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Heated Conflict Brewing In The Uedama System!

Sarus Gailen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-12-08 02:25:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Sarus Gailen
With more High-Sec Militia capsuleers moving in to try and prevent freighters from falling victim to pirate raids from CODE, the Militia are now going on the offensive despite the lack of resources they have. Even with these limitations, they do not shy from going first into a fight and are now keeping guard at the jumpgates at Uedama.

For years, the Uedama system has been a junction for many freighter pilots as it leads to the major trade systems of Jita, Amarr, Rens, Hek, and Dodixie. Due to this, pirate raids are frequent and often violent with billions of ISK being lost everyday.

The Militia has moved in with a small force to try and prevent any further damage, and although some of their attempts were succesfull and were able to save several freighters and other ships, many others were not that fortunate.

But the Militia are not discouraged, they know that this guerilla war they are fighting will be a long and bloody struggle. Their forces are few, and resources are limited compared to CODE's near limitless resources and forces.

Many pilots from the Militia state they are not discouraged, that High-Sec is their home and they will defend it, their families, and their livelihoods from CODE and other forces, whom they all now claim to be terrorists and religious extremists.

Federal Navy Academy

Stay here... and be an idiot forever. We're just that awesome.

FNA Discord:

Luna Hanaya
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2016-12-08 03:28:27 UTC
They are heathens, not religious extremists. Although I would put all so-called atheists under the label of religious extremists.


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Claudia Osyn
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#3 - 2016-12-08 05:49:24 UTC
*slow clap*

Not to discourage the noble attempts made by the white knights of Highsec, but you realize that by engaging them you are giving them exactly what they want, right? I mean this is attempt 539,842,690,642.4* to oust CODE from Highsec and you're still no closer to actually accomplishing that goal...

*numbers may be slightly exaggerated.

A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.

Sarus Gailen
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2016-12-08 06:08:40 UTC
Claudia Osyn wrote:
*slow clap*

Not to discourage the noble attempts made by the white knights of Highsec, but you realize that by engaging them you are giving them exactly what they want, right? I mean this is attempt 539,842,690,642.4* to oust CODE from Highsec and you're still no closer to actually accomplishing that goal...

*numbers may be slightly exaggerated.

We know this is going to be a long war. And we know that losses will always be a fact as it is, in a sense, a war, a guerilla war. We know that we can't protect everyone but we will try to do so. I am already coordinating with some more active members in the Militia. I've already set up server for us to communicate in.

So instead of just trying to spread out, we will start small and move on from there. No need to rush things like others have done.

Federal Navy Academy

Stay here... and be an idiot forever. We're just that awesome.

FNA Discord:

Claudia Osyn
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#5 - 2016-12-08 06:10:48 UTC
Sarus Gailen wrote:
Claudia Osyn wrote:
*slow clap*

Not to discourage the noble attempts made by the white knights of Highsec, but you realize that by engaging them you are giving them exactly what they want, right? I mean this is attempt 539,842,690,642.4* to oust CODE from Highsec and you're still no closer to actually accomplishing that goal...

*numbers may be slightly exaggerated.

We know this is going to be a long war. And we know that losses will always be a fact as it is, in a sense, a war, a guerilla war. We know that we can't protect everyone but we will try to do so. I am already coordinating with some more active members in the Militia. I've already set up server for us to communicate in.

So instead of just trying to spread out, we will start small and move on from there. No need to rush things like others have done.

. . . .

Well, good luck with that.

A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.

Marcus Binchiette
Federal Vanguard
#6 - 2016-12-08 10:59:24 UTC
Sarus Gailen wrote:
Claudia Osyn wrote:
*slow clap*

Not to discourage the noble attempts made by the white knights of Highsec, but you realize that by engaging them you are giving them exactly what they want, right? I mean this is attempt 539,842,690,642.4* to oust CODE from Highsec and you're still no closer to actually accomplishing that goal...

*numbers may be slightly exaggerated.

We know this is going to be a long war. And we know that losses will always be a fact as it is, in a sense, a war, a guerilla war. We know that we can't protect everyone but we will try to do so. I am already coordinating with some more active members in the Militia. I've already set up server for us to communicate in.

So instead of just trying to spread out, we will start small and move on from there. No need to rush things like others have done.

Dude... If you want to **** up CODE just do this...

1. Get yourself a Corvette (Rookie ship)
2. Fit it with ECM Burst.
3. Manoeuvre to middle of CODE gank fleet.
4. When CODE engages a freighter activate your ECM Bursts.
Jason Galente
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2016-12-08 16:48:51 UTC
It's not going to be a long war, it's going to be an endless war. You can't destroy a response to an incentive without eliminating the incentive itself. Ganking is lucrative, attractive, and relatively low-cost to those who will tend to fit the profile of a ganker: lack of concern for even innocent human life (including the crews of their destroyers and tornadoes), a sense of thrill at shooting expensive, defenseless civilian and industrial ships, a desire to break 'the rules'.

How many examples similar to this do we see, in terms of 'wars' on concepts that fail to address the incentive structures themselves? Misguided attempts to solve every problem with a hammer when they're perhaps not a nail. Wars on drugs, for example: they inevitably produce underground markets and increasingly violent, militarized cartels because it is the very consumer demand for the drugs that needs to be destroyed, busting a few dealers and cartels does very little, they're back with a vengeance in a few months time. Same with the 'wars on terrorism' all around the cluster, attempts to destroy terrorism by destroying terrorists, again, ignoring the underlying causes, the socioeconomic circumstances, instability, and in some cases religious and ideological fervor that incubates terrorism as a method for achieving political goals. Another non-nail hammered.. down? Not for long. The root causes are still there, and there are always new bodies to be thrown into the meatgrinder so long as the radicalizing elements themselves are not addressed.

