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TLF took the warzone

Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#1 - 2017-05-29 22:23:09 UTC
Someone had to say it. Congrats for the long fought battles and such.
Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#2 - 2017-05-29 22:28:25 UTC
But muh #nomedal.
Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#3 - 2017-05-29 22:29:23 UTC
Already got it a year ago.
Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#4 - 2017-05-29 22:32:18 UTC
Congratulations on that achievement then.
Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#5 - 2017-05-29 23:42:23 UTC
Meh, less combat practice now Amarr is licking their wounds.... Now to find new hunting grounds.
Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#6 - 2017-05-29 23:50:51 UTC
It's not like they had the majority of their forces operating in that theater anyway.
Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#7 - 2017-05-30 01:07:04 UTC
Exactly, it was a hollow victory so no fanfare what so ever from me at least. Those who fought on the other side fought bravely but even with (according to some anonymous sources I have) there were times where there were over 130-160 pilots on within their militia and we had < 70 and I saw maybe 5-10 different combatants on a 2 hour roam its not like there really was a challenge compared to other times we were less successful. The pirates put up more of a fight.
Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#8 - 2017-05-30 06:48:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Elsebeth Rhiannon
While I am usually among the first to call it a "toy war" I do not think there is any reason to downplay the achievement.

While total control in the Militia zone is not exactly unheard of, it is still not an everyday thing, and many people in Ushra'Khan and elsewhere actually did put in work for this one. Toy war or not, I was glad to be part of that effort.

A major part of winning a campaign, any campaign, in this cluster, is to have the numbers and to have the will to fight. Once you get those, things might seem easy, but getting them is not something anyone can do. So even more reason to not downplay it.

My compliments especially to PIE Inc and Admiral Gaven Lok'ri, who fought till the end, and I suspect will fight to the end several times more, as the tide turns.

Now what, Sanmatar Shakor?
Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2017-05-30 07:30:51 UTC
Elsebeth Rhiannon wrote:
While I am usually among the first to call it a "toy war" I do not think there is any reason to downplay the achievement.

While total control in the Militia zone is not exactly unheard of, it is still not an everyday thing, and many people in Ushra'Khan and elsewhere actually did put in work for this one. Toy war or not, I was glad to be part of that effort.

A major part of winning a campaign, any campaign, in this cluster, is to have the numbers and to have the will to fight. Once you get those, things might seem easy, but getting them is not something anyone can do. So even more reason to not downplay it.

My compliments especially to PIE Inc and Admiral Gaven Lok'ri, who fought till the end, and I suspect will fight to the end several times more, as the tide turns.

Now what, Sanmatar Shakor?

Easy. Faff around until the Crusade musters a sizeable enough force to retake lost ground and possibly gain total warzone control.

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

Valerie Valate
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#10 - 2017-05-30 07:52:26 UTC
Remind me, what happened the last time this happened?

It strikes me that when the Gallente systems were taken by the Caldari, there was quite the hooh-hah with planets being sold left right and centre, And when the reverse occurred it was the catalyst for the recapture of Caldari Prime.

But when it happened in the Amarr/Minmatar zone, I don't recall seeing anything particularly significant happening.

Doctor V. Valate, Professor of Archaeology at Kaztropolis Imperial University.

Elsebeth Rhiannon
Electus Matari
#11 - 2017-05-30 07:56:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Elsebeth Rhiannon
Elmund Egivand wrote:
Elsebeth Rhiannon wrote:
Now what, Sanmatar Shakor?
Easy. Faff around until the Crusade musters a sizeable enough force to retake lost ground and possibly gain total warzone control.

You are a little late to the Dissing The Pendulum War party, Egivand. We did that a couple of years ago already.

We are now at the "demand the government takes further action" phase.

Just thought I'd say in case you want to join.
Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2017-05-30 08:04:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Elmund Egivand
Elsebeth Rhiannon wrote:
Elmund Egivand wrote:
Elsebeth Rhiannon wrote:
Now what, Sanmatar Shakor?
Easy. Faff around until the Crusade musters a sizeable enough force to retake lost ground and possibly gain total warzone control.

