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Why In the World is The Excavator Mining Drones Still Obsuredly Priced

Salvos Rhoska
#201 - 2017-02-23 00:54:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Neuntausend wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
A player in a drone ship killing NPCs, is generating isk, at no cost, for free.
They have no cost, beyond the initial cost of being capable of doing so.

A player in a mining ship shooting rocks, is generating ore, at no cost, for free.
They have no cost, beyond the initial cost of being capable of doing so.

I happen to have a ratting ishtar. And I happen to be capable of mining ore. Can you explain to me, why I cannot rat and mine at the same time? Ratting income and mined ore is free beyond the initial cost of being able to rat/mine, right? So I should be able to get both, right?

But wait, no it isn't free. When I'm mining ore, then I'm not ratting. Meaning that it costs me the ratting income to mine ore. And when I'm ratting, then I'm not mining ore. Meaning that ratting costs me the mining income.

Do you understand it now? If not - congratulations, you win.

You can certainly do both at once.
I used to mine on one account whilst probing and running combat sigs on another.
It wasnt even hard. I have two screens and can monitor both.
I discontinued that in favor of more specialized plans.

If you are intending to draw this into "opportunity cost", that is only a device to inform a decision between options.
You cant "lose" what another choice might have provided you, if you never chose it in the first place.
Example: If I had chosen different numbers on my lottery ticker, I would have won. But that doesnt mean I lost 100million.
If you only have one account, yes, you can only do one thing at once.
So then choose wisely what you do with the time you have.
(Which, btw, is also equally true also for players using multiple accounts at once)

None of the above has refuted my previous rebuttal to your previous post, nor demonstrated that self-earned isk, or minerals, are not free (as in without cost).

EVE is filled with infinite free isk/material potential. All you need to do, is cover the costs of being able to access them, and then go out and get them.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#202 - 2017-02-23 01:14:22 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

You can certainly do both at once. I used to mine on one account whilst probing and running combat sigs on another.
It wasnt even hard. I have two screens and can monitor both.
I discontinued that in favor of more specialized plans.

If you are intending to draw this into "opportunity cost", that is only a device to inform a decision between options.
If you only have one account, yes, you can only do one thing at once.
So then choose wisely what you do with the time you have.

None of the above has refuted my previous rebuttal to your previous post, nor demonstrated that self-earned isk, or minerals, are not free (as in without cost).

EVE is filled with infinite free isk/material potential. All you need to do, is cover the costs of being able to access them, and then go out and get them.

I too have two accounts. Let's say I rat on account one, and mine on account two. This means that I sacrifice mining income on account one, and ratting income on account two. And if I have three accounts ... I trust you get where this is going.

Opportunity cost is not a "device". It is a very real tangible cost. I do something, and by doing that I forfeit the income I would have gotten by doing something else. Let's say I make 100 million ISK an hour* with my Ishtar. If I don't fly my Ishtar and argue with an internet spaceship pilot who doesn't understand the most basic concepts of economy instead, then I end up having 100 million ISK less than I would have if I had just ratted with my Ishtar. Therefore, arguing with you cost me 100 million ISK.

The same goes not only for arguing, but also for mining. If I mine for an hour instead of ratting, and I cannot sell that ore for more than 80 million ISK, then I have lost 20 million ISK.

And instead of ISK, please insert whichever useful good I could be buying for that amount, be it a ship or ammunition or fuel, because - again - ISK by themselves have no value beyond the value of what I can buy with them.

For Example: If I want ore, I could mine for an hour and get 80 million ISK worth of ore. Or I could rat for an hour and get 100 million ISK, and then buy 100 million ISK worth of ore. Meaning that mining the ore myself would actually have cost me 20 million ISK worth of ore.

*) Those figures are made up because its easy to calculate with them. I don't make 100 million with a single Ishtar, and I don't make 80 million with a single Barge.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#203 - 2017-02-23 01:24:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Neuntausend
And on the topic of there being infinite amounts of both ISK and resources in Eve: There aren't. If there was an infinite supply of ore, the rule of supply and demand would cause ore to cost nothing whatsoever, because there certainly is not an infinite demand for it, right?

