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Farewell, YC118!
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"At the end of it all, we have only what we've left in our wake to be remembered by." -Kyoko Ishikari, YC 95 - YC 117
Chief Financial Officer, Head Diplomat
I-RED GalNet Site
((OOC: Journey to Purpose- Julianni's Character Blog, last updated 11.07))
I want to paint my ship Periwinkle.
~ Gariushi YC110 // Midular YC115 // Yanala YC115 ~
"Orte Jaitovalte sitasuyti ne obuetsa useuut ishu. Ketsiak ishiulyn." -Yakiya Tovil-Toba-taisoka
I-RED Executor || Syndicate Stability Initiative II© || I-RED GalNet Site
For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.
A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.
"Angels live, they never die, Apart from us, behind the sky. They're fading souls who've turned to ice, So ashen white in paradise."