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Approaching wrecks with double clicking and Aura response

First post
Trevize Demerzel
#41 - 2017-01-06 19:13:07 UTC
Horaaay! Yippee!

Thank you CCP!


Goonswarm Federation
#42 - 2017-01-06 23:21:12 UTC
but how will we know when we need to be within range to execute this function

nevermind silly me. the answer is always. You must always be within range to execute this function.

I'm not saying this is a new forevermeme, but you must be within range to execute this function.
ivona fly
Black Fox Marauders
Pen Is Out
#43 - 2017-01-09 15:43:22 UTC
can we get a way to overwrite them the audio files, then we could make amusing packs to send to each other.

and the ones people find annoying they can overwrite with a blank file.
ivona fly
Black Fox Marauders
Pen Is Out
#44 - 2017-01-09 15:44:22 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
but how will we know when we need to be within range to execute this function

nevermind silly me. the answer is always. You must always be within range to execute this function.

I'm not saying this is a new forevermeme, but you must be within range to execute this function.

You need to be in range to activate this MEME.
Sarayu Wyvern
The Bosena Accords
Round Table Assembly
#45 - 2017-01-09 16:06:04 UTC
Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
CCP Falcon wrote:
This thread has been butchered clean and unlocked, as it deals with a valid concern.

Several people have already either permanently or temporarily lost their forum posting privileges for being abusive and derogatory in this thread.

Don't be that guy.

As for the question and concern, at this point in time we can't really give and answer on this, given that most of the Dev team are away on Holiday vacation, but I'll bring the concern to the attention of the team working on Aura.

If anyone else feels the need to throw insults around in this thread, be aware that I'll happily hang the battered remains of your forum posting privileges on my Christmas tree as a decoration.

Keep it civil, I don't wanna have to clean this thread again.

could you include mentioning to the aura team an option to use the old aura voice that is unanimously preferred over the new one?

You ever considered the idea that the original voice actor may not be available to them anymore?

Also stop saying "unanimously". It isn't even close to unanimous. Most of the players I've talked to and even some I first got into the game with over 8 years ago have NO problem with the new voice. Just drop it.

Oh, and before you try to make some kind of witty comeback about me lying about how long I've been playing, this is an alt I created almost a year after I started playing. So don't do that either.

Why is anyone making a fuss over this when the issue is clearly an improperly activating prompt? I'd think we could all be "unanimous" on the idea that if the prompt isn't functioning properly, it should be fixed.

Alt of MidnightWyvern. (Mobius Wyvern in Dust 514)

ivona fly
Black Fox Marauders
Pen Is Out
#46 - 2017-01-09 16:12:25 UTC
Sarayu Wyvern wrote:
Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
CCP Falcon wrote:
This thread has been butchered clean and unlocked, as it deals with a valid concern.

Several people have already either permanently or temporarily lost their forum posting privileges for being abusive and derogatory in this thread.

Don't be that guy.

As for the question and concern, at this point in time we can't really give and answer on this, given that most of the Dev team are away on Holiday vacation, but I'll bring the concern to the attention of the team working on Aura.

If anyone else feels the need to throw insults around in this thread, be aware that I'll happily hang the battered remains of your forum posting privileges on my Christmas tree as a decoration.

Keep it civil, I don't wanna have to clean this thread again.

could you include mentioning to the aura team an option to use the old aura voice that is unanimously preferred over the new one?

You ever considered the idea that the original voice actor may not be available to them anymore?

Also stop saying "unanimously". It isn't even close to unanimous. Most of the players I've talked to and even some I first got into the game with over 8 years ago have NO problem with the new voice. Just drop it.

Oh, and before you try to make some kind of witty comeback about me lying about how long I've been playing, this is an alt I created almost a year after I started playing. So don't do that either.

Why is anyone making a fuss over this when the issue is clearly an improperly activating prompt? I'd think we could all be "unanimous" on the idea that if the prompt isn't functioning properly, it should be fixed.

Story does not check out, character is too young Pirate
Kal Mir
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2017-01-10 10:55:30 UTC
Dear CCP, Thank You for fixing this :)
Rocker Will
Rockstar federation
#48 - 2017-01-10 12:28:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Rocker Will
NekoKitten wrote:
When I approach a wreck with double clicking in the overview, I get the 'you need to be in range to execute this function' message spoken by the new Aura. This (annoying) feature has been added in the latest update, however its getting on my nerves by now. Is there a way we can make Aura shut up besides turning audio off entirely ?

same thing happens when you right click open cargo, slightly annoying as its a pretty obvious statement.

I'm Batman

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