The factor you keep forgetting (on purpose, it seems) is time. Time has value, both in Eve and in the real world. For example, in my job I do not dig out ore or fell trees or otherwise acquire a good. I provide a service. Meaning that all I have to offer to my customers is my time. And I do expect to get paid for that. And I do actually get paid for that. Why? Well, of course because my customers value what I'm doing with my time, and I would be doing something else that would get me paid if it wasn't so.

And just to get into the currency again: I don't want to get paid so I can have money, I want to get paid so I can in turn pay for a place to live and something to eat and a computer to play Eve with. If I could not buy those things with money, getting paid money would mean nothing, and I would instead be doing something that would get me a place to live, something to eat and a computer to play Eve with.
Salvos Rhoska
#204 - 2017-02-23 02:03:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Neuntausend wrote:

I too have two accounts. Let's say I rat on account one, and mine on account two. This means that I sacrifice mining income on account one, and ratting income on account two. And if I have three accounts ... I trust you get where this is going.

Opportunity cost is not a "device". It is a very real tangible cost. I do something, and by doing that I forfeit the income I would have gotten by doing something else.

No, my bro. Dont do this to yourself...

Opportunity cost analysis is conducted beforehand, so as to inform your choice.
Its not a "cost" in and of itself, its an analysis of potential cost between options of action.
Dont whip yourself after making that choice, that another choice might have been better, in retrospect.
The cost is made real only after the opportunity cost analysis, but then only from the choice you made, not from the ones you didnt.

Lets say you have 100 options, and you must choose one.
You evaluate the opportunity cost of each, vs the others.
You then make a choice for one of those options.
That does not mean you lost the mass, or individual, benefit you might have gained from one or all of them.

You made your choice. Only that one will cost you. The others never occurred. The others cost you nothing.
Corporate Navy Police Force
Sleep Reapers
#205 - 2017-02-23 02:27:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Scialt
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Scialt wrote:
the revenue is earned at the time the asset is received. Not when it's sold.


There's your refutation.

And since revenue, profit, expense and loss are all accounting concepts.... Generally Accepted Accounting Principals do apply.

U.S. GAAP, Codification 600 - "Revenues are inflows of assets or settlements of liabilities (or both) from activities of the entity's central operations. "

Mining for minerals = revenue. You have an inflow of assets. You record the revenue at either the cost... or the market value (but the value must not be zero... otherwise it's not an asset).

Those codifications and definitions exist for purposes of taxing revenue, (or avoiding taxation) in as many ways as possible

No corp or NPC system in EVE taxes you for mining a rock.

You got your head so filled up with this nonsense you cant see the forest for the trees.

The revenue you describe, amounts to a pile of chunks of rock (albeit, valuable chunks of rocks).
But the value of that pile of chunks of rocks is only realized as actual fiscal revenue, once you sell them, or manufacture them into something else that is sold.

You can record the value of that asset as its market value, but that does not change that your revenue amounted to a valuable pile of rocks, (of which the value has not yet been realized yet as isk, and the value of which is ascribed as isk) at no cost, ergo it was free.

No, GAAP exists to correctly produce documents used for public companies to judge their financial status.

It's a standard way to judge the financial health of companies. They use "generally accepted principals" so that investors can know that the companies are showing things like profit, loss, liabilities and assets in an accurate manner.

The accurate manner in doing so would count assets gained for no cost at the fair market value.... because they actually do have value to the company and the stockholders need to know this. THe minerals your company mines in eve HAVE an isk value... and were your corporation to be reporting to share holders, they'd need to report those minerals as assets with a fair market valuation.

It has nothing to do with taxation (companies often keep their books differently for reporting to stockholders than they do for reporting taxes... which is horribly unfair but is how business works). It has everything to do with providing an accurate representation of the company's financial standing.

Realization of revenue occurs when you get a transfer of assets into your business. Such as... the rocks into your ore hold/cargo hold. When you ADD value (via manufacturing) the realization of revenue doesn't happen until the sale. But the revenue from a free acquisition happens at the time of asset transfer.

Seriously... you dont' know what you are talking about. Walk away.

Those rocks are revenue as soon as they become yours.
Salvos Rhoska
#206 - 2017-02-23 02:44:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Neuntausend wrote:
And on the topic of there being infinite amounts of both ISK and resources in Eve: There aren't. If there was an infinite supply of ore, the rule of supply and demand would cause ore to cost nothing whatsoever, because there certainly is not an infinite demand for it, right?

