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Experiment #01: RL finance analysis applied to EvE

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State War Academy
Caldari State
#81 - 2012-04-23 02:13:52 UTC
corestwo wrote:
that's a lot of words to say "nocxium is being heavily speculated on and lots of people see ~1000 as a cashout point"

It doesn't even say that

The 'do-nothing' member of the GoonSwarm Economic Warfare Cabal

The edge is REALLY hard to see at times but it DOES exist and in this case we were looking at a situation where a new feature created for all of our customers was being virtually curbstomped by five of them

Goonfleet Investment Banking
#82 - 2012-04-23 02:21:21 UTC
Dramaticus wrote:
corestwo wrote:
that's a lot of words to say "nocxium is being heavily speculated on and lots of people see ~1000 as a cashout point"

It doesn't even say that

oh well then. I skimmed it and saw "BRN" and stuff and assumed.

This post was crafted by a member of the GoonSwarm Federation Economic Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.


Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#83 - 2012-04-23 02:39:49 UTC
Good thread. I'll read more of this as time goes on I'm sure. Smile
Liberty Eternal
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#84 - 2012-04-23 04:54:31 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
YuuKnow wrote:
Can I just give you my isk, you turn it into a fortune, and then give it back to me?


About 1 year ago I created an hedge fund, MRVAHFTHF012.

This fund has exactly the purpose of gathering ISK to invest it into a variety of activities including trading.
Till now it's pretty much dormant, but if I saw interest I could reactivate it.

Uhm.. yeah. I think you should do this. And make me a trading partner in your business Big smile
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#85 - 2012-04-23 09:41:20 UTC
corestwo wrote:
Dramaticus wrote:
corestwo wrote:
that's a lot of words to say "nocxium is being heavily speculated on and lots of people see ~1000 as a cashout point"

It doesn't even say that

oh well then. I skimmed it and saw "BRN" and stuff and assumed.

This is not a thread for limited attention span people.
Had you more than skimmed the last post you'd have noticed two factors:

1) How the analyses take a minor role compared to the side market features, patterns and structure explanations.

2) How the mentioned RL trading threads analyses are terse enough to take all of 3 rows per time frame. Why? Because unlike in these forums, the RL trading threads don't require me to explain the basic from zero for people to learn, the RL traders already know very well what's a BRN or support line or range market are.

Had you attempted to understand what's the whole thread is about, you'd also notice you are off topic.

A RL trader cannot know the future at all, it's normal, intended and needed to prepare a trade plan both in case price goes up, goes down and goes range.

The funny things, people talk about me using voodoo tecniques (see the stupid picture Brock Nelson linked in the other releate thread) while:

1) The price reading method is the only one dissecting the markets in understandable components.
All the others just vaguely pretend to buy on dips and hope for the best.
The price reading method is engaging in a scientific approach, not them.

2) The price reading method is the only one not going after speculation and rumors.
All the others either have insider / market maker information OR go after wild rumors, patch speculations, get driven by other guys pumping and dumping on then.
The price reading method is engaging in unbiased, neutral approach, not them.

3) The price reading method is the only one not expecting to know anything of the future.
All the others are gambling and being driven in bigger fish jaws.
The price reading method is the only one that instead of predicting the future, teaches how to deal with it. Regardless of what the future has coming.

Conclusion: I am the least voodoo user in this forum. I apply pattern analysis and statistical regression. You other guys don't. You are the voodoo users or you have insider / market maker information.
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#86 - 2012-04-23 15:19:22 UTC
like seriously i don't know how anyone can read this crap and not be immediately aware it's projecting patterns on past behavior that have literally zero predictive power, since which one applied in the past depends on what happens in the future
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#87 - 2012-04-23 15:23:15 UTC
let us not forget we know 100% for sure every bit of this analysis is bullshit since "pax amarria" appears nowhere in this despite pointing out the pax amarria caused caps except thinking those are caused by spots on the lower left intestine
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#88 - 2012-04-23 19:53:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Retar Aveymone wrote:
let us not forget we know 100 for sure every bit of this analysis is bullshit since "pax amarria" appears nowhere in this despite pointing out the pax amarria caused caps except thinking those are caused by spots on the lower left intestine

I suppose the monthly resistance line right above it (the strongest that can exist in this method) is not enough?


Look at the weekly graph.

