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How many more players must we lose to bullying

First post
Galactic Rangers
#301 - 2017-03-30 17:36:06 UTC
NofriendNoLifeStilPostin wrote:
EVE needs real penalties to suicide ganking in high sec. Not this slap on the wrist, negligible risk BS.

Its become far to commonplace and a preferred pvp activity vs roaming low/null and facing opponents who will actually shoot back.

This is a large part of what makes EVE such a joke of a game. Suicide gankers risk next to nothing for potentially tremendous rewards and the costs are so negligible that its commonly used as a griefing tool.

let me fix this for you.

EVE needs real penalties to alts posting on the forums. Not this slap on the wrist, negligible risk BS.

Its become far too commonplace and a preferred pvp activity vs actually logging onto the forums on your main and facing opponents who will know who you are in game.

This is a large part of what makes most of what alts say such a joke on the forums.
forum alts risk next to nothing for potentially tremendous rewards and the costs are so negligible that its commonly used as a griefing tool.

Roll we can all play silly bugger
Kaely Tanniss
Black Lotus Society.
Something Really Pretentious
#302 - 2017-03-30 17:44:17 UTC
Rroff wrote:
Kaely Tanniss wrote:

No..Eve needs real players of a game that is played exactly how it's intended. If Eve is such a joke to you..why are you here and what does that say about you? Roll

lol wouldn't want people able to fight back now would we.

Of course we would..that's the whole point of the game Blink

If I had a nickel for every time someone said women don't play eve, I'd have a bag of nickels to whack the next person who said it..

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#303 - 2017-03-30 17:56:23 UTC
Ecrir Twy'Lar wrote:
I live in WH space and what happens in highsec doesn't have a huge impact on me. However I do think wardecs are "mostly" used as a means to get lot's of free easy targets to pad killboards.

This is true. The 'answer' to it is find ways to not be a target, not feed wardeccers kills. The answer is not (as was done here) "run to forums and complain".


I think if highsec wardecs were removed, those people would move out into lower security space to find content.

I had to read this twice, because I really didn't think anyone would think this. Oh, realistically, I do know that people think like this, I just don't understand why.

You remove war decs, you create more gankers, not more low/null wormhole people. Many wardec players are already low/null/WH players playing on alts. Dedicated war dec players (who only live and play in high sec) would be in low/null/wh space already if they liked that kind of gameplay. They don't, they like high sec wars, the same way Dedicated FW players tend to stick to FW instead fo going to null or into wormholes.

For years CCP has tinkered with war dec mechanics, and the war deccers stay. That's because that play style directly appeals to that kind of player. Nothing you can do will change how they are, but removing their play style (because a bunch of lazier players don't want to adapt) is as wrong as trying to force non-pvp high sec players into low sec.

In other words, what you said here is as misguided as when people say "move lvl 4s to low sec, that will get people to go to low sec". It won't. They'd either leave, or find a way to take some kind of in game revenge. Notice how every time the gankers got nerfed they ganked more and more people? This is why.
Ecrir Twy'Lar
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#304 - 2017-03-30 18:08:16 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Ecrir Twy'Lar wrote:
I live in WH space and what happens in highsec doesn't have a huge impact on me. However I do think wardecs are "mostly" used as a means to get lot's of free easy targets to pad killboards.

This is true. The 'answer' to it is find ways to not be a target, not feed wardeccers kills. The answer is not (as was done here) "run to forums and complain".


I think if highsec wardecs were removed, those people would move out into lower security space to find content.

I had to read this twice, because I really didn't think anyone would think this. Oh, realistically, I do know that people think like this, I just don't understand why.

You remove war decs, you create more gankers, not more low/null wormhole people. Many wardec players are already low/null/WH players playing on alts. Dedicated war dec players (who only live and play in high sec) would be in low/null/wh space already if they liked that kind of gameplay. They don't, they like high sec wars, the same way Dedicated FW players tend to stick to FW instead fo going to null or into wormholes.

For years CCP has tinkered with war dec mechanics, and the war deccers stay. That's because that play style directly appeals to that kind of player. Nothing you can do will change how they are, but removing their play style (because a bunch of lazier players don't want to adapt) is as wrong as trying to force non-pvp high sec players into low sec.

