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Slackware install with Multilib, NVIDIA Drivers and EVE Online, notes.

Stationspinners Incorporated
#1 - 2016-12-01 15:47:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Xrite
Installing Slackware (current) and making it ready for some games.

Preparing an USB installation media
In my case, I came from Windows 10. My USB was a mess and I had to wipe partition table before making the USB.
Open CMD as administrator and run the following commands.
list disk
select disk

Download the Slackware iso from a mirror of your choice (Slackware Mirrors).
I used UnetBootin for creating the USB because it’s simple (UnetBootin).
Select ”Diskimage, ISO” and point to Slackware iso.
Run it and wait for it to complete.

Note that I already had EVE installed on Windows and I copied it to my server for later use, I suggest you do the same so you can copy some files later on.

Installing Slackware
Boot up the USB.
Use fdisk to format your disks, I used fdisk and I use UEFI. My partition table looks something like:

GPT Partition table
/dev/sda1 1G UEFI type (1G is too big but whatever)
/dev/sda2 4G Swap type (Recommended is double your RAM? My swap is almost never used since I have a lot of RAM)
/dev/sda3 100%FREE Linux filesystem type

GPT Partition table
/dev/sdb1 100%FREE Linux filesystem type

Make filesystems:
mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sda1
mkswap /dev/sda2
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1

Run ”setup”, follow on-screen instructions from ncurses wizard. I installed from Slackware-current mirror from Http so I didnt have to update any packages later on.


Installing multilib (for 32-bit)
Follow alienbob’s instruktion on installing multilib (Alien Multilib).
Replace 14.2 with ”current”.

Compiling the latest stable kernel (optional?)
Download latest stable from (x.x.x = kernel version).
Run the following commands:
tar xvf linux-x.x.x.tar.xz
cd linux-x.x.x
zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
make oldconfig
(I just chose DEFAULT on everything here, but if you feel like you have the time and knowledge to customize it feel free to do so)
make bzImage modules
make modules_install
cp arch/x86_64/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-custom-x.x.x
cp /boot/
cp .config /boot/config-custom-x.x.x
cd /boot
ln -s

Update bootloader
Note that I didnt write any boot-entry, instead I just went into the "Advanced"-menu in GRUB and choose my kernel version because I'm lazy.
I had alot of issues with elilo and UEFI so I just installed GRUB because it’s easy. You can use elilo or any other bootloader if you feel like it.
grub-install /dev/sda
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Make a new initrd, include modules for mounting root filesystem
mkinitrd -c -k x.x.x -m ext4
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Download NVIDIA proprietary drivers
Go to and download the Linux 64-bit drivers for your graphic card.

Install NVIDIA proprietary drivers
chmod +x NVIDIA*.run
Choose ”yes” when it asks about blacklistin nouveau. (You could write your own but for me its faster to just reboot)

When it asks for 32-bit libraries, choose ”yes”.
For me I got som error about symlink LibEGL already existing, ignore it. It’s probably nothing important anyways… (;


EVE Online
Download CCP Snorlax’s client (CCP Snorlax EVE Client).
Extract it in your home-folder (tar xvf evelauncher-1097946.tar.gz)
Copy everything in ”RezFiles” from your Windows-installed EVE Online to /home/.eve/RezFiles/ (this is where mine was).
Create a shortcut to to your desktop with a nice icon, I use xcfce4 so I just googled EVE Online pictures and took a nice one.


I just wrote this from memory so I probably forgot something, hope that someone has use of my notes. Please dont just write my commands blindly (or do it at your own risk), you will probably bork things up. Go read Slackware wiki if you are not sure what you are doing.

If you have any problem, start "" before you start EVE and you can troubleshoot, filter out everything except warnings/errors in top-left corner.

Heres a screenshot for funsies: