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Wasting my time with exploration

Enzo Pasquale
#1 - 2016-12-04 20:32:06 UTC
Thanks for the alpha clone, but it seems exploration is not turning out to be what I expected and what some fellow players have described to me.

I've been running around and scanning all day looking specifically for data/relic sites. I would say 90% of what I find is a wormhole... and the other 10% have been combat sites that are far too hard for my little frig. I have yet to find a data, relic, or gas site at all.

Am I missing something? Are these sites found and gone in the matter of minutes? If that's the case I'll be glad to uninstall this game and tend to other needs. I've tried areas away from the population and I'm still getting shafted.

What's the deal here?
#2 - 2016-12-04 20:33:42 UTC
The deal here is that you need knowledge and experience to a) get good at finding sites fast and b) learn where the sites are. Which takes time and effort.

I'm sorry that a long term MMO doesn't give you instant gratification, I hear COD is really nice this time of year.
Enzo Pasquale
#3 - 2016-12-04 20:38:09 UTC
What knowledge and experience do I need? Care to share?

If jumping from system to system and scanning every cosmic signature I see is wrong, then please tell me the best way. As much time and effort as I put in, the truth is in the statistics of what I've been scanning.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#4 - 2016-12-04 20:43:41 UTC
Are you in highsec?

If by all day, you specifically mean in the last 24 hours, Sunday is the busiest day of the week in terms of numbers of players online. The peak tops out over 50,000 during the EU/US cross over time.

So if you are exploring in highsec, it's most likely that competition are beating you to the sites. There's lots of alpha clones out exploring.

I scanned a dozen relic sites in my area of Syndicate during the day.

So maybe look for some quieter area of space to explore. You'll find sites remain longer.
Enzo Pasquale
#5 - 2016-12-04 20:46:09 UTC
Thanks, I'll give another go tomorrow.
Demonspawn 666
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2016-12-04 22:24:33 UTC
I'm new to scanning, but found 2 data and 2 relic sites today before it got busy.

But once it got busier I gave up, no point in doing anything on a sunday!

Keep at it, give it a try during the week when there is less pressure on the sites. Check the map for likely systems with low numbers of pilots.

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Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2016-12-04 22:42:51 UTC
Enzo Pasquale wrote:
Thanks for the alpha clone, but it seems exploration is not turning out to be what I expected and what some fellow players have described to me.

I've been running around and scanning all day looking specifically for data/relic sites. I would say 90% of what I find is a wormhole... and the other 10% have been combat sites that are far too hard for my little frig. I have yet to find a data, relic, or gas site at all.

Am I missing something? Are these sites found and gone in the matter of minutes? If that's the case I'll be glad to uninstall this game and tend to other needs. I've tried areas away from the population and I'm still getting shafted.

What's the deal here?

Go to less busy regions. Get out of high-sec. The sites there are not only hard to find because everyone is running them, but they also pay sh*t.

Low, null and wormholes is where the good stuff is at. Take a cheap explorer ship in there, expect to die, but learn new things in the process.

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Satchel Darkmatter
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#8 - 2016-12-04 23:49:34 UTC
Enzo Pasquale wrote:
Thanks, I'll give another go tomorrow.

Open your map in game, put it into abstract view(flat view) and look for dead end systems, thats a system with 1 gate or look for what we call pocket systems which can be described as a small group of say 3 or 4 systems that are a dead end tucked away behind a pipe system which is a system with 1 gate in and 1 gate out, these systems in High Sec are good to look in.

Secondly all those wormholes you have been finding are full of data and relic sites, but there are a few things you need to know first.

First of all Wormhole's are dangerous, unlike Highsec you will be attacked on sight most of the time, the good news is that it's got no local unless you actually talk so the only way people will know your in a hole is if they see you on D-Scan, try finding a C1 or C2 wormhole and scan those down for data and relic sites you should have a lot better luck, and more profit, just be aware tho this extra profit comes at the added risk of player vs player attacks.

Can an Alpha fit a normal cloak? if so what you need to do is enter the wormhole Burn off the hole in any direction about 50k and then stop release your probes then cloak your ship, also never forget to bookmark the hole so you can find your way out.

