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Experiment #01: RL finance analysis applied to EvE

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Tubrav Sadarts
Viscous Logistics
#221 - 2013-04-04 18:14:01 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Tubrav Sadarts wrote:
Yeah, I checked before, and it's a pity the site is down... it would have wonderful data for plenty of items. If you could upload the minerals/isotopes/plex CSV files that would be excellent and most appreciated :) Regarding those CSV files, how do you keep them updated with daily data with the tool on your website without wiping any pre-1-year data?

Sadly as of now the history has to be manually merged with the last year data dump. I am to develop a software to merge these things in automatic and then I will give it away to everyone in MD.

In the mean time, since I am going to move home next week, if you really can't wait, I may find the time to manually create you 1-2 dumps and make them downloadable, but nothing more. I am too busy preparing the leave.

OllieNorth wrote:
Hey VV, good to see you back at it doing your thing again. I talk daily with one of my co-workers using the stuff I learned in these threads.

Thank you.

Whatever you can manage now in terms of data dumps is fine; RL first of course... if you don't have the time before your move, don't worry about it :)
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#222 - 2013-04-04 21:09:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Tubrav Sadarts wrote:

Whatever you can manage now in terms of data dumps is fine; RL first of course... if you don't have the time before your move, don't worry about it :)

Well, please tell me 2 markets off those I have records of, send me an eve-mail if you wish to keep it confidential.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#223 - 2013-05-28 08:42:07 UTC
Aren't markets some magnificent testaments to mass human behavior?

From 15 March, 2013:

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
PLEX: watch out for the current double bottom. If price will close above it and puts a bullish price action, it will be a buying opportunity.
Be very careful to triple check the retracement + price action, we are in a very powerful downtrend and skipping / ignoring those safety checks WILL hurt your wallet!

From March 26, 2013:

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

As anticipated some days ago, PLEX is close to a very important confluence.

While not really rare, those events often provide some of the best and safest opportunities to enter a trade.

In the specific case, we are at the apex of a triangle, in confluence with a BRN 500M.

Triangles tend to kick and push prices up or down with a good momentum, in confluence with something else they improve even further.

And what happened?
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#224 - 2013-07-21 15:32:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
I am (very slowly) preparing an article for my website.

In the mean time, I have not stopped analyzing stuff, right some minutes ago I have posted a RL analysis that includes yet another example of the influence that BRNs have on the market.

Here is a picture that shows the price reaction when it hits the yellow levels (BRNs), the small arrows show the "hit points".

It's part of a whole market analysis, sadly it's in Italian and I have no time to translate it. So all I can do is to provide a terrible Google Translate version of it.

Here are the 3 charts that the translation won't let you see:

Monthly chart
Weekly chart
Daily chart
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#225 - 2013-07-24 00:30:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
For those who'd like a reasoned, small steps introduction to price action analysis beginning from the most important concepts of support and resistance, you may go read some pages from this thread. The OP does a nice job at talking easy and with examples.

Another notable post in the thread summarizes the analyst boundaries quite well:

belekas wrote:

I just try to follow the smartmoney path by reading a chart. We are traders not fortunetellers.

Both sentences are important: while a market does not need "smart money" or "strong hands", they often are there and they provide opportunities to jump on their wagon. In EvE the typical smart money are big traders / alliances like Corestwo's. Even if they don't want, they always leave down breadcrumbs to follow. Because markets don't lie.

The second is the natural reply to the "voodoo" claims. A famous motto says: "trade what you see, not what you think"

This third link leads to a website with lots of resources. It also gives paid membership options which I don't "sponsor" at all, I only happen to have learned some stuff (including that sentence) from that guy when he still posted on Forex Factory.
Merii Kha'sen
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#226 - 2013-08-02 04:59:33 UTC
Does your EVE market dumper OHLC program still work? I tried to get it working so I could get some better data and I was not able to - some weird Python error that means that a List is Nothing.

I tried every folder in my cache from the actual CachedMethodCalls folder on up, so it wasn't a bad path.

Alternatively, do you have a better way of getting OHLC data now?
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#227 - 2013-08-02 06:58:46 UTC
Merii Kha'sen wrote:
Does your EVE market dumper OHLC program still work? I tried to get it working so I could get some better data and I was not able to - some weird Python error that means that a List is Nothing.

I tried every folder in my cache from the actual CachedMethodCalls folder on up, so it wasn't a bad path.

Alternatively, do you have a better way of getting OHLC data now?

I have run the program right now and it worked like usual.

I need much more details to see why it does not work for you. A first candidate for issues is not having browsed (in game) the many market histories which are specified in the .ini file by default.
I always use my website IGB special page to make sure I populate all the required cache.

A second candidate is a corrupted cache. Some times EvE crashes and ruins some cache files and then apps like this get in trouble.

If you are not in this case you should post every detail you can about your configuration and error messages.
Merii Kha'sen
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#228 - 2013-08-04 05:57:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Merii Kha'sen

I've cleared cache, so it's not a corrupted cache.

Here's the error I get:

Reading configuration file...

Deleting old records...

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 120, in module
File "reverence\config.pyc", line 393, in __get__
File "reverence\config.pyc", line 405, in method
File "reverence\config.pyc", line 927, in _loadbulkdata
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

Here's the config file:
EVERoot = C:/Users/Me/AppData/Local/CCP/EVE/d_eve_tranquility/
OutPath = D:/Temp/EvEDumps/

ItemsList =

There's a tab before Tritanium, it just doesn't show up in this post.

As part of the testing I did I trimmed it down to 1 item but it did the same thing with the other lines in there.

Also I am opening the market history for 1 year in the game before I run the program, so it does get cached. I am not running EVEMon or anything else that reads the cache at this time. All directories in question exist.

If I set EVERoot to the actual path that EVE is installed at: D:\EVE\ it gives an error about not being able to find the cache.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#229 - 2013-08-04 10:43:59 UTC
Merii Kha'sen wrote:

Also I am opening the market history for 1 year in the game before I run the program, so it does get cached. I am not running EVEMon or anything else that reads the cache at this time. All directories in question exist.

If I set EVERoot to the actual path that EVE is installed at: D:\EVE\ it gives an error about not being able to find the cache.

Your problem is exactly that. You are meant to specify the EvE root not the cache directory.

Since you tried that (and that's the only way to make it work) yet it could not find the cache, it means there's some other issue as well.

The program makes large use of the Reverence cache reading library illustrated in this thread. You should ask there about issues at autodetecting the cache directory.
Merii Kha'sen
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#230 - 2013-08-05 03:35:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Merii Kha'sen
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
Merii Kha'sen wrote:

Also I am opening the market history for 1 year in the game before I run the program, so it does get cached. I am not running EVEMon or anything else that reads the cache at this time. All directories in question exist.

If I set EVERoot to the actual path that EVE is installed at: D:\EVE\ it gives an error about not being able to find the cache.

Your problem is exactly that. You are meant to specify the EvE root not the cache directory.

Since you tried that (and that's the only way to make it work) yet it could not find the cache, it means there's some other issue as well.

The program makes large use of the Reverence cache reading library illustrated in this thread. You should ask there about issues at autodetecting the cache directory.

Welp, got it working. Thanks a ton!

It actually did need to be pointed to the eve folder. Maybe I left a / off the end of the path or something last time I did it. Thanks for your help - now to try to apply some of these methods.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#231 - 2013-08-05 06:37:31 UTC
I did not see anyone mentioning it, nor anyone told me about it till I found it by random chance:

an article on talking about this method and my website.
New Eden Tank Testing Services
#232 - 2013-08-05 06:44:11 UTC
Huh, assumed they would have talked with you about it. Sloppy.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#233 - 2013-08-05 07:01:31 UTC
Zappity wrote:
Huh, assumed they would have talked with you about it. Sloppy.

Nah. CCP contacted me when they wanted to publish stuff involving me, but the peeps at TheMittani didn't.
Merii Kha'sen
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#234 - 2013-08-07 06:29:35 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
I did not see anyone mentioning it, nor anyone told me about it till I found it by random chance:

an article on talking about this method and my website.

That's actually how i found out about this, yes.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#235 - 2013-08-26 12:17:51 UTC
I am getting bombarded by EvE-mails about nitrogen isotopes.

I am going to post a series of scenarios later today or tomorrow.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#236 - 2013-08-26 14:47:02 UTC
So we'll get treated to thirty paragraphs in which you conclude they'll fall to about 750 before falling further, going back up, or staying the same?

Member of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal

arabella blood
Keyboard Jihad
#237 - 2013-08-26 15:55:21 UTC
/hold my beer i want to watch this

Troll for hire. Cheap prices.

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#238 - 2013-08-26 20:28:22 UTC
mynnna wrote:
So we'll get treated to thirty paragraphs in which you conclude they'll fall to about 750 before falling further, going back up, or staying the same?

