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Dev blog: Introducing EVE Portal: The EVE Online Mobile App

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Fearless Unicorns
Pan-Intergalatic Business Community
#61 - 2016-11-08 15:41:16 UTC
Looks awesome, sadly not compatible to my smartphone.

Are you going to release a version for 4.4 Android, that would be even more awesome and would cover many many more people.
Christopher Nolm
Malevelon Roe Industries
Convocation of Empyreans
#62 - 2016-11-08 15:49:02 UTC
Some bad gateway error messages for me as well. Maybe it is being caused by high traffic... not sure.
NightFox Avedon
Goonswarm Federation
#63 - 2016-11-08 15:54:27 UTC
Alright, bunch of things I noticed from playing with it for a while.

1. Lots of add character errors, but will allow if you spam add multiple times.
2. Lots of connection errors once you finally get toons added.
3. Can only have one toon per account logged in at a time, no bueno!!
4. When you do get a toon to sync, it only caches home location and ship, needs to cache everything on the profile sheet.
5. No current location?? Would think that would have been priority over home location.

That's the big stuff I'm seeing. Needs to store more data so it doesn't have to point the server every time you open a character.

Now, what I would like to see..
1. Ship fitting window
2. Full list of skills and what level you have them at.
3. Item database.
4. What implants are in current clone
5. Current attributes
6. Market orders

Otherwise very well designed and easy to use app!
Deaths Consortium
#64 - 2016-11-08 15:56:37 UTC  |  Edited by: ACESsiggy
Easy to use and shinny Smile

Great job!

Edit: No issues with loading character or any information pertaining to my accountCool (iPhone).

“The open-minded see the truth in different things: the narrow-minded see only the differences.”

Deaths Consortium
#65 - 2016-11-08 16:01:30 UTC
NightFox Avedon wrote:
Alright, bunch of things I noticed from playing with it for a while.

1. Lots of add character errors, but will allow if you spam add multiple times.
2. Lots of connection errors once you finally get toons added.
3. Can only have one toon per account logged in at a time, no bueno!!
4. When you do get a toon to sync, it only caches home location and ship, needs to cache everything on the profile sheet.
5. No current location?? Would think that would have been priority over home location.

1. Zero errors for me.
2. Maybe connect to wifi?
3. You can switch toons on a account pretty dang easy.
4/5. SHows my current system docked .... must of not played with it for a while lol

“The open-minded see the truth in different things: the narrow-minded see only the differences.”

From Hisec with Love Holdings
From Hisec with Love Coalition
#66 - 2016-11-08 16:07:43 UTC  |  Edited by: CoffinQueen
nice app, looks neat, moving starsin the background Smile let it play some eve music, too!
can't retrieve all mails yet, server connection problems, but I that will be soon fixed I guess.

you can get the .apk at if you dont like the playstore.

mh, I can't send a mail, it says "please fill in all fields" but I chose a recipient, a subject and some message text. Can't see any more field Sad
NightFox Avedon
Goonswarm Federation
#67 - 2016-11-08 16:09:09 UTC
ACESsiggy wrote:

1. Zero errors for me.
2. Maybe connect to wifi?
3. You can switch toons on a account pretty dang easy.
4/5. SHows my current system docked .... must of not played with it for a while lol

There's been quite a few errors as all the posts say. And I've tried with being connected to Wi-Fi as well as 4G.

And the point is, you shouldn't have to logout and login a different room Everytime you want to view an alt.

And actually played with it for a a good while, it may be because i live in a WH though, not sure there.
5th Element Incorporated
Corelum Syndicate
#68 - 2016-11-08 16:27:10 UTC
My que ingame says 3h 14m on the app 2H 13 m so there is a difference in time in the training que?
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#69 - 2016-11-08 16:35:14 UTC
Downloaded and installed. Now, if only I could play around with ship fits on it.
Layne Quanta
Imperial Guardians
Tactical Narcotics Team
#70 - 2016-11-08 16:37:49 UTC
NightFox Avedon wrote:
3. Can only have one toon per account logged in at a time, no bueno!!

erh ... No ?
I have two chars on one of my accounts, and they're both showing just fine.

One bug I haven't seen being mentioned here is when on the 'Characters' page when you have more than 2 characters, the current skill training is not updating. For a while all my other chars (apart from 2) were showing "No skills in training" even though their separate character pages showed the right skills. After a while it updated itself when I left the 'Characters' page opened for a bit, so dunno really.

Things I'd like to see modified added : (contains some already mentioned points by other peoples)
- Current system instead of home on the 'Characters' page
- Market Orders
- Contracts (oustanding/finished/in progress)
- Personal Assets (and please let us see what's in our citadel containers)
- Fitting window (kinda like the one that is going to be implemented to the game the 15th, probs a more long term goal for the app though)
- All skills (injected/not injected, and eventually the price of the skillbooks)
- Make the 'Characters' page the home page when you start the application please. (may be if you have like a single character entered in the app make it the actual character details, but otherwise please do that)

I have many other things I'd like to see in it, but I guess that's already a good bunch eheh
Winter Archipelago
Autumn Industrial Enterprises
#71 - 2016-11-08 16:44:13 UTC
the ability to send and receive EVE Mail from tracked characters

Has it been improved over EVE Gate, or will it bugger up on mails, as well?
Nyx Viliana
#72 - 2016-11-08 16:55:05 UTC
Winter Archipelago wrote:
the ability to send and receive EVE Mail from tracked characters

Has it been improved over EVE Gate, or will it bugger up on mails, as well?

