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#1 - 2017-02-19 01:56:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Scruffled
Arthur Aihaken
#2 - 2017-02-19 02:00:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Scruffled wrote:
CODE died. Come mine in Low Security.

Translation: Free Candy. And how the heck did this get 5 likes already?

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Oleria Risalo
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#3 - 2017-02-19 02:02:11 UTC
Scruffled wrote:
CODE died. Come mine in Low Security.

Lowest quality bait i have ever seen.
#4 - 2017-02-19 02:02:52 UTC
Oleria Risalo wrote:
Scruffled wrote:
CODE died. Come mine in Low Security.

Lowest quality bait i have ever seen.

Bait none the less?
Arthur Aihaken
#5 - 2017-02-19 02:05:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Scruffled wrote:
Bait none the less?

Are you selling "mining permits" too? "Get out of gate camp free" cards? Guided tours of breathtaking low-sec?

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

#6 - 2017-02-19 02:06:15 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Scruffled wrote:
Bait none the less?

Are you selling "mining permits" too? "Get out of gate camp free cards"?

If it works, why not.

Should have included in OP:
Soel Reit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2017-02-19 02:08:20 UTC
dead a pope, they make another one!
dead code.... you can guess!

#8 - 2017-02-19 02:09:34 UTC
Soel Reit wrote:
dead a pope, they make another one!
dead code.... you can guess!


You could technically buy the alliance.
Ichiban Exchange
#9 - 2017-02-19 02:27:43 UTC
Not sure if sure.
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2017-02-19 02:34:13 UTC
now maybe everyone can mine peacefuly i dont know lowsec though RollLol
Arthur Aihaken
#11 - 2017-02-19 02:37:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Could have been the ganking, might have been the tears.
Could have been three or four AWOXers
I don't know, but all our sh*t got pilfered...
My corp mates want to kill me, I think I'm gonna die.
Tell me, me oh me oh my,
Isn't it time to rage quit?

Should have bought a permit, man the irony.
Should have never left a billion ISK in sh*t
Just lying around - just to tempt fate you see...
How could I bite the hand that feeds me? How stupid can you get?
Maybe Facebook can save me yet.
It's definitely time to biomass.

Now it's completely over, all the fun is gone.
No more high-sec mining permits,
Grief or salt, thinking about what went wrong...
My Pirate career is over, I think I'm going to cry.
All my victims laugh and tell me,
Just harden the f*ck up and die!

(Sing to the tune of "Could have been the Whiskey")

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Involuntary Crowdsourcing
#12 - 2017-02-19 02:39:50 UTC
Miners, you are totally safe now.

You can all come out and have a big rock munching party.

Highsec is totally safe.
Arthur Aihaken
#13 - 2017-02-19 02:59:00 UTC
Elaniera wrote:
Miners, you are totally safe now.
You can all come out and have a big rock munching party.
Highsec is totally safe.

Dude, who stole my catalysts?!

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Involuntary Crowdsourcing
#14 - 2017-02-19 03:01:35 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Dude, who stole my catalysts?!

Who did you give access too?
Shirley you can work that out for yourself.

We goons are good, but even we have our limits.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2017-02-19 03:32:01 UTC
I'm reminded of an old meme here in Eve, if it sounds too good to be true ...............................

In case any Miners think it's safe to mine AFK, just because a Reddit post says CODE Alliance is over doesn't mean there's no cell groups active.

As usual, mine at your own risk, especially in High Sec.

Chewytowel Haklar
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2017-02-19 03:42:30 UTC
I just want to mine in peace... is that too much to ask? Can't we just be allowed to build a surplus of ships and supplies and then agree on exploding them all later for fun?
Soel Reit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2017-02-19 04:09:18 UTC
Chewytowel Haklar wrote:
I just want to mine in peace... is that too much to ask? Can't we just be allowed to build a surplus of ships and supplies and then agree on exploding them all later for fun?

no! becouse your tears are lovely!
Singur Augurao
Mohist Army
Mohist Alliance
#18 - 2017-02-19 10:04:59 UTC
Soel Reit wrote:
Chewytowel Haklar wrote:
I just want to mine in peace... is that too much to ask? Can't we just be allowed to build a surplus of ships and supplies and then agree on exploding them all later for fun?

no! becouse your tears are lovely!

Tears? Last time i checked this was only a game, a bunch of really nice pixels.
Akane Togenada
#19 - 2017-02-19 10:12:41 UTC
Miners rejoice, now your hard labor will be worth even less since your lazy afk-competitiors won´t get blown up.

Oh wait ... is that really something to be happy about.
Chopper Rollins
#20 - 2017-02-19 10:19:29 UTC
"I dunno, some hisec crap."

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

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