Look at the weekly price level 535.39.
The price level, placed "at eye glance" is 0.39 different than the reprocess value.

Since I did not recall about PAX Amarria (doing a dozen of analyses on request, I get crazy), the price reading method did the finding for me. How cool, eh? Somebody could have returned to EvE yesterday, not know about PAX Amarria at all yet he'd find price did something right there.

I repeat it again, price discounts the reasons why it's at its level both in the past and in the present. The reasons why is here or there do not matter.

Dear Goons thank you for proving me that the method works even better than I believed. I thought it was so precise only in RL trading but I have to say I am positively surprised at seeing how - unlike me who I forgot about it - it catched the resistance imposed on the mineral.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#89 - 2012-05-05 22:48:00 UTC
More on range markets: double tops and bottoms

In the last articles I have talked about Range Markets (RM).
RMs are a fundamental aspect of trading as they have many properties to make them a challenging, yet profitable feature.

First of all, RMs are everywhere: markets are in a RM for about 70-80 percent of the time. Markets are formed by RMs connected by trends.

RMs are oscillations of price around key price levels. Yes the same price levels that may form supports, resistances and may happen at round numbers are also the battlefield where buyers and sellers fight the most.

A RM is usually delimited by a rectangle around the open / close of the bars. Some times RMs happen on diagonal trend lines and then they are drawn by connecting the minimums and maximums of the bars and they are called "dynamic RM".

Some RMs provide certain approximate tools to predict where price will go after it breaks out of them.
A RM in the middle of forming, is confirmed when 2 consecutive swings close at the same price.
Every RM break out is not confirmed until price makes a retracement (turns) back to it, bounces on its bounds and then continues its run away.

Inside the RM "family" we have certain RMs with particular characteristics. The most common are double tops, double bottoms, triangles, flags, wedges but there are more.

Double tops and bottoms

This link shows an example of RM: inside the blue rectangle there is a confirmed double bottom, one of the most easily traded patterns, expecially in EvE.

You can easily see how the two bottom swings hit the same price level, acting as support. Therefore it's a confirmed RM.
You can also easily see how price swings formed a "W" shape, therefore this particular RM is a double bottom, a very bullish pattern.
If you ever wondered how to really "buy low", then you found your answer, inversion double bottoms are one of the best lows you can get.

Finally, you can see how price broke upwards, dipped back to the top of the RM and then continued upwards. This latest price motion is what makes every RM a confirmed, tradable RM.
Only confirmed RMs may be traded, the others are NOT.

Now let's look at a chart everybody can produce: a simple Megacyte EvE graph (it's outdated, only today I had time to post this article).

Despite being a regular EvE chart you can quite easily see a "M" shaped double top to the right.
Double tops are the complimentary pattern to double bottoms: the inversion double tops.
These double tops mark a strong bearish change in price. There are also continuity double tops, we might cover them another day.

Let's look at this RM more in detail.

I took the above picture and enlarged it to make it easier to look at the details.

Now let's draw the double top bounding box. It's a RM after all. I also added the price level that originated the buyers vs sellers battle that resulted in the double top RM.

Here is the resulting graph.

The battle has been for BRN 3500, price formed the typical "M" shape which is enclosed within the cyan box.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#90 - 2012-05-05 22:50:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
There's also a feature I really wish the Readers take much care about: those little, almost invisible bars "wicks" above and below the yellow price dots.
In particular, despite we are not looking at proper candle bar charts, we can see the how at the center of the "M" (the tip of the middle "wedge") there's a T shaped pin bar.
That is, an experienced enough player can actually SEE pin bars even on a vanilla EvE graph.
Many double tops and bottoms have such pin bar at their center.
That pin bar is in trend with the price before the RM and thus it's a safe trade whose take profit level is the resistance sitting at the ceiling of the "M" (3800 in our example).

Similar bars also appear in vanilla RMs that are just "random" oscillations and not a double top / bottom and those bars are all safe trades as long as there's enough space between them (at the bottom of the RM) and the top of the RM to make a profit after taxes.