I would scan down everything in the hole until you have a few data/relic sites visible then if you feel the hole is clear of hostiles decloak and jump to your first site, on your way there while in warp make a new bookmark and call it safe, this is a spot you can run to that's hard for an enemy to reach you on, you want it away from the hole and the site your going to, right in the middle if possible, you can make a bookmark while your moving just look up the shortcut key.

For your first few wormhole incursions I would do one or two sites and then get out with any loot and store it, its likely that you will die a few times as you find your feet so store your goods often at the start, once your better you will be able to start diving deeper into connected wormholes and gather more loot before you bolt for home.

Things to note, always bookmark your exit hole and call the bookmark EXIT do this in every hole you enter so if your 5 wormholes in you just want to warp to your Exit jump, Warp to your Exit Jump and eventually you will be back in safe space.

Another thing there could be 100 or 1000 players in the hole with you, they could all be sitting 100 meter's from you watching you and you will never know until they attack worm holes have a habbit of making people jumpy try and get over that feeling as quickly as possible because you will die, you will lose loot dont let it hold you back because I assure you the times you make it out will be very very profitable and will more than cover the costs of your lost ships.

Another thing is that some holes are owned/lived in by Wormhole corps so be aware of this if you warp to any citidels or moon's they may have hostile stations.

hope this helps, I remember my first few wormholes lost some ships, had some epic chases loads of fun and way more intense than just warping around and scanning HighSec.

One final thing, do a little research on wormhole types, get the info on any wormhole you enter as they can collapse when you jump through, try not to enter any that are nearing the end of their life.

good luck. fly safe. and watch D-Scan, if in doubt warp out.

#9 - 2016-12-05 00:25:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Dibz
Vigirr wrote:
The deal here is that you need knowledge and experience to a) get good at finding sites fast and b) learn where the sites are. Which takes time and effort.

I'm sorry that a long term MMO doesn't give you instant gratification, I hear COD is really nice this time of year.

A characteristically dickish response from you. Is it too difficult to respond like a normal person at least every now and again?

Exploring's a bit of a crapshoot. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't. The dry runs are frustrating.
Selene Dukat
Hideaway Hunters
The Hideaway.
#10 - 2016-12-05 00:36:00 UTC
Enzo Pasquale wrote:
Thanks for the alpha clone, but it seems exploration is not turning out to be what I expected and what some fellow players have described to me.

I've been running around and scanning all day looking specifically for data/relic sites. I would say 90% of what I find is a wormhole... and the other 10% have been combat sites that are far too hard for my little frig. I have yet to find a data, relic, or gas site at all.

Am I missing something? Are these sites found and gone in the matter of minutes? If that's the case I'll be glad to uninstall this game and tend to other needs. I've tried areas away from the population and I'm still getting shafted.

What's the deal here?

Training up scanning skills to 4 or higher, plus training up to T2 exploration ships for their bonuses is a must. That doesn't mean you can't have better luck before you get all that trained, but just remember that's the ultimate goal. At my skill level, it really doesn't matter much if the ratio of relic sites to trash sites is about 1:5, you can probe so fast it doesn't matter.

Are you in high sec? I feel you will possibly be disappointed with exploration if you don't make the move to nullsec exploration. The isk rewards for high sec exploration are poor and the competition is steep. Even if you don't feel ready/able to live in nullsec, you can take a cov ops explorer frigate out to null sec and just duck enemies. Yes, its dangerous - but if your careful you can do sites there that are extremely lucrative.

Regardless of where you are located, one tip would be to plan your travel route for exploration by filtering DOTLAN to show Jumps in the Last Hour for each system - then look for a quiet part of space where there have been as few jumps as possible. Then make your path / loop through those systems.

