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Smart Bomb Camps

Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#1 - 2017-04-16 19:33:07 UTC
I think that the distance from a gate that a player can be while activating smartbombs needs to be increased to well outside the range that you land when warping to 0m. I do not mind null-sec pipe bombing tactics using drag bubbles and dictors. But i do not think you should be able to activate smartbombs on a gate your even a station.

*activates thermal hardeners for incoming flame

Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#2 - 2017-04-16 21:03:39 UTC
agreed, if you cant use them on a station you shouldn't be able to use them in damage range of a gate.

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2017-04-18 13:25:30 UTC
No need for special care. Just use the closest celestials and make some bookmarks on gates. If in worry just warp to one of these and then if nobody on the gates warp to the gate itself. If somebody is smartbombing you will see him on dscan while warping to first bookmark.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#4 - 2017-04-18 21:58:10 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
No need for special care. Just use the closest celestials and make some bookmarks on gates. If in worry just warp to one of these and then if nobody on the gates warp to the gate itself. If somebody is smartbombing you will see him on dscan while warping to first bookmark.

I agree with you completely but with cloaking t3s I have taken every precaution and still been popped. The only way to be safe would be to never warp to a gate directly if there are other people in system. I feel like this is pushing things a little far just to travel from system to system.

*activates thermal hardeners for incoming flame

Soel Reit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2017-04-19 03:12:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Soel Reit

what's the problem?
why are you flying a pod with implants if you can't afford to lose it?

if you can afford to lose it... then.. it's game mechanics!
you know it before undocking.

smart bombing gate camp are used often in low sec for a reason:
people fly expensive implants knowing they can warp off the pod if they lose the fight.
(only jebi remains still with HG snakes and let the enemy pop himCool )

gatecamp smartbomb is the counter to that ^
everything need a counter right?

or are you one of those that want highsec without fights and ganks?
Skelee VI
Appetite 4 Destruction
#6 - 2017-04-19 14:57:48 UTC
Maybe learn how of fly your ship and you won't get smartbombed!

I think they should allow smartbombs to be closer to gates and allow them at stations

For that mater they should do away with security! All of eve no rules
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#7 - 2017-04-19 22:44:29 UTC
Soel Reit wrote:

what's the problem?
why are you flying a pod with implants if you can't afford to lose it?

if you can afford to lose it... then.. it's game mechanics!
you know it before undocking.

smart bombing gate camp are used often in low sec for a reason:
people fly expensive implants knowing they can warp off the pod if they lose the fight.
(only jebi remains still with HG snakes and let the enemy pop himCool )

gatecamp smartbomb is the counter to that ^
everything need a counter right?

or are you one of those that want highsec without fights and ganks?

It has nothing to do with the cost other than padding KB stats, and its an inconvenience to the player that gets ganked. Not everyone has hours on end to dedicate to the game. That could completely ruin a casual players game session.

*activates thermal hardeners for incoming flame

Soel Reit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2017-04-19 22:46:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Soel Reit
Xzanos wrote:
Soel Reit wrote:

what's the problem?
why are you flying a pod with implants if you can't afford to lose it?

if you can afford to lose it... then.. it's game mechanics!
you know it before undocking.

smart bombing gate camp are used often in low sec for a reason:
people fly expensive implants knowing they can warp off the pod if they lose the fight.
(only jebi remains still with HG snakes and let the enemy pop himCool )

gatecamp smartbomb is the counter to that ^
everything need a counter right?

or are you one of those that want highsec without fights and ganks?

It has nothing to do with the cost other than padding KB stats, and its an inconvenience to the player that gets ganked. Not everyone has hours on end to dedicate to the game. That could completely ruin a casual players game session.

solution --> buy plexes, or don't fly with implants! ezzzzzzzz
and btw kb is not part of the game but a third party tool.

so.... yea... kb doesn't matter at all!
don't fly what you can't afford.
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#9 - 2017-04-19 23:02:38 UTC
Soel Reit wrote:

solution --> buy plexes, or don't fly with implants! ezzzzzzzz
and btw kb is not part of the game but a third party tool.

so.... yea... kb doesn't matter at all!
don't fly what you can't afford.