In other words, what you said here is as misguided as when people say "move lvl 4s to low sec, that will get people to go to low sec". It won't. They'd either leave, or find a way to take some kind of in game revenge. Notice how every time the gankers got nerfed they ganked more and more people? This is why.

I think the post is about whether or not there should be a place for people who don't want to PvP. I am fine with there being a place for them because that brings more income into the game. But for some reason the thought of there being an even semi safe place within Eve really bothers some people. You can label anything a 'Play style' and defend it I guess. But the truth is that wardeccers are just griefers who prefer targets who can't fight back.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#305 - 2017-03-30 18:27:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Drago Shouna wrote:
Oh really?

Go read the new player handbook, If I remember, the first mention of pvp is around page 15, then another mention in the 30's.

Before any mention of pvp are pages and pages extolling the virtues of mining, hauling, exploration, industry etc etc.
If you had bothered to read it fully you'd have noticed that CCP also state the following, on page 21, concerning the "PvE" activities in Eve.

CCP wrote:
Furthermore, as we mentioned previously, once you enter New Eden you must consider every action you take as a form of PvP since this is the core game concept. In the asteroid field you’re competing with other pilots to obtain resources; you may also have to defend against ore thieves. On the market you battle for control of the economy in certain areas; for the supply and demand of your products versus other aspiring tycoons. On the battlefield you may fight for glory, for money, or for the right to rule whole areas of space. As always in EVE, it’s your choice.
If it touches the market it's PvP; if you build stuff for your own consumption, you compete with people who sell their stuff on the market by depriving them of a sale thus PvP etc.

The activities that are considered PvE are only there to drive and fund conflict; mining and ratting etc are PvE, what people do with the rewards is PvP.

So tell me this, after all the usual propaganda links have been posted (again) why isn't it in massive capitals in said handbook on the front page, THIS IS A PVP GAME, PLAY IT AND YOU COULD/WILL LOSE EVERYTHING?

It isn't is it?
It wouldn't make any difference if they did, people would still whine on the forums about PvP in a PvP game.

Yes pvp happens, but nowhere is it advertised as a pvp game only. Lots of other methods of play get massive amounts more advertising, look at the packs you can buy as a new starter.
The starter packs are aimed at newbies, mining, exploration and the like are within easy reach of newbies.

Advertisement wise pretty much every expansion trailer features PvP, every news article features PvP; rarely does any of CCP's advertising feature exciting activities such as explosion free mining.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#306 - 2017-03-30 18:34:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Ecrir Twy'Lar wrote:

I think the post is about whether or not there should be a place for people who don't want to PvP. I am fine with there being a place for them because that brings more income into the game.

How do you know this.

#1. have you ever seen a pvp game that backed off the pvp and more people came to play it?

#2. Even if that did happen, what makes you think CCP would spend that money on YOU?

The second on is the big one. People said this years ago, but everytime CCP had any more, they spent it on things that WERE NOT EVE. WoD, DUST, PHOENIX , NOVA, GUNJACK and that those weird VR games they are working on, almost all paid for by EVE Online players though we are told that DUST made some money.


But for some reason the thought of there being an even semi safe place within Eve really bothers some people. You can label anything a 'Play style' and defend it I guess. But the truth is that wardeccers are just griefers who prefer targets who can't fight back.

EVE is a game, but it mimics real life. In the same way that "safe spaces" don't work in real life, it wouldn't work in EVE.

Why? Simple. What do you do when the Safe space goes away? How do you cope with Goons, PL, GODE, Marmite and all the thousands of people who are waiting at the door of your space space when you walk out? Or do you8 just stay there forever, then leave the game out of boredom?

Avoiding things won't make them go away. Giving a new player "time to learn the mechanics" doesn't prepare them for the real threat of EVE, other human beings.

There is a reason why EVE was better AND growing/more popular before CCP decided it needed to be "easy to learn, hard to master".. That's because before all the safeties and safety pop ups and reformed war decs and improved CONCORD, EVE was a place that chewed up new players and spit them out, and if you could survive that you could find a place for yourself in EVE and go on to discover a deep enjoyment, born of a sense of ACCOMPLISHMENT because you hung in there with a complex game when most people fell off the damn cliff.