Once price breaks out of the double top RM, we look for selling opportunities. As said above, this happens if the double top is confirmed.
A first sign of the double top being confirmed comes from the outside bar's "wick". If it hits the RM bottom, it means sellers were there and they took liquidity from the RM bottom now acting as new resistance.
Some times we'll have an actual swing retracing back to such RM bottom, some times we won't. It's hard to predict when the swing happens vs when it does not (depends on nearby other price levels, RMs and so on).
Unlike RL markets, even the largest EvE markets often don't have the liquidity to show a swing retracement so we have to look at that bar "wick" as I described above.

Another neat RM feature, expecially on double top / bottoms RMs, is the ability to learn about the approximative next price target in advance.
While irregular RMs are not very reliable (50 percent chance), double tops and bottoms tend to push price bottom / up by about their same height.

Therefore we may simply a segment over the RM height and copy it above (double bottoms) or below (double tops) to know where price will go about 70 percent of the times.

Here is our double top with such segments drawn over it, in blue. The second segment has always to be drawn at the location of the bar that breaks out. We'll see why in a future article.

The accuracy of the target greatly increases if price is free to get there without important price levels, BRNs etc. in the way.
Otherwise price will snap to the closest important level. In our example, we have BRN 3000 in the way down.

But there's an important consideration to make here. As I said several times, BRNs are not necessarily price levels.
In the past, 3000 has been a decent price level (see how the leftmost price dots have "wicks" hunting and touching 3000 both from below and above) but not strong enough to halt price and act as support or resistance. Price just hopped over it.
Compare with 3500, where price formed a whole RM around it. Therefore 3000 becomes a so called "money management" level, where in RL trading you just move the stop loss behind it, without closing the trade.

Once price reached the target pointed at by the blue segment, we close the short position (RL markets) or stop selling (EvE).
Price might still decide to keep dropping but look, the blue segment not randomly happens to hit BRN 2500, which will act as support.
Therefore we have to look for price to close below 2500 before being sure it was not yet done with its going down.
Ministry of Furious Retribution
#91 - 2012-05-08 18:45:44 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
There's also a feature I really wish the Readers take much care about: those little, almost invisible bars "wicks" above and below the yellow price dots.
In particular, despite we are not looking at proper candle bar charts, we can see the how at the center of the "M" (the tip of the middle "wedge") there's a T shaped pin bar.
That is, an experienced enough player can actually SEE pin bars even on a vanilla EvE graph.
Many double tops and bottoms have such pin bar at their center.
That pin bar is in trend with the price before the RM and thus it's a safe trade whose take profit level is the resistance sitting at the ceiling of the "M" (3800 in our example).

Similar bars also appear in vanilla RMs that are just "random" oscillations and not a double top / bottom and those bars are all safe trades as long as there's enough space between them (at the bottom of the RM) and the top of the RM to make a profit after taxes.

Once price breaks out of the double top RM, we look for selling opportunities. As said above, this happens if the double top is confirmed.
A first sign of the double top being confirmed comes from the outside bar's "wick". If it hits the RM bottom, it means sellers were there and they took liquidity from the RM bottom now acting as new resistance.
Some times we'll have an actual swing retracing back to such RM bottom, some times we won't. It's hard to predict when the swing happens vs when it does not (depends on nearby other price levels, RMs and so on).
Unlike RL markets, even the largest EvE markets often don't have the liquidity to show a swing retracement so we have to look at that bar "wick" as I described above.

Another neat RM feature, expecially on double top / bottoms RMs, is the ability to learn about the approximative next price target in advance.
While irregular RMs are not very reliable (50 percent chance), double tops and bottoms tend to push price bottom / up by about their same height.

Therefore we may simply a segment over the RM height and copy it above (double bottoms) or below (double tops) to know where price will go about 70 percent of the times.

Here is our double top with such segments drawn over it, in blue. The second segment has always to be drawn at the location of the bar that breaks out. We'll see why in a future article.

The accuracy of the target greatly increases if price is free to get there without important price levels, BRNs etc. in the way.
Otherwise price will snap to the closest important level. In our example, we have BRN 3000 in the way down.

But there's an important consideration to make here. As I said several times, BRNs are not necessarily price levels.
In the past, 3000 has been a decent price level (see how the leftmost price dots have "wicks" hunting and touching 3000 both from below and above) but not strong enough to halt price and act as support or resistance. Price just hopped over it.
Compare with 3500, where price formed a whole RM around it. Therefore 3000 becomes a so called "money management" level, where in RL trading you just move the stop loss behind it, without closing the trade.

