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Odd graphic glitch with maps open

Svetlana Moscovich
#1 - 2016-11-29 11:51:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Svetlana Moscovich
So I noticed this today: If you have both maps open, the old map glitches graphically.

The connections between systems are "broken".

But with only the old map open, it's fine:

Now I know, I know, I could just have one map open, but that's not the point. It's a GUI glitch, and who knows what else may be affected by it. Besides, It's very handy being able to have both maps up on screen at once. One 'universe' view, and one 'system' view.

EDIT: I just looked at my 2nd screenshot and the same thing is happening there too. Funny, because it's not showing up like that in the game.