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If one actually wants to fix the issues with wardecs

Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#21 - 2017-04-11 20:32:02 UTC
Alderson Point wrote:
Arden Elenduil wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:
Arden Elenduil wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:

You do realise that if you wished a WAR experience, you could simply join an existing one if you couldn't afford the cost?

Yes, and then you're faced with the issue that is currently happening. With people banding together in massive wardec conglomerates that give absolutely no chance whatsoever to their targets because they have vastly better ships, wallets, pilots, organisation, etc...

This is what we need to move away from.

Um, there is no way on Gods earth ever to prevent people joining together. If that is a requirement for a wardec system, it will never happen.

However if a corporation declares 100 wars this system gives the opportunity for those 100 defender groups to strike back at a target together, knowing exactly when those targets become vulnerable, isnt that better than going to all that effort to defend together and find the wardeccers are all docked up in dodixie?

Yes, and when in the history of highsec wars has that ever happened outside of extremely rare events?
It hasn't.
Point of fact, it's hard enough to get a single PvE corporation to organize properly. I can count the times that's happened against me personally on one hand. And every single time (except once), it was me myself that had to basically talk everyone into it using spies.

You say that corporations can band together to fight the one big bad wardec group. They won't, they never have, they never will. It's simply a dream that is unachievable.

Getting people to "join together" and fight, I agree is rarer that rocking horse droppings, but multiple neutral groups arriving to destroy the same enemy when a citadel comes out of reinforcement, is quite achievable with no prior agreement.

You're missing the point. If some large player farming entity war dec'd me - why would I even bother with their structure if I can simply avoid that one system? Your premise makes zero sense in the Eve reality. Players that don't want to fight won't - that's proven every day. Giving them free travel over all of New Eden except one system isn't going to get them to engage. It will allow them to avoid without interrupting their routine. Blockading Niarja w/ a structure means I have to have a hauler alt that can make 1 jump in 2 directions and be able to fly an interceptor (or similar tackle avoiding ship) to bypass the entire war.

Your idea is not good at all.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#22 - 2017-04-11 20:34:50 UTC
Alderson Point wrote:
Arden Elenduil wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:
If you limit the war to a single system..... on a scale of 1 to 10...... how easy would it be to just ignore the war (system) and go about your normal business as usual???

This single system idea is quite possibly the worst new idea to fix war decs ever. 'It blows goats' doesn't even do it justice.

I would say a 12

Um, you did read multiple times that it was not one system didn't you? I mean thats why I wrote it repeatedly.

Let me save you the effort of reading back.

Every structure in a corporation at war designates the system a warzone. I think thats clear, two structures two systems, three structures three systems, place one in Niarja, Niarja is a war system, Put one next door, next door is a war system.

That might help.

It doesn't matter how many. That's my point. Players avoid wars as it is. If you limit it to only 100 systems then there will still be places to mine, mission, incursion or whatever totally free of war consequences.

Your idea is still really bad.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2017-04-11 20:35:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Q/ Then why are you basing your entire system of defense against larger groups around that?
That's really really bad design. You need to think for the everyday moment, not for the grand finale.[/quote]

A/ Well, those systems will be vunerable at certain times, and likely to be defended, so there is a likelehood of combat. And If people hide all the time, shoot the structure to flush them out? If they will not fight under any circumstances, well they lose a structure.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2017-04-11 20:39:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Serendipity Lost wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:
Arden Elenduil wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:
If you limit the war to a single system..... on a scale of 1 to 10...... how easy would it be to just ignore the war (system) and go about your normal business as usual???

This single system idea is quite possibly the worst new idea to fix war decs ever. 'It blows goats' doesn't even do it justice.

I would say a 12

Um, you did read multiple times that it was not one system didn't you? I mean thats why I wrote it repeatedly.

Let me save you the effort of reading back.

Every structure in a corporation at war designates the system a warzone. I think thats clear, two structures two systems, three structures three systems, place one in Niarja, Niarja is a war system, Put one next door, next door is a war system.

That might help.

It doesn't matter how many. That's my point. Players avoid wars as it is. If you limit it to only 100 systems then there will still be places to mine, mission, incursion or whatever totally free of war consequences.

Your idea is still really bad.

I am sorry, If your design goals for a Wardec system is based around forcing people to fight against their clear decision, this proposal is not for you. If they are determined enough to check, log and avoid all the traps and pinchpoints, they will, at the cost of probably if not certainly losing one or more structures. Pretty determined i'd say

If this is not clear enough a message from them I suggest you try ganking. That's one way of shooting sitting ducks.
Arden Elenduil
Unlimited Bear Works
#25 - 2017-04-11 20:47:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Arden Elenduil
Alderson Point wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:
Arden Elenduil wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:
If you limit the war to a single system..... on a scale of 1 to 10...... how easy would it be to just ignore the war (system) and go about your normal business as usual???

This single system idea is quite possibly the worst new idea to fix war decs ever. 'It blows goats' doesn't even do it justice.

I would say a 12

Um, you did read multiple times that it was not one system didn't you? I mean thats why I wrote it repeatedly.

Let me save you the effort of reading back.

Every structure in a corporation at war designates the system a warzone. I think thats clear, two structures two systems, three structures three systems, place one in Niarja, Niarja is a war system, Put one next door, next door is a war system.

That might help.

It doesn't matter how many. That's my point. Players avoid wars as it is. If you limit it to only 100 systems then there will still be places to mine, mission, incursion or whatever totally free of war consequences.

Your idea is still really bad.

I am sorry, If your design goals for a Wardec system is based around forcing people to fight against their clear decision, this proposal is not for you. If they are determined enough to check, log and avoid all the traps and pinchpoints, they will, at the cost of probably if not certainly losing one or more structures. Pretty determined i'd say

If this is not clear enough a message from them I suggest you try ganking. That's one way of shooting sitting ducks.

And here we come to the source of your proposal. Basically you want to see fights between groups of people that actually like wars and actively participate in them, while at the same time making it **** easy to avoid them so that carebears would hardly notice it. All because they don't want to participate in PvP.

This goes directly against what Eve stands for, which is PvP, everywhere, anytime to everyone, whether they want it or not.
You undock, you consent to PvP, you open the market, you consent to PvP.

The reason this game is still popular this day and age is because of this. It's harsh, can't deal with it, then this game is not for you.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2017-04-11 20:57:48 UTC
And here we come to the source of your proposal. Basically you want to see fights between groups of people that actually like wars and actively participate in them, while at the same time making it **** easy to avoid them so that carebears would hardly notice it. All because they don't want to participate in PvP.

This goes directly against what Eve stands for, which is PvP, everywhere, anytime to everyone, whether they want it or not.
You undock, you consent to PvP, you open the market, you consent to PvP.

The reason this game is still popular this day and age is because of this. It's harsh, can't deal with it, then this game is not for you.

Ok here I do have to call Bullshit.

cutting through the adhominem and EvE is hard Crap, The bottom line is that this system will not feed you easy kills.

It will get you fights from those who have even the slightest interest in doing so, because not will mean they lose their structures. and even better, you will know where to find them! win win!

But you don't want fights do you, every reply and post about this you make makes it plain that you want it easier to find people, not to fight but to kill.

That's ok, nothing wrong with wanting to kill people all day, You don't have to have a challenge, it's not compulsory.

but at least have a bit of self respect and be honest with yourself.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#27 - 2017-04-11 21:01:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Serendipity Lost
I gank mission guys from time to time. It isn't at all fun (I don't know how those CODE ninnies keep at it for so long) but it is crazy profitable.

I PVP in wh space, so there is no need for war decs. Repo Industries is a very old corp 8+ years and it got its start as a HS mercenary corp. We left that part of Eve for several reasons, but on of the bigger ones was that they changed the mechanics to the current player farming hoo haw and it sucked (for us) enough to leave it all behind. I don't actually log in currently because I find the current version of the game uninteresting overall (it's getting to nicey nice for my taste).

I think the current mechanics are horrible for several reasons.
1. Player farming is dumb, uninteresting and possibly less challenging than ganking a loots heavy mission creampuff.
2. Inter corporation wars should be a means for 2 parties with a disagreement (however small, large, made up or whatever) to settle said disagreement through the loving exchange of ammunition. I feel that currently it is impossible to do that without some non-angry, non-involved 3rd party either piggybacking in via the assist mechanic (ugh) or paying their way in w/ the ultra cheap war dec fees.
3. Current mechanics make it a PITA for a 'for reals' merc corp to do contracts only and make a decent living in HS.
4. HS war decs aren't fun from any angle I can see.
5. 100+ war decs by a single corp guarantees that the wars have no meaning. It's just farming.
6. Neutral logistics - get rid of it or make the timer permanent.
7. Tora won't quit posting his meaningless HS player farming kb stats every chance he gets.

The sum total of all of these things that I know or feel plus my many years of Eve experience in almost all facets of the game tell me your idea will not make empire war decs fun, meaningful or interesting = bad idea.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#28 - 2017-04-11 21:03:01 UTC
Alderson Point wrote:
And here we come to the source of your proposal. Basically you want to see fights between groups of people that actually like wars and actively participate in them, while at the same time making it **** easy to avoid them so that carebears would hardly notice it. All because they don't want to participate in PvP.

This goes directly against what Eve stands for, which is PvP, everywhere, anytime to everyone, whether they want it or not.
You undock, you consent to PvP, you open the market, you consent to PvP.

The reason this game is still popular this day and age is because of this. It's harsh, can't deal with it, then this game is not for you.

Ok here I do have to call Bullshit.

cutting through the adhominem and EvE is hard Crap, The bottom line is that this system will not feed you easy kills.

It will get you fights from those who have even the slightest interest in doing so, because not will mean they lose their structures. and even better, you will know where to find them! win win!

But you don't want fights do you, every reply and post about this you make makes it plain that you want it easier to find people, not to fight but to kill.

That's ok, nothing wrong with wanting to kill people all day, You don't have to have a challenge, it's not compulsory.

but at least have a bit of self respect and be honest with yourself.

With this reply - you are doomed.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2017-04-11 21:07:01 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
I gank mission guys from time to time. It isn't at all fun (I don't know how those CODE ninnies keep at it for so long) but it is crazy profitable.

I PVP in wh space, so there is no need for war decs. Repo Industries is a very old corp 8+ years and it got its start as a HS mercenary corp. We left that part of Eve for several reasons, but on of the bigger ones was that they changed the mechanics to the current player farming hoo haw and it sucked (for us) enough to leave it all behind. I don't actually log in currently because I find the current version of the game uninteresting overall (it's getting to nicey nice for my taste).

I think the current mechanics are horrible for several reasons.
1. Player farming is dumb, uninteresting and possibly less challenging than ganking a loots heave mission creampuff.
2. Inter corporation wars should be a means for 2 parties with a disagreement (however small, large, made up or whatever) to settle said disagreement through the loving exchange of ammunition. I feel that currently it is impossible to do that without some non-angry, non-involved 3rd party either piggybacking in via the assist mechanic (ugh) or paying their way in w/ the ultra cheap war dec fees.
3. Current mechanics make it a PITA for a 'for reals' merc corp to do contracts only and make a decent living in HS.
4. HS war decs aren't fun from any angle I can see.
5. 100+ war decs by a single corp guarantees that the wars have no meaning. It's just farming.
6. Neutral logistics - get rid of it or make the timer permanent.
7. Tora won't quit posting his meaningless HS player farming kb stats every chance he gets.

The sum total of all of these things that I know or feel plus my many years of Eve experience in almost all facets of the game tell me your idea will not make empire war decs fun, meaningful or interesting = bad idea.

I agree with points 1-7 I too am in an almost identical position and can relate to every point. Wardecs are simply a complete joke, this system however, If you think it through, step by step and look for opportunities, actually gives them, not perfectly, but it makes fights possible, reasonable, and quite likely to happen, but absolutely not always. The HS wardeccers will absolutely loath it and spit venom out of their eyeballs, because the one thing it will not give them is the ability to farm seriously unwilling individuals who are willing to pay the price for that decision.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2017-04-11 21:09:33 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:
And here we come to the source of your proposal. Basically you want to see fights between groups of people that actually like wars and actively participate in them, while at the same time making it **** easy to avoid them so that carebears would hardly notice it. All because they don't want to participate in PvP.

This goes directly against what Eve stands for, which is PvP, everywhere, anytime to everyone, whether they want it or not.
You undock, you consent to PvP, you open the market, you consent to PvP.

The reason this game is still popular this day and age is because of this. It's harsh, can't deal with it, then this game is not for you.

Ok here I do have to call Bullshit.

cutting through the adhominem and EvE is hard Crap, The bottom line is that this system will not feed you easy kills.

It will get you fights from those who have even the slightest interest in doing so, because not will mean they lose their structures. and even better, you will know where to find them! win win!

But you don't want fights do you, every reply and post about this you make makes it plain that you want it easier to find people, not to fight but to kill.

That's ok, nothing wrong with wanting to kill people all day, You don't have to have a challenge, it's not compulsory.

but at least have a bit of self respect and be honest with yourself.

With this reply - you are doomed.

Sorry if you thought that was for you, I fell foul of the 5 quote limit,
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#31 - 2017-04-11 21:14:32 UTC
I think you're failing to listen to everyone that is responding to your idea with credible feedback. Your idea would completely invalidate the war dec process - not fix it or make it better.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2017-04-11 21:23:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Serendipity Lost wrote:
I think you're failing to listen to everyone that is responding to your idea with credible feedback. Your idea would completely invalidate the war dec process - not fix it or make it better.

It would completely be the end of the current wardec process.
It would also satisfy the stated goals of allowing interdiction of one's enemies.
The ability to remove structures from HS.
The ability to deny access to prime mining systems.
The possibility to generate fights in HS.
A means for groups like RVB to continue to fight the eternal war. And possibly many more to start.
A mechanism to be able to make it far easier to make and find such fights.
The balancing as far as is possible between attacker and defender.
The attacker now has some risk of loss of assets.
The increasing risk of losing assets increases with each additional war.
And the removal of the effortless farming of the weak and vulnerable.

Now, I don't honestly know what more could be achieved than this, there has to be a certain reality in expectations.
But nothing I have ever seen comes even half as close, because it always starts from here, where here is not where we want to be.

It needs also to be understandable for all, that doesn't mean everyone sees all the complexities that can stem from it right away, but no player should ever die because of some exception to an exception exists that means he is hung out to dry.

I ask you to go back with an open mind, see how as an attacker you could make the wardec work for you, think as a defender how you can respond and turn the tables, think of the difference hiring good mercs could make for you, think of what mercs could achieve, think of a chess match, and outwitting your enemy. It is extremely simple, so few rules and restrictions, a few key features, but what you do with that is what will form your experience. Do not be misled by it's simplicity, look at each objection and think how it would actually play out, and you will be very surprised.

I hope anyway, you seem like you might get it if you look at it as TOTALLY new and not a new version of the same thing.
Arden Elenduil
Unlimited Bear Works
#33 - 2017-04-11 21:43:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Arden Elenduil
Alderson Point wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:
I think you're failing to listen to everyone that is responding to your idea with credible feedback. Your idea would completely invalidate the war dec process - not fix it or make it better.

It would completely be the end of the current wardec process.
It would also satisfy the stated goals of allowing interdiction of one's enemies.
The ability to remove structures from HS.
The ability to deny access to prime mining systems.
The possibility to generate fights in HS.
A means for groups like RVB to continue to fight the eternal war.
A mechanism to be able to make it far easier to make and find such fights.
The balancing as far as is possible between attacker and defender.
The attacker now has some risk of loss of assets.
The increasing risk of losing assets increases with each additional war.
And the removal of the effortless farming of the weak and vulnerable.

Now, I don't honestly know what more could be achieved than this, there has to be a certain reality in expectations.
But nothing I have ever seen comes even half as close, because it always starts from here, where here is not where we want to be.

It needs also to be understandable for all, that doesn't mean everyone sees all the complexities that can stem from it right away, but no player should ever die because of some exception to an exception exists that means he is hung out to dry.

I'm not going to deny who I am or what I do in Eve. Yes, I'm a highsec wardeccer, and yes, I go for soft targets such as carebears, miners, PvE corporations. It's how I make my money in Eve online. Sure, it interferes with the gameplay of others, but that's the idea behind Eve Online.

However, I fight outnumbered, all the time. Should the enemy corporation organize, they outnumber me by a factor of 30-1 most of the time. I have been forced to retreat at times. But that also means that I work for my kills. I don't just sit on a hub or a gate all the time and wait for stuff to come to me. I use a combination of spies, locators and alts to find and hunt down targets. It takes a certain amount of effort.

Now, take a look at my proposal that I posted.
It gives people incentives to do certain things, but it doesn't force anyone into doing anything.

It gives corporations (and not just wardeccers or mercs)a reason to fight over resources that can actually provide them with a tangible boost. But they don't HAVE to.
It gives people an incentive to stick together in a group, but doesn't force people to stay there.
It encourages people to form smaller groups, but you can group up if you so choose, there will just be bigger costs involved.
It also gives people the opportunity of applying different styles of fighting. They can go for the all-in overwhelming power, but you can also fight a war of attrition, a guerilla war where you apply hit and run tactics, etc... You're not limited to one single thing.

That is why I don't like your proposal. It forces everyone into a niche, provides nothing else in return and makes it even more laughably easy to evade a war if you're so inclined.

Yes, it would mean the end of the current war process, that's logical.
But it would NOT allow any interdiction of enemies, at all, period. Evading people in highsec is hilariously easy, limit combat to one system (or a few, doesn't matter)? Well, you just made interdiction nigh on impossible.
Removing strucures from Highsec, yes, that's true, but any war mechanic does that.
But it won't remove access to prime mining (or mission) systems, at all. All you need is either an alt corp, or just drop corp completely.
It won't generate a lot of fights either, in fact, you'll even see a decrease in the number of fights most likely.
RvB is a different beast altogether
Making it easier to find fights, yes, but there are better ways to do it.
Balancing is something that has no real place in Eve. There is no such thing as a fair fight. People will generally only deploy if they are sure they can win (this is true even in low/nullsec)
Attackers always risk loss of assets, their ships. Involving a structure just makes it that much more annoying to wardec.
Increasing risk is complete horse excrement, for reasons stated before.
Removal of the effortless farming of the weak and vulnerable. Why? This is Eve. It will gobble you up and spit you out if you don't learn to adapt and not make yourself a target, or if you don't take care of yourself.

Compare that to my proposal. It gives people incentives, encourages them to do things, but it does not limit them at all.
Yours on the other hand, it's one way, and no other.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2017-04-11 21:53:06 UTC
Arden Elenduil wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:
I think you're failing to listen to everyone that is responding to your idea with credible feedback. Your idea would completely invalidate the war dec process - not fix it or make it better.

It would completely be the end of the current wardec process.
It would also satisfy the stated goals of allowing interdiction of one's enemies.
The ability to remove structures from HS.
The ability to deny access to prime mining systems.
The possibility to generate fights in HS.
A means for groups like RVB to continue to fight the eternal war.
A mechanism to be able to make it far easier to make and find such fights.
The balancing as far as is possible between attacker and defender.
The attacker now has some risk of loss of assets.
The increasing risk of losing assets increases with each additional war.
And the removal of the effortless farming of the weak and vulnerable.

Now, I don't honestly know what more could be achieved than this, there has to be a certain reality in expectations.
But nothing I have ever seen comes even half as close, because it always starts from here, where here is not where we want to be.

It needs also to be understandable for all, that doesn't mean everyone sees all the complexities that can stem from it right away, but no player should ever die because of some exception to an exception exists that means he is hung out to dry.

I'm not going to deny who I am or what I do in Eve. Yes, I'm a highsec wardeccer, and yes, I go for soft targets such as carebears, miners, PvE corporations. It's how I make my money in Eve online. Sure, it interferes with the gameplay of others, but that's the idea behind Eve Online.

However, I fight outnumbered, all the time. Should the enemy corporation organize, they outnumber me by a factor of 30-1 most of the time. I have been forced to retreat at times. But that also means that I work for my kills. I don't just sit on a hub or a gate all the time and wait for stuff to come to me. I use a combination of spies, locators and alts to find and hunt down targets. It takes a certain amount of effort.

Now, take a look at my proposal that I posted.
It gives people incentives to do certain things, but it doesn't force anyone into doing anything.

It gives corporations (and not just wardeccers or mercs)a reason to fight over resources that can actually provide them with a tangible boost. But they don't HAVE to.
It gives people an incentive to stick together in a group, but doesn't force people to stay there.
It encourages people to form smaller groups, but you can group up if you so choose, there will just be bigger costs involved.
It also gives people the opportunity of applying different styles of fighting. They can go for the all-in overwhelming power, but you can also fight a war of attrition, a guerilla war where you apply hit and run tactics, etc... You're not limited to one single thing.

That is why I don't like your proposal. It forces everyone into a niche, provides nothing else in return and makes it even more laughably easy to evade a war if you're so inclined.

Yes, it would mean the end of the current war process, that's logical.
But it would NOT allow any interdiction of enemies, at all, period. Evading people in highsec is hilariously easy, limit combat to one system (or a few, doesn't matter)? Well, you just made interdiction nigh on impossible.
Removing strucures from Highsec, yes, that's true.
But it won't remove access to prime mining (or mission) systems, at all. All you need is either an alt corp, or just drop corp completely.
It won't generate a lot of fights either, in fact, you'll even see a decrease in the number of fights most likely.
RvB is a different beast altogether
Making it easier to find fights, yes, but there are better ways to do it.
Balancing is something that has no real place in Eve. There is no such thing as a fair fight. People will generally only deploy if they are sure they can win (this is true even in low/nullsec)
Attackers always risk loss of assets, their ships. Involving a structure just makes it that much more annoying to wardec.
Increasing risk is complete horse excrement, for reasons stated before.
Removal of the effortless farming of the weak and vulnerable. Why? This is Eve. It will gobble you up and spit you out if you don't learn to adapt and not make yourself a target, or if you don't take care of yourself.

Compare that to my proposal. It gives people incentives, encourages them to do things, but it does not limit them at all.
Yours on the other hand, it's one way, and no other.

I will reread your proposal, with an open mind, if you look at mine in the same light you will find the answers to your concerns are there, not because there are rules to make it so, but because it has very limited rules, it is a tool players can find their own ways of building solutions. If you think of it as a modified wardec system with the same rules and conditions but a bit different, you will be on completely the wrong track, it removes them leaving it for the players to find their solutions on both sides.

Eve is hard, that does not mean that CCP should continue with a system that is so balanced against the defender because all they will do is hide. If the balance is neutral, both sides can find a way that works for them.
Arden Elenduil
Unlimited Bear Works
#35 - 2017-04-11 22:02:04 UTC
Alderson Point wrote:

I will reread your proposal, with an open mind, if you look at mine in the same light you will find the answers to your concerns are there, not because there are rules to make it so, but because it has very limited rules, it is a tool players can find their own ways of building solutions. If you think of it as a modified wardec system with the same rules and conditions but a bit different, you will be on completely the wrong track, it removes them leaving it for the players to find their solutions on both sides.