If you want to help people teach them to thumb their noses at the CODEs and Marmites of EVE. Teach them to develop some mental Grit. teach them to laugh off ganks and war decs and 'griefers' because they are playing a game, and the game isn't about spaceships, it's about outwitting other human beings, in a spaceship backdrop.

But I guess it's easier for people to whine on a forum than learn the truth about the game they are playing then decide if they like that truth or not.
Joey Bags
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#307 - 2017-03-30 18:50:21 UTC
There are plenty of pockets in high sec, low sec and nul where you can play your game ALMOST interaction free. I've done it, so have many, many others. Mine away, belt rat or you can run the anomalies that pop up for hours with no other player in the system you've chosen. Logistics suck, there's no market for your goods whatsoever and you can't buy anything close by. You can wait for the occasional wormhole that makes it nice, but you can't count on that. I believe what you are failing to understand is that mining, hauling, market trading, etc. is all PvP to one extent or another. You've never sold anything only to have your price undercut by anther player? Trading and market manipulation is one of the most unique parts of EvE and it is cut throat. You are in an economic battle against other players and you can lose much more than having a few ships ganked. That IS the game, one way or another. You lose your hauler, your costs go up and you can no longer compete economically. Figure out a way to make it the most efficient operation possible no matter what you are doing is the key to winning EvE.

You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose but you can't pick your friends nose. Unless you podded them...and collected their corpse.

Another Posting Alt
Zerious Fricken Biziness
#308 - 2017-03-30 18:56:50 UTC
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:

EVE needs real penalties to alts posting on the forums. Not this slap on the wrist, negligible risk BS.

Ooooh. If not the wrist, where would you slap me?
Critical Mass Inc
#309 - 2017-03-30 18:57:37 UTC
Ecrir Twy'Lar wrote:

I think the post is about whether or not there should be a place for people who don't want to PvP. I am fine with there being a place for them because that brings more income into the game. But for some reason the thought of there being an even semi safe place within Eve really bothers some people. You can label anything a 'Play style' and defend it I guess. But the truth is that wardeccers are just griefers who prefer targets who can't fight back.

So long as that place does not allow the creation of isk, the changing of standings, the manufacture of goods, the mining of resrouces, trading, or anything else that could directly impact the economy... well I suppose that would be OK. A 'totally safe' space would be exploited so long as it had any value. Too many people are short-sighted and think only of a the individual player and not the far reaching impact of a gameplay change like this. Even one star system with a 'no PVP combat of any kind' setup would quickly become a trade hub and the epicenter of a gankfest just outside. It would also be packed with Upwell structures to the point of crashing the server node there.It would be a risk free manufacturing zone and research zone that would end up destabilizing the economy.

This message brought to you by Experience(tm). When common sense fails you, experience will come to the rescue. Experience(tm) from the makers of CONCORD.

"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet

Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#310 - 2017-03-30 19:08:49 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Leave the legit fresh noobs alone.
Let them grow before the harvest.

Or even recruit them.

Its just stupid and does all of us a disservice to gank them.

If you do it to teach them a lesson, fine.
But atleast send them back the value of their crap ship, no matter how much they rage.
Its a pittance afterall, and ganking them wasnt for profit anyways.
Lesson taught. Give them some carrot to go with that stick.

For several years I was an volunteer area coordinator for my states hunter education program. I was in charge of all hunter ed and firearms safety instruction covering an area of roughly 1 million people.

And every time I saw a mother duck and her babies trying to cross a highway, I used my truck to stop traffic and let them pass.

While not into duck hunting myself (all that "tech" to kill a bird. Big deal) every one of those baby ducks represents a future legally and sportably hunted target.

Sportably - meaning under federal law you cannot have more than 3 shells in your shotgun and no "skybusting" like trying to shoot down an enemy bomber.

Now imagine if I took pleasure in running over baby ducks...

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Jacques d'Orleans
#311 - 2017-03-30 19:11:03 UTC
Another Posting Alt wrote:
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:

EVE needs real penalties to alts posting on the forums. Not this slap on the wrist, negligible risk BS.

Ooooh. If not the wrist, where would you slap me?