No, I am busy with making money in RL, so it'll be mostly pictures.
Also, I got a nice sign of appreciation by CCP for my website and thus I'll focus mainly on that.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#239 - 2013-08-28 03:07:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Here it comes:

2013-08-27 [NIISO] Nitrogen Isotopes market analysis – Pt 1

I have to tell Corestwo that in the end the analysis grew a lot in size Oops
But that's not because of the analysis per se, but because I have added lots and lots of didactical references, tips and other stuff that is not *the* analysis.

It's a lot of stuff the readers of this thread will find juicy, the analysis is the "vector" to put all those concepts together.

This analysis is also somewhat different from the usual, for two reasons:

- I had it ready days ago but Lifetime Events™ and a nasty forum crash delayed the publication.
- It comes with an EvE mail, one of the many I receive about trading, market analysis and so on.

As of now it's 4am here and I don't have the physical strength to translate the illustrated analysis linked above into this ugly forum. I will eventually do that, in the next days.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#240 - 2013-08-28 21:05:02 UTC
(EvE Forums version)

Nitrogen Isotopes market analys Pt 1


Lately I have been contacted or EvE-mailed by some players, about what the Nitrogen Isotopes market is doing.

Some of them did that out of pure curiosity, some of them because they know I am into markets analysis and expecially into the Nitrogen Isotopes market. Some of them, finally, because they are personally invested at varying degrees of success.

This analysis will be atypical. I had prepared the material in August 24, to be posted on 25. Yet I had both real life and website technical issues so I had to delay the posting.

Despite being a bit outdated, I will post the original charts at first. Because:

- they costed me some time to prepare and don’t want the effort to go to waste.

- I want you to see the scenarios available 3 (almost 4) days ago and how they evolved.

But first of all, I’ll post one of the many EvE-mails I send as reply to the players who ask me about the markets. I feel like I am not violating the player’s privacy as I have removed his name and the text is entirely my own reply with no quotes from his text.

The EvE-mail shows how I was talking him about a realistic scenario days ahead. Follows an EvE chart showing what price indeed did: it broke through the “mesa” and is going to retest the base of that mesa. I used “mesa” in the EvE-mail because that player does not know the finance jargon (here is an acronyms page) and so I could not mention it as being a “RM” (range market). The upper part and lower parts of the RM are nothing else but the RM’s resistance and support levels. The EvE chart shows arrows indicating the various bits I talked about in the EvE-mail.

Here’s the chart updated to today

Where did I take those ideas about “mesa” and similar? Simple, from the market analysis I was due to post.

Follows the original market analysis, which is a bit outdated but still relevant and, most of all, shows the evolution of the market through its own targets and levels.

Monthly chart
What Price is Doing (WPD)

Chart link

Long term price is in an uptrend, started with the March 2013 BUOB but never officially confirmed by a price action pattern. There is an IB (inside bar) at July 2013 but those usually only give informations, not confirmations.

We may draw a red trend line and find a dynamic resistance price will have to fight to try and break through. Notice the “try” specifier.

The yellow lines, as usual, represent the Big Round Numbers (BRNs) relevant to this market.

The purple line is a monthly level. Now, notice how it nicely matches the last swing but also how it acts as resistance and support to 2011 and 2012 bars. Reading the price at that level once again reveals how traders collectively and inconsciously tend to use round numbers. In fact the level sits at 697.62 ISK, which means that the sum of thousands of trades ended up producing a level 2.38 ISK away from 700 RN. This proves that levels are not a fabrication, but real “points of interest” for market participants. Market participants who love to think in round, decimal numbers.

Weekly chart
What Price is Doing (WPD)

Chart link

The weekly chart shows some quite useful detail. First of all the trend line now shows (once again) that price tends to be quite precise in its motion. Trend lines are nothing more than a kind of level that forms in diagonal instead of being horizontal. However, those levels are harder to spot and thus are worse to trade than the horizontal ones.

A feature, a pattern that immediately pops out off the chart is the weekly range market (W RM, in blue). If you look at it, you will see why leter I gave my “mesa” reply in the EvE-mail above: it is the mesa. Price is talking, it has just to be heard.

Also, despite being completely unpredictable in general, price sticks to its own rules. One of them is: “if price comes back inside a RM, the RM’s old resistance will return being in force and so will the RM’s support. Price will re-enter a rectangular cage where a trader may use this rule to short sell at resistance with support as first target or to buy at support with resistance as first target.

Please notice how the monthly and weekly analyses don’t try guessing price’s immediate next moves but just to understand What Price is Doing, that is a “macro” overview, a context.