Eve is hard, that does not mean that CCP should continue with a system that is so balanced against the defender because all they will do is hide. If the balance is neutral, both sides can find a way that works for them.

Thank you for doing that.
I have looked at your proposal, and I have stated my concerns and why I don't like it.
If anything, your system favours the defender even moreso than the attacker due to the ease of evasion.
Forcing people into things is also a negative point on that aspect. Your system is extremely restrictive and harsh in terms of rules and people that can actually engage in it. You want to keep it as open as possible to allow for emergent gameplay.

That's why, as a wardeccer, I created my proposal in such a way that both groups get an equal advantage out of it. Thinking of positive things for both sides.

It gives incentives, but doesn't force. It gives people actual reasons to fight and engage in conflict.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2017-04-11 22:06:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Arden Elenduil wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:

I will reread your proposal, with an open mind, if you look at mine in the same light you will find the answers to your concerns are there, not because there are rules to make it so, but because it has very limited rules, it is a tool players can find their own ways of building solutions. If you think of it as a modified wardec system with the same rules and conditions but a bit different, you will be on completely the wrong track, it removes them leaving it for the players to find their solutions on both sides.

Eve is hard, that does not mean that CCP should continue with a system that is so balanced against the defender because all they will do is hide. If the balance is neutral, both sides can find a way that works for them.

Thank you for doing that.
I have looked at your proposal, and I have stated my concerns and why I don't like it.
If anything, your system favours the defender even moreso than the attacker due to the ease of evasion.
Forcing people into things is also a negative point on that aspect. Your system is extremely restrictive and harsh in terms of rules and people that can actually engage in it. You want to keep it as open as possible to allow for emergent gameplay.

That's why, as a wardeccer, I created my proposal in such a way that both groups get an equal advantage out of it. Thinking of positive things for both sides.

It gives incentives, but doesn't force. It gives people actual reasons to fight and engage in conflict.

I am currently going through it, you have put a lot of time in, all credit to you for that. It will be tomorrow before I can fully appreciate how it all works together.

I do point out, that with mine, there are actually very very few restrictions, it gives a vast amount more freedom on both sides, one needs to forget the existing wardec rules altogether, they are NOT on top of the simple structure.
Arden Elenduil
Unlimited Bear Works
#37 - 2017-04-11 22:07:51 UTC
Alderson Point wrote:
Arden Elenduil wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:

I will reread your proposal, with an open mind, if you look at mine in the same light you will find the answers to your concerns are there, not because there are rules to make it so, but because it has very limited rules, it is a tool players can find their own ways of building solutions. If you think of it as a modified wardec system with the same rules and conditions but a bit different, you will be on completely the wrong track, it removes them leaving it for the players to find their solutions on both sides.

Eve is hard, that does not mean that CCP should continue with a system that is so balanced against the defender because all they will do is hide. If the balance is neutral, both sides can find a way that works for them.

Thank you for doing that.
I have looked at your proposal, and I have stated my concerns and why I don't like it.
If anything, your system favours the defender even moreso than the attacker due to the ease of evasion.
Forcing people into things is also a negative point on that aspect. Your system is extremely restrictive and harsh in terms of rules and people that can actually engage in it. You want to keep it as open as possible to allow for emergent gameplay.

That's why, as a wardeccer, I created my proposal in such a way that both groups get an equal advantage out of it. Thinking of positive things for both sides.

It gives incentives, but doesn't force. It gives people actual reasons to fight and engage in conflict.

I am currently going through it, you have put a lot of time in, all credit to you for that. It will be tomorrow before I can fully appreciate how it all works together.