I guess you didnt absorb the whole post because i already stated that it has nothing to do with cost of the pod in regards to replacement, but saying that kb stats are not a part of the game and do not matter at all is a joke.

*activates thermal hardeners for incoming flame

Soel Reit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2017-04-19 23:07:49 UTC
Xzanos wrote:
Soel Reit wrote:

solution --> buy plexes, or don't fly with implants! ezzzzzzzz
and btw kb is not part of the game but a third party tool.

so.... yea... kb doesn't matter at all!
don't fly what you can't afford.

I guess you didnt absorb the whole post because i already stated that it has nothing to do with cost of the pod in regards to replacement, but saying that kb stats are not a part of the game and do not matter at all is a joke.

is KB part of the game?
it's a third party tool lel

it doesn't matter until you decide it does.
it's not part of the game. or do you see CCP trademarks on it?
Andrew Indy
Cleaning Crew
#11 - 2017-04-20 08:09:15 UTC
I have been podded in LS once or twice but once you know how to bounce off moons or anoms and have Gate BMs everywhere it really stops being an issue.

This change would decrease the market for implants as i'm sure a good number of the expensive pod kills are from low sec.

PS I try and never fly a ship with sub 3K EHP when using expensive implants. That pretty much solves the issue outright.

TXVinDicate TXBlackOps
Black Dragon PHP
Brave Collective
#12 - 2017-04-23 13:25:23 UTC
What's this world and this game coming to? FFS man learn to pilot your ship and take the extra time to learn how to make and use pings or simply warp to just about any celestial that takes you off the line of warp-in other that the gate to gate path. That will solve your problem with smart bombers in low security space.
There's no need to nerf this game every time some LAZY player cries because he's too foolish to learn the mechanics to it.

When you see a long warp in lowsec, and you're not ALONE in local, PING. If there's a smartbomber there come back with something and tackle him and kite outside his bomb range and kill him. He'll be a pirate and you won't even take gate aggro for it. FYI there doesn't have to be a new rule or law to protect every fool who is too lazy to learn.


Swamp Panthers
#13 - 2017-04-23 13:32:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Algathas
Smartbombs are so easy to avoid or even tank through multiple battleships worth in a frigate. If you die to one you are pretty bad. (not to mention that you already can't sit at 0 on a gate and still activate the bomb). Plus they are a counter to insta-warp nullified ceptors.
ivona fly
Black Fox Marauders
Pen Is Out
#14 - 2017-05-02 16:55:37 UTC  |  Edited by: ivona fly
I think the highsec in gates/outgates to low should have a bigger range, decrease as they get further in to lowsec, i don't like the though of somebody getting their frigate or pod popped the first time they venture to lowsec, and never trying again.

other gates further into lowsec are fair game.

buy a maller, insure it and try it, it's fun!
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#15 - 2017-05-10 18:52:37 UTC
TXVinDicate TXBlackOps wrote:
What's this world and this game coming to? FFS man learn to pilot your ship and take the extra time to learn how to make and use pings or simply warp to just about any celestial that takes you off the line of warp-in other that the gate to gate path. That will solve your problem with smart bombers in low security space.
There's no need to nerf this game every time some LAZY player cries because he's too foolish to learn the mechanics to it.

When you see a long warp in lowsec, and you're not ALONE in local, PING. If there's a smartbomber there come back with something and tackle him and kite outside his bomb range and kill him. He'll be a pirate and you won't even take gate aggro for it. FYI there doesn't have to be a new rule or law to protect every fool who is too lazy to learn.