For reference, I am just heading back to my home system in null, after a light afternoon of exploration. It was a mediocre outing, in that it only netted me 108 million isk.
Lady Ayeipsia
#11 - 2016-12-05 01:00:01 UTC
Learn about running data and relic sites in wormhole space. At times, I thought in the lower C1-C3 wormholes you could find high end pirate faction relic and data sites. These can be lucrative. You just need to learn how to survive in wormhole space.
Commander Spurty
#12 - 2016-12-05 01:22:00 UTC
Problem is that they are easy to run, respawn rate is many hours later and everyone can do them. Very low entry bar. You need to go where others fear to explore. Seriously. Find a dead low sec area or continue "just missing it"!

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#13 - 2016-12-05 02:12:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Vigirr
Dibz wrote:
Vigirr wrote:
The deal here is that you need knowledge and experience to a) get good at finding sites fast and b) learn where the sites are. Which takes time and effort.

I'm sorry that a long term MMO doesn't give you instant gratification, I hear COD is really nice this time of year.

A characteristically dickish response from you. Is it too difficult to respond like a normal person at least every now and again?

Exploring's a bit of a crapshoot. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don't. The dry runs are frustrating.

Have you seen the OP's post? "waah wah I've been trying this for 3 seconds, I'll quit because this sucks. **** game".

Explain why anyone would want to put in active effort to help with an OP like that. Besides, you can comment when you put in as much effort into helping newbies as some of us do.
Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#14 - 2016-12-05 02:55:07 UTC
Sorry it's so frustrating OP.

Get used to logging out wherever you happen to be. I find it best to just go, go, go and follow the sigs and the wormholes. Pull them like a thread until you find some relic sites for yourself. These things are highly sought after, as exploration is a very rookie friendly career path and with all the Alpha State Clones around, even more so.

If you're having lots of trouble, look me up ingame and I can try to assist you.


Player Vs Ore
Miners Of Independence
#15 - 2016-12-05 03:10:41 UTC
Enzo Pasquale wrote:
What knowledge and experience do I need? Care to share?

If jumping from system to system and scanning every cosmic signature I see is wrong, then please tell me the best way. As much time and effort as I put in, the truth is in the statistics of what I've been scanning.

My .02 isk.

I've done high sec exploration a fair bit, and I do get your frustration.

Here is what you need to know.

1. Lots of people do exploration in EVE, and with the birth of Alpha Clones more so. If you are in a busy system chances are someone else has beat you to it.
2. You have to carve your niche out of the hard rock, find an area of space less busy. ( use the DotLan Maps for reference) you can judge the jumps and ships killed for an idea on how busy a system is.

3. Career Systems and Surrounding Systems and Market Hubs and surrounding systems are unlikely to yield good results, for exploration.

4. Time of Day matters, busy times will be less gratifying.

5. there is also the just some bad luck, I've had days where it's WH after WH after WH, and other days where it's better.

I generally set a Destination to a quite corner and scan away as i travel, works pretty good.

Hope it gets better for you, Exploration is one of my favorite parts of the game.

Fly Safe.

I am a miner, mission runner, and explorer...

or as EVE Online would have it...

A Carebear!!

Ocean Ormand
Bagel and Lox
#16 - 2016-12-05 04:01:01 UTC
Satchel Darkmatter wrote:
Enzo Pasquale wrote:
Thanks, I'll give another go tomorrow.

Open your map in game, put it into abstract view(flat view) and look for dead end systems, thats a system with 1 gate or look for what we call pocket systems which can be described as a small group of say 3 or 4 systems that are a dead end tucked away behind a pipe system which is a system with 1 gate in and 1 gate out, these systems in High Sec are good to look in.

Secondly all those wormholes you have been finding are full of data and relic sites, but there are a few things you need to know first.

First of all Wormhole's are dangerous, unlike Highsec you will be attacked on sight most of the time, the good news is that it's got no local unless you actually talk so the only way people will know your in a hole is if they see you on D-Scan, try finding a C1 or C2 wormhole and scan those down for data and relic sites you should have a lot better luck, and more profit, just be aware tho this extra profit comes at the added risk of player vs player attacks.

Can an Alpha fit a normal cloak? if so what you need to do is enter the wormhole Burn off the hole in any direction about 50k and then stop release your probes then cloak your ship, also never forget to bookmark the hole so you can find your way out.

