrier PvP power seems heavy-handed and unwarranted (at least at this magnitude).

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#754 - 2017-06-09 18:56:56 UTC
So because CCP releases skill injectors and lets richies buy their way into SP now they broke the ever living snot out of the gameplay balance and instead of admitting it are now going about systematically screwing every player who isn't a power player over, with stupid change after stupid change. I've been making games professionally for over 20 years now and the level of incompetence on display by the design team is terrifying.

This is not acceptable. You broke the game with the skill injectors, the rest of this nonsense is fallout from that horrible choice.
PulaLeeroy Br
Brave Collective
#755 - 2017-06-09 18:57:10 UTC
So CCP want more AFK ishtars ? Ok Evil
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#756 - 2017-06-09 18:58:24 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Panther X wrote:
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
Vaktul wrote:
This makes no sense. So you're sweeping the biggest ISK making game-breaking exploit and guilty parties under the rug while at the same time punishing people that are actually out their grinding for their ISK instead? You people are the equivalent of corrupt politicians with how you represent us and you're equally as out-of-touch.

Yup Yup yup

Nope nope nope.

This is patently ridiculous.

First of all, the two situations are not remotely comparable, nor are they at all related.

Ghost training absolutely should be punished in some way (I'd start with an outright deletion of all earned ISK and take it from there), but that has nothing to do with this.

You're not being punished. It's simply necessary, for the health of the game, to reduce the inflow of ISK from carrier ratting. vOv

Then just make havens and sanctums gated deadspace. Carriers can't go in. Problem solved. If that's what the problem is? Carriers are still pvp machines, fighters still do capital level damage.

There are better ways of fixing issues than the nerfhammer.

I don't disagree with that, and said as much upthread. The nerf to carrier ratting seems appropriate, the nerf to carrier PvP power seems heavy-handed and unwarranted (at least at this magnitude).

They should of started with an actual NERF bat, not a Louiseville slugger...
Goonswarm Federation
#757 - 2017-06-09 18:59:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Empanada
Jen Makanen wrote:
First off, I'm going to say this: I've never been one for carrier ratting. I just don't enjoy the idea of ratting and fielding that much isk for an activity I can do easier for far less work.

From a PvP stand point though, Carriers have been in a dire state for a while now and this will further knock them down. I can't comment on the supercarrier side of this change, but I will say it's probably quite over the top.

As many people have said here, EVE is in the middle of probably the largest cold war since its release (at least for me it feels this way), entities are scrounging for as many resources as they possibly can, so that when the next great war kicks off we can all jump in our ships and give the boot to whoever needs it the most without worrying so much about our wallets.

I do a lot of theorycrafting, as I'm sure many other posters here do. I also do a lot of testing, both on TQ and on SISI/TD when the time allows it. I can catergorically tell you that carriers are already weak. As a carrier pilot, you spend ridiculous amounts of time training into this fabled ship, only to see it go through so many balance passes from being an effective cap killer and logistics platform that required skill and finese into an effective subcap killer where we saw them being used solo for some interesting content to whatever the hell they are now.

I agree a carrier shouldn't be able to solo a competent gang. I agree there must be counterplay so I could somewhat forgive the initial nerf carriers faced after the changes and the introduction of the NSA to both the baby carrier and the supercarrier. BUT, going from being able to effectively fight off small gangs of ships with a lone carrier to being locked down by a single griffin? You can't be serious. Not only can my fighters not track said griffin, but now they can't even lock him so who cares.

I can't see any scenario where it isn't better to drop 5 HAW dreads on a gang than to drop 5 carriers on the same gang. FAX are supposed to be DPS support ships. Why would anyone commit a carrier in a capital fight when they can't hit the broadside of a barn without bucket loads of tracking? Plus, a dread will always be better than a carrier in a capital fight. Oh, and not forgetting the fact a dread also has a fleet hanger and SMA, so the ONE thing carriers had sacred isn't even there to persuade people who just want a suitcase, when you can get a dread far quicker for that purpose.

Oh and while I'm on about support; if I wanted to be a giant capital bhaalgorn, I'd fly an ACTUAL bhaalgorn. Even with these changes coming to pirate faction ships, a few bhaalgorns will still probably be cheaper than a carrier and equally if not more effective?

Now; from a PvE perspective, heres my two cents:

- Nerf the ratting bounties?
- Make anoms respawn slower, forcing people to move systems, hence making ratting more risky and active.
- Incursions? Think about those, just saying.
- Oh, and improve NPC AI and increase rat EHP?

And quite frankly, if someone has spent the best part of half a year training to sit in this ship and wants to use it for ratting, they should make more than Mr Alpha in a free account VNI. You're forgetting the sheer amount of effort that goes into training and piloting a carrier -- even just for ratting, god forbid those people be rewarded for their invest to the game, cmon guys.

TLDR: Are you sure CCP? Might wanna review the PvP side of EVE.

you should listen your player base CCP.... like this guy, he have a very awesome point over here. carriers need, a lot of character skills + player skills + attention on map + very high resources risk on greed. Shocked, also, you recent changes will hurt a lot of little guys on new Eden. the anomalies for miners and now carrier castration will not be good for the little corps or alliances who have to pay rent on null sec and only have 1 or 2 systems on they grasp. Shocked
Primal Instinct Inc.
The Initiative.
#758 - 2017-06-09 18:59:47 UTC
Let's take this to Reddit boy's
Change Underpants
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#759 - 2017-06-09 18:59:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Change Underpants
CCP how about deleting all capital ships,we do not need them,or best solution for CCP delete Delve region with all assets and players....Nerf Rattlesnake too he is to strong...nerf everything...Give me back my skill points.... THIEVES
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#760 - 2017-06-09 18:59:54 UTC
vinihood1 wrote:
So CCP want more AFK ishtars ? Ok Evil

That's a thing that should go if they think too much ISK enter the economy but... :CCP: