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Experiment #01: RL finance analysis applied to EvE

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Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#201 - 2013-02-21 10:18:27 UTC
The power of pin bars

This RL trade I am still in the middle of, shows how a pin bar can heavily affect a market.

The market has made a (still unconfirmed) double bottom, put a series of bars the last of which is a 2 days pin bar.

See the amusing effects in the second chart.

Yesterday, before the trade.

Today, in the market.

The effect also shows that the PB reached its first target but the first target, which is the bar / first opposing level (whichever comes first). This does not mean that price will stop there, it can continue until the market deems necessary.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#202 - 2013-02-25 21:28:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
For those who still believe that price is a voodoo thing.

Here are two analyses I posted on our largest national finance forum, one of them is a trade still going on.

The first one is a trade of USD vs Sweden Kronas. Notice the double bottom that did what I kept saying in this thread.
This is when the trade started and this is today's update.

The second is a textbook head and shoulder.
At the time, I had drawn its neckline and the target (the support which is the bottom of the blue rectangle).

This is today's update. Price reached the small double bottom to its left, which might be able to stop its descent.
Anyway now that price has run its course, the head and shoulders effect is over, therefore price returns being unpredictable till it will give another clear indication of what it wants to do next.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#203 - 2013-02-25 23:48:39 UTC
Apple Inc: Textbook Head and Shoulders.

This is a very easy head and shoulders that is still running to its target.
The head to neckline represents the target size, which has to be plotted down at the bar that confirms the pattern.
Not by random chance, that target is the cyan weekly line that delimits the swings below.

There's a swing and thus a strong level on the way at about 420, therefore prudent money management has to be taken at that level.

Now, the same pattern happens in EvE as well and its target may be found in the same way.

Since we cannot go short on EvE markets we want to find the so called "inverted head and shoulders". What's it? Simply an upside down head and shoulders that forms at the rock bottom, usually a yearly bottom of an EvE market.
Finding such a powerful pattern equals to easy ISK.
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#204 - 2013-02-26 00:11:05 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Now, the same pattern happens in EvE as well and its target may be found in the same way.

Since we cannot go short on EvE markets we want to find the so called "inverted head and shoulders". What's it? Simply an upside down head and shoulders that forms at the rock bottom, usually a yearly bottom of an EvE market.
Finding such a powerful pattern equals to easy ISK.

load of rubbish. if you see this pattern in eve markets or RL markets, it doesnt mean it will ever ever repeat, especially in EVE. all vv can do is look at the past and guess. none, not 1 of those graphs apply to eve online.

the proof is in the pudding, wheres the market transactions of yours from 3-4 years ago where you predicted the mineral basket going up coz of patch build hype. show us some before and after in game. how were you to know 9 months ago about the mineral basket increases? but here you are still holding and waiting for the perfect graph to show why you are brilliant.

Prudent money management, is not listening to methods drawn by shyster forex traders. If this forum had adsense, the ads would be other RL scammers peddling the same BS methods that work 50/50.

Where i live we have alot of ppl spamming this, its become a pyramid scheme, ppl stick "want to work from home signs, and earn 1000 a day" crap everywhere, and its all a load of rubbish. every set of traffic lights is another poorly drawn cardboard sign with "want to get rich and work from home" start today. selling these exact same too good to true diatribes.

following a method like this is no different to blindly throwing at a dartboard & picking investments.


Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#205 - 2013-02-26 02:26:19 UTC
Too many quotes to do so I put numbers before your relevant text.

Jerry T Pepridge wrote:

load of rubbish. if you see this pattern in eve markets or RL markets, it doesnt mean it will ever ever repeat, especially in EVE. all (1) vv can do is look at the past and guess. none, (2) not 1 of those graphs apply to eve online.

the proof is in the pudding, (3) wheres the market transactions of yours from 3-4 years ago where you predicted the mineral basket going up coz of patch build hype. show us some before and after in game. (4) how were you to know 9 months ago about the mineral basket increases? but here you are still holding and waiting for the perfect graph to show why you are brilliant.

(5) Prudent money management, is not listening to methods drawn by shyster forex traders. If this forum had adsense, the ads would be other RL scammers peddling the same BS methods that work 50/50.

[Rants skipped]

(6) following a method like this is no different to blindly throwing at a dartboard & picking investments.

1) You HAVE to find them in the past since they tell what the price will do AFTER those patterns ended.

2) This post shows a Megacyte textbook double top (same effect of head and shoulders).
Of course this followup post made about 2 weeks later shows the update on that pattern, that drove price exactly at the intended target.

3) 3-4 years ago, as 2009 player, I was learning how to fly a T1 fitted Rupture and what the hell a market was.

4) "How were you to know 9 months ago about the mineral basket increases?".
I never know about the future, I look at what price suggests it wants to do. Anyway here are two screenshots of around that time, concerning minerals, that I took on my Jita alt: Ice products and Tritanium.

5) Those "shyster forex traders" exhibit one peculiarity: they SELL you some "get rich quick" magic black box.

I am giving away a "lazy slow sell trading method" explaining everything in abusive detail.

6) Here's some quickly found evidence that says otherwise, both for EvE and RL:

* RL trade posted in real time (so not fakeable), with several updates in subsequent posts. Update 1, update 2, update 3.

* Multiple megacyte purchases screen shots and the analysis. Here is a later update proving the analysis right.

* Here is a whole bunch of RL trades screenshots including updates.

* Here is a Ferrofluid trade take profit, orders being taken at the price I had drawn on the EvE chart.

By the way I have done it again and tomorrow if you want I can post the screenshots of the new orders being taken again and at that level.

* RL security trade posted on a finance forum, as it developed to the target

* EURJPY analysis

... and in real time there came an update of price doing what planned.
244 pips in 5 hours, which equals to about 30% of what a good daytrader makes in one month.

* Link to a 100B funds investment

Profits for about 2 weeks of trading, posts around that one show EvE Income Analyzer API based software generated performance charts sorted by profitability and more.

*RL trade posted as it develops, included a first update

4 days later still going strong.

Anything else I may help you with? Blink
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#206 - 2013-02-26 02:42:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerry T Pepridge
The beauty of calling you out on it, is just how low your actual eve-o profits are with that 100b you even screen capped it. Sorry VV, said my bit, the only person you are trying to convince this insane method is actually plausible is yourself + a few ass kissers that don't trade in RL & think this is normal.

In all seriousness, i hope you don't get burned in RL with this rubbish. but its probably going to take a major loss to get you to see the truth.

this thread is 200 replies of you convincing yourself you are right.


Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#207 - 2013-02-26 08:05:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
The beauty of calling you out on it, is just how low your actual eve-o profits are with that 100b you even screen capped it. Sorry VV, said my bit, the only person you are trying to convince this insane method is actually plausible is yourself + a few ass kissers that don't trade in RL & think this is normal.

In all seriousness, i hope you don't get burned in RL with this rubbish. but its probably going to take a major loss to get you to see the truth.

this thread is 200 replies of you convincing yourself you are right.

Find me someone else who made higher profits on 100B in 2 weeks vs how many have made 2-3% tops in their bonds.
No patch speculation was engaged by me but just trading. It's a tad harder to make those numbers on 100B than making them on 5B.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#208 - 2013-02-26 09:55:50 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

* Here is a Ferrofluid trade take profit, orders being taken at the price I had drawn on the EvE chart.

By the way I have done it again and tomorrow if you want I can post the screenshots of the new orders being taken again and at that level.

Dutifully reporting in.


Putting money where the mouth is, and letting money talk. Everything else is empty chatter.
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#209 - 2013-02-26 11:02:46 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Find me someone else who made higher profits on 100B in 2 weeks vs how many have made 2-3% tops in their bonds.
No patch speculation was engaged by me but just trading. It's a tad harder to make those numbers on 100B than making them on 5B.

theres people making more with less capitol, less time spent "planning".

are you asking for me to point out a thread were where a Less than 100b bond legit urinated on your small profits?


Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#210 - 2013-02-26 17:36:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
Jerry T Pepridge wrote:
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Find me someone else who made higher profits on 100B in 2 weeks vs how many have made 2-3% tops in their bonds.
No patch speculation was engaged by me but just trading. It's a tad harder to make those numbers on 100B than making them on 5B.

theres people making more with less capitol, less time spent "planning".

are you asking for me to point out a thread were where a Less than 100b bond legit urinated on your small profits?

I hoped you'd have changed in this year and gave you multiple chances to prove so.
I know that you know how to read old threads, that you know how investments work, so you are doing this just to bring your unconstructive negativity to try and raise rabble and "trololol". Therefore after this reply, this new alt of yours is going to join your past alts spot in my ignore list.

Now go and start spamming Grendell's investments, TornSoul's investments etc. who provide less profits than me even with comparable size bonds / IPOs.

Futhermore, more for the other well intentioned readers than you, I am asking to just read the OP, where it's clearly and unmistakably stated:

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

I know many don't approve nor like this kind of material.

I warmly invite them to just... skip this thread and keep it clean like the original one was.
Please let me and those other 2 guys enjoy it.

If you skipped here, this is probably not the kind of thread you want to read and your best choice is to switch to another thread ASAP

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:


- Lazy approach (my favourite life style!). No need to burn your eyes 24/7 undercutting the next e-slave with 200 concurrent orders and super-trained + standings trading alt. You log in with any basic character, slam an order in, go out and some days later you cash in.


Some useful links first
The Slow Sell System for Lazy Marketeers
The thread that started it all, by Rudy Gnarl. It did not grow to 100 pages nor had bombastic posters yet it's a foundation for the position trader in EvE.

It is not a random choice to have put "Lazy" and "Slow" it at the first position. I anticipated the trolls moves.
It's all clearly written on the tin.

Mission of this thread

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

From the original, old forums thread's OP, also linked in this thread OP:

This will be an attempt at finding possible ties between how a real economy / market works and EvE's own systemand then how to profit from them (the juicy part)

This thread is first and foremost an ambitious research on the most realistic economy in the gaming industry. The ISK comes next, and it comes.

And last (but not least), still from the original thread, the most important, fundamental belief that keeps me going in my whole gaming and RL life:

I believe in the value of "thinking different", this has served me well in the past decade of MMO gaming, results being sometimes still visible today in the form of videos or guides sites.

Therefore I won't stop before closed doors, conventions, "secrets" and whatever.

This is my emergent gameplay, this is my sand box, this is my EvE.

Enter at YOUR peril! Twisted
Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#211 - 2013-02-26 23:08:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Jerry T Pepridge
just saying you asked for 100, that number is yours, the profits are low compared to the potential profits you could have made, shouldn't get loans if you can;t handle the cash, all the same, if you run another one, i wouldn't troll the thread with 20b, im only here coz this is pure hocus pocus.

grendall doesnt share his profits margins, only his interest rate from memory, and tornsoul i thought was an investment bank, not so much station trade?

this is my eve too, by all means put me on your ignore list, i don't read your replies anyway only skim them.


Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#212 - 2013-03-15 15:20:04 UTC
PLEX: watch out for the current double bottom. If price will close above it and puts a bullish price action, it will be a buying opportunity.
Be very careful to triple check the retracement + price action, we are in a very powerful downtrend and skipping / ignoring those safety checks WILL hurt your wallet!
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#213 - 2013-03-26 18:07:14 UTC
As explained in this thread, I have added some new features to my website

One of them is the new EvE forums. These come with features that this forum completely miss, including pictures, signatures, WYSIWYG editor and whatsnot.

The restrictions and lack of features of this forum motivated me to start posting analyses over there. It's quicker and it feels much more natural to read the analysis while seeing the relevant chart instead of having to fiddle with 3rd party website link warnings, multiple tabs / windows and so on.

Therefore I have posted my first full fledged EvE market analysis over there. It's about PLEX, an item that as the post above anticipated, is soon due to do something.

This time I am still going to replicate it here (in the next post), because that analysis has a lot of didactical text attached to it, including the mindset of the RL trader when faced with the unpredictable future.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#214 - 2013-03-26 18:17:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaerah Vahrokha
PLEX analysis


As anticipated some days ago, PLEX is close to a very important confluence.

While not really rare, those events often provide some of the best and safest opportunities to enter a trade.

In the specific case, we are at the apex of a triangle, in confluence with a BRN 500M.

Triangles tend to kick and push prices up or down with a good momentum, in confluence with something else they improve even further.

This means, the next few weeks may see price sharply go up / down in a "tradable way".

Monthly chart

What Price is Doing (WPD)
The monthly chart shows a good amount of information. We can see is price going to form an inside bar (IB) above BRN 500M and that IB also comes at the apex of a powerful triangle.

The confluence is expecially significant, the triangle lower trend line shows price has been trending up since 2010, price will react with some powerful momentum to the resulting confluences.

Here's the monthly chart.

Weekly chart

What Price is Doing (WPD)
The weekly chart lets us see a much clearer scenario.

The first chart shows the perfect confluence that is forming up, you can see how there's just few bars left before the apex is hit and then price may take it's usual choices: it may go up, down or sideways!

Here's the weekly chart.

Now, I am sure most will be scratching their head quite hard: "how comes, we don't need to be a market genius to says prices may go up, down or stay the same!"

This is a perfect opportunity to restate the obvious: nobody can predict the future!
So what's all of this analysis stuff worth if it can't predict the future? It seems pretty pointless!
No, it's not pointless.
The objective of a trader is to make money. In order to achieve that, he has to prepare a trading plan composed of "if this happens then…" statements, something like a little software program.

Only and exclusively when / if all the "if this happens" clauses become true, then a market order will be placed at all.

The plan gives a statistical edge that in the medium term brings in more profits than losses and that's the trader income. The losses are the operation expenses.

In our case, the plan is fairly simple, it takes concepts I have described time and again in the past (on the EvE forums).

The scenario, the What Price is Doing (WPD), is made by these simple building blocks / concepts:

  1. EvE specific: we cannot short sell so we must only take long (buy) trades.
  2. Nicely coming along with the above: we are above a very strong (years standing) up trend line, so we will only accept buy trades.
  3. Price is closing above a BRN, this is an information about buyers still being strong. Furthermore BRNs may be expecially strong support or resistance levels and this reinforces the effects.
  4. Price is coming to the apex of a triangle. Triangles tend to break and push price up or down quite well. Triangles have predictable intermediate and final targets, namely at their own swings that "touch" the triangle sides. The final target is always the swing where the triangle started, looking at the side where price broke.
  5. All of the above will happen at the same time and this is called "confluence" of factors. Confluences strengthen other informations or patterns.

The plan will be as follows:

  1. Wait for triangle to break on the weekly chart.
  2. If it breaks above the BRN and thus price starts rising then go on the daily chart and seek for a confirmed buy price action pattern (BUOB, DBLHC, PB…).
  3. If both of the above happen, place a buy order above the price action pattern bar(s). The intermediate and final targets are shown on the next chart. At this point
  4. If one of the above points does not happen, then the whole plan is cancelled.

As traders say, we Plan The Trade (PTT) first, if the conditions happen we Trade The Plan (TTP).

As you can see, not for a single second we pretend to know the future, we just react to possible conditions going to happen and use some basic tools ("patterns") that statistically tend to indicate an higher probability of something going to happen (in example: a BUOB statistically ends up pushing price up more often than not, a BUOB components studied in the details would reveal it's composed by a mini-up trend developed in the lower time frames that compose the pattern).

Of course, many times the plan won't take off (and no order will be placed), as one or more of the preconditions don't happen. In example, we don't want to cover the case price goes down (can't short sell in EvE) or stays stuck sideways (no profit to be made).

That's how the markets work and we have to harden up and deal with it. We have to intercept the minority of situations where the markets do as we expected, the majority of time it's completely unpredictable. Markets tend to be unpredictable outside of confluences and away from support / resistance levels and to become predictable when these events happen. This is why we actively hunt those events!

The plan is detailed by this chart.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#215 - 2013-03-26 18:19:51 UTC
Daily chart

Where Price is Going (WPG)

Price is currently close to the apex of the triangle, a "no man's land" where buyers and sellers fight the ultimate battle before the winner makes the price jump up or down.