Infinite may have been the wrong term.
Inexhaustible, would be better.
There is no end to the amount of ore and isk that can be generated by players harvesting either, for free.
The abundance of isk in EVE is not regulated by a central bank.
The abundance of minerals in EVE is not regulated by depletion, as would be the case IRL.

Neuntausend wrote:
The factor you keep forgetting (on purpose, it seems) is time. Time has value, both in Eve and in the real world. For example, in my job I do not dig out ore or fell trees or otherwise acquire a good. I provide a service. Meaning that all I have to offer to my customers is my time. And I do expect to get paid for that. And I do actually get paid for that. Why? Well, of course because my customers value what I'm doing with my time, and I would be doing something else that would get me paid if it wasn't so.

No, Im not forgetting time, nor have I ignored it. I addressed it at great length in discussion with Jonah earlier in this thread.
That discussion centered on the value of time itself (as invaluable), as opposed to what you do with time you have.
You are not paid for your time, you are paid for what you do with your time.
This might seem like hairsplitting, but its crucial to understanding what the value of time actually is, and is not.
I cant buy time from you. I can only buy what you do with your time.
If I could buy time from you, I could apply that time to myself or another employee, and wouldnt need to hire you at all.
Time cannot be bought. Only what you do with it, can.

The significance of this, according to the above, is that the value of what you did do with your time, is not dependent on what you didnt do with your time.
What you didnt do with it, is not a cost, or a loss. You cant lose or suffer a cost from a choice, and application of time, that you never enacted.

Neuntausend wrote:
And just to get into the currency again: I don't want to get paid so I can have money, I want to get paid so I can in turn pay for a place to live and something to eat and a computer to play Eve with. If I could not buy those things with money, getting paid money would mean nothing, and I would instead be doing something that would get me a place to live, something to eat and a computer to play Eve with.

Me too, bro. Enough for a place to live, something to eat, computer and EVE, and Im happy.

But the issue of, and relationship between currency and material, I already addressed:

Ore has value because people that dont generate minerals, want it.
Currency has value because people that dont generate isk, want it.

Isk and minerals are a) an inexhaustible faucet b) free to anyone that has the capacity to access them.

Cost is only incurred when someone tries to exchange one for the other, materials for isk, and vice versa.
That cost is determined by the supply/demand of both values, whether material or isk.

The value of time, is only in what you do with it. Not what you chose not to do with it.
Salvos Rhoska
#207 - 2017-02-23 02:56:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Scialt wrote:
Those rocks are revenue as soon as they become yours.

We've gone several rounds, and I still dont see you actually refuting anything Ive said.
Instead you are just corroborating my position, but presenting that as it it where antithetical.

Yes, the rocks are revenue, as a pile of rock chunks valued at their market price.
#208 - 2017-02-23 06:41:33 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
As with every other thread I've posted in, I've been wrong this whole time, and now's the part where I twist my entire thesis and attempt to rewrite history so that I can pretend I was right this whole time.

That... about sum it up?

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#209 - 2017-02-23 08:21:04 UTC
You all must have been mining all this time, because there is no way someone could have so much free time to talk about what miners make when mining.
Corporate Navy Police Force
Sleep Reapers
#210 - 2017-02-23 14:36:31 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Scialt wrote:
Those rocks are revenue as soon as they become yours.

We've gone several rounds, and I still dont see you actually refuting anything Ive said.
Instead you are just corroborating my position, but presenting that as it it where antithetical.

Yes, the rocks are revenue, as a pile of rock chunks valued at their market price.

Which means that when you USE those rocks to manufacture something, the value of those rocks is an EXPENSE. When you record an acquisition of assets as revenue... when you USE those assets they become an expense... a cost to make the good you are making.

A simple way to say this is "the minerals you use to manufacture are not free".

Which you continue to fight as being inaccurate.
Corporate Navy Police Force
Sleep Reapers
#211 - 2017-02-23 14:39:11 UTC
mkint wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
As with every other thread I've posted in, I've been wrong this whole time, and now's the part where I twist my entire thesis and attempt to rewrite history so that I can pretend I was right this whole time.

That... about sum it up?

Pretty much.