Im not looking for an easy button, and I completely understand the use of Pings and celestial near a gate to prevent an in line warp. But as i have already stated this is not about smartbomb camps being unavoidable but about the hassle of having to avoid them. I could spend months always warping to a celestial on every gate and then the one time i slip up boom. Even when the bully is not around i have to waste my time just in case.

I would rather spend my time looking for good fights than having to avoid the LAZY player half afk with a bot running dscan

*activates thermal hardeners for incoming flame

Swamp Panthers
#16 - 2017-05-10 21:40:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Algathas
Xzanos wrote:
Im not looking for an easy button, and I completely understand the use of Pings and celestial near a gate to prevent an in line warp. But as i have already stated this is not about smartbomb camps being unavoidable but about the hassle of having to avoid them. I could spend months always warping to a celestial on every gate and then the one time i slip up boom. Even when the bully is not around i have to waste my time just in case.

I would rather spend my time looking for good fights than having to avoid the LAZY player half afk with a bot running dscan

If lazy people in untanked ceptors wouldn't constantly warp straight to them, then the smart bombers wouldn't be there. The issue is not the weapon but the fact that players feed them easy kills (including you). If more people went around, warped from a different angle, or hot dropped the smartbombers then they wouldn't be there as it would be too much work.
Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#17 - 2017-05-10 22:32:56 UTC
Algathas wrote:
Xzanos wrote:
Im not looking for an easy button, and I completely understand the use of Pings and celestial near a gate to prevent an in line warp. But as i have already stated this is not about smartbomb camps being unavoidable but about the hassle of having to avoid them. I could spend months always warping to a celestial on every gate and then the one time i slip up boom. Even when the bully is not around i have to waste my time just in case.

I would rather spend my time looking for good fights than having to avoid the LAZY player half afk with a bot running dscan

If lazy people in untanked ceptors wouldn't constantly warp straight to them, then the smart bombers wouldn't be there. The issue is not the weapon but the fact that players feed them easy kills (including you). If more people went around, warped from a different angle, or hot dropped the smartbombers then they wouldn't be there as it would be too much work.

Have you been living under a rock for as long as humanity has existed or something? Don't you know it's easier to whine and ***** about any problems than try and solve it.

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

Alasdan Helminthauge
Hogs Collective
#18 - 2017-05-11 08:37:25 UTC
once I got disco-bombed in an untanked taranis and survived :D
Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#19 - 2017-05-11 12:18:22 UTC
Algathas wrote:
Xzanos wrote:
Im not looking for an easy button, and I completely understand the use of Pings and celestial near a gate to prevent an in line warp. But as i have already stated this is not about smartbomb camps being unavoidable but about the hassle of having to avoid them. I could spend months always warping to a celestial on every gate and then the one time i slip up boom. Even when the bully is not around i have to waste my time just in case.

I would rather spend my time looking for good fights than having to avoid the LAZY player half afk with a bot running dscan

If lazy people in untanked ceptors wouldn't constantly warp straight to them, then the smart bombers wouldn't be there. The issue is not the weapon but the fact that players feed them easy kills (including you). If more people went around, warped from a different angle, or hot dropped the smartbombers then they wouldn't be there as it would be too much work.

Most people do this with an alt, afk, and bots/macro anyways so i doubt that the frequency would change anything. I mean hundreds of people use a gate every hour. There will always be someone who slips up or is a new player and has no clue what even happend.

*activates thermal hardeners for incoming flame

Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#20 - 2017-05-11 12:33:48 UTC
Also everyone who is bring up null sec, that has nothing to do with I am talking about. You can still use drag bubbles in null and bomb the f out of whoever in line warps. What is all this talk about zero tank ceptors? and why is there such a dire need to counter them? i mean webs come to mind as an alternate counter.

I just don't understand why people are hanging on to a game mechanic that is so cancerous you might as well be a tumor sitting on the gate. I guess a majority of players get more enjoyment out of ruining other peoples fun than actually providing content.

*activates thermal hardeners for incoming flame

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