I would scan down everything in the hole until you have a few data/relic sites visible then if you feel the hole is clear of hostiles decloak and jump to your first site, on your way there while in warp make a new bookmark and call it safe, this is a spot you can run to that's hard for an enemy to reach you on, you want it away from the hole and the site your going to, right in the middle if possible, you can make a bookmark while your moving just look up the shortcut key.

For your first few wormhole incursions I would do one or two sites and then get out with any loot and store it, its likely that you will die a few times as you find your feet so store your goods often at the start, once your better you will be able to start diving deeper into connected wormholes and gather more loot before you bolt for home.

Things to note, always bookmark your exit hole and call the bookmark EXIT do this in every hole you enter so if your 5 wormholes in you just want to warp to your Exit jump, Warp to your Exit Jump and eventually you will be back in safe space.

Another thing there could be 100 or 1000 players in the hole with you, they could all be sitting 100 meter's from you watching you and you will never know until they attack worm holes have a habbit of making people jumpy try and get over that feeling as quickly as possible because you will die, you will lose loot dont let it hold you back because I assure you the times you make it out will be very very profitable and will more than cover the costs of your lost ships.

Another thing is that some holes are owned/lived in by Wormhole corps so be aware of this if you warp to any citidels or moon's they may have hostile stations.

hope this helps, I remember my first few wormholes lost some ships, had some epic chases loads of fun and way more intense than just warping around and scanning HighSec.

One final thing, do a little research on wormhole types, get the info on any wormhole you enter as they can collapse when you jump through, try not to enter any that are nearing the end of their life.

good luck. fly safe. and watch D-Scan, if in doubt warp out.

Dont just put your map in abstract mode - go to settings and turn off the beta map - using the old map is so much easier for scanning then the "newer" map.
Beyonder Herald II
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#17 - 2016-12-05 05:26:31 UTC
The people telling you to get out of busy high-sec areas are correct. I find plenty of relic and data sites, but not in high-sec.

The first problem in busy high-sec areas is 'busy' - many people are there scanning down systems and running them because no risk. The second problem is the sites are going to be low-quality (low pay) anyway.

The lower-sec you go, the more stuff you will find, and the better the payouts. As others have said, look for out-of-the-way dead-end systems, low-traffic systems, etc.
Aston Martin DB5
Deaths Consortium
Pandemic Horde
#18 - 2016-12-05 06:41:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Aston Martin DB5
Vigirr wrote:
The deal here is that you need knowledge and experience to a) get good at finding sites fast and b) learn where the sites are. Which takes time and effort.

I'm sorry that a long term MMO doesn't give you instant gratification, I hear COD is really nice this time of year.

Troll post if anything.

To the OP, yes data and relic sites are hard to come by (hisec/lowsec/null) and Prodimentaly you will find WH when scanning.
#19 - 2016-12-05 06:57:52 UTC
Vigirr wrote:
The deal here is that you need knowledge and experience to a) get good at finding sites fast and b) learn where the sites are. Which takes time and effort.

I'm sorry that a long term MMO doesn't give you instant gratification, I hear COD is really nice this time of year.

That whole scanning thing is a tedius activity even with the new scanning window. After years I still can't stand to do exploration either, luckily there are plenty of other activities to do in EVE.
#20 - 2016-12-05 07:22:20 UTC
Voxinian wrote:
Vigirr wrote:
The deal here is that you need knowledge and experience to a) get good at finding sites fast and b) learn where the sites are. Which takes time and effort.

I'm sorry that a long term MMO doesn't give you instant gratification, I hear COD is really nice this time of year.

That whole scanning thing is a tedius activity even with the new scanning window. After years I still can't stand to do exploration either, luckily there are plenty of other activities to do in EVE.

It's perfectly fine to not enjoy scanning, it's a sandbox after all and as you said there's tons of things to do. Me personally I love it (even though the current scanning mechanics are hilariously simplistic) and I use it a lot in both PVE as PVP. When I do PVE the scanning itself doesn't take any effort which allows me to chat with others, mostly helping newbies in Rookie Channel while making 200-500 mil a day with it.
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