Would love to answer but the Forum is rated PG-13. *roflmao*
Virtual Warriors
#312 - 2017-03-30 19:27:45 UTC  |  Edited by: DRDNOUGHT
Hello again Ladies and Gentlemen,

This has been an interesting conversation so far. When I made the original Post I was not criticising CCP. My reasoning was to high light some of the inconsistencies that promoted what I believe to be bullying. Some of your suggestions are quiet relevant, while others are downright rude and anti social and have no place in this discussion. For instance, the notion that the players who don't like being perma wardecked should stop playing Eve.

Guys, is this how you would advise a friend or a member of your family, if they were being bullied at their work place or school. Leave and get another job or change school ?

Come on now, let's be reasonable. I accept that many of you don't interpret these actions as bullying you guys believe that eve is for purely PVP. I along with many others don't hold to that opinion. Even CCP has made it clear, Eve is a sandbox where the players can follow any career they wish and that does not limit them to just PVP.

No, I'm not a Care Bear, I'm an all rounder I've done almost everything the world of eve has to offer with the majority of that in PVP. I make my opinions based on my own personal experience with the many thousands of players I've know and flown with over the years.

I'm hoping to hear from some of the guys who have experienced of the excessive wardec phenomena, I would ask those of you with the aggressive and insulting tendencies to stand down now, you've had your say, now let the grownups continue this discussion.

We are not talking about stopping ganking or wardecs, there is a definite place for it in Empire space. This is about wars that last for weeks at a time that are driving players new and old away from the game.

Over to you......
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#313 - 2017-03-30 19:30:48 UTC
MadMuppet wrote:

So long as that place does not allow the creation of isk, the changing of standings, the manufacture of goods, the mining of resrouces, trading, or anything else that could directly impact the economy... well I suppose that would be OK.

*Laughs out loud*

I'm not laughing at you MadMuppet (I like muppets, even Mad ones Big smile ). I'm laughing because you reminded me of how many times I've had this "conversation" and what happened one of those times.

So this guy a couple years ago on this very forum said to me "but not everyone wants pvp, and there money is as good as yours, they should have some kind of safety. It's not about me, even though yes I too sometimes want to play EVE without the headaches".

So I ask him if he would like an Observer Mode. High security space only. Can fly around in a shuttle and look at the scenery without getting shot. No implants (so no safe moving implanty clones around high sec), can't use another ship, but can 'chill' and just be in space warping around without being able to be killed.

He declined, loudly, because I (as have you) stumbled across the real motivation. 'They" want to be able to affect YOU (meaning the economy of the game) from safety, without YOU being able to do anything about it if you are so inclined. They want their cake...and yours.. lol. They don't care what this would do to the game, don't care about new players of player retention (so long as enough people play and pay to keep the game going fir their enjoyment), they are angling for advantage, not 'balance'.

Every game, hell every situation in life has this, people cloaking themselves in some kind of righteousness when they are either seeking advantage or seeking to hurt people they have no love for.
Hiasa Kite
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#314 - 2017-03-30 19:33:47 UTC
So, you like playing Eve-Online ? Yup.

Is it because you like to shoot stuff, getting the kill is fun yes ? And confounding those that try to shoot me, yes.

Does that include shooting guys who don't want to PVP ? Yes, a target is a target. Why would you play EVE if you're not interested in PvP? That's like playing Tetris when you're looking for a racing sim.

Who said they had to be PVP'ers to Play Eve-Online ? You don't have to be a PvPer to play EVE, but you do need to be prepared for PvP to happen to you.

Now think about this, If you where to go onto Face Book or Twitter, choose an individual or individuals and continuously harass them, troll the life out of them and generally make their lives a misery to the point they couldn't continue to use those social media sites....

Would you be allowed to get away with it ?
No, but then, those platforms weren't supposed to be used in such a way.

Many war deccers will declare war on corps who have no experience or no interest in pvp. Why do these corps even exist? You can literally get the exact same functionality with an invite-only chat channel.

Corps with new players with low skills and no experience. New players belong in an environment where they can learn to play. If no one in that corp can handle PvP then you're learning the hard way.

Forcing them to take the only option available to them and that is to stop playing till the war dec is finished. Wrong.

