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Question about loans

James Zealot
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#21 - 2017-01-31 11:58:24 UTC
Toobo wrote:
I can kinda understand where this come from. James is not space poor by any means so he's not in need of pocket change ISK, and he probably has bigger business plans in mind which would require big ISK. And when you haven't done loans before it is natural to feel a bit unsure - would I get loans of XX billion ISK as my frist loan on MD? etc.

Rep is important, but for starting out I think pretty much everyone can say that collateral is the most important thing. You can be a total new comer to MD making your 1st post but if you have over 100% collateral held by someone like Chribba you probably get your loans quite quickly. However, at the same time, even if you have pretty substantial collateral if you are trying to borrow XXX billions of ISK then it may be hard even with collaterals - so rep is not totally useless either.

Getting loans while you have enough ISK can also be a good thing. When I did my 120b bond I actually had more ISK than that in liquid, but I wanted to do a bond so that I can have ISK committed & controlled in disciplined way that would be used for different projects. And that kinda worked, because with my own ISK I did gamble (both as in real gambling and in more speculative investment) but with bond ISK I received I tried t be more analytical and make consistent returns over long term, so that did give me new experiences on that front too.

However, James, using ISK for collateral is not that great idea heh, I think you know that. But yeah, there are reasons to borrow ISK even when you have enough ISK presently. (I do this IRL as well, sometimes I don't need to take a loan but if the interest is so low & offer is great than I would do it while I can, if I can find other ways to use the $$$ I borrow and have secure plans to pay it back).

Finally, a reasonable response and not a condescending one. I appreciate it Toobo! Basically this, yes.
Chelian Dendrotoxin
Mamaroneck Trading Company
#22 - 2017-02-01 18:27:41 UTC
The way I see it, reputation is the cherry on top of the collateralization sundae. Unless you have a huge cherry, or someone absolutely loves cherries, you won't get a loan purely because of it. But in a lot of cases where people are on the fence, that cherry might be the straw that breaks the sundae's back.

.....or something. You know what I mean, even if I bent that metaphor to within an inch of its life.
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