You are a little late to the Dissing The Pendulum War party, Egivand. We did that a couple of years ago already.

We are now at the "demand the government takes further action" phase.

Just thought I'd say in case you want to join.

I had been dissing the Pendulum War a year since I joined up with the TLF. Heck, I remember dissing the Pendulum War for ages, from freelancer to joining with the Boondocks to joining with Biohazard to leaving to switching over to the Federation-State front and, well, even now.

Heck, I remembered calling the war 'Pendulum' without having known of the moniker after concluding that the Pendulum War doesn't actually accomplish anything and just swings back and forth. Came up with this conclusion one year after I joined the TLF.

Sincerely, I doubt Sanmatar Shakor's going to change anything, not even this time.

Unless the nations, in this case, the Republic, actually starts sending in the Republic Fleet to stabilise the region and put down the foundations for a long-term fortification and settlement plan, it's going to remain a Pendulum.

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#13 - 2017-05-30 09:00:35 UTC
Congratulations, once again on this achievement. I do implore those loyal to the Republic to continue to hone their combat skills preferably as part of an organization enrolled with the TLF. We never know when or how strongly the Amarr will come back, but we know more or less that they will, we must not let our combat skills degrade during this time. There are plenty of pirates to practice on, and plenty of Amarrians in Providence still looking down on the tribes.
TK Corp
#14 - 2017-05-30 13:23:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Arrendis
Elsebeth Rhiannon wrote:
We are now at the "demand the government takes further action" phase.

No, you're at the 'demand the government takes further action and get told that taking the war zone is not the same as holding the war zone, and before anyone can press any political advantage given by this situation, you have to demonstrate the ability to hold that space long enough to enact lasting societal change on those planets' phase.

Which is all bunk, of course, but it's what they'll tell you.
Silas Vitalia
#15 - 2017-05-30 17:01:17 UTC
Is this whole thing still a useful avenue for market manipulation or have the proles caught on a bit to the to-and-fro?

Also let's get a few Empire representatives in here to eat the appropriate amount of crow.

Sabik now, Sabik forever

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#16 - 2017-05-30 17:11:51 UTC
I wish our Amarr allies to gather strength faster and to liberate their lands from tribal oppression. Remember - while these savage roam lands, no one can be safe. The order must be restored, and Republicans must be kicked out.

I wish you all the best, Imperials. I would gladly come and help myself to repent this tribal menace, but unfortunately, my hands are bound in our warzone, because gallant occupants are keep pressing and oppressing our population as well, and my duty first belongs to our people, who suffer from gallente subjugation and inhuman tortures.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#17 - 2017-05-30 17:13:11 UTC
Still money to be made though I would think null has more opportunities.
Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#18 - 2017-05-30 17:15:10 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
I wish our Amarr allies to gather strength faster and to liberate their lands from tribal oppression. Remember - while these savage roam lands, no one can be safe. The order must be restored, and Republicans must be kicked out.

I wish you all the best, Imperials. I would gladly come and help myself to repent this tribal menace, but unfortunately, my hands are bound in our warzone, because gallant occupants are keep pressing and oppressing our population as well, and my duty first belongs to our people, who suffer from gallente subjugation and inhuman tortures.

The Caldari will come, they MUST come.....

No seriously, new opponents would be greatly appreciated.
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#19 - 2017-05-30 17:17:05 UTC
Deitra Vess wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
I wish our Amarr allies to gather strength faster and to liberate their lands from tribal oppression. Remember - while these savage roam lands, no one can be safe. The order must be restored, and Republicans must be kicked out.

I wish you all the best, Imperials. I would gladly come and help myself to repent this tribal menace, but unfortunately, my hands are bound in our warzone, because gallant occupants are keep pressing and oppressing our population as well, and my duty first belongs to our people, who suffer from gallente subjugation and inhuman tortures.

The Caldari will come, they MUST come.....

No seriously, new opponents would be greatly appreciated.

As soon as we push gallente swines back into their hiding holes.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

TK Corp
#20 - 2017-05-30 17:26:34 UTC
That sounds a lot like abandoning your posts to let the Gallente retake your space, Diana. Surely once you take it, you have to hold it, no?
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