Are you now seeing a long is this guy going to put up with this....Alpha or Omega no difference.....if he can't enjoy his game he is going to quit. FACT ! Agreed. However, wardecs don't prevent you from enjoying EVE.

And they do Quit, I know, I've been playing now for 12 years and the numbers of guys I've Known who have stopped playing for that reason alone is phenomenal. Source?

Even Players that join with PVP as their career path are not going to be skilled enough for several months to be able to defend themselves in a war situation. Wrong.

Me? doesn't bother me, I have 4 accounts, always one of them in a situation where there is no war, so not a problem for me to play.

Not quite the same for "Joe New Guy" though is it, or the guy who doesn't want to, or is unable to pay for multiple accounts.
"Won't somebody please think of the children." If this problem doesn't impact you, get off the soap box.

So why is CCP sponsoring activities that are driving a large proportion of their customer base out of the game. They're not. There's no evidence to suggest that wardecs are harmful to player retention.

But the war deccer corps and alliances will complain if you try and change it. And the industrialists, explorers, null/low/WH residents...just about everyone actually competent at the game, really.

The new solo players are protected, but as we all know, few players enjoy playing solo permanently. Eve's strength lies in it's team play. So the new player needs to join a Corp / Alliance Does he?

It's at this point he/they become vulnerable to wars and we could lose them. It's also an environment where their survival skills are tested, potentially hooking them into the game for a very long time.

we need an invulnerability system where a corp or alliance can only be wardecced a set number of times in any time period. Create main corp. Do whatever you want in it. Have your alts including alts of your other members spam war decs on your own corp. Congratulations, you now enjoy the benefits of being in a full-blown corp, with access to corp assets and are totally immune to wardecs.

It took me approximately three seconds to think of this game-breaking exploit.


Plus get out of jail facility...fixed payment to Concord ( bullies don't get a dime) to declare the war dec void. This should make the bully boys think again before they go wasting their isk declaring war on easy targets. This mechanic already exists. Get wardecced, fold and reform corp. Congratulations, the enemy has spent 50mil ISK and you've spent 1.5mil ISK and are now wardec free.

Shouldn't effect the pvp corps they can carry on fighting their wars to their hearts content. The Industrials, traders and PVE'ers can do their thing in relative safety as was originally intended within the bounds of High Sec Empire. Thus breaking the HiSec economy. No thanks.

Time to start backing "all" your players instead of just the ones with the biggest voices. Could not agree more.

"Playing an MMO by yourself is like masturbating in the middle of an orgy." -Jonah Gravenstein

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#315 - 2017-03-30 19:40:35 UTC

Guys, is this how you would advise a friend or a member of your family, if they were being bullied at their work place or school. Leave and get another job or change school ?

This is probably the most telling part here. EVE mimics real life, but it isn't real. EVE is completely optional entertainment software.. If you can be bullied in something you can turn off at will, you have a very serious personal problem.


Come on now, let's be reasonable. I accept that many of you don't interpret these actions as bullying you guys believe that eve is for purely PVP. I along with many others don't hold to that opinion. Even CCP has made it clear, Eve is a sandbox where the players can follow any career they wish and that does not limit them to just PVP.

This is the other important part. EVE doesn't say you can do what you want, it says EVERYONE can do what they want. Some people want to prema dec you till you run to the forums and complain so they can enjoy your tears. You gave them what they wanted.

I'm currently war decced too. I fixed it though, they don't come get me in Esoteria lol.


I'm hoping to hear from some of the guys who have experienced of the excessive wardec phenomena, I would ask those of you with the aggressive and insulting tendencies to stand down now, you've had your say, now let the grownups continue this discussion.

We are not talking about stopping ganking or wardecs, there is a definite place for it in Empire space. This is about wars that last for weeks at a time that is driving players new and old away from the game.

Over to you......

This last bit is funny, it amounts to "if you don't agree with me shut up and let people who agree with me talk".

Jacques d'Orleans
#316 - 2017-03-30 19:42:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Jacques d'Orleans
For instance, the notion that the players who don't like being perma wardecked should stop playing Eve.

Well, as a ultima ratio, it wouldn't be that kind of an issue in the age of skill extractors.
It's still better than to quit the game entirely.