Once price reached the target pointed at by the blue segment, we close the short position (RL markets) or stop selling (EvE).
Price might still decide to keep dropping but look, the blue segment not randomly happens to hit BRN 2500, which will act as support.
Therefore we have to look for price to close below 2500 before being sure it was not yet done with its going down.

Quite an interesting post, Could you explain those "T bars" "Wicks" a little better, not sure I followed you
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#92 - 2012-05-08 22:50:12 UTC
Heimdallofasgard wrote:

Quite an interesting post, Could you explain those "T bars" "Wicks" a little better, not sure I followed you

T shaped bars are EvE graphs flavour or version of the Pin Bar candle bars. Like them, when located close or at a price level, they may indicate a set of situations ranging from price inversion to price exhaustion. For more information about Pin Bars I suggest searching for them on the Investopedia website or James16 thread or even the "Beyond the Candles" thread. These sites should be linked in the original post.

As for the wicks, they are the EvE graphs flavour or version of the candle bars "shadow and tail". They are segments coming out of the bar body and their length shows how strong are buyers (wick below / tail) and sellers (wick above / shadow).
They also perform other important tasks:

- They go hit the so called "liquidity levels", i.e. they show where buyers and sellers go take orders out, which in turn it make them stronger and able to push price where they want.

- They may define the so called "controlling bars", a very, very advanced market concept I will not cover on the EvE forums because it requires at least 6 months of study and practice to understand.

- They may define the bounds of the so called "boxes", the areas that enclose Range Markets. Boxes are part of another advanced market concept called "market dynamics" which I will not cover on the EvE forums as well. Only way to learn about these advanced concepts is joining RL webinars that currently are not available in English anyway.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#93 - 2012-05-10 00:05:51 UTC
I finally found some hours to prepare a quick cheat sheet covering the trading method in a nutshell.

It's available both on my website, as part of the Trading Course and on the RL trading forum Forex Factory, directly in the thread of the method's teacher.

Follows the awful EvE forums version of the same.

WPD-WPG method cheat sheet

This picture shows a cheat sheet about the trading method teached in this course. This cheat sheet shows a sample of bullish market, a buy operation and bullish patterns. For bearish markets the method is the same, just flip the graphs upside down and use bearish patterns.

How to use it

1) Print the cheat sheet.
2) Have several markets available. The best trades don’t always happen on the same market, some times a market might spend months doing nothing relevant. The trader is meant to keep a basket of markets where to pick the best trades.
3) Look at the cheat sheet top left. Draw the monthly price levels and try and understand what’s going on in the market. One of the most important informations is to understand whether the market is going up or down.
4) Look at the cheat sheet bottom left. Draw the weekly price levels and make sure the weekly price is concording with the monthly.
5) Finally look at the cheat sheet right. Find a trade trigger price action pattern that sits on a retracement on a weekly (or monthly) price level.

Very important

- Only closed bars are valid and relevant. Example: a weekly bar only closes at the end of the week. This means that before the end of the week you are looking at an half created bar which is irrelevant and potentially confusing. You have to look at the bar before it, since it’s the closest closed bar.
Same for the daily chart: looking in the middle of the day only shows half made and irrelevant bars. You have to look at the chart at the beginning of the trading day or to ignore the forming bar and look at the one before it.
- Price action bars patterns require a context and location. A bars pattern in the middle of nowhere has zero meaning. A bars pattern sitting at a price level is the only kind to consider.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#94 - 2012-05-10 08:19:32 UTC
It's a good day to sell Nitrogen Isotopes. Resistance at RN 1100 is holding very, very well, if it keep holding like this, people could start dumping and then...
Alabaster Ra
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#95 - 2012-05-15 07:23:03 UTC
Well there can be no damage in asking:

Do you know of any place that gives a really good explanation of the stochastic's properties and why it works? I'm having more trouble with leading indicators. I'm still working through babypips and j16. It doesn't seem like using a divergence indicator is too common but it comes up every once and a while, so I want to understand at least one really well.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#96 - 2012-05-15 09:12:07 UTC
Alabaster Ra wrote:
Well there can be no damage in asking:

Do you know of any place that gives a really good explanation of the stochastic's properties and why it works? I'm having more trouble with leading indicators. I'm still working through babypips and j16. It doesn't seem like using a divergence indicator is too common but it comes up every once and a while, so I want to understand at least one really well.


