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What happened to Fanfest? Its getting so dull

Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#61 - 2017-04-10 12:00:04 UTC
Watched videos linked by Ranger 1. Maybe there was not fireworks on those presentations but there were some good things incoming. Rebalance of some hulls and modules, new citadels, new AI for pve and finally hisec content. CCP definitely hear us but still providing upgrades at their own pace. Some screens showed at the end of keynotes were amazing. It reminded me Dinsdale Piranha idea of exploration.

"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Jacques d'Orleans
#62 - 2017-04-10 12:00:12 UTC
Xaar wrote:
I just came back from FF2017 and this was the 7th time that I went.

I liked:
- the efforts of CCP to enable 2-way communication with the player base (round tables and Q/A in Tranquility)
- Most of the presentations (Opening, Keynote)
- Max
- My Megathron Was Fit With The Following
- The closing ceremony (so well done and super funny)

I think the following needs to be improved:
- printed hardcopy of the schedule
- start earlier on Thursday
- install a professional EVE Store (best articles are out of stock very quickly, increase offering of clothing and other EVE materials)
- allow individual players to PvP - deathmatch

All in all, a great event and I will be back next year ! Well done CCP.

Dear Sir,

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Best regards

P. L. Onker, W. Azzock and B. Ollocks
LLP for Texas Internet Law
Tam Arai
Mi Pen Rai
#63 - 2017-04-10 12:35:38 UTC
instead of releasing upcoming developments at fanfest, they did it beforehand so people could then discuss it at fanfest

its different but not necessarily worse

to me fanfest is about meeting players and devs and having fun with a shared interest
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#64 - 2017-04-10 12:41:40 UTC
Tam Arai wrote:
instead of releasing upcoming developments at fanfest, they did it beforehand so people could then discuss it at fanfest

its different but not necessarily worse

to me fanfest is about meeting players and devs and having fun with a shared interest

This is true, most of the people complaining about this didn't go to fanfest and got used to seeing the 'big reveals' from home. I'm totally ok for fanfest and other EVE events to be focused on the people who actually pay to go there.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#65 - 2017-04-10 13:13:50 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Tam Arai wrote:
instead of releasing upcoming developments at fanfest, they did it beforehand so people could then discuss it at fanfest

its different but not necessarily worse

to me fanfest is about meeting players and devs and having fun with a shared interest

This is true, most of the people complaining about this didn't go to fanfest and got used to seeing the 'big reveals' from home. I'm totally ok for fanfest and other EVE events to be focused on the people who actually pay to go there.

The people going there wouldn't have no place to go if weren't for the 300,000 people paying subscriptions and yet NOT going to Fanfest. Roll
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#66 - 2017-04-10 13:32:22 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Tam Arai wrote:
instead of releasing upcoming developments at fanfest, they did it beforehand so people could then discuss it at fanfest

its different but not necessarily worse

to me fanfest is about meeting players and devs and having fun with a shared interest

This is true, most of the people complaining about this didn't go to fanfest and got used to seeing the 'big reveals' from home. I'm totally ok for fanfest and other EVE events to be focused on the people who actually pay to go there.

The people going there wouldn't have no place to go if weren't for the 300,000 people paying subscriptions and yet NOT going to Fanfest. Roll

I know this is hard for you to fathom, but no one owes you anything.
Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#67 - 2017-04-10 13:43:12 UTC
@Indahmawar Fazmarai

I really like your new outfit/portrait


Indahmawar Fazmarai
#68 - 2017-04-10 14:03:17 UTC
Lulu Lunette wrote:
@Indahmawar Fazmarai

I really like your new outfit/portrait

Thank you, these avatar portraits are one of the few joys CCP hasn't spoiled yet.
House Amamake
#69 - 2017-04-13 12:59:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Tetsel
March rabbit wrote:
Nat Silverguard wrote:
funny how the people that attended the FF thinks it was awesome/great while those that didn't thinks it's boring. Roll

It's understandable:
1) Some people said they are going to FanFest to "meet friends"
2) You only can see on stream what CCP was doing and providing
3) You see not 100% of even what CCP was providing

So if you look at Fanfest as "Event to meet friends and have pub crawl with devs" then this Fanfest might have great success.
But if you look at Fanfest as event organized and provided by CCP for their players then it was not so successful:
- Fanfest is pretty expensive event for many (I, for example, having pretty good salary, do not consider it worth the money)
- Fanfest has limit of players to attend
=> CCP should have tried to make it more interesting to watch online. And they did not succeed with it.