Therefore, as explained in the weekly chart section, we have to wait for the winner to come out and then, if such winner are the buyers we may join their band wagon.

There are some additional details. The EvE forums post linked at the top of this post warned about watching for the current double bottom.

What happened? Of course a (counter trend, thus less safe) trading opportunity came up. As often happens, the second bottom of a double bottom contains a price action pattern. A bullish pin bar formed, hitting the BRN 500M and right above the lower trend line. This confluence is enough to push price up to its natural first target, which is the other (upper) trend line.

That's how markets work, most of the times.

Daily chart with the tradable pin bar details.
Tubrav Sadarts
Viscous Logistics
#216 - 2013-04-01 15:45:26 UTC
Hi VV,
I was hoping you'd be able to post a link or some way of getting older data for the main market items i.e. minerals, ice products, basically anything that you have 1 year+ data for. Doing monthly candlestick graphs with only 1 year of data is not very illuminating...

Also, how do you decide where to put monthly and weekly (and even daily) support/restraint lines on the graphs?
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#217 - 2013-04-02 14:30:58 UTC
Tubrav Sadarts wrote:
Hi VV,
I was hoping you'd be able to post a link or some way of getting older data for the main market items i.e. minerals, ice products, basically anything that you have 1 year+ data for. Doing monthly candlestick graphs with only 1 year of data is not very illuminating...

Also, how do you decide where to put monthly and weekly (and even daily) support/restraint lines on the graphs?


A third party web site used to keep a 2009-ish to today prices history but it got closed down.
I have a backup of that web site but no time to go re-create databases etc to get prices history.

But since I have always worked on my own data and markets, I also have my own 2009-ish price history data for the markets I am interested in.


... oh wait, I don't care for secrets, so if you want it, I can post it somewhere. It's a number of CSV files mainly covering minerals and nitrogen isotopes and PLEX.

About how to place levels, I simply lack the time to go beyond this thread (and my web site) create an EvE only trading videos or something cool like that.

However I have recorded an HUGE 1 hour and 20 minutes long full HD video with my voice over in English (yes, it's patethic how I spell it) that describes several concepts directly applied on this EvE thread.
The video is about Silver (a RL security) and includes how to draw lines and whatsnot.
The lines used are consistent in colors and principles with those posted here.

The video and its topics are presented in this Forex Factory post.

The whole thread where that video has been posted, is completely about this trading method anyway, so if you read the thread over there from page 1, you'll get even more insight. The thread OP talks about RL securities but the principles and rules may be applied 1:1 to EvE markets.

Tubrav Sadarts
Viscous Logistics
#218 - 2013-04-03 05:46:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Tubrav Sadarts
Yeah, I checked before, and it's a pity the site is down... it would have wonderful data for plenty of items. If you could upload the minerals/isotopes/plex CSV files that would be excellent and most appreciated :) Regarding those CSV files, how do you keep them updated with daily data with the tool on your website without wiping any pre-1-year data?

I will check out that video regarding the lines, and I suspect it'll show me a whole lot more than just those... thanks for providing these awesome resources.
Recidivists Incorporated
#219 - 2013-04-04 04:40:22 UTC
Hey VV, good to see you back at it doing your thing again. I talk daily with one of my co-workers using the stuff I learned in these threads.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#220 - 2013-04-04 14:28:22 UTC
Tubrav Sadarts wrote:
Yeah, I checked before, and it's a pity the site is down... it would have wonderful data for plenty of items. If you could upload the minerals/isotopes/plex CSV files that would be excellent and most appreciated :) Regarding those CSV files, how do you keep them updated with daily data with the tool on your website without wiping any pre-1-year data?

Sadly as of now the history has to be manually merged with the last year data dump. I am to develop a software to merge these things in automatic and then I will give it away to everyone in MD.

In the mean time, since I am going to move home next week, if you really can't wait, I may find the time to manually create you 1-2 dumps and make them downloadable, but nothing more. I am too busy preparing the leave.

OllieNorth wrote:
Hey VV, good to see you back at it doing your thing again. I talk daily with one of my co-workers using the stuff I learned in these threads.

Thank you.