You are trying to learn something that was good 20-30 years go but now is quite useless.
I would not spend more time into learning indicators than the time I'd spend into studying early '900 vintage cars.
There is a SEA of garbage / outdated / redundant information. I am posting a distilled extract of just what's worth learning. Even "just" learning and practicing this stuff will take you years. Trading is not a joke. Trading is a full and hard profession. Those who want to make a living on it, expect to have to study and practice for years.
Trading is simple, but NOT easy. Trading is not for everyone.

I am going to post a list of the only stuff you should read if you actually are in for a serious learning. All of those are related to the so called Price Action trading methods. This is a different and contrasting approach compared to Technical Analysis (where stochastics belong to).
Most of those traders had commercial spin-offs for many reasons.

I will list those none the less because they have "free for everyone" sections that contain free content that has high learning value. Just skip / ignore the closed payware sections. When I state: "only read XXX guy posts" it means you should skim over the rest. Most forums have the OP discussing some good stuff but then random talk takes over and inflates pages count to the thousands. The original concept is the stuff to learn, not the chatter.

Here are the main worthwhile resources to learn:

1) Babypips
2) James16's Chart Thread
3) James 16 Group
4) My own web site free trading course
5) FXGroup's Beyond the Candles
7) private group
8) Strat's Long Term Stress Free Trading
9) Strat's Forex Trading

Key and comments to the above resources:

1) Babypips: only and exclusively read the School of Pipsology. Notice the italics.

2) James16's Chart Thread: Only and exclusively read the first 200 pages, only and exclusively learn from James16 and mbqb11 posts. Beware that some times they use moving averages, they may be safely ignored.

3) It's a partly commercial (read: payware) website created by 2) due to other traders pressure. Press only the Guests button and watch the several videos by all the authors. They are some years old but teach a LOT, expecially the trader mentality.

4) This a still incomplete free trading intro / course by me, condensing in few pages what's teached in 5), 6), 7), 8) and 9).
A very unique feature, it shows EvE applications of the trading teachings. That is, you will find tutorials and examples about how to install free software to analyse EvE markets like you do with RL markets.

5) English version of 6), the WPD-WPG (What Price is Doing, Where Price is Going) RL and EvE trading method I also posted on 4) and am talking about on this thread.

6) Original WPD-WPG trading method, first seen and discussed on an Italian forum (therefore it's in Italian).

7) Almost entirely commercial (read: payware) website created by 6). As of now it's in Italian only but is due to open an English version (if you browse it, you see it is bi-lingual). It shows some very long, free videos talking about WPD-WPG taken during the free for all webinars announced in 6.

8) Another prominent trader talking about his PA method. I think the 6) author took concepts and worked them out again from this guy. Only read his posts.

9) A very nicely organized tutorial by 8). It's the free section of a commercial (read: payware) website of him. Just read the tutorial and ignore the rest.

Suggested order of reading, from the basics concepts to the most advanced:

1, 9, 8, 4, 2, 3, 6, 5, 7.

The first (1) will really teach the first basics, the last (7) is advanced enough to teach from almost zero to how to best place and scatter orders, brokers tips and so on.
Alabaster Ra
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#97 - 2012-05-16 03:34:42 UTC
Well, nothing worth doing has ever been easy. I had come under the impression that Price Action was a subset of Technical Analysis and that they were not incompatible - thank you for correcting me early on. I really appreciate your response, and your suggested readings will keep me much more focused. Instead of leaving me to tear apart every graph I come across, I should now be able to focus on the ones of greatest value while keeping a more open mind for later material.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#98 - 2012-05-16 21:24:36 UTC
I just created an article about the full Tritanium trade with updated comments, many step by step zoomable charts, theory and trade screenshots (for the unbelievers Pirate).

Sadly this forum is vastly insufficient to render it so you'll have to read it on my website.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#99 - 2012-05-17 00:22:36 UTC
I just created a thread related to this trading method.

It contains a listing of ready to use charts about all the minerals, PLEX, technetium and Nitrogen Isotopes.

For a much more eye friendly version (that is, where you may actually see the charts) please look at the full article available on my website at this location.
bob Patrouette
Obsidian Engineering
#100 - 2012-05-17 05:35:52 UTC
Thanks for the info excellent articles well worth the time and trouble to read.