Quinn Hatfield
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#212 - 2017-02-23 15:03:54 UTC
Some of the logic in this thread is so twisted that it's a veritable Gordian Knot.

I don't burn bridges, I merely steal a bolt a day.

Salvos Rhoska
#213 - 2017-02-23 20:22:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Scialt wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Scialt wrote:
Those rocks are revenue as soon as they become yours.

We've gone several rounds, and I still dont see you actually refuting anything Ive said.
Instead you are just corroborating my position, but presenting that as it it where antithetical.

Yes, the rocks are revenue, as a pile of rock chunks valued at their market price.

Which means that when you USE those rocks to manufacture something, the value of those rocks is an EXPENSE. When you record an acquisition of assets as revenue... when you USE those assets they become an expense... a cost to make the good you are making.

A simple way to say this is "the minerals you use to manufacture are not free".

Which you continue to fight as being inaccurate.

Salvos Rhoska wrote:
If you mine the minerals yourself, you incur no cost.
If you use those minerals in manufacture, yes, they are consumed.
But you then get a product which includes the value of those minerals in its market value.

If you SELL a product for less than the cost of ALL the materials required, ofc you are making a real loss.

You are confusing the fact that self-mined minerals are free, with the fact they have market value.
These are not at odds, or contradictory.

Nobody, certainly not me, has argued that one can consider the VALUE of self-mined minerals to be 0, either when sold or used in manufacture, even if the cost of acquiring them was 0 isk.

Corporate Navy Police Force
Sleep Reapers
#214 - 2017-02-23 21:10:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Scialt
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Scialt wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Scialt wrote:
Those rocks are revenue as soon as they become yours.

We've gone several rounds, and I still dont see you actually refuting anything Ive said.
Instead you are just corroborating my position, but presenting that as it it where antithetical.

Yes, the rocks are revenue, as a pile of rock chunks valued at their market price.

Which means that when you USE those rocks to manufacture something, the value of those rocks is an EXPENSE. When you record an acquisition of assets as revenue... when you USE those assets they become an expense... a cost to make the good you are making.

A simple way to say this is "the minerals you use to manufacture are not free".

Which you continue to fight as being inaccurate.

Salvos Rhoska wrote:
If you mine the minerals yourself, you incur no cost.
If you use those minerals in manufacture, yes, they are consumed.
But you then get a product which includes the value of those minerals in its market value.

If you SELL a product for less than the cost of ALL the materials required, ofc you are making a real loss.

You are confusing the fact that self-mined minerals are free, with the fact they have market value.
These are not at odds, or contradictory.

Nobody, certainly not me, has argued that one can consider the VALUE of self-mined minerals to be 0, either when sold or used in manufacture, even if the cost of acquiring them was 0 isk.


You are arguing that there is no COST.

That is simply 100% not true... which you have to admit if you accept the fact that when you mine the materials are revenue.

Once you get the revenue from mining... if you use those assets... you have A COST. You have to, otherwise you'd double up on your profit from reality. If you record a PLUS to asset value when you mine, then you must record a MINUS when you use those assets.

Perhaps you just don't know what the words mean.

Self mined minerals are revenue (which you said you agree with). You don't add additional revenue when you sell an asset you record as revenue because you already realized it when you mined. So if you use those minerals to manufacture, you record a negative change to your assets... (you're using a certain amount of raw materials which were recorded as revenue).

And do you know what a negative change to assets that are used in manufacturing is called? It's called a COST. We've been referring to that as an "opportunity cost" for the last 8 pages or so.

The rocks are revenue... exactly the same as bounties from pirates are revenue. They are assets gained without cost. The fact that one is in a currency and the other is an asset that can be easily liquidated has absolutely no impact on how it's treated. Your view that minerals that are mined are free is EXACTLY the same as believing that minerals purchased with isk earned by ratting should be considered free. Both views are just dumb.
Hamasaki Cross
Caldari State
#215 - 2017-02-23 22:39:46 UTC
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
1 drone is about 20% more expensive than a carrier hull. I know its 'player driven' but at what point does it come abusive to the mechanics? I know they changed the requirements but months later the prices are unchanged. Fix it CCP. good grief. If you have to confiscate blueprints then do it. Enough is enough.

Hey don't worry; they listened and to address your issue, they are borking rorquals.