Unfortunately I cannot play with the app as it does not work with the Samsung SIV mini, but im curious is formatting still an issue. I hate that about eve gate, plus everyone at TVP yells at me when I send mails from eve gate :P
The Economist
Logically Consistent
#73 - 2016-11-08 17:10:39 UTC
Are there plans to add market interaction somewhere down the road? Modify orders's what i've always wanted an eve mobile app for (well and skill training but that was before we got the queue in-game)

[not asking for any kind of eta, just if it's on the long-term roadmap or if it's utterly off the cards for technical or other reasons]
Aenie Skie
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#74 - 2016-11-08 17:13:35 UTC
Great app, so far from being mildly buggy it's looking good. Few things on the wish list for further features in the app:

1. Standings and the ability to change standings from the app (please help diplos everywhere respond faster).
2. Manage market orders (no idea how hard this will be but good luck).
3. Edit ACLs (same point as 1.)
4. Edit/queue skills.
5. Transfer isk to other characters.

Just a few to get you stared.
Jack Reaper Jones
Frostfire Flux Industries
#75 - 2016-11-08 17:29:16 UTC
Ok won't bother CCP or anybody else with the same set of issues that I've noticed.

So straight to the potatoes!

I would like to see a pay option for PLEX using Google Play and Apple Pay.

I would like to see your mail section revamped a bit. That drop down menu is kind of rough. Maybe a selection menu so you can pick which mail section you'd like to go to from. so like you on the menu you have all the initial options of Inbox, Alliance, Corp. without having to pull up the drop down menu.

Lord Haur
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#76 - 2016-11-08 17:45:57 UTC
- Same issues adding characters as the previous posters. Also had issues updating once characters are added, but appears to be mostly better now. Putting it down to heavy load on the CREST servers after the blog was published.
- One of my characters is showing as not training on the character select screen, but is most definitely training in game.
- Active skill queues are a bit unclear that they're training. I had to add another character with a paused queue to realise that paused queues have "Paused" instead of the time to train. But now I know, it's not really an issue.

- For the love of god can we get some caching going on. Having to wait 5-10s for stuff to load on switching screens is massively annoying.
- Load into the character select screen, and have it easily accessible for switching characters.
- +1 for having the current location listed instead of home station on character select screen. It's far more relevant information.
- Skill Queue should show the total queued time.
- Need to show what implants are currently installed.
The Night Watchmen
Goonswarm Federation
#77 - 2016-11-08 17:50:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Carneros
Althalus Stenory wrote:
[quote=Hespire Malneant]
(you can actually log multiple account, you just have to "cancel" on the page asking to accept scopes, then you can log in another account)

Thank you! Very helpful.

Feedback to CCP:

  • I'm not sure if intended, but being asked to accept EULA multiple times. This gets awkward after some accounts.

  • Beautiful presentation of current ship.

Wishlist for CCP:

  • Asset search
Sacred Templars
#78 - 2016-11-08 17:50:39 UTC
There's a few issues with it.

1. No application cache, meaning the application constantly hits the API for data
2. Having the app opened, and the screen going blank (sleep), leads to the app crashing upon screen unlock
3. API being overloaded big time, leading to mails not being able to be read or showed (probably caused by the influx of users, and the fact the app doesn't cache anything)
4. Battery usage is atrocious, it keeps the three devices i tested awake, all the time. Surpassing even Facebook in power usage (Tested on CM13 nightly, CM14.1 and stock Android 7.1)
5. Memory usage is hilarious, while running it uses in excess of 100MB, with peak according to Android itself, showing 312MB.
6. When viewing the character sheet page, if you expand a jump clone list to view the implants, it'll collapse on it's own as can be seen here:

And the list just keeps on going, i had a good whine about how terrible it is.
To think this took in the vincinity of 7 months to make Roll
Lucius Kalkoken
Ubiquitous Hurt
The WeHurt Initiative
#79 - 2016-11-08 17:51:06 UTC
charisuk wrote:
My que ingame says 3h 14m on the app 2H 13 m so there is a difference in time in the training que?

Yes, seeing the same here. One hour of difference. Which happens to be my timezone offset from UTC/Eve time. So it probably calculates locally and assumes what it gets from the server is in local time or what it gets from the device is UTC/Eve time.

There is no shame in not knowing, only in not wanting to know

Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#80 - 2016-11-08 18:07:53 UTC
oh requires android 5.0. Means it won't run on my few years old HTC One with 4.2.2. But its ok i can live without it tbh.

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value