A war on highsec ganking is no different than a war on civilian drug use or terrorism in that regard. You can't destroy the very act itself with a war, no matter how long. You have to make ganking itself unattractive. Problem is, often, those who gank like fights, and the ships they use are disposable and very efficient. There's not likely to be any attrition against CODE in this 'war'. If anything, you'll probably just feed them kills and more of what they want.

This is well intentioned and I'm sure you've saved a few freighters likely captained by sleeping fools, but stay within the confines of what you can accomplish with these measures. Punish as many gankers as you can, and save as many freighters as you can, but don't fool yourself into thinking this is a war that will save highsec or destroy CODE or ganking in general. It isn't. If a doctor misdiagnoses the disease and gives insufficient or incorrect medication, the disease only spreads while perhaps only the symptoms are treated, hiding the fact that the problem itself is not actually fixed.

Only the liberty of the individual assures the prosperity of the whole. And this foundation must be defended.

At any cost

TK Corp
#8 - 2016-12-09 06:10:20 UTC
It's naivete like this that almost makes me want to sign up with MiniLuv.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#9 - 2016-12-09 08:28:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
I am impressed, after long fight and facing danger of losing a Rattlesnake (perservered and will fly again after some hull repair), they really made it. CODE Command Caracal down, gone in blaze together with CODE DPS wing. Cool
TK Corp
#10 - 2016-12-09 18:43:39 UTC
Command... caracal.

You kids really are adorable.
Jaret Victorian
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#11 - 2016-12-09 18:56:02 UTC
Why, this is a very good thing to do. Commendable initiative!
Persephone Alleile
Tartarus Covert Operations
#12 - 2016-12-09 19:07:56 UTC
You realize that capsuleers bankroll CODE. with billions of isk in donations right? They also use cheap equipment that is easily replaceable, and make a large profit on freighter ganks, so they have the funding to continue their operation indefinitely.

Destroying their material assests is therefore quite useless, especially considering they expect to lose it anyway. The only way to defeat them would be on the ideological level.

That said, despite my cynicism I wish you luck in this endeavour.
Saya Ishikari
Ishukone-Raata Technological Research Institute
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#13 - 2016-12-09 19:13:11 UTC
Best wishes in your endeavour.

"At the end of it all, we have only what we've left in our wake to be remembered by." -Kyoko Ishikari, YC 95 - YC 117

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#14 - 2016-12-09 20:03:26 UTC
The fact is that CODE lost, and their propagandistic message that CODE always wins, have been proven to be just a propagandistic message.
Mizhara Del'thul
#15 - 2016-12-09 20:58:36 UTC
Claim a win or defeat when it's over. I believe at this point the isk efficiency is in their favor, by a few countless billions worth of Freighter cargo. Good luck trying to change that. Should only take a hundred thousand destroyers or so going pop without a kill to show for it. Another hundred or more every time they do get a successful kill.

Worthwhile endeavor. Effort very well spent. These poor poor capsuleer victims suffer so, after all.
TK Corp
#16 - 2016-12-09 22:03:42 UTC
More than a hundred. Most freighters targeted for ganking are carrying at least the value of the freighter in cargo. A fully-fitted gank-cat costs maybe 10M. Under 6 with basic guns.
Slayer Liberator
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#17 - 2016-12-10 01:17:51 UTC
Luna Hanaya wrote:
They are heathens, not religious extremists. Although I would put all so-called atheists under the label of religious extremists.

An atheist is about as far away as you can get from a religious extremist.
Jaret Victorian
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#18 - 2016-12-10 02:14:52 UTC
Persephone Alleile wrote:
You realize that capsuleers bankroll CODE. with billions of isk in donations right? They also use cheap equipment that is easily replaceable, and make a large profit on freighter ganks, so they have the funding to continue their operation indefinitely.

Average capsuleer also has an attention span of a potato. It gets boring - capsuleer moves on.
TK Corp
#19 - 2016-12-10 02:53:35 UTC
Slayer Liberator wrote:
An atheist is about as far away as you can get from a religious extremist.

The religious have trouble with the idea of non-belief. They tend to think that atheists need to have an active belief in Nothing, rather than just shrugging and saying 'don't believe it. Who cares?'
Marcus Binchiette
Federal Vanguard
#20 - 2016-12-10 02:55:48 UTC
Persephone Alleile wrote:
You realize that capsuleers bankroll CODE. with billions of isk in donations right? They also use cheap equipment that is easily replaceable, and make a large profit on freighter ganks, so they have the funding to continue their operation indefinitely.

Destroying their material assests is therefore quite useless, especially considering they expect to lose it anyway. The only way to defeat them would be on the ideological level.

That said, despite my cynicism I wish you luck in this endeavour.

They can be defeated not only ideologically. But also militarily. However, to achieve this means going after the correct targets, and cutting out the source of their income. The question then is this. Are you interested in personal security, or, are you interested in militarily defeating CODE, or are you simply interested in opposing them? Depending on your answer to this question, your tactics will change accordingly.

Simply put. If you're looking to hurt CODE, the first and simplest thing to look after the ships they are trying to destroy and makes sure they aren't. The next thing you must do is instead of attacking the ships they are expecting to loose, you should be going after the ones they weren't expecting to loose.
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