I do point out, that with mine, there are actually very very few restrictions, it gives a vast amount more freedom on both sides, one needs to forget the existing rules altogether, they are NOT on top of the simple structure.

I disagree on that. Due to the fact that you restrict wars to corporations with structures, you restrict the location of said wars, and by doing so, you also restrict the tactics that can be used.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2017-04-11 22:10:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Arden Elenduil wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:
Arden Elenduil wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:

I will reread your proposal, with an open mind, if you look at mine in the same light you will find the answers to your concerns are there, not because there are rules to make it so, but because it has very limited rules, it is a tool players can find their own ways of building solutions. If you think of it as a modified wardec system with the same rules and conditions but a bit different, you will be on completely the wrong track, it removes them leaving it for the players to find their solutions on both sides.

Eve is hard, that does not mean that CCP should continue with a system that is so balanced against the defender because all they will do is hide. If the balance is neutral, both sides can find a way that works for them.

Thank you for doing that.
I have looked at your proposal, and I have stated my concerns and why I don't like it.
If anything, your system favours the defender even moreso than the attacker due to the ease of evasion.
Forcing people into things is also a negative point on that aspect. Your system is extremely restrictive and harsh in terms of rules and people that can actually engage in it. You want to keep it as open as possible to allow for emergent gameplay.

That's why, as a wardeccer, I created my proposal in such a way that both groups get an equal advantage out of it. Thinking of positive things for both sides.

It gives incentives, but doesn't force. It gives people actual reasons to fight and engage in conflict.

I am currently going through it, you have put a lot of time in, all credit to you for that. It will be tomorrow before I can fully appreciate how it all works together.

I do point out, that with mine, there are actually very very few restrictions, it gives a vast amount more freedom on both sides, one needs to forget the existing rules altogether, they are NOT on top of the simple structure.

I disagree on that. Due to the fact that you restrict wars to corporations with structures, you restrict the location of said wars, and by doing so, you also restrict the tactics that can be used.

Basically yes. A corporation only becomes a "big boy" when they have structures, before that they are basically social corps, without the need to actually create such a thing. And for both sides, structures become pieces on the board.
Arden Elenduil
Unlimited Bear Works
#39 - 2017-04-11 22:25:45 UTC
Alderson Point wrote:

Basically yes. A corporation only becomes a "big boy" when they have structures, before that they are basically social corps, without the need to actually create such a thing. And for both sides, structures become pieces on the board.

Then you're stuck with the question as to why a corporation should be a "big boy" before they can start wardeccing people.
That would be the same as saying to a rookie pilot that he can't join Horde or Brave Newbies because he can't fly a battleship or use tech 2 guns.

Some of the most fun I had was fighting in highsec as a new pilot, barely scraping by to afford wardec costs (they cost 2 mil back in the day). I literally could hardly afford to run more than one dec at a time back then. But I had fun with heaps, just flying a Rifter and killing people.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2017-04-11 22:34:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Arden Elenduil wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:

Basically yes. A corporation only becomes a "big boy" when they have structures, before that they are basically social corps, without the need to actually create such a thing. And for both sides, structures become pieces on the board.

Then you're stuck with the question as to why a corporation should be a "big boy" before they can start wardeccing people.
That would be the same as saying to a rookie pilot that he can't join Horde or Brave Newbies because he can't fly a battleship or use tech 2 guns.

Some of the most fun I had was fighting in highsec as a new pilot, barely scraping by to afford wardec costs (they cost 2 mil back in the day). I literally could hardly afford to run more than one dec at a time back then. But I had fun with heaps, just flying a Rifter and killing people.

Well I appreciate you had fun, but if someone is big enough to start a war, they are big enough to have something to lose like a structure, but you can always volunteer to join anothers war, same as any neutral, but you are recruited for the duration and cannot leave. After all, you cannot join the army and walk out when you want. And little groups like 12 wellington road swindon for example don't start wars. That's for countries with something to fight over.