Wrong, this Fanfest was the weakest, I was there, and appart from meeting people (as in any other FF/gathering) it was weak.
CCP throw everything out before FF, the only thing I learnt there is how BR capships will be seeded... wow

I think they should keep some stuff to announce there instead of going with this "Read all the devblog" policy to get feedback at FF.
They turn a great event about throwing new stuff at you into a boring feedback/iteration meeting I could have anytime at my work.
No FF is becoming boring, really.
It was my 8th and the more it goes the less I spend time at the venue, we are already planning for next year and some of my mates won't get tickets cause it's a 200$ boring event and you don't need it in order to meet Eve players, they are all over Reykjavik the whole week end.

Loyal servent to Mother Amamake. @EVE_Tetsel

Another Bittervet Please Ignore

Dark Drifter
Sons of Seyllin
Pirate Lords of War
#70 - 2017-04-14 12:37:05 UTC
Jeremiah Saken wrote:
Watched videos linked by Ranger 1. Maybe there was not fireworks on those presentations but there were some good things incoming. Rebalance of some hulls and modules, new citadels, new AI for pve and finally hisec content. CCP definitely hear us but still providing upgrades at their own pace. Some screens showed at the end of keynotes were amazing. It reminded me Dinsdale Piranha idea of exploration.

over all fanfest was prety lack luster. some stuff did peak my intrest. however:

1- the new "PVPE" content is limited in scope to 1 aspect of space and in practicality only 5% of the player bace will ever beable to run this content (BR capitals)
2- in previous years Stream watchers were able to purchase "premium viewership" this entitaled them to some of the gifts given to fanfest atendees. i would love to have one of the concord ships even if it was only the frigate.
3- concept introductions have always been a big part of my viewing fanfest. yet this year (and the previous year for that fact) have been vary light on the ground with game concepts. i understand that CCP to a big hit over "the door" but they need to dust themsefvs off and start kicking down walls again and coming up with new and inventive ways that we can utalise this sandbox.
IE-working on AI? lets add a set of missisions that use thie mechanic. let everyone see our hard work.
4- planitery flight: this is not in EVES engine... original promiss delivered in a Meta way. not progress just an ALT tech tree.
5- i would like to have seen a more agressive aproch in general from CCP this year. they seemd to be constantly on the back foot defensivly guarding thair previous achievements.

finaly have a "hail mary" mike drop would not have gone amiss, domthing for the player coming out of fanfest to incite infusiasum in the few weeks up to the next release.

PS. sorry about spelling i was typing this on work time so sppell checker was not my friend
Magnus Orly
Crucial Contribution
#71 - 2017-04-15 02:11:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Magnus Orly
I agree with what many said that it was the weakest fanfest I have seen. Probably a lot more fun at site.....but still....

This is my 5 cents:

1) There has to be a lot more presentations from players! They are very important to the game...duh....

2) It has to be a lot more about EVE! ...duh again....not other crap games that we don't care about or VR or whatever that will be forgotten in a year or two...

3) Cover ALL EVE gaming styles.

That was actually just 3 cents...but anyway....

Our corporation is recruiting! We live in Caldari high-sec and do mining, missions and trading.

Pixel Piracy
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#72 - 2017-04-15 05:42:40 UTC
As far as the VR issue is concerned VR is the future of video gaming. CCP would be stupid not to invest a significant amount of resources into this.

And I say this as someone who doesn't own any VR devices.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#73 - 2017-04-15 08:30:08 UTC
Pixel Piracy wrote:
As far as the VR issue is concerned VR is the future of video gaming. CCP would be stupid not to invest a significant amount of resources into this.

And I say this as someone who doesn't own any VR devices.

As for VR, it took an arrow to the knee when Sony sold ~800k devices out of expected 2.5-3 million. There is a deadly cycle when there's not enough hardware to develop the software for it which in turn makes less appealing to buy the hardware, and VR is likely to have landed in exactly that position. Looking at the degree of insanity displayed by Google's VR labs, things aren't looking pretty for the clash between Real Reality and Virtual Reality.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#74 - 2017-04-15 16:52:41 UTC