Even CCP has made it clear, Eve is a sandbox where the players can follow any career they wish and that does not limit them to just PVP.

True, EvE is a sandbox, but imho, there is absolutely no PvE in this game. PvP means Player versus Player, it doesn't mean PvP = combat of anykind. PvP = competition against other players.
The moment you undock with your ITTY V your competing against other haulers.
The moment you play the 0.01 isk game you're competing against other players and so on and so forth.

OK, the random Joe PvE player follows his career as miner and the other random Joe follows his career as pirate/wardeccer/merc. They're both existential to the game. Whether you like it or not. Is really as simple as that.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#317 - 2017-03-30 19:44:48 UTC
Hiasa Kite wrote:
Shouldn't effect the pvp corps they can carry on fighting their wars to their hearts content. The Industrials, traders and PVE'ers can do their thing in relative safety as was originally intended within the bounds of High Sec Empire. Thus breaking the HiSec economy. No thanks.
There's also the fact that any halfway competent industrialists and traders already operate in almost complete safety, as do their mission running and mining counterparts.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Virtual Warriors
#318 - 2017-03-30 19:51:15 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

Guys, is this how you would advise a friend or a member of your family, if they were being bullied at their work place or school. Leave and get another job or change school ?

This is probably the most telling part here. EVE mimics real life, but it isn't real. EVE is completely optional entertainment software.. If you can be bullied in something you can turn off at will, you have a very serious personal problem.


Come on now, let's be reasonable. I accept that many of you don't interpret these actions as bullying you guys believe that eve is for purely PVP. I along with many others don't hold to that opinion. Even CCP has made it clear, Eve is a sandbox where the players can follow any career they wish and that does not limit them to just PVP.

This is the other important part. EVE doesn't say you can do what you want, it says EVERYONE can do what they want. Some people want to prema dec you till you run to the forums and complain so they can enjoy your tears. You gave them what they wanted.

I'm currently war decced too. I fixed it though, they don't come get me in Esoteria lol.


I'm hoping to hear from some of the guys who have experienced of the excessive wardec phenomena, I would ask those of you with the aggressive and insulting tendencies to stand down now, you've had your say, now let the grownups continue this discussion.

We are not talking about stopping ganking or wardecs, there is a definite place for it in Empire space. This is about wars that last for weeks at a time that is driving players new and old away from the game.

Over to you......

This last bit is funny, it amounts to "if you don't agree with me shut up and let people who agree with me talk".


An interesting interpretation, Its not accurate though. I only asked the guys who make the rude and aggressive comments to back off, all other relevant opinions are encouraged.
Joey Bags
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#319 - 2017-03-30 20:04:51 UTC

I'm hoping to hear from some of the guys who have experienced of the excessive wardec phenomena, I would ask those of you with the aggressive and insulting tendencies to stand down now, you've had your say, now let the grownups continue this discussion.

We are not talking about stopping ganking or wardecs, there is a definite place for it in Empire space. This is about wars that last for weeks at a time that is driving players new and old away from the game.

End Quote"

My corp gets wardeced fairly regularly by the known permadecers (ahem, Marmite, cough), and the solution is simple. Don't feed them kills, do something else in the mean time or travel in PvP fleets and hunt them back. They hide, but it turns into a waste of their ISK so they give it up for a while. We go back to our usual then one of us does something stupid (like moving plex in a completely unfit ship) and it's wardec on again. It's life in EvE. Adapt and overcome. Some players have a hard time doing something different and quit. Some can and thrive. The one constant in this game is that it will change. What I was doing a year ago making the most ISK I've ever made in game is not really a viable ISK source today. I didn't quit, I've changed course and doing something else (pretty different too).

You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose but you can't pick your friends nose. Unless you podded them...and collected their corpse.

Shae Tadaruwa
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#320 - 2017-03-30 20:11:07 UTC
DRDNOUGHT wrote: let the grownups continue this discussion..

Grown ups?

Grown ups don't get upset over video games.

Dracvlad - "...Your intel is free intel, all you do is pay for it..." && "...If you warp on the same path as a cloaked ship, you'll make a bookmark at exactly